L "°'"' 0 "-'1'(;,°1 ••. • Co~ =~Committee, stated: · =··.rt~~•'~-~'~•'!.!.~ouf ~hat the War Refugee_. Board is ~n: t~e~c,(;:. the Committee wm· doubtlm direct lta <ffor16 .to 4Ssist "the Gouernment.Jn . every way possible In the accomplishment of the. t4S1{ arid: to l{eep •live· tho hope of rescue. In the hearts of-J•1""h _peopli of Europe." I ·TO SAVE THE JEWISH PEOPLE OF.EUROPE, INC. ··. ·- . EMERGENCY COMMITIEE 25 W. 45th St.,'New Yorf,( 19,.t-4.Y. •• Bryc.j:.f- 9,;4600 EXECUTIVE BOARD 1944 Co·Chairmen . Jcly '7,. DEAN ALFANGE PETER H. BERGSON LOUIS BROMFIELD BEN HECHT Hon. John W. Pehle HON, WILL ROGERS, JR, HON, ANDREW L, SOMERS Executive Director MADAME SIGRID UNDSET DR. MAURICE WILLIAM War Refugee Board DR. LI YU-YING Treasury Bldg., Washington ,D .c. Vice·Chairmen Wll;;LIAM S, BENNET KONRAD BERCOVICI Dear Mr. Pehle: J0·0AVJDSON G>SCAR W; EHRHORN WILLIAM HELIS The enclosed material, which is a reslllt pfa collrerenceheid DE~N GEORGE W. MATHESON HERBERT-S, MOORE FLETCHER PRATT undE!r our 8.1fspices of Chr~stian cl~rgy_-an_·____ d rep·. resen:t_ ative.s o·f.• ····• A. HADANI RAFAELI the large ·American Hungarian organ1zat.1ons, I thirik -will .be of: LISA SERGIO JOHAN J. SMERTENKO great interest to you in your psychological' warfare against' the­ Executive Director Hungar,ian gov;runent. SAMUEL MERLIN SecretarJ Among those participating in the conferen,!)e-tiere: · GABRIEL A. WECHSI;.ER : .. '·: Treasurer Louis Toth·, professor, Cornell Universit.y, Chairm~n; Hungarian MRS. FRANCES GUNTHER American Victory Cciuncil, New York City : < .· '.• Members John Pelenyi, former-Hungarian Minister in Washington/ professor STELLA ADLER J . .J. AMIEJ.. Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H; • _ ._· •· ·. , - · _ Al. BAUER Antony Balasy, former counsellor, Hungarimi Embassy, _WaslJ.ington~. Y. BEN·AMI A. BEN-ELIEZER atthe present Librarian of the Congress in Washington T. BENNAHUM M. BERCHJN Right Rev. Msgr. Oerdoegh, Catholic Pastor; leader of the Catholics RABBI PHILIP D. BOOKSTABER PROF. RONALD BRIDGES • of Hung. origin in the United States, Toledo,Ohio · . BISHOP JAMES A. CANNON, Jn. LESTER COHEN Rev. Dr. Charles Vincze, President; American-Hungarian Ministerial ALAN CORELLI REP. SAMUEL DICKSTEIN Protestant~ Assn, . · - _ __·. • _._. · · OR. ALBERT C. DIEFFENBACH PROF. SHELDON GLUECK Rev. Geza T9.karo, First Hungarian Reformed Churcli DR. CONRAD HOFFMANN, JR, NATHAN GEORGE HORWITT _John Bence, Chairman, Verhovay.Assn. f'ennsylva:nia, Pa• , JOHN B. HUGHES E. JABOTINSKY Rev. Raymond de Dobay, Hung. Evangelical and Reformed.Church, DR. FRITZ KAUFMANN ROSE KEANE Milwatikee, Wis._._ -·_ ._._ - . , . , .· .· ·· .. ·: _._,_· EMIL LENGYEL I. LIPSCHUTZ Rev. Ladislas Nagy, st. SteJ:iien of HmgaryChurcli, Jt11entoW!l,Pa:; LAWRENC.E LIPTON EMIL LUDWIG Szabadslig, largest Hung. daily, ClevE;l),8.nd, Qhio- C · · GOV. EDWARD MARTIN PROF. KIRTLEY MATHER Rev. Barnabas Diaries, Hungari<m Reformed Church,;ClJ.foago, GOV. J. HOWARD McGRATH RABBI ARTHUR MEYEROWITZ Vice Chairman Evailgelical and Reformed Church Assn; MICHAEL POTTER VICTOR M. RATNER Rev. Victor Kovaliczky Holy Cross Church, New York City CURT RIESS MAURICE - RIFKIN Rev. Antal Szabo, Perth Amboy, N.·.t. · SAMUEL ROSEN Rev; Sigismund Laky, Trenton, N.J> ARTHUR ROSENBERG K. SHRIDHARANI Rev. Joseph Urban, New York City, RABBI ELIEZ~R SILVER __ARTtl_UR - SZYK _ Rev. Ladis Egiy, WoodbI'idge, N;J •. ·-. .. IRVING TAITEL THOMAS J. WATSON American Feqer_atieH-of. DeJll()C.l'B.tlc HUJ\'5arians ~- · Al.EX WILF ;.; The message•. to the Christian Ministers of Hungary is sent t() yciu. _____together_wj.j;h_the text in Hungari·m;_: •The. importa:nce of the signers; .01h~r Commi1111. O/firu :-, 2s1r 15TH STREET, N. vi. 139 NORTH CLARK STREET 3~~ ~A~~.~~~~~: .. STRE~ WASHINGTON. 0, C. CHICAGO, IL.L. SOSTON, · MA!:!S• 716 WALNUT STREET 5371 WILSHIRE- BOULEVARD as_ NEW -CAVENDiSH _s:rR~~ _PHILADELPHI~, PA, Los ANGELES! ·_CAL! LONIJ;O_N_.__,\v1, E.~GJ.AND _. ~16e 35 RASHJ STREET TEL AVIV~ ~.ALE~TINE ·/ ';,.'..· ·''JI > l j Mr. John W. Pehle - 2 - July 7, 1944 I believe, is matched by the importance of the messages'andtext~, which are enclosed. You will note that there is a long answer to Premier Sztojay of· Hungary who broadcast an appeal to AmeriCans of Hungarian de.scent asking them to support Hungary against the United Nations. I hope that this material will be of assistance to you, ,··.··.,,.... ... ·· Gabriel A. Wechsler GAW:gk Nationa,l Secretary Enc. -- l ·~ ._ I c: (~ ''MEBSAGE TO THE AMERICAN. PEOPLE FROM THE .. CONFERENCE OF NON.iJEwl:SH · HUNGARIAN AMEJUCAN .... ORGANIZATIONS HELD UNDER' THE. AUSPICES; OF THE ' ' EMERGllNCY COMMIT'.J'EE 'i'O .. SAVEi· THE JEW,ISH PEOPLE·• OF EURO!'E'. Hungary's Quisling Premier~ Doeme Sztojayi h~s addre~sed tb.e Ami3r.ican~ o~; · Hungarian de13cent over th.e shortwave radio rtno:t to: loOk upon'·.hiJn·'wi:th for,e:!.gri ~Ye~•" - - ' ·- - • • '. - -. - ',."' ··' ' • - ·- 0 • ~ i . ,. - : - . ~; - . ment and people. We d.o not listen to. t~altol's~arl,d tc>~~·.et~es of~e~~ 'Vi~)·t~e undersigned~ are Christian Americans ·Who ar~ iriix~9~s to prr,ctice dhrisUaltlty. ·•··.········ wnat the Hungai-fim ·Q~iehng government.is\1oi,ri~~i~~fii:'~i!i;st .un'-Chri~~J;;-ict•·'' '·- ~~ c ·cc:~ · is the work of the .anti-Christ.. Yes, we are jud:l.ng the Hungarian Nazi l:i~ood hal:sW.y. the United. s tatea and. all, we ·stand· for. We condemn their .. clique becau,se. tlief ill'e :· -•• ----. ~ - , ' -·- • ' •-- - < - - -- --- -= •. - ,- enemies not merely of enlightened Ameritiaii. ideas bJlt also of enlightened H~gar!an - . ; - - -· - - - -- ·. --- -. - ·_-- - - --. -- -., - -. ' . ,- - ·-- ' ideas of the past, suet as were expr~:ised •on our Amerl~!lJl soil by .th~~·grea.t HungaJ:'ian liberar, Lq_uis Kossuth> who. told· his ~ri~t;ym~ri·: ;,Either II~a;;.;,1.1i toiio~Ame~i~afs · ·. - :. - . - --- : -_ --~-- ,-. " . denioc:ratic. ideals or Hungary rlll.be nolllote,11 - - ' -~ ~ ''.- ·.---- We believe. that'the Quisling is.Hungary's wol'~t~lieiny;. We believe.that.if'he persists in. turning :innocent pe~ple -,.- whether' Je\Vs. or cfri.1stians -.;;. over. or hH own hangmen, he willforfeit his n'1:tlorJs right\~ ~ave ii~Jq· • - - - - < - - •• :-.o-·-~.:,_,_--~ On . all frOI).tS. our :vrctorious arinies .·are :Drl ihe me¢cli; . J. may cross ;the range of ·inollnte,ins separating Quisling Hungary frolll ' The W_dapest traitor should be wained·bt;th~ ;~ve~ent and Jii~{ . c - ---- . .._ • -. ' ' - :-_, -0 • Cc.:-_ -,· --· .-=·-.·--· r-~· _:_~-that his. crimes-are-not.:.over.looked.-'-Thl3~braZ:Ceir=1fg~t o): ~a~i •· by our American countryDten that tllt:i day· of~re"ckonfug-­ will becaJ,led,toac~ountfor all the b~oodthe;•aresh~dd~g. -.-. -- -- . resp()nsibility for these' hideous ~riruis iri' th~ eyes of Gcid .and meih' · r - . MEssAC1oF HUNGARIAN AMERICAN 'c~t~T:rAl(jb~s~ ·. TO. THE. CHRISTIAN MiNISTERS OF• HtWGllR,Y" . .. (-(-·._:·_- __ ·... -.... ;_~-· ... ·. -'(•----:-<:-'.,·-.:~.~-- '.:.·.,_::.".'· .. ~·-<~ 'f .:·:-· "In Hungary, too,.lj.fe has beoome heii.1, iU,·~h:!.ch Jews.h~ve~een tbi'Ust,'into· ~he lowest pit. 'J•hey are· the ones to··sriffer inost'. ,B~fu~4#ii:J/Jioi{fof,s8Jte:y:()~~ our brethren in the Christian ministry~. her, those'· who gilv~ us, oilr Mas;iiJ~~ hill ~El~ 1<· --~· - .. , ,.',v .-.1._' -- · · · cip1es and the greate~t work or world literature, the~<;l1:V s.~i-iPt~':·:t~:1~ :ti{e·:::r~Uri.d.a, tion ~d regulator of o~ religion, the top:!,c 6f our ~a~h.:l.ngs. ·e:~.we foZ.~&l:e'.th~: sons and dai~ghters, infants a.iuf Egad of this p~ople ,, ~ho~ ~tile, wf,~~.;;{ ~J~\irg~·, and exterminate with diabolic passion{ _ We _h_p).ci_t~~!- :J e!fll:~ ,C.f\gi?t)iot.-~i-e:J.Y_,_ifug~1:'~4c·~cl~clie~~f'?l'c u.8:,,__lnlt~th!J, f ;he.c also "descended hen~n Yes, he·desil,end.ed to;tii.e· toI'!-ured~ w :· ·-· _.. - .:·.-. _,., -.- . .:,.· < mercy ~d liberating love to.those whq 'were c;ionsi~~d'to th~t also hold that tlie church is Christ's. body 11.nd: we aJ.'11 its iliembe~f:!. H~cfs beht on; using you and. us .·in this; liberating \York. .:tt in ithiit' we ;< -· - .-- - . - -· -- ':· i~ de~ds _.--..<_:;:-.;.·:-..- inus~· r~~~lli •·a"~···· : at:tachment to Christ•and.our~faith. Well .cfo.we ~o~;;thatdaliger awa:t.tl3 thos.e 9r·.· .. - -~ -· - - , - - . you .who sylfipathi.ze .w:l,th lhe.·.persecuteci 'and/those who. are· marked for death~;: BU:t is :. ~- .-· - ·- the datiger not greatel'for indoleD.<)e?' We, Americafs Qhr:i~tian. nrl.niste!'s ~f 13.11 faiths, besee~h Y()li1:,·fov:iiaI'Y'~ Christian' ministers. of all faith§) to exfiC>r~\volll' don~~gatf~rt~ ·ni~yollf Puipits;ffuicl' everywhere else .to stand.by the ~kEld, iri thes~~days ~rktlri~i' ·13 g~~~t~~t trf~ : · Stand by. o~e al1otner and' he~p to. ov~rthl'~w tJie .ci~~iJot; I , ~ght• . If yoJ' Hungary's.reslU"recti~ri 'lirui-are d~termlne~ to brlrig;f:i~otit, .y6~~ave,,}i*r;· lose. Help to remove the. shame with which traitots besili~hed the Hurtg~ian by persecuting th~· Jaws~ Help "l;o:redeeinHungary;s~6npr, for oilly an hoilora~le\ ·~ .• ·~--.-.ttung~i~·n..if.U9n~~Y:'ri8'0I.~fi.:imii1~~e.Lpast'_fa,,_fd-~ec"of~~tlij~a:n11~a=-'"s"orlllli:s•·""·•"'.·.s-"1}t.-''<itl>'l.. =<;a,;:o~.···='.:=~z=:='::==~+== - --'--'~_!-;_:---":'""'-- ----- -- - - -- -- -- ------ -7-"7-.. - --::-:-.- -- -"- be its future\- Right Reverend Msgr. Elmer Oerdoegh . ... •.· .. .. ··:·· . , > ·. < · ..Rev•. ·Gharles Vinoze, President American Hungariaii MilliSteriiil AssII. Fatl:ier v·1ctor KovaliczkY., · · · - Rev. Gaza Takaro · Rev. Raymond .de Do bay Rev. Sigisniund Laky Rev. Ladislas Nagy .Rev. Joseph ~rban Rev. Barnabas Dienes Rev. Ladis.Egry Rev. Anthony Szabo •-;--'. ti'zenet a magya.r_ keresztenz pa:psashoz , .
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