BLACK CMYK GOLD 7/35/100/13 THE ONE REPORT CMYK PURPLE 80/90/0/35 Your dollars at work OneRevival.org OneRevival.org The ONE Campaign focuses on six primary areas that are crucial to building a vibrant and successful future for our church—education, lay formation and youth ministry, pastoral care, communication, service and the parish communities. BLACK PMS GOLD 1245 These areas are currently being funded per the allocation PMS PURPLE 269 plan below. For updates and stories on your ONE Campaign OneRevival.org dollars at work, OneRevival.orgplease visit OneRevival.org. BLACK PMS METALLIC GOLD 8384 PMS PURPLE 269 OneRevival.org OneRevival.org OneRevival.org OneRevival.org ALLOCATION LAY FORMATION & EDUCATION YOUTH MINISTRY Technology: Endowment for Lay Formation: $500 THOUSAND $1.2 MILLION Endowment for Endowment for Youth & Parochial Schools: SERVICE Young Adult Ministry: $1.5 MILLION Catholic Social Service of Solano $2.3 MILLION Endowment for Northern Valley Catholic Newman Centers & Programs: High Schools: Social Service $3.5 MILLION $1 MILLION Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services Facilities Improvements: Trinity Pines Catholic Center: $450 THOUSAND EACH $2.5 MILLION $2.8 MILLION TOTAL: $1.35 MILLION TOTAL: $9.5 MILLION TOTAL: $5.8 MILLION PASTORAL CARE Vianney Retirement PARISH COMMUNITY Village Expansion Local Parish Needs TOTAL: $750 THOUSAND TOTAL: $4.1 MILLION COMMUNICATION Radio Santísimo Expansion TOTAL: $1.5 MILLION 16TCF002_directoryAdF_7x9.25.indd 2 7/1/16 12:56 PM 2017 DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO DIRECTORY — 1 2017 Diocese of Sacramento Catholic Directory Diocese of Sacramento Mission Statement We, the People of God of the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento, guided by the Holy Spirit, are called by Christ to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God through prayer, praise, and sacraments and to witness the Gospel values of love, justice, forgiveness, and service to all. (General Pastoral Plan, 1997) INDEX Advertisers, Index of ...................................88 Geography of Diocese ................................. 85 Retirement Homes ..................................... 22 Bishop, Office of the......................................7 History of the Diocese ............................86-87 Retreat Centers ........................................... 22 Bishop’s Radio Hour ......................................7 Hospitals/Healthcare .................................. 20 Sacraments ............................................26-28 Campus Ministry ...........................................7 Lay Organizations ..................................82-84 Safe Environment Office ...............................8 Catholic Camps .............................................8 Masses: Schools: Catholic Charities of Sacramento ................ 16 Ethnic Communities ..............................9-10 Administration ...........................................8 Interpreted for the Deaf ............................11 Elementary ...........................................12-14 Catholic Charities and Social Concerns ..........7 Secondary ................................................ 16 Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services ......7, 81 Latin ..........................................................11 Seminaries ..................................................22 Catholic Herald Magazine .............................7 Parishes and Missions/Stations ...........33-52 Ministries and Services .................................9 Statistics ..................................................... 85 Chaplains .................................................... 20 The Catholic Foundation ........................... 6, 8 Missions/Stations, by City ........................... 53 Clergy Formation, Office of ...........................8 Tribunal ........................................................8 Communications ...........................................7 Organizations: Vocations ......................................................8 Councils, Commissions, Advisory Boards .......6 CA Statewide ............................................ 78 Worship ........................................................8 Deacons: Independent and Autonomous ................ 24 Lay ......................................................82-84 Photos ................................................. 69-74 Papal Honors .............................................. 78 Parish Assignments ............................. 74-75 Parishes and Missions/Stations .............33-52 Produced by Necrology ................................................. 75 Pastoral Care for Victims of Abuse ................8 Deaneries ......................................................4 Catholic Herald Magazine Pastoral Center, Diocesan .............................3 Editor: Julie Sly Detention Ministry...................................... 18 Priests: Production & Advertising: Cathy Joyce Dioceses, California ..................................... 79 Photos .................................................54-63 Front Cover Art Eastern Catholic Directory ...........................80 Senior Priests ......................................64-66 by Robert Sheridan Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs ...........7 Honors to Priests ...................................... 63 (www.facebook.com/grailpress) Ethnic Communities and Masses ..............9-10 On Duty Outside Diocese ..........................60 Design by Cait Palmiter Evangelization and Catechesis ......................7 Necrology ............................................66-68 Finance .........................................................8 Religious Houses/Communities .............76-77 2 — 2017 DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO DIRECTORY “If we do any good at all, it is because of the goodness of Christ. Jesus is the one who feeds us with his body and blood.” By Bishop Jaime Soto Homily given on Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, Jan. 15, 2017 The baptism of Jesus by John fying with us so that the Father would help us, heal us, the Baptist in the Jordan River is forgive us, and deliver us through his Son, Jesus Christ, mentioned in all four of the Gospel our Lord. Understand how mercifully generous Jesus is. accounts: Matthew, Mark, Luke and Paul reminded us of this when he said to the Philippians, John, the account we heard this Christ, “emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, com- morning (Jn 1:29-34). That fact con- ing in human likeness; and found human in appearance, veys to us how important was this he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even moment in the life of Jesus and the death on a cross.” (Phil 2:7-8) Church. By assuming the baptism of John, Jesus would bring this The infancy narrative in the Gospel according to Luke de- baptism to its culmination through his own baptism on scribed the relationship between John and Jesus at their the cross. As he died on the cross, the passion narrative respective births (Lk 1). Besides that reference, we are of John tells us that “bowing his head, he handed over the told in all the gospel accounts that Jesus was drawn to spirit.” (Jn. 19:30) This is baptism of the Holy Spirit of the Jordan by John’s preaching and he submitted himself which John the Baptist spoke in the Gospel today. This is to his baptism. the baptism into which we are all baptized. In the Gospel narrative of Matthew, the Baptizer de- This past week, I was visit- scribed his baptism as an expression of repentance (Mt ing classrooms at Cristo Rey 3:11). We know that Jesus did not need to repent. To- High School. When making day’s Gospel gives us a reason for Jesus’ baptism. John, these visits, I let the young on seeing Jesus approach him, said, ““Behold, the Lamb people ask me questions. of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” Jesus sub- Sometimes the students, mitted to the baptism of John in order to take away the especially the students in sin of the world. He was the servant of whom the prophet the upper grades, like to put Isaiah spoke in the first reading, “Now the LORD has spo- tough questions to me. One ken who formed me as his servant from the womb, that young man asked me, “Is the Jacob may be brought back to him and Israel gathered Church perfect?” I thought to him.” (Is 49:5) Later in the same text the Lord spoke for a moment then respond- through the prophet saying, “I will make you a light to ed, “Jesus is perfect. I am the nations that my salvation may reach to the ends of not. Jesus is holy. I hope to the earth.” (Is 49:6) be but am not.” Then I gave Jesus, who did not need repentance, took up the mission this example: “When we of- of repentance not for his own sake but for ours. He would fer the Mass, we are offering be the Lamb of God, the lamb of sacrifice who would take Jesus’ perfect sacrifice. I am away our sins by his death on the cross. He made it his not perfect but Jesus still lets personal mission to save us. His baptism was his first me offer His perfect sacrifice. work of mercy. He chose to become one with sinful hu- Why does he do that, only His perfect mercy can explain.” manity so that we could be purified and sanctified by That is not only true about the Mass we now offer. This is his divinity. St. Paul explained this to the Corinthians also true about all the ministries and works of the Church. saying, “For our sake he made him to be sin who did not If we do any good at all, it is because of the goodness of know sin, so that we might become the righteousness of Christ. Jesus is the one who feeds us with his body and God in him,” in Christ. (2 Cor 5:21) blood. He is the
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