> ^-; ^Z.jfe- CATALOGUE EDINBURGH GRADUATES. rillNTKU BT NKI AND CO.. KDlXBUrv<.): f- A CATALOGUE TiyT HE G R A D U A T E S IN THE FACULTIES Of ARTS, DIVINITY, AND LAW, UNIVERSITY OF EDlNRURaiT SINCE ITS FOUNDATION'. EDINBURGH : M.DCCC.LYIll, At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bannatyne Club, held 0)1 Wednesday, the 30th June 1858,— The Secretary stated to the Committee, that, having taken charge of preparing and editing a Vohnne in octavo, to contain a Catalogue of the Edinburgh Graduates IN Arts, Divinity, and Law, since the foundation of the L^niversity in 1583, he was allowed, in lieu of some ex- penses that will be incurred, to have the privilege of print- ing oif, upon Club paper, a sufficient number of copies to supply the Members of the Club. Some of the sheets having been exhibited, the Committee unanimously Resolved to approve of the said arrangements, and to repay the Ethtor for such expenses. Extracted from the Minutes of the Club, DAVID LAING, Secretary. THE BANMTYNE CLUB. FEBKUARY M.DCCC.LIX. THE EARL OF ABERDEEN. WILLIAM PATRICK ADAM, ESQ. THE EARL OF ASHBDRNHAM. LORD BELHAVEN AND HAMILTON. WILLIAM BLAIR, ESQ. CERIAH BOTFIELD, ESQ., M.P. THE MARQUESS OF BREADALBANE. SIR THOMAS MAKDOUGALL BRISBANE, BART. OEORGE BRODIE, ESQ. 10 CHARLES DASHWOOD BRUCE, ESQ. THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY. VERY REV. DEAN RICHARD BUTLER. SIR HUGH HUME CAMPBELL, BART. JAMES CAMPBELL, ESQ. THOMAS CARNEGY, ESQ.—(DECEASED.) EARL CAWDOR. PATRICK CHALMERS, ESQ (DECEASED.) RIGHT HON. SIR GEORGE CLERK, BART. DAVID CONSTABLE, ESQ. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. 20 THOMAS CONSTABLE, ESQ. ANDREW COVENTRY, ESQ. DAVID COWAN, ESQ. JAMES T. GIBSON CRAIG, ESQ. — (TREASURER.) SIR WILLIAM GIBSON CRAIG, BART. THE MARQUESS OP DALHOUSIE. GEORGE HOME DRUMMOND, ESQ. HENRY DRUMMOND, ESQ, MP. RIGHT HON. SIR DAVID DUNDAS. GEORGE DUNDAS, ESQ. 30 WILLIAM PITT DUNDAS, ESQ. THE EARL OF ELLESMERE.— (DECEASED.) JOSEPH WALTER KING EYTON, ESQ. LIEUT.-COL. ROBERT FERGUSON, M.P. COUNT MERCER DE FLAHAULT. THE EARL OF GOSFORD. WILLIAM GOTT, ESQ. ROBERT GRAHAM, ESQ. THE EARL OF HADDINGTON.— (DECEASED.) THE DURE OF HAMILTON AND BRANDON. 40 SIR THOMAS BUCHAN HEPBURN, BART. JAMES MAITLAND HOG, ESQ.— (DECEASED.) RIGHT HON. JOHN HOPE, LORD JUSTICE-CLERK.— (DECEASED.) COSMO INNES, ESQ. DAVID IRVING, LL.D. HON. JAMES IVORY, LORD IVORY. DAVID LAING, ESQ.— (SECRETARY.) JOHN BAILEY LANGHORNE, ESQ. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. THE EABL OF LAUDERDALE. VERY REV. PRINCIPAL JOHN LEE, D.D. 50 LORD LINDSAY. JAMES LOCH, ESQ. —(DECEASED.) THE MARQUESS OF LOTHIAN. LORD LOVAT. JAMES MACKENZIE, ESQ. JOHN WHITEFOORD MACKENZIE, ESQ. KEITH STEWART MACKENZIE, ESQ. WILLIAM FORBES MACKENZIE, ESQ. JAMES MAIDMENT, ESQ. SIR WILLIAM MAXWELL, BART. 60 THE HON. WILLIAM LESLIE MELVILLE (DECEASED.) THE EARL OF MINTO. JAMES MONCREIFF, ESQ., M.P. THE EARL OF MORTON. JAMES PATRICK MUIRHEAD, ESQ. HON. SIR JOHN A. MURRAY, LORD MURRAY. ROBERT NASMYTH, ESQ. HON. CHARLES NEAVES, LORD NEAVES. THE EARL OF NORTHESK. LORD PANMURE. 70 ALEXANDER PRINGLE, ESQ. — (DECEASED.) JOHN RICHARDSON, ESQ. THE DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. THE REV. HEW SCOTT, A.M. JAMES R. HOPE SCOTT, ESQ. THE EARL OF SELKIRK. THE BANNATYNE CLUB. JAMBS YOUNG SIMPSON, M.D. ALEXANDER SINCLAIR, ESQ. JAMES SKENE, ESQ. WILLIAM SMYTHE, ESQ. 80 JOHN SPOTTISWOODB, ESQ. EDWARD STANLEY, ESQ. THE REV. WILLIAM STEVENSON, D.D. THE HON. CHARLES FRANCIS STUART. — (DECEASED.) THE DUKE OF SUTHERLAND. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL SWINTON, ESQ. ALEXANDER THOMSON, ESQ. SIR WALTER CALVERLEY TREVELYAN, BART. WILLIAM B. D. D. TURNBULL, ESQ. ADAM URQUHART, ESQ. 90 ALEXANDER MACONOCHIE WELWOOD, ESQ. LIBRARIES. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. THE SOCIETY OF LINCOLN'S INN. THE FACULTY OF ADVOCATES. THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND. THE SOCIETY OF WRITERS TO H. M. SIGNET. THE UNIVERSITY OP CAMBRIDGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. 100 THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES. CONTENTS. Preface, ....... i A Chronological List of the Principals, Regents, and Professors m the University of Edinburgh since its Foundation in the year 1583, . ix The Senate of the University of Edinburgh, 31st December 1858, ....... XXV Register of Laureations, .... 1 Mastersof Arts, 1687-1858, ... 7 Bachelors of Arts, 1843-1858, . .232 Register of Graduates in Divinity and Law, . 237 Doctors of Divinity, 1709-1858, . .239 Bachelors of Divinity, 1841-] 843, . .254 Doctorsof Laws, 1695-1858, . 255 Alphabetical Index of Names, .... 263 The following' Catalogue of Graduates of the University of Edinburgh has been prepared in compliance with a resolu- tion of the Senate. It includes a chronological list of the Masters of Arts, from the year 1587, and of the Doctors OF Divinity and Doctors of Laws, from about the be- ginning of the last century, being the earliest notices of any such degrees having been conferred. These Lists are con- tinued to the present time. A Catalogue of the Medical Graduates, from the year 1705, appeared as a separate volume in 184G. Tlie Book of Laureations, which has furnished the chief materials for the present volume, commences with the Na- tional Covenant of 1580, which long continued to be sub- scribed by the Professors and Students. In reference to this practice Professor Craufurd, in his History of the Uni- versity, has stated, " In the end of 1587, the Nationall Cove- nant was subscribed in the Colledge be Mr Rollock and Mr Name, Maisters of the same, and be Mr John Crage, the King's Minister (who had framed the draught thereof), and be Mr James Hamilton, jNlinister, who, during the banish- ment of Mr Lawson, and Mr Balcanquall, was brought in to preach in the citie. An ordinance was also passed, that all luho should take degrees in the Colledge, t^ould suh- scrt/he the saine." The same Author informs us that,—" In August 1587, Maister Robert Rollock did laureat the first classe which had passed under his charge in the Colledge of Edinburgh, after every one of them had subscribed the Cove- vnnt. They were to the number of 48 [47], among whom were many able wits, namely. Mr Charles Ferme. Mr Philip Heslope, Mr Henry Charteris, and Mr Patrick Sands, who were thereafter Regents, and the two last came to be Princi- pals of the CoUedge."^ It will ho observed, that other formulas were substituted at different periods, to which the signatures of the Graduates in Arts are continued in this Register, with some kind of regularity, until the latter part of the seventeenth century. At an early period, designations after many of the names have been added, probably by some of the Professors from their personal knowledge. These ad- ditions, which serve to identify various Students who had taken their degree, are printed in Italics. It had been customary, from the close of the sixteenth to the commencement of the last century, previous to the day of graduation, to print the TiiESE.s, which the Candidates for the degree of Master of Arts were called upon to defend in their public disputations. The names of the Students were annexed, along with that of the Regent or Professor, under whom they had completed their course of philosophical study. Of these annually printed Theses, about seventy have been discovered and collated ; and they have proved of essential service in regard to many names obscurely written in the Register, which could not otherwise have been easily de- ciphered. They also furnish several additional names ; but for the sake of distinction these are enclosed within brackets. In preparing the following Catalogue, other sources have also been carefully examined, such, for instance, as the Register for Matriculations, which commences in the year 1627 ; and likewise the various lists of contributors to the University Library. Such contributions, when not in the form of books on which the names of the respective donors were written, consisted of fees paid at the time of gradua- tion, which formed a separate fund for the purchase of books, in the name collectively of the graduates in each particular class. ^ II istorj- of the University of Edinburgh, from 15S0 to 16i5, by Thomas Craufuid, A.M. Edinb.. 1S08, 8vo. In the early part of the last century, partly arising from a change in the course of study, by the appointment of sepa- rate Professorships, the practice of taking degrees in Arts fell into general disuse. After the year 1730, when the minutes of the Senatk commence, the names of Graduates were frequently there recorded instead of the Laureation Book, but in general, for nearly a century, in an imperfect manner. Every endeavour has, however, been made to render the following Catalogue as complete and accurate as the ex- isting materials would admit. For the purpose of rendering this volume of greater im- portance, there is here subjoined a list of the Principals, Regents, and Professors, in the University, since its foun- dation in 1583 to the present time. This, for the most part, has been prepared from a careful examination of the Records of the Town Council of Edinburgh, the Patrons of the Uni- versity, as the most authentic source from which the dates of such appointments can be ascertained. December, 1858. A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST or THE PRINCIPALS, REGENTS, AND PROFESSORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, SINCE ITS FOUNDATION IN THE YEAR 1583. PRINCI EECTOKS OP THE UNIVERSITY. John Jhonestoun, brother to the Laird of Elphinstoun, ap- pointed " to haif the oversicht and government of the effaires of the College, laitly foundet and erectet be the guid Toun in the Kirk of Feyld, and of the place, Maisteris, and Students thairof," February 11, 1586-7. Mr Andrew Ramsay, one of the Ministers of Edinburgh, March 20, 1620. Mr Alexander Morrisoun of Preston Grange, one of the Senators of the College of Justice, January 5, 1627.
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