II' II M JL., , A. A II What is Best for Maui ii ' 'II II AS If you wish Prosperity mi ir mmunmI rm "ww j. nmi wwi is Best for the News Advertise in the News ' t. ' II I . ; I VOLUME XIX WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T., SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1912 NUMBER 11 J8t Kiinnc Fruit Fly Telegraphic News. The Latest The Free Library On Maui IKI'ECIAL TO THE MAUI EVS. In Sports Sugar Bill Sugar 7!).60 Beets 97.87 New Books Are Being Received Every This Is the Last Island to Be Infested What the Wrestlers, Boxers and Base Intended to Be the Beginning of the Week. With the Pest. Honolulu News Ball Artists Arc Doing. End of Protection. The public library is filling the For some time reports have come Ad Wolgast, the champion of to- The bill for the removal of all HONOLULU, April 2G. Deputy Attorney-Genera- l Suttonhns place it was intended for most' ad- n to the sheriff that the fruit fly day, is too' much of a business man duties on imported sugar, which resigned, and will be succeeded by Leslie Scott. has passed of Representa- mirably, and the trustees now feel was in different places on Maui, but to hazard his money in speculations. the IIouso Mrs. John Kea gt.ve birth to a daughter on April 10th and to a tives might well bo called a. bill' to they have a very creditable on investigation, no sign of the pest Ad doesn't care for the glare of the that son on April 24th, smashing all records. promote tho election ,of a Republi- could be found Last Saturday night life and you will rarely list of books for the patrons to News was received yesterday of the death of A. M. Bums former sec can President, for it Is a concrcto morning, however, James Cornwell draw from. Books are being re- -' ly editor of the Hilo Herald and Tribune. him in the haunts where the sports illustration of what the Democrats handed a bag of Chinese oranges to ceived continually, both by pur- Ewa 32, Commercial 44. Oahu 29, Olaa 714, McBryde W3, are supposed, to congregate. He has mean when they avow the intention the sheriff, in which he claimed the 35, chase, and through the gifts of the Pioneer .Vuialua 131. bigger of sweeping every vestige of protec- fruit fly magots would bo found. a penchant for diamonds, the many friends of ' the iibrary. Be- - HONOLULU, April 25. is rumored may have tion from our statutes. On opening the oranges they were It that Carter the batter, and also spends much of we give a complete list of the tried to hurt Frear the convention. The bill will not become a law P"w found to be alive inside, and on in his time in figuring out real estate now on hand: The opening of Union Street is being opposed by the owners of until after the 4th of close examination thoy appeared to deals, having bought considerable next March. the property. Whether or any similar FICTION. have all the identifying marks of property in the southern part of the that bill f Dr. Rogers, an old and respected resident, died here yesterday. H'jf uv,uuiiiu uiw ui lui unit uiiiu win Awakening of Helena Richie, the embryo fruit fly. The fruit was State. there s any fighter of thisu . , A. ,.w.t2 "Cyclone" Johnny Thompson is here on his way homo from Aus u.. vv ifv,viJIU M. Deland. shown to the different members of time who knows the value of a dol iiiiuvuvi , tralia. a stalwart Republican liko President-- , Bride of the Mistletoe, J. L. the Chamber of Commerce commit- lar, Ad Wolgast is the man. San Francisco papers announce the engagement of Thelma Par Taft or a free-trad- e Democrat like Allen. tee, and it was decided by the she Battling Nelson, generally con- l.j ker to young Smart.' Champ Clark, Woodrow Wilson o'rV JBroad Highway, J. Farnol. riff that the best thing to do was to sidered thrifty, has been labeled as Governor. Harmon. Buried Alive, A. Bennett Bend the samples to Honolulu to HONOLULU, April 24. Supreme Court decides in favor of Con one of the unluckfest investors J Whether tho bill will pass ft Call of the Wild, J. Loudon. the experts in order that there tractor Wilson in belt road case, and scores Commission for secret among the fighters. The Dane has tjiej, Senate is uncertain. depends -- fChippendales, R. Grant. might be no mistake made. In the meetings. always listened with a kindly ear to It on!' the attitude of such Senators as at' Common Law, R. Chambers. meantime orders were issued and There will be many appears from assessment values in Tax Court. real estate propositions and never 4S3 Works, who is not known to have Down Home With Jennie Allen, all the fruit in the orchard of Pia Kinney Fends for proxy for Democratic Convention. more so than when it was a farm at any views of his own on the tariff, G. Donworth. Cockett at Waikapu, where the sup Military prison will be established at Fort Ruger. ' stake. Stocks, mining and other- but is associated with other namby- - ; Dr. Thome's Idea, J. A. Mit- posed fruit fly was found, has been wise, 'have attracted his attention, pambys who profess to be Republi- chell. destroyed, and a close watch is be- and that is why he has less to show cans but who usually join Dweller on the Threshold, R. ing kept on all fruit in the vicinity, for his investments than one might withJ.be Democrats in assaults on funda- Hichens. and just as soon as there are any in Control. expect. His buy of Ilegewisch city the Roosevelt Republican ' Eagle Badge, H. Day. signs elsewhere, the fruit will be property was a disappointment, ho mental doctrine. tho meantime those interested Elizabeth Koett, R. H. Bartasch. destroyed also. Up to the present ST. LOUIS, April 26. Roosevelt supporters are in complete con has a lot of stocks that will never In in beet-sug- ar organizing End of the Rainbow, S. R. time, no word has been received trol of the Republican convention. bring what he paid for them and culture are been to resist tho threatened destruction 'During. from Honolulu, as to what has OYSTER April 26. Roosevelt in answer-t- charges his farming purposes are said to BAY, Taft's of their industry, but they may as Footprint, G. Morris. the result of the examination of the Taft was a of the cabinet, was in perfect accord with have been less, than fair business says member and well understand that they will have Foreigner, J. Galsworthy. fruit sent there. the plan to discontinue the on the Harvester-Trus- for practical ventures. For all that, I doubt if attack t no influenco if they do not avow Following the Star, F. T. Bar reasons. There was not sufficient evidence at that time to push ' the there is a busier fighter In thu game clay. than Battling. Nelson, for he can themselves equally ready to oppose JUVENILE. matter further. tho destruction of other Freckles, G. S. Stratton-Porte- r. generally occupy himself with one industries. Bird's Christmas Carol, Wiggin. EL PASO, April 26. Two Americans have been freed from a The consumption of sugar by Girl of Limberlost, G. S. Stratton-- thing or another. tho Dick Randall, E. H. Clark. Mexican prison after 38 days confinement. They were five days with ft average family is about 300 pounds Porter. Lion Ben, One couldn't say that Jimmy Glory of Clementina, W. J. out food or water. Britt is a chap with any particular a year, and with tho "saving" of TRAVELS. Vz cents per pound promised by Locke. Scenes From Every Land, FRESNO, April 26. La Follette opened his campaign yesterday. hobby, unless it is to dress in the Harvest of the Sea, W. T. The former head of the La Follette league was not present. latest fashion and to talk. And Jim- Mr. Underwood, each family would Down North in the Labrador, less 1 Grenfell. my, with his club life and his tra- "savo" than cents a day W. T. Grenfell. by Harvester, G. S. Porter. vels, is an interesting talker. Ho free sugar. Vagabond Journey Around the But if our workingmen and clerks Hoot of the Owl, H. H. Benr. World, H. A. Fraiick. Political Ghosts. can tell a story and tell it well and Howard's End, E. M. Foster. whorevcr you find Jimmy Britt you take the bait and assist in destroy- HISTORY. beet-sug- ing our ar industry, they Impostor, J. R. Scott. Memories of Two Wars, Gen. WASHINGTON, April 25. Taft has thrown a bomb into the will find an audience that is being In the Country God Forgot, F. Roosevelt camp. He sent to the Senate yesterday Fome sjucret letters entertained. should know without our telling Funston. them good of Charles. between Roosevelt, Attorney-Gener- al Bonaparte and Herbert Knox Terry McGovcrn used to bo a great that a many millions BIOGRAPHY. farmers will vote to tako the duty! Iron Woman, M. Deland. American Citizen, J. G. Brooks. Smith. The letters show that threats were made if Roosevelt per fellow Jo spend lots of time with ir. to from products by tho manufacture . It Can Never Happen Again, sisted his endeavor make trouble for the Harvester Trust, that his babies. Young Corbett, on the LITERATURE.
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