H.R.LE~ fURNIT\llltco_',,. CARD PARTIES White Tables and Chairs for Rent Artistic and Elegant Furniture and 0 Id Sheffield Silver Jmported Novelties, &c., &c. ~~ H. R. Leonard Furniture Co. 306 to 310 WOODWARD AVENUE 12-14 COLUMBIA STREET. EAST OUR NEW HOME A BOOK SHOP LARGE enough to accommodate a representative stock of standard works and new publications. SMALL enough t_o suggest the calm atmosphere of the private library. MOD~RN enough to present numerous new features in equipment and servi~e. QLD-FASHIOND enough to· offer a welcome to all who wish to browse at leisure among well selected books. you ARE cordially invited to visit us. QUR new department. FAVORS for all occasions. DENNEN'S BOOK SHOP 19 EAST GRAND RIVER AVENUE (Just a Step From Woodward) uJQt Jftnplts @,tntt -~auk CORNER FORT AND SHELBY STREETS CAPITA~ $2,500,000 SURPLUS AN_D PROFITS, $3,500,000 ·C!tnmnttrrial auh &aniugs lrpartmruts · &ttft ltpnsit Jtaults FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE AND LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS OFFICERS GEORGE E. LAWSON, President J. R. BODDE., Asst. to Prest. and Asst. R. IS. 'MASON., Vice-President Cashier,;; F. A. 'SCHULTE, Vice-President CHARLES H. AYERS, Assistant Cashier JAMES T. KEENA, Viice-President ENOCH SMITH, Assist3Jllt Cashier AUSTIN E. WING, Cashier R. T. CUDMORE, Assistant Cashier H. P. BORGMAN, ·Cashier Savings ,Dept. GEORGE T. COURTNEY, .Auditor R. w. SMYLIE, Mgr. Credits and Audits DIRECTORS Russell A. Alger Jeremiah Dwyer H. B. Ledyard T. H. Newberry George H. Baribour Frank J. Hecker J. T. McMillan Henry Russel W. T. Barbour Fred W. Hodges 'R. S. !Mason Am.gus .Smith H. iM. Campbell J. C. Hutchins Fred T. Mor.an F. A. Schulte B. 1S. Colburn James T. Keena ·M. J. Mur,phy Hugo :Scherer C. A. Dueharme George E. Laiwson W. Howie Muir A special department for women's commerdal accounts in the WOMAN'S \Vashin,gton Arcade. The ~nvenience of location with the sep­ arate facilities offe:ced will commend rt:his depar1ment to women DEPARTMENT desiring to keep their own commercial or household aeeounts. N. B. This .braneh will be located in new building, No. 99 Wash­ ing-ton A,e., after November 1. Liability Fire and Theft Property Damage Personal Accident Collision Automobile Insurance . Chauffeur· MICHIGAN INSURANCE AGENCY WALTER B. CARY, Pres. EDWARD BURGHARDT, Sec-Treas. 1529 David Whitney Building . : . : 'Phone Main 3358 Fire ·Plate· Glass :Marine Tlieatre Compensation Burglary Fidelity Bonds Sprinkler Leakage Accident Theft Surety Bonds Live Stock Health Hold-Up Public Liability "MICHIGAN'S LEADING INSURANCE COMPANY" THt OLD MICHIGAN MUTUAL Lift INSURANCt CO. Assets, $12,859,010.00 FOUNDED 1867 Surplus, $1,182,257.00 INSURANCE IN FORCE, OVER $58,000,000 BUY YOUR LIFE INSURANCE PROTECTION IN THIS STAUNCH HOME COMPANY 0. R. LOOKER, President A. F. MOORE, Secretary THE ·OLDEST BANK IN MICHIGAN ESTABLISHED 1849 ·· THE DETROIT SAVINGS BANK PENOBSCOT BUILDING. FORT . STREET,· W., :::>ET~OIT, MICH OFFICERS DIRECTORS D. C. Delamate·r, President D. C. Delamater Fred'k T. Du Charme Charles A. Dean, Vice-President Sidney T. :l:Iiller George T. Hendrie George S. Baker, Cashier Philip H. Mic-:lfillan J o·hn M. Dwyer Thomas F. Hancock, Asst. Cashier Charles A. Dean Paul F. Bagley James H. Doherty, Asst. Cashier David S; Carter Robert Henkel E·dw. J. Dee, Supt. of Branch Banks Flrancis Palms Jerome H. Remick ESTABLISHED 1893 GEORGE M. WEST & CO. INVESTMENT SECURITIES UNION TRUST BUILDING. DETROIT, MICH. .. OUR SPECIALTY" WINDOW AWNINGS TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME lc::::>I CANOPIES AND FLOOR COVERS TO RENT FOR WEDDINGS AND RECEPTIONS AWNINGS TENTS . FLAGS SAILS AND COVERS UNDER PERSON~'-9 SUPERVISION OF OUR MR HAUSNER lc:::>I NATIONAL TENT & AWNING CO. 37 JEFFERSON AVENUE PHONE-MAIN 1349 DETROIT, MICH. 6 02•11nlDlllllllll0■■1•a•11H•Ol-flllllalllllllHIICIIIOHIIUlaRIIWIIIRtOJI-HIIDIRIDlllfflDIIIIIJl1llllallffll-a ..s ..a ·= ·----------------------------, - I I B s I I j mau~ !i ilur Wnnk I ~ I = = i FOR I 2 i i I I- DETROIT I- I AND SUBURBAN TOWNS I I ; ~ i $ E 5 § =C =D I Edition for 191 7 31st Year I " ft ..~ I- = =- =z c 6 = = 5 i ,"= e= §- §- 5 PRICE FIVE DOLLA·Rs· e §- §- = = c= =c i I = = B- DAUS BLUE BOOKS, Inc. i- I= 74 West Fiftieth Street. New York City I- g e =- -= 5= COPYRIGHT. 1917 BY DAU'S BLUE BOOKS, INC. ~-S =D =D i-= ·-----------------------------JI-= &JinlllUIIRDDIIIIIIIIIIDIINIIIIIDIIIIIIRNlltGJm111111111amnuu111tJIUIIUllll1Dm1mumo2111nm1111D1111111uu1a111111111111D111111111:11i f THE JAMES ROACH CO. D E C O R A T- 0 R S 25 CANFIELD A VENUE, W.------DETROIT, MICHIGAN PHONE: GRAND 5240 Detroit's Leading Photographers The Arthur Studio ESTABLISHED IN 1883 251 Woodward Avenue, Fisher Arcade Building and _________ . _6 Warren Avenu~ West, Corner Woodward Jrtfurt HE Sixteenth Edition of the itltt!' iSnnk possesses some new features which we trust will entitle it to T retain the high place in public favor that has been accorded its predecessors. We desire especially to thank our lady patrons for their cordial appreciation of our efforts. Neither time nor money has 5een spared to make this work as complete and ·valuable as possible. The diffi­ culty attending the co1npiling of such a book can be easily appreciated; and we therefore trust that any omissions will be brought to our notice, that they may be corrected in future. We hope to make the iShtt ilnnk as nearly perfect as it is possible to make such a volume. We do not claim the 1iht!' 1Snttk is either a City Directory or absolutely an Elite Directory,· neither do we pretend to pass upon the social or financial standing of the parties whose names are contained therein. If is simply a com­ pilation of about three thousand names of the most promi­ nent householders published in the most convenient form for reference by our lady patrons. The title 0 ilhtt ihtnk/" is given the work because of its blue cover. I! does not refer to blue blood, as many people suppose. We_bster's definition of Blue Book is as follows: "Blue Book-a book containing- a list of fashionable addresses." The data for this work have not been compiled from cir­ culars or from other directories. Experienced men, particu­ larly adapted for such work, have been assigned to each locality, and the greatest care has been used in selecting these names. 1Please send any information you may have that will aid in keeping the re.c.ords correct to Dau's Blue Books, Inc., 74 West 50th Street, New York City. THE PUBLISHERS 9 11 ~lllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll '~ fta.riin4's, ... RICH CRYSTALS F'INE CHIN.A ART NOVELTIES DINNER.. TEA AND BREAKFAST SETS LAMPS F'lNE ARTS BUii.DiNG 2+ ADAMS AVENUE. WEST Detroit,Mlcld.gan === === ===== === ~ ~-------~--------- ~ ~llllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllll!llillliillillllllllli!!!!l!l!!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllll!llli!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1~ 10 Club Officers 1 ACADEMY OF l\EEDICINE 9 AilJlERICA.i.~ NATIO:N'.A:L R·ED OROSS President, Dr. G. ·L. Connor; Vice­ (Detroit Chapter) President, Dr. ;r. Walter Vaughan; Chairman, G. D. Pope; Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, Dr. A. F. ;r. B. S~hlotm.an; 2nd Vice-iPresident, Jennings. Byres H. Gitc-hell; Treasurer, Emory W. Clark; Secretary, Mrs. Robert Lee 2 A1DCRAFT CLUB Stanton. •President, David A. Brown; Vice­ 10 .A:RCH.AJEOLOGIC.AL INSTITUTE OF President, Otis Morse; 1Secretary, iAIMERl'CA (Detroit Society) Walter C. Cole; Executive Secretary, President, David E. Heineman; Vice­ L. S. Patterson. Presidents: Frank 0. Taylor, Merton E. Farr, E. W. Pendleton; Secretary, AERO CLUB OF MIOHiiGA'N a Graee Dunham Guest, 9il Hague ave­ President, Sidney W•aldron; Vice­ nue; Treasurer, Claire M. Sanders, •Presidents, H. B. J'oy and Fred M. 107 Boston ·boulevar,d. Alger; Secretary, Mason P. Rumuey. Treasurer, Roy D. Chapin. 11 DE1JROIT BAiR A:sSOCIATIO,N 'President, Frank D. E~man; 1st Vice­ 4 .A'LLI:.A!NOE :IDR.A!NCAl1SE President, Henry C. Wa1'ters ; 2nd President, Walter Boynton; Vice­ Vice-:President, Arthur Webster; Presidents, Lem W .. Bowen and Mrs. Treasurer, ,w-a-de Millis ; :Secretary, A. W. Copland; ·Secretary, Melle Stewart Hanley. Huvene; Treasurer, :Mrs. J'oseph Bel­ 12 ASSOCI!A.TION OF COlLI1EGIATE anger. .A!L u"'Mu.~:AlE (iDetroit Branch) Honorary President, Mrs. :·:Iaria Dick­ 5 .SACREI)) HlEART AJLIDIN.AE inson McGraw; -Councillor, Mris. Mary President, Mrs. George T. Courtney; Walton Hendrick; :President, Mr,s. 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Peter Klein; Lula Southmayd Harper; Vice-Presi­ 2nd Vice-President, )fiss Emma dent, Mrs. M-ary butts Norman; Re­ O'Leary; Recording Secretary, Miss cording ·secretary, Miss Marguerite .Marguerite L. Finn; Corresponding White; Corresponding Secretary, l!iss !Secretary, Mrs. Chas. Crosman ; Treas­ Ada T. Dietz; Treasurer, Miss. L. ·Le­ urer, Miss Celia F. Corcoran; His­ nore -Conover; Auditor, Miss Gertrude torian, '.Miss Jessie Ross; Founder, A. Gillmore; Custodian, Miss Flora I~. ¥iss Eatherine Flynn. Parker. 13 AUDUBON CLU'B 6 AlfERCICA:N' BA'R AIS1SOOIATION President, Fred Po-stal; Vice-Presi­ 7 A1MEWICArN HISTORICAL .&SSOCI.A.­ dent, S. O. Johnson; Secretary and 'l'ION Treasurer, W. H. Allison. 1-4 THE DETROIT AUT0."\:1JOBILE CLUB 8 A.'1ERI.CA.i.~ I•N·STITUTE OF A.RICHI- President, William E. Metzger;· 1st T.ECTS Vice...President, M-artin L. Pulcher; President, Marcus R. Burrowes; Vice­ 2nd Vice-President, Edward N. Hines; President, Emil Lorch; Secretary, 3rd Vice-,President, Sidney D. Wal­ Dalton J. Von Schneider; Treasurer, dron; ,secretary, W. B. Bachman; Charles Kotting; Directo:r, Jas. B. Treasurer, J. Lee Barrett; :\Ianager, Nettleton. William S. Gilbreath. 11 ESTABUSHED 1849 "Odd Things Not Seen Elsewhere" THE GIFT STORE OF DETROIT Fine China Dinnerware .· English China Service Plates Cut and Engraved Crystal Rockwood Pottery Lamps Shades Candle Shades Mahogany Book Ends Candlesticks Trays, Etc. Sheffield Silver L.
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