2218 CONGRESSIONAiL RECORD- ·HOUSE. FEBRUARY 4, Oscar B. Stratton to l>e postmaster at Addison, in the county The Clerk read the bill, as follows : of Steuben and State of New York. · Be it enacted, etc., That any person who served ninety days or more NORTH DAKOTA. in the military or naval service of the United Stat?.s {juring the late civil war· or sixty days in the wu with Mexico, and ~;!~J bas been hon­ Charles E. Best to be postmaster at Enderlin, in the county of orably discharged therefrom, and who bas reached the age of 62 years Ransom and State of North Dakota. or over. shall, upon making proof of such facts accor·ding to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may provide, be OHIO. placed upon the pension roll and be entitled to receive a pension as Wesley J. Grant to be postmaster at l\Iiddlefield, in the county follows: In case such per·son has reached the age of 62 years, 12 per month; 70 years, 15 per month; 75 year-s or over, $20 per month; of Geauga and State of Ohio. and sue;_. pension shall cQmmence from the date of the filing of the ap- "OREGO~. plic:ltion in the Bureau of Pensions after the passage and approval of Henry A. Snyder to be l)Ostmaster at Aurora, in the county of this act: Prot·ided, That pensioners who are 62 years of age or· over, and who are now receiving pensions under existing laws, or whose :Marion and State of Oregon. claims are pending in the Bureau of Pensions, may, by application to PEN!\SYLVANIA. the Commissioner of Pensions in such form as be may pre cr·ibe, re- ceh:e the benefits of this act; and nothing herein contained shall pre­ William P. Bach to be postmaster at Pottstown, in the county vent any pensioner or person entitled to a pension from prosecuting of l\Iontgomery and State of Pennsyl-vania. his claim and receiving a pension under· any other· general or· pecial Frank E. Baldwin to be postmaster at Austin, in the county of act: Pmvided, That no person shall receive a pension under· any other· law at the same time or for the same period that be i receiving a pen- Potter and State of Pennsylvania. sion under the provisions of this act: P1·ovidea fut·tli et=, That ~o pN·- Howard E. Butz to be postmaster at Huntingdon, in the son who is now receiving or· shall hereafter r eceive a greater· pen ion . under· any othe r· general or special law than h~ would be entttled to eounty of Huntingdon and State of Pennsylvama. r·eceive under the provisions berein shall be pensionable under· this act. William F. McDowell to be postmaster at Mercersburg, in the SEc. 2. That . rank in the service shall not be considered in applica- county of Franklin and State of Pennsylyania. ~ tions filed hereunder. , . 1 t b t t t H I t · th SEC. 3. That no pension attorney, claim agent. or other person shall R 0 s "'i V · ..l lSS ey o e pos mas er a umme S own, In · e be entitled to rece1ve any compensation for services rendered in pre- county of Dauphiu and State of Pennsylvm1ia. senting any claim to the Bureau of Pensions, or securing any pension, DaYid M. Turner to be postmaster at Towanda, in the co\}nty under this act. of Bradford and State of PennsylYania. Mr. SHERLEY. Mr. Speaker, as I understand, the bill gives TExAs. a pen ion simply to the Yeterans of the l\lexican and the civil Rol>ert F. Lindsay to be postmaster at l\Iount Pleasant, in the war? cou?ty of Titus and State of Texas. l\1r. SULLO"'iYAY. Yes. UTAH. Mr. SHERLEY. Would there be any objection to an amend­ Thomas Braby to be postmaster at l\Iotmt Plea ant, in the ment embracing the soldiers of the Spanish-American war? county of Sanpete and State of Utah. Mr. SULLOWA.Y. I will say to the gentleman that the t'\'l·o Charles H. Robert to be postmaster at Bingham Canyon, in committees sitting as one committee r-oted unanimously in fayor the county of Salt Lake and State of Utah. of this bill and directed us to oppo e any amendment. The SPEAKER. Deb~te is out of order. Is a second de­ WASHI!\GTO~. manded? C. F. Legg to be postmaster at Chewelah, in the county of 1\Ir. FITZGERALD. I demand a second. Ster-ens and State of Washington. 1\fr. SULLOW AY. I ask unanimous consent that a second l>e Frank R. V\' right to be postmaster at South Bend, in the con id.ered as ordered. county of Pacific and State of Washington. The SPEAKER. Is there objection that a second be con­ WISCO~SI!\. sider d as ordered? Fred l\1. Gri woid to be postmaster at Lakemills, in the There was no objection. county of Jefferson and State of Wisconsin. Mr. SHERLEY. Mr. Speaker, if the gentleman will permit, I Jame l\IeGinty to be postmaster at Darlington, in the county wi h to say that there are· a few \eferans of the Spani h-Ameri­ of Lafayette and State of Wisconsin: can war who by age would be entitled to the proyisions of this 'Villiam White to be po tmaster at Algoma, in the county of bill, and I can see uo reason in fact why the bill should not in­ Kewaunee and State of Wisconsin. clude them. While, of course, the gentleman can prevent an amendment to the bill, I suggest that it would be a proper amendment to include the Yeterans of the Spanish-American H,OUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES~ · war who haye reached the required age. 1\lr. LOUDENSLAGER. 1\lr. Speaker, in reply to the gen­ ~IONDAY, ·Feb1•uary 4_, 190_7. tleman from Kentucky I will say that there are two rea ons why The House met at 12 o'clock m. the amendment could not be permitted to this bill. The gentle­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. Co"GDEN, D. D. man· from New Hump hire and my elf were instructed by both The Journal of the proceediQ.gs of Saturday was read and committees unanimously, after agreeing to a report on this bill, approved. to oppose any amendment that would be likely to be offered. A still better reason why we ought not to agree to the proposed EXTENSION OF ALBE lARLE STREET, DISTBICT OF COLUMBIA. amendment is that this is a service pension bill, and never in The SPEAKER laid before the Honse· the following resolu­ the history of this country lms a service pension bill been passed tion of the Senate. for survivors of any war within thirty-five years of the close of 'l'he Clerk read the resolution, as follows : the war. So that the soldiers of the Spanish-American war, R esolrcrl, That the Secr·etary be directed to re<}uest the House of Rep­ gallant though th~y be, do not deserve any more credit than the re entativ"s .to retlll'n to the enate the bill (S. 7795) for the exten­ sion of Albemarle street NW., Di.strict of Columbia. gallant heroes of all the other wars of this nation. Mr. STEPHE~ S of Texas. 1\Ir. Speaker, I de. ire to ask the The SPEAKER. Without objection, the Committee ·on the gentleman from New Hampshire a. question. Di trict of Columl>ia will be discharged from the further con­ lr. SULLOWAY. Very well. sideration o'f the bill referred to, and the same be returned to 1\lr. STEPHENS of Texas. Would the ·gentleman have any the Senate. objection to an amendment that "·ould include the soldiers who . There was no objection. setTed in the United States Army on the fronti~r before the BRIDGE ACROSS THE MISSOURI RIVER. ciYil war and are now drawing pensions? The SPEAKER also laid before the House the following re­ l\Ir. SULLOWAY. We have been directed . by the two com­ quest of the Senate. mittees, sitting jointly, to oppose any amendment. The Clerk read as follow : 1\Ir. STEPHENS of Texas. These men are about 70 years Rcsolred, That the Secretary be directed to request the House of Rep- · of age and performed this senice at a. time when it was very resentatives to retum to the Senate the bill (S. 7917) to authorize the dnngerous. They only draw small pensions, and it was · more Intel'state Bridge and Terminal Railway Company, of Kansas City, tllan fifty years ago thut they performed .this sen·ice. l\lany of Kans., to constt·uct a bridge across the Missouri River. them are drawing no pensions at all; they are scattered all over The SPEAKER. Without objection, the bill will be returned the western part of this country. to the Senate. l\Ir. LOUDENSLAGER. The merit of any amendment does There was no objection. not enter into this question. There may be thirty or forty meri­ PENSIONS FOR ENLISTED 1\fEN, SOLDIERS, A'~ OFFICERS IN CIVIL WAR torious amendments uggested. The fact. remains tllat if one AND WAR WIT~ MEXICO. amendment is permitted, some of more merit ougllt to l>e at­ 1\Ir. SULLO:WAY. 1\lr. Speaker, I move to suspend the rule~ taclJed to the bill. ·which will finally defeat tile vet·y object and pass the bill ( S. 97G) granting pensions to certain enlisted sought for by the l>ill.
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