SUN!-j S p K | N' jl- U K 1 r AREA ROLLING BACK AT YOUR SPORTS & WANT ADS HERS TO 0BI ES TV RECORD E EDITOR INSIDE FORCOMPIETE CABlF1 CHANNEL LISTINGS SERVICE OUTDOORS & NOTICES SEE PAGE 2 W mm* SEE PAGE 16 SEE PAGES 11 I 12 SEE PAGE 17 COLQMA HARTFORD WATERVLIET 25c THE TRI-CITY RECORD Vol. 104 - NO. 18 RED ARROW EDITION OF THE WATERVLIET RECORD May 4,1988 Watervliet Police Chief iayed off: to be replaced by part-time Chief By Karl Bayer J*.. k The Watervliet City Commis- full-time Police Chief effective the safety committee would sion voted Tuesday night to July 1; the second, by Commis- advertise for the part-time posi- abolish Its full-time Police Chief sioner Ed Campbell, to layoff tion and conduct Interviews. MISS COLOMA Kristlna Nord M'BS W^ERVL'ET Tracy Clay | HARTFORD Wendy Phillips position and to immediately Day Immediately with full pay Mayor Robert Flaherty said will escort the Key to the City M SS wUI host th» tour through w,|| |ead th, tour through layoff Police Chief Danny Day. and benefits to allow him to find Assistant Chief Bart Rose would tour through Coloma at 9 A.M. Watervllet at 9:40 A.M. Hartlord at 11 A.M. The Commission took the ac- employment. act as interim part-time chief un- tion during a closed session at Safety committee chairman til a permanent replacement is the end of its regular meeting. Danny Gray told the press pre- found. Weeklong calendar of events The Commission voted unani- sent the action was taken Commissioner Campbell said mously on two motions: the because the Commission felt the action taken by the Commls- first, by Commissioner Danny the chief position could be filled See CHIEF on page 4 Friday's Key to the City Tours Gray, to abolish the position of by a part-time chief. Gray said highlight area Blossomtime events $315,000 overall; Main St. renovations By Lynn Malnwaring Attlla Trl-Clty beauties will be donations for this special an- After lunch, the Blossomtime visiting their respective nual event. monarchs will return to the $250,000 grant ok'd for Watervliet hometowns Friday, May 7, for Pipkins said all flowers for the Boulevard Hotel, St. Joseph, the annual Key to the Cities program had been donated by where they have been staying all Downtown Development Authority Tour, kicking off Blossomtime Ron-Dot Floral; the convertible week. activities at the local levels. for the day will be provided by Major renovations of Water- engineering consultant and then $20,000 grant application for a The entourage of royalty is Hoekzema Ford; and the YOUTH PARADE IS THURSDAY vliet's business disitrict should to begin the process of finaliz- clean up of the Mill Creek area scheduled to arrive in Coloma at Queens' charms were donated GRAND FLORAL PARADE SAT. be underway by late summer or ing engineering plans and selec- as it borders the business 9 a.m. According to Joyce Tut- by the Hartford Fire Department. Other Blossomtime events early fall due to a $250,000 grant ting bids for the work. He said district. Bayer said he thought ton, coordinator of the event. Miss Hartford and the other happening this week are: engineering specs and bids the Mill Creek project would Miss Coloma, Kristlna Nord, community representatives will The Blossomtime Carnival approved by the state of Mich- igan, Watervliet City Commis- could be let as early as 60 days begin this summer as well, along with other Blossomtime be treated to an 11:20 a.m. lun- will run from noon until 10 p.m. and construction could begin in regardless of the grant applica- queens, will be greeted by the cheon at Hartford's own Van Tuesday through Sunday, May 8, sioners were told Tuesday night. Watervliet Downtown Devel- late summer. tion's fate. He said the DDA Coloma High School Band and Buren Sportsmen's Club after in the parking lot of the former opment Authority Chairman Karl The DDA chairman also told would begin to look at engineer- local school children. viewing congratulatory mes- K-Mart store on Riverview Drive, Bayer told Commissioners DDA Commissioners the DDA was ing plans to make a park area Coloma Mayor Marv Taylor sages displayed by local mer- Benton Harbor. consultant James Hughes of still waiting to hear the fate of a along the creek bank. will present the stately beauty chants. The Blossomtime Fashion with a Key to the City during a Pipkins said businesses Show will be held on Wednes- Hughes & Associates received short ceremony at the High donating to the luncheon are: day at 8 p.m. at the Lake word Friday the grant applica- School. Students representing Van Buren Sportsmen's Club Michigan College Community tion for the downtown Com- Coloma Twp. approves Coloma High School will make Auxiliary; Panel Room Restau- Center, Benton Harbor. munity Development Block presentations to their Queen at rant; Cathy's Kitchen; Gala-T- The Youth Parade is schedul- Grant had been approved by the state Department of Commerce this time. Inn; Old World Gardens Tea ed to begin at 4.30 p.m., Thurs- fire truck purchase, up Charms for the Blossom Room; Keeler Keg an0 Kitchen; day, at the Berrien County, Youth for the full amount applied for. Queens are being provided by Hadley's Restaurant; Mitchell's; Fair Grounds in Berrien Springs. Bayer said the DDA had the Coloma Lions Club, accor- and Harding's Market. See BLOSSOMTIME on page 4 pledged an additional $40,000 to City to ok its share ding to Mrs. Tutton. and $25,000 promised from the Michigan Department of Trans- TTie next stop on Friday's By Lynn Mainwarlng-AttNa agenda is Watervliet. portation for Main Street repav- Mother's Day tetters ing brought the total amount for A unanimous vote by the Col- ed the importance of the pumper According to Watervliet's on pages 6, 7 & 8 oma Township Board accepted purchase at this time. He com- Blossomtime Chairman Nancy the renovations to $315,000. the recommendation of the Col- mented, "If we don't have to Olouhy, the bevy of beauties will Bayer said the renovations in- cluded repaving M-140, sidewalk oma Joint Fire Board to pur- have this thing at such a great gather at Green Acres and head chase a new fire pumper at a expense, we certainly would not for the Watervliet South Elemen- replacements, new street light- ing, curbs and gutters and tree cost of $159,785 during its recommend it! We are at a tary School.. Mrs. Dlouhy said regular meeting. May 2. stage," he continued, "where we local school children have made plantings. Bayer said the next step for According to comments made have to afford it." signs and posters welcoming by Rod Krieger, Township Super- Mestre also pointed out, if the their Queerv the DDA would be to select a construction consultant and an visor, the purchase is con- truck were ordered today, "It The troop will then head for tingent on approval by the Col- would be a year from now before the Watervliet Jr.-Sr. High oma City Commission at its next the pumper could be delivered." School auditorium for a short meeting, Monday, May 9. If ap- The Coloma Fire Department program at 9:40 a.m. Watervliet \ proved, Coloma Township \ ^ i\./ V currently operates with a 1975 Mayor Robert Flaherty will pre- would become responsible for attack pumper, backed up by a sent fracy Clay, Miss Water- % not more then 60 percent of the 1970 model. The 1975 pumper vliet, with the Key to the City. 0 For the fourth year, The Trl-Ctty Record will sponsor Its 'Best total cost of the new pumper. has been unavailable for more The Watervliet Business Mom' contest for Mother's Day, May 6. Coloma City would be responsi- than a month due to major Association will honor her with On that day a mother, grandmother, stepmother or best friend ble for the balance. "mechanical problems. a bouquet of roses. will receive a dozen red roses and more than 30 gifts from area The Coloma Joint Fire Board Mastre said it had become dif- The Watervliet Lions Club will merchants as the 'Best Mom' of 1986. See pages 6, 7 & 6 for a recommended purchasing the ficult and costly to maintain the be donating charms to each complete listing of all the gifts and special Mother's Day offers. diesel-engine pumper truck from current vehicles because "The lovely representative of the Selection of 'Best Mom' is made by the staff of The Tri-City Pierce Manufacturing Inc., of company who made them has neighboring communities. Record based on the contents of a nominating letter submitted Appleton, Wisconsin, who pro- gone out of business, and to The final stop of the morning on behalf of the candidate. vided the lowest bid. replace parts they have to be will be Queen Wendy Phillips' To enter that special lady in your life in the 'Best Mom' com- According to information in a specially manufactured." hometown of Hartford. petition, simply write a letter to the Editor of The Record. In 150 recent report released by the He pointed out that Pierce Mayor William Weeden will words or less, tell why she deserves to win the 'Best Mom' title. Coloma Joint Fire Board, the Manufacturing was an old and present the Key to the City to Sign the letter and give your address and telephone number truck will have a 1,500 gallon per reputable firm, 'having been in the local beauty along with gifts (don't forget Mom's name!).
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