PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SPACE TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE ( Selected Papers ) KANAZAWA 2006 JSASS and ISTS CONTENTS-.•••.— .—••. •-.•-. Title/Authors ,!T,;, Paper No. Page Development and Results of Space Evaluation Test for Vane Type Tank 2006-a-02 1 System(VTS)- - • ' - .-.-i s--»'o-. : .•;-..:-,,-i::v».3C.; lo f-:;jiiij,,<:"i Ryoji Imai, Yosuke Takano, Keisuke Yamada, Kazunor Hama, Shuji Nakamura '•- -i'-:y:••--'. K: ,: < "irki f ,»!rna>i ii;;ii.r:?t> • Experimental Investigation of the Dynamic Characteristics of Lateral Liquid <•) c2006-a-03>*J ;in;i>K6; Sloshing in a Concentric Membrane Tank ix?/iHn>rtV M:r, <:V.-"V; -.: -r, ;;,: ir.ciiqr!'1. - Keiji Komatsu, Miki Nishimoto • ' • ' ''' . <""i •.".• i^an'. ,o."-.. '.=u-..-. i.-i-'...r.;! i, r ,.,.,,;. :'«:;.'J! .viiiii3Li!.«i Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Behavior of Free-Surface Flows in Tanks 2006-a-04 13 Based on CIPH.SM -'••: -V^' '•• -^ • •"' •- " ' •'•• ••-t- :,••>::,:.-••--h^; Hideyo Negishi, Takehiro Himeno, Nobuhiro Yamanishi : r '-.' - ":?.«.• Development of Numerical Methods for Propellant Management 2006-a-06 19 Takehiro Himeno, Toshinori Watanabe, Ryoji Imai •'•••" ' '"-'•'•'• -'' Cryogenic Propellant Management of H- IIA Upper Stage 2006-a-08 29 Osamu Kitayama, Iwao Igarashi, Tatsuru Tokunaga, Koichi Okita, Masumi Fujita Characteristics of Flows and Discharge Coefficients in Coaxial Injectors with 2006-a-13 '35 Cold Flow Tests Yoshio Nunome, Hiroshi Sakamoto, Takuo Onodera, Hiroshi Tamura, Takao Inamura, Akinaga Kumakawa •' ' ; ' ' Performance Evaluations of the Methane Fueled Rocket Nozzles under High 2006-a-18 41 Altitude Conditions . " . : Takashi Ito, Akinaga Kumakawa, Keiichi Hasegawa, Masaki Sato, Shinichi Moriya, Kazuo Kusaka, Masahiro Sato, Makoto Tadano . ... • . .. ... Flow Separation and the Associated Side-Load Origin in a Thrust Optimized 2006-a-2Q , 47, Parabolic Nozzle Shashi Verma, Oskar, Haidn . , ••,',.- ,-. :'••:''•• - . -.. : Survey of U.S. Small Launch Vehicle Failures ;2Q06Ta-22. ,,, 53 Edmardo Tomei, I-Shin Chang Survey of Non-U.S. Small Launch Vehicle Fai!ures\ 2QQ6-a-23 -, 63 I-Shih Chang, E Tomei High-Fidelity Simulation of Solid Propeliant Rockets 2006-a-27 • ••, :. 12 William Dick, Robert Fiedler, Michael Heath ,, ...... %. ^. ;,j SP Rocket Simulations at CSAR,,, ;J . .. -. o^ , 2006-aT28 t -i s 78i William Dick, Michael'Heath ' ' --.sjeuif!7* Combustion Characteristics of HAN-Based Liquid Monopropellant 2006-8-37 84 Toshiyuki Katsumi, Kenji.Hisatsune, Tetsuya Matsuo, Hidefumi,-Shibampto,.KeiichirHori;..v,-.'. ,., " •• ic.f -»-*'*:•' •' .sail--. i\l* ;','••; /-; Combustion Mechanism of Tetra-OI Glycidyl Azide Polymer , 2006-a-41 89 Yutaka Wada, Makito Nishioka, Keiichi Hori Design Study on Pre-Cooled Turbojet Engines for Hypersonic Airplanes 2006-a-43 95 Hideyuki Taguchi,*Takayuki Kojima, Kazuhisa Fujita, Hiroaki Kobayashi, Keiichi Okai, Tetsuya Sato'•'- Evaluate of Boundary Layer Introduced Streamwise Vortices in Scramjet . , 2006-a-45 101 Combustor Using Quantitative Schlieren Method ' Shoji Sakaue, Takakage Arai, Tetsuro Morisaki. Tetsuji Sunami, Katsuhiro Itoh Transition of Combustion Modes in a Scramjet Engine 2006-a-46r r ; 107 Toshinori Kouchi, Tohru Mitani, Sadatake Tomioka, Shuichi Ueda • Scramjet Characteristics at Mypervelocity Condition over Mach 10 Flight : 2006-a-47- ,115 - Application of a Diverging Combustor i \ ' v... :'.'•' Masahiro Takahashi, Tomoyuki Komuro, Kazuo Sato, Masatoshi Kodera, Hideyuki Tanno, Katsuhiro Itoh Performance Comparison of Combined Fuel Injection Methods in a 2006-a-48 * > 121 Staged-Combustion Scramjet Engine Shuichi Ueda, Sadatake Tomioka, Toshinori Kouchi, Kan Kobayashi, Kenji Kudo, Kanenori Kato Aerodynamic Performance of the Combined-Cycle Engine Inlet in a Supersonic 2006-a-51 127 Region Kouichiro Tani, Takeshi Kanda, Kanenori Kato, Noboru Sakuranaka, Syuuichi Watanabe • •• . • • Preliminary Tests of Downstream Combustion Ramjet-mode in a Combined 2006-a-53 136 Cycle Engine; Combustor .-•>,- ..-:-; .]y ;.-,;,--•„•;"• ~\ •.:•_:,.-•.. \-.-<---j •• ,c = Kanenori Kato, Takeshi Kanda, Kan Kobayashi, Kenji Kudo, Atsuo Murakami Progress of Scramjet and Combined-Cycle Engine Research at JAXA 2006-a-54 142 Takeshi Kanda b ) Electric and Advanced Propulsion Effects of Multi-Nozzle Jets on Thrust-Performance Improvement of 2006-b-01 149 Micro-Arcjets Kosuke Onodera, Tsuyoshi Noda, Hideyuki Hbrisawa, Itsuro, Kimura ' ' ' •.>-.-.. Characteristics of DDNP Combustion for MEMS Rocket Application 2006b-03 155 Koji Takahashi, Takahiro Okada, Tatsuya Ikuta, Takashi Nishiyama, Kunihito Nagayama, Yoshinori Yamada; Yoshiaki Mitarai ' ' ' " A Laser Ignition Microthruster for Microspacecraft Propulsion 2006-b-05 161 Masakatsu Nakano.Hiroyuki Koizumi, Takayoshi Inoue, Masashi Watanabe, Yoshihiro Arak'awa •••- • • Research and Development of Compact Laser Ablative Thrusters for Small 2006-b-06 , 165 Satellites rJ ""'X-'• -::^ r^ \^U:iry< •.':<-,- .:• no;:, • .,.. ••.• • ,-t-:j-.-.,.^ Hikaru Maesato, Hirokazu Tahara Electromagnetic Acceleration Characteristics of a Laser-Electric Hybrid J 2d06-b-08 ", 1 171 Thrusters ; . • • Yusuke Sasaki, Koki Sasaki, Hideyuki Horisawa, Itsuro Kimura , , . A Multi Pulse Experiment of a Micrbwave^Beaming fhruster r ^ '-'~i rj>' 2006-b-6sI 177 Yasuhisa Oda, Kimiya Komurasaki, Koji Takahashi, Atsushi Kasugai, Keishi Sakamoto Numerical Analysis on Ignition and Formation of, Lasei—SupportedlDetonation 182 Wave in Axisymmetric Nozzle Using Thermal Non-Equilibrium .Model , • : . Hiroyuki Shiraishi Research and Development of High-Impulse Electrothermal Pulsed Plasma. 2006rb-13 188 Thrusters Toshiaki Edamitsu. Hirokazu Tahara R&D on Pulsed Plasma Thruster with Wide Thrust Performance 2006rb-14 194 Yukiya Kamishima, Junpei Iio, Junji Uezu, Masayuki Mukai, Haruki Takegahara,' . .•'..:; Takasi Wakizono, Mitsuteru Sugiki Use of Solid Chemical Propellants for Coaxial Pulsed Plasma Thrusters 2006-b-16 .200 Hideto Mashidori, Takeshi Tachibana. •.:•..,....• : Performance Characteristics of ian -Electrothermal Pulsed: Plasma Thruster 2006-b-18 206 with an Insulator-Rod-Arranged Cavity Hirokazu Sugihara, Toshiaki Edamitsu, Hirokazu Tahara A Preliminary Study on an ActiveX-controlled Thrust Stand for Thrust 2006-b-19 212 Variation Measurement . Akira Kakami, Ryoma Hiyamizu, Shinichiro Masaki, Takeshi Tachibana. • HAYABUSA Explorerlon-Driven in Deep (Space ; 2006-b-20 218 Hitoshi Kuninaka, Kazutaka Nishiyama, Ikko Funaki, Tetsuya Yamada, Yukio.Shimizu,. Jun' ichiro Kawaguchi Result of 16,000 hours Endurance Test on 20mN Class Xenon Ion Thruster 2006-b-21 224 forETS-VIII -.:,...•:.•• Toshiyuki Ozaki, Yasutaka Inanaga, Yukikazu Kasai, Takafumi Nakagawa, Miwa Igarashi, Takashi Itoh,:Ken-richi Kajiwara ;.., -• •-• • • •'. .,.-.••'• .. ,:..,'!.,,••.-.: . : . Overview and Research Status of the JAXA 150-mN Ion Engine , ..-.•.:, 2006-b^22 230 Yasushi Ohkawa, Yukio Hayakawa, Hideki Yoshida, Katsuhiro Miyazaki. Shoji Kitamura, ; [ Ken-ichi Kajiwar,a_, _ ]-i ,- <""'••" \: •••:•'"".." : • . ' '• "•.'•" . • . ••' ' \? Effect of Substrate on Sustained Arc between Electrodes : 2006-b^26 ^236 Kazuhiro Toyoda, LSon Levy Ground-Based Experiment of High-Voltage Electric Breakdown of Spacecraft 2006-b-27 242 Insulator Surface in Ambient Plasma Environment ; Kouji HorikawaMHirokazu^ahara ,, ,.'<••._.• r "• — •;-,_-;•;; ;.::;; ^c^r..:*C "'\"J !y '':'•"••• "•-<-'• •". "2 ':,'. •''••".' '•' Application of NuSPACE to the Spacecraft Environment Analysis 2006-b-28' 250 Masaki Okada, Hideyuki Usui, Yoshiharu Omura, Hiroko Ueda, Takeshi Murata, Tooru Sugiyama Magnetic Field Configuration Effects on Thrust Performance of Miniature * 2006-b-30 254 Microwave Discharge Ion Engine Takayuki Chikaoka, ShinyaKondo, Naoji:Yamamoto, Hideki Nakashima Yoshivuki Takao • ' "i. > Performance Improvement of the Microwave Discharge Ion Thruster (1 20 2006-b-32 ;y; Tatsuya Naka, Kazutaka Nishiyama, Hitoshi Kuninaka Experimental Demonstration of Microwave Discharge Ion Engineiwithi :•:.!•:. .-2006Lbi33'q '• -' M265 10,000sec Isp Hiroshi Hayashi, Hitoshi Kuninaka, Mengu Cho Development Status of High PowerXenon Hall Thruster of MELCO '• • 2006-b-34 270 Toshiyuki Ozaki, Yasutaka Inanaga, Takafumi Nakagawa; YukikazuKasai, Katsuaki Matsui Influence of Magnetic Field Topography and Discharge Channel Structure on 2006-b-36 276 Perormance "ofan Anode-Layer Hall Thruster" " ' - ; Seiro Yuge, Hirokazu Tahara The Fluctuation of Electron Density Distribution Inside a Hollow Anode in an 2006-b-37 282 Anode Layer Hall Thruster . J: !,.<•• ; :;r Shigeru Yokota, Kimiya Komurasaki, Yoshihiro Arakawa^ - ' . j- Performance Characterization for Various Electrode Geometries in an 2006-b-39 288 'Magneto-Plasma-Dynamic Thruster':'! - ~ • ' ' Daisuke Nakata, Kyoichiro Toki, Ikkoh Funaki, Yukio Shimizu, Hitoshi Kuninaka, Yoshihiro Arakawa Magnetic Nozzle Acceleration in a Fast-flbwihgPlasma for the VASIMR ; ;: 2006-b-42 292 Thruster Akira Ando, M. Shibata, Y. Kasashima, K. Hattori, M. Inutake Study of Electrodeless Plasma Production and Electromagnetic Acceleration: 2006-b-45 298 Kyoichiro Toki, Shunjiro Shinohara, Takao Tanikawa, Tohru Hada, Ikkoh Funaki, Konstantin Shamrai, Takashi Hashimoto, Kenji Makita, Yasushi Ikeda' •;''-••• •>' "—'• •!•-'' ''- MHD Analysis-of Magnetosphere around Magneto Plasma Sail "'• '• '••• "><'- ''"•'!••' 2006-b-47'- 304 v • „..!.-;.. .,. * - ' ... Hiroyuki Nishida, Hiroyuki OGAWA, Ikkoh Funaki, Yoshifumi Inatani - * ' ' '' ~>' ''•• <"'•'•'•• ) e.,t, - •• i. •'• '• •••- Numerical Simulation of Magneto

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