Persimmon Homes Land at Reedings Road, Barrowby Transport Assessment October 2018 (Rev D, May 2019) bancroftconsulting.co.uk Persimmon Homes Land at Reedings Road, Barrowby Transport Assessment October 2018 (Rev D, May 2019) Jarodale House, 7 Gregory Boulevard Nottingham, NG7 6LB Tel: 0115 9602919 Email: [email protected] AUTHOR: KH CHECKED: YC APPROVED: CJB STATUS: REV D REPORT REF: F18106 Reedings Road, Barrowby - Transport Assessment (Rev D, May 2019) DOCUMENT ISSUE RECORD REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION DRAFT OCT 2018 Issued to Project Team for comments. REV A DEC 2018 Issued to Project Team for comments REV B APR 2019 Issue final copy REV C MAY 2019 Final copy reissued with updated masterplan REV D MAY 2019 Final copy revised following Project Team comments LAND AT REEDINGS ROAD, BARROWBY TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT OCTOBER 2018 (REV D, MAY 2019) CONTENTS Page Number 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 POLICY CONTEXT AND RELEVANT GUIDANCE 4 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 9 4.0 EXISTING SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL INFRASTRUCTURE 14 5.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 17 6.0 TRAFFIC GENERATION, DISTRIBUTION, AND GROWTH 18 7.0 DEVELOPMENT SITE HIGHWAY CONSIDERATIONS 22 8.0 OPPORTUNITIES FOR SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL 24 9.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 28 TABLES Table 1 Summary of Local Bus Services FIGURES Figure 1 General Site Location Plan Figure 2 Detailed Site Location Plan Figure 3 Personal Injury Accident Data (01.06.12 to 31.05.17) Figure 4 Pedestrian Isochrones (800 metres and 2 kilometres) Figure 5 Public Rights of Way Figure 6 Cyclist Catchment Area (5 kilometres) Figure 7 Local Bus Routes Figure 8 Development Traffic without Internal Link Road Figure 9 Development Traffic with Internal Link Road DRAWINGS Drawing Number F18106/01 Rev A Proposed Site Access Layout LAND AT REEDINGS ROAD, BARROWBY TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT OCTOBER 2018 (REV D, MAY 2019) APPENDICES Appendix A Planning Application S18/0093 (Transport Statement and Site Masterplan) Appendix B Relevant Extracts from Scoping Study Appendix C Scoping Response form LCC (18 September 2018) Appendix D Scoping Response from Highways England (2 October 2018) Appendix E Personal Injury Accident Data Appendix F Parking Stress Survey Results Appendix G Red Line Boundary and Illustrative Site Masterplan Appendix H Parking Requirements from LCC (10 October 2018) Appendix I Method of Travel to Work Dataset LAND AT REEDINGS ROAD, BARROWBY TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT OCTOBER 2018 (REV D, MAY 2019) 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Bancroft Consulting were appointed by Persimmon Homes to provide highways and transportation advice in respect of a proposed residential development on land to the south of Reedings Road at Barrowby in Lincolnshire. The site forms part of the proposed allocated site LV-H3: Low Road (SKLP36, SKLP250 and SKLP270) within the emerging South Kesteven New Local Plan (2011 to 2036). This site allocation in its entirety is for approximately 230 dwellings, however this proposal relates to site SKLP250 of the northeastern section of the allocation only (i.e. 90 dwellings). 1.2 In January 2018, Planning Application S18/0093 (Local Plan reference SKLP36) was submitted for a residential development of 49 dwellings on land to the east of Low Road. This application has not yet been determined by South Kesteven District Council. The relevant Transport Statement and site masterplan have been included at Appendix A. 1.3 As part of the LV-H3 allocation within the emerging South Kesteven New Local Plan, it is required that “all parties shall work together to bring forward a comprehensive plan for the site”. In light of this information, this Transport Assessment has been produced to support an outline planning application for the proposed scheme. It also considers the potential impacts of an alternative access strategy and link road between the proposed development and Planning Application site S18/0093. The general site location is demonstrated within Figure 1, whilst a more detailed location plan can be found within Figure 2. 1.4 This Transport Assessment follows a Scoping Study report, which examined the baseline conditions in respect of proposals to develop up to 90 dwellings at the site exclusively served by a single point of access at the southern end of Reedings Road. This Scoping Study was submitted to the local highway authority (Lincolnshire County Council) by Boyer on behalf of Persimmon Homes. The Scoping Study was also submitted to Highways England directly via email on 24 September 2018. The Scoping Study identified the potential peak hour traffic generation associated with the proposed development and assigned these 1 F18106 Reedings Road, Barrowby - Transport Assessment (Rev D, May 2019) LAND AT REEDINGS ROAD, BARROWBY TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT OCTOBER 2018 (REV D, MAY 2019) movements to the surrounding highway network in accordance with a specific distribution model to determine where further assessment would be required. The Scoping Study also identified how the site could be served by an extension to Reedings Road. Relevant extracts from the Scoping Study are contained at Appendix B. 1.5 Initial comments were received from LCC on 18 September 2018 in relation to the Scoping Study (see response at Appendix C). The key comment from LCC was that “the principle of developing the enquiry site for residential use is acceptable in highway terms.” No concern was raised by LCC in relation to the content of the Scoping Study, albeit a request was made for 2-hour parking beat surveys to be undertaken in the evening and weekend as opposed to the single hour noted in the Scoping Study. This item is accepted, and the remainder of this Transport Assessment has therefore been prepared on the basis that all other matters within the Scoping Study are deemed to be acceptable and agreed with LCC. 1.6 A scoping response was received from Highways England on 2 October 2018 (see Appendix D) which also confirmed that the principles of the Scoping Study are acceptable and that “the proposal is not likely to have a detrimental traffic impact…… as such, we do not require further capacity assessments to be undertaken.” 1.7 The purpose of this Transport Assessment is to provide further detailed assessment of the various highways and transportation issues that have been identified. It confirms the proposed site access arrangement and also provides more detailed consideration of opportunities for access by non-car modes and whether any specific improvements are required in this respect. 1.8 In order to inform the Scoping Study, and subsequently this Transport Assessment, various site visits were undertaken by Bancroft Consulting. An initial site visit was undertaken on 17 September 2018 between 1530 and 1930 hours to review current highway conditions and identify any constraints affecting access. In preparation for this Transport Assessment, further site visits were undertaken on 9 October 2018 between 1900 and 2100 hours, and Saturday 13 October 2018 2 F18106 Reedings Road, Barrowby - Transport Assessment (Rev D, May 2019) LAND AT REEDINGS ROAD, BARROWBY TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT OCTOBER 2018 (REV D, MAY 2019) between 0700 and 0900 hours to assess the level of on-street parking in the vicinity of the site and any further constraints. 1.9 This Transport Assessment report is structured as follows: • Section 2 provides a review of relevant local and national planning policy and design guidance. • Section 3 outlines the existing conditions in terms of the local highway network and road safety records. • Section 4 provides a detailed review of existing pedestrian, cycle and public transport infrastructure. • Section 5 outlines the development proposals. • Section 6 describes the traffic generation and distribution and growth calculations which were presented as part of the Scoping Study. • Section 7 details the proposed site access arrangement and considers internal highway considerations such as parking and servicing. • Section 8 discusses opportunities for residents of the new development to travel by sustainable modes. • Section 9 provides a summary and conclusions. 1.10 As discussed further in Section 2, this Transport Assessment has been prepared with due regard to the overarching Government policy requirements contained within the National Planning Policy Framework [NPPF] (MHCLG, February 2019). In addition, Lincolnshire County Council’s website currently advises that guidance in their own ‘Streetscape Design Manual’ (December 2016) should be referred to when designing new accesses and road layouts. Lincolnshire County Council’s website also confirms that the principles set out in ‘Manual for Streets’ (DfT, March 2007) and ‘Manual for Streets 2 – Wider Application of the Principles’ (CIHT, September 2010) should also be taken into account. Given that all of these documents focus on general design principles rather than prescriptive standards, consideration has also been given to geometric requirements set out in the Delivering Streets and Places document (2018), which represents adopted design guidance for several authorities in the neighbouring East Midlands area. 3 F18106 Reedings Road, Barrowby - Transport Assessment (Rev D, May 2019) LAND AT REEDINGS ROAD, BARROWBY TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT OCTOBER 2018 (REV D, MAY 2019) 2.0 POLICY CONTEXT AND RELEVANT GUIDANCE 2.1 National Policy 2.1.1 Since the issue of the Scoping Study in July 2018, a revised version of the NPPF was released in February 2019. This replaces the previous NPPF which was published in March 2012. In respect of planning obligations, Paragraph 56 states how contributions should only be sought where they meet all of the following tests: “a) necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms; b) directly related to the development; and c) fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.” 2.1.2 The NPPF places heavy emphasis on the importance of sustainability, where Paragraph 103 sets out that: ‘The planning system should actively manage patterns of growth in support of these objectives. Significant development should be focused on locations which are or can be made sustainable, through limiting the need to travel and offering a genuine choice of transport modes.
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