PPhhiillaaddeellpphhiiaa AArreeaa JJeewwiisshh GGeenneeaallooggiiccaall RReessoouurrccee DDiirreeccttoorryy VV55..00 1100//3300//0088 11/1/09 1 2 TThhaannkkss This resource guide was developed as a project of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater Philadelphia with help from members of the local Jewish community. We appreciate the responses in answering our questions, reviewing our findings and providing pictures. Special recognition goes to: Fred Blum Joan Gross Don Orenbuch Harry Boonin Joanne Grossman Kaye Paletz David Brill Mark Halpern Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center Don Davis Gene Hurwitz Bernard Platt Shelia Eskin Elaine “Bunny” Kolinsky Joan Pollak Evan Fishman Joseph Levine Joan Rosen Ed Flax Richard Levy Aaron Roetenberg Rabbi Gary Gans Mark Melmed Rabbi Bernard Rothman Gina Glassman Allen Meyers Shelda Sandler Bennett Goldstein David Mink Stan Sandler Eric Greenberg Larry Moskowitz Geoffrey Shutzbank James Gross Selma Neubauer Jack Weinstein Thank you. Steve Schecter, Project Coordinator “The reward of having a thing well done is to have done it.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson) The Jewish world of Philadelphia is dynamic and constantly evolving. This guide is and always will be a “work in progress” to reflect these changes. It is made available now even though it is incomplete and may contain errors and ommisions. We need your help in keeping it up to date and making corrections. Please review your Shul[s] and cemeteries. Also look at places you have visited or know. Then send corrections and suggestions to mailto:[email protected]. This is Version 5.0 (compiled on 10/30/08). As additional information and corrections are suggested, updates with new version numbers and dates will be published. Format 4/11/08 - Steve Resource: RED Address: Phone #: Key Personnel: Web: Email: Hours: Fees: Accessibility: Public Transportation: Driving Directions from Center City: Jewish Interest: Research Advice: History: V.2.6 1/1/09 2 7 Contents 1) Heritage Landmarks b) Inactive Jewish Funeral Directors a) Adler Article i) Asher & Son b) Beth Sholom Congregation ii) Al Berschler c) The Frank Synagogue iii) Benjamin Berschler d) Hebrew Mutual Burial Association Cemetery iv) Dave Berschler e) Congregation Mikveh Israel v) Joe Berschler f) Congregation Mikveh Israel Cemetery #1 vi) Chandler g) Monument to the Six Million Martyrs vii) Goldman 2) PA – Phila. Area Jewish Cemeteries viii) Charles Khan a) Adath Jeshurun ix) Abe Molnick b) Ahavas Achim x) Raphael c) Beth Israel xi) Reisman d) B’nai Jacob (B’nai Israel) xii) Jacob Rosen & Son e) Chevra Bikur Cholim xiii) Morris Rosenberg & Son f) Har Jehuda xiv) Stanley Wisnoff g) Har Nebo xv) Wymbs h) Har Zion 6) PA – Phila. Area Synagogues i) Haym Solomon a) Active j) King David (Evergreen) i) Adath Israel k) Congregation Mercy & Truth (Hased Shel Emeth) ii) Adath Jeshurun l) Montefiore iii) Adath Zion m) Mount Carmel (Krakauer Beth Elohim) iv) Ahavas Torah n) Mount Jacob v) Aitz Chiam o) Mount Lebanon vi) Beit Harambam p) Mount Sharon vii) Beth Ahavah q) Mount Sinai viii) Beth Ami r) Ohev Shalom (B’nai Aaron/B’nai Israel/Brookhaven) ix) Beth Ami Israel s) Roosevelt x) Beth Chiam Reformed t) Shalom xi) Beth David Reformed u) Teferet Bet Israel (Norristown Jewish Community) xii) Beth El 3) PA – Phila. Area Non-Sectarian Cemeteries xiii) Beth Hamedrosh – Few Jewish Burials xiv) Beth Hillel/Beth El xv) Beth Israel of Chester County a) Arlington xvi) Beth Israel of Media b) Chelten Hills xvii) Beth Medrash Harav c) Ivy Hill xviii) Beth Or d) Mount Moriah xix) Beth Sholom e) Union xx) Beth Sholom Suburban of Somerton f) West Laurel Hill xxi) Beth Tickva – B’nai Jeshurun g) Whitemarsh xxii) Beth Tovim 4) PA – Phila. Area Inactive Jewish Cemeteries xxiii) Beth Zion – Beth Israel a) Agudath Achim xxiv) B’nai Abraham b) Ahaves Chased Anshe Shavel xxv) B’nai Israel – Ohev Zedek c) Bellevue xxvi) B’nai Jacob d) Beth Israel (Arabella or Rabella) xxvii) B’nai Jacob – Dershu Tov e) Deal Brothers xxviii) Bristol Jewish Center f) Gladwyne Jewish (Har Hazetim & Chevra Kadusha) xxix) Brith Achim g) Hebrew Mutual (B’nai Israel) xxx) Brothers of Israel h) Hillside xxxi) Community Torah Center of Bucks County i) Kesher Israel xxxii) Germantown Jewish Center j) Lafayette – Jewish Section xxxiii) Gershman Y Congregation k) Mikveh Israel #1 xxxiv) Har Zion l) Mikveh Israel #2 xxxv) Heded Shul Emet (Mercy and Truth) m) Mikveh Israel #3 (Beth El Emeth) xxxvi) Kahilat Cheverim n) Rodeph Sholom #1 (German Hebrew) xxxvii) Kahilat HaNahar (Little Shul by the River) o) Rodeph Sholom #2 xxxviii)Kahillas B’nai Shalom p) Rodeph Sholom #3 (Nicetown) xxxix) Keneseth Israel q) Rodeph Sholom #4 (Harrowgate) xl) Kesher Israel r) Unknown #1 xli) Kesher Israel (Chester County) s) Unknown #2 xlii) Knesset HaSefer 5) PA – Phila. Area Jewish Funeral Directors xliii) Kol Ami a) Active Jewish Undertakers xliv) Kol Emet i) Berschler and Schenberg xlv) Kol Tzedek ii) Goldsteins’ Rosenberg’s Raphael Sacks xlvi) Leyv Ha-Ir (Heart of the City) iii) Joseph Levine & Sons xlvii) Lower Merion synagogue iv) Stillman V.XXX 1/1/09 7 8 xlviii) Lubavitcher Center i) Philadelphia City Archives xlix) Main Line Reform j) Philadelphia Clerk of Orphan’s Court l) Mekor Habracha (formerly Etz Chiam) k) Philadelphia Dept of Records, Reference Division li) Melrose B’nai Israel Emanu-El l) Philadelphia Historical Commission lii) Mesilat Yesharim m) Philadelphia Office of the Prothonotary liii) Mikva Israel n) Philadelphia Register of Wills liv) Mishkan Shalom o) US District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania lv) Ner Zediek – Eztith Israel – Beth Uziel 9) PA Historical Societies lvi) Ohev Shalom a) Potential Jewish Interest lvii) Ohev Shalom of Bucks County i) Buck County HS lviii) Old York Road Beth Am ii) Chester County HS lix) Or Ami iii) HS of Fort Washington lx) Or Hadash iv) Germantown HS lxi) Or Shalom v) HS of Pennsylvania (includes Balch Institute lxii) P’nai Or For Ethnic Studies) lxiii) Raim Ahuvim vi) Lansdale HS lxiv) Rodelph Shalom vii) Lower Merion HS lxv) Shaare Shayim viii)HS of Montgomery County lxvi) Shir Ami ix) Old York Road HS lxvii) Shir Shalom b) Little Material of Jewish Interest lxviii) Shivtel Yahavon-Heysiner-Ezaras Israel i) See listings lxix) Society Hill Synogogue lxx) Surban Jewish Community Center – B’nai 10) Southern New Jersey Cemeteries Aaron a) Jewish lxxi) Temple Judea i) Ahavath Israel lxxii) Temple Menorah Keneseth Chai ii) Alliance lxxiii) Temple Shalom iii) Anshe Emes (People of Truth) lxxiv) Temple Shalom in Broomall iv) Beth Kehillah lxxv) Temple Sinai v) Bordentown lxxvi) Tiferes B’nai Israel vi) Brith Sholom lxxvii) Tiferet Bet Israel vii) Cong. Brothers ofTruth Israel #1 lxxviii) Tifereth Israel of Bucks county viii) Cong. Brothers of Israel #2 lxxix) Tzedek v’Shalom ix) Cong. Workers of Truth (Poale Emet) lxxx) Vilna Shul x) Cresent lxxxi) Young Israel of Elkins Park xi) Emith Shalom lxxxii) Young Israel of Oxford Circle xii) Ewing lxxxiii) Young Israel of Main Line xiii) Fountain Lawn lxxxiv) Y.P.C. Shari Israel xiv) Greenmount b) Inactive xv) Greenwood – Trenton i) PJAC Listing xvi) Har Sinai ii) Eastern State Penitentiary xvii) Jewish Rest 7) PA – Phila. Private Sector Sites xviii) Knights of Pythias Jewish – Flemington Lodge xix) Knights of Pythias (Fortitude Benevolent a) Center for Advanced Judaic Studies Association) b) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints xx) Locustwood c) College of Physician of Philadelphia xxi) New Camden d) Independence Seaport Museum xxii) Rodef Shalom e) Jenkins Law Library xxiii) Rosenhayn f) Library Company of Philadelphia xxiv) Sons of Israel g) National Liberty Museum xxv) Sons of Jacob h) National Museum of American Jewish history xxvi) Temple Emeth Shalom i) Philadelphia Jewish Archives xxvii) Trenton Young Judea j) Philadelphia Jewish Sports Hall of Fame xxviii) Tuckertown k) Rosenbach Museum and Library xxix) Workman’s Circle l) Tuttleman Library of Gratz College b) Southern New Jersey - Non-sectarian – no m) Urban Archives & Paley Library of Temple Jewish Section, few graves University i) Atlantic City n) Van Pelt Library of the University of Pennsylvania ii) Laurel Memorial Park 8) PA – Phila. Area Governmental Sites iii) Greenwood - Millville a) Atwater Kent Museum iv) Mount Pleasant b) Bucks County Courthouse v) Oak Grove c) Free Library of Philadelphia vi) Oak Hill d) Montgomery County Archives vii) Siloam e) Montgomery County Courthouse 11) Southern NJ Jewish Funeral Directors f) National Archives, Mid-Atlantic Region (NARA) a) Berschler Shenberg g) Montgomery County – Norristown Public Library b) Goldstein h) Pennsylvania Dept of Health – Div of Vital c) Orland Ewing Memorial Records V.XXX 1/1/09 8 9 d) Platt Memorial ll) Temple Micah e) Riverside mm) Temple Sinai f) Roth-Goldstein’s Memorial nn) Toras Emes 12) Southern NJ Synogogues oo) Workers of Truth a) Adath Emanu-El pp) Young Israel Cherry Hill b) Adath Israel qq) Young Israel Lawrenceville c) Ahavath Israel rr) Young Israel Margate d) Anshe Emes (People of Truth ss) Zichron Trocki Mivilna e) Beth El (Cherry Hill) 13) Southern NJ Private Sector Sites f) Beth El (Margate) a) Burlington County Historical Society (HS) g) Beth El (East Windsor) b) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints h) Beth El (Hammonton) c) Jewish HS of Central New Jersey i) Beth Chiam d) Jewish Museum of New Jersey j) Beth Israel e) Sam Azeez Museum of Woodbine Heritage k) Beth Israel Congregation (Woodbury) f) Tri County Jewish HS (Camden County HS) l) Beth Judah (Ventnor) 14) Southern NJ Governmental Sites m) Beth
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