BBH Market Practice Report: Singapore As of April

BBH Market Practice Report: Singapore As of April

CARMIGNAC_UCITS SSI_dated 3rd February 2021 Internal DE Country Sub-custodian Name - Town BIC code Account name Securities acct BP2S Bic Code Cash acct Local code(s) and information Number BNP Paribas Securities Services CHESS Participant ID (PID): 01892 Australia PARBAU2SXXX BP2S Luxembourg / Carmignac Portfolio PARBLU21003 PARBLU21003 220008903 Australia Branch, Sydney Austraclear Code: BPSS20 Austria BNP PARIBAS Securities Services, participation code in Central Securities Depositary (OeKB) : 242200 PARBDEFFXXX BP2S Luxembourg / Carmignac Portfolio PARBLU21003 PARBLU21003 7003938880 Frankfurt 11 digits BIC Code - PARBDEFFXXX is replacing the local code CIKB 10410019 47475N IBAN : FR9441329000010000047475N27 Belgium Counterparties need to mention BIC code PARBFRPPXXX in the agent field. BNP Paribas Securities Services, PARBFRPPXXX BP2S Luxembourg / Carmignac Portfolio PARBLU21003 PARBLU21003 This will replace the local code EGSP 30. Paris RIB: Code Banque/Code Guichet/Num compte/Clé Please inform your counterparties in NBB that the BNP Paribas Securities 41329 00001 0000047475N 27 Services BIC 11 code is PARBFRPPXXX as their counterpart in instructions. BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX EUR/UCITS ASSETS 057583500003 PARBLULLXXX L0203 Standard Chartered Bank Côte Benin SCBLCIABSSU 01 051 006586 00 CSD: 17446 d’Ivoire SA BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX USD/UCITS ASSETS 057583500005 PARBLULLXXX L0206 BANK OF BERMUDA, Bermudes BBDABMHMXXX BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS/UCITS ASSETS 011-143682-531 PARBLULLXXX 010-159267-065 L426E Bermuda BPSS LUX/CLIENTS ASSETS - SI FX USD/UCITS ASSETS 028930000020 PARBLULLXXX CSD ACC: SCBB/C000000020/FC-0 L5349 Botswana Standard Chartered Bk of SCHBBWGXXXX 0105062052700 BOSTWANA BPSS LUX/CLIENTS ASSETS - SI FX EUR/UCITS ASSETS 028930000021 PARBLULLXXX CSD ACC: SCBB/C0000000245739/FC-0 L5350 70001521201398 Bulgaria UniCredit Bulbank, Sofia UNCRBGSF BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS/UCITS ASSETS 80000124005 PARBLULLXXX CSD LEVEL NO: 21147 L3218 IBAN: BG22UNCR70001521201398 BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX EUR/UCITS ASSETS 057583500003 PARBLULLXXX L0203 Standard Chartered Bank Côte Burkina Faso SCBLCIABSSU 01 051 006586 00 CSD: 17446 d’Ivoire SA BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX USD/UCITS ASSETS 057583500005 PARBLULLXXX L0206 BP2S Luxembourg / Carmignac Portfolio 080001470378 PARBLULLXXX L184E Depositary CUID: RBCT Canada RBC Dexia, Toronto ROYCCAT2XXX BPSS LUX/RESTRICTED ASSETS TAXABLE/UCITS ASSETS 080001470519 PARBLULLXXX 095911006303 L433E CARE - CAD cash correspondent is RBC TORONTO - please refer to Sheet 1 BPSS LUX/PHYSICAL ASSETS TAXABLE/UCITS ASSETS 080001470517 PARBLULLXXX L435E Danish CSD is VP Securities. Bic code: VPDKDKKKXXX Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 5295-0017003321 (DKK) Denmark ESSEDKKKXXX BPSS LUX/CARMIGNAC PORTFOLIO 05295208920 PARBLULLXXX Participant account number: 05295 L87H8 (publ)'s branch in Denmark 5295-0017901145 (EUR) Participant Bic: ESSEDKKKXXX Estonia SEB Pank, Tallinn EEUHEE2XXXX BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS/UCITS ASSETS 99102048298 PARBLULLXXX 10000240770229 (EUR) L2936 Nordea Securities Services, Finland NDEAFIHHXXX BP2S Luxembourg / CARMIGNAC PORTFOLIO 02 2000 12264263 4 PARBLULLXXX 20006701048715 L319E Helsinki 47475N IBAN : FR9441329000010000047475N27 BNP PARIBAS Securities Services, Counterparties need to mention BIC code PARBFRPPXXX in the agent field. France PARBFRPPXXX BP2S Luxembourg / Carmignac Portfolio PARBLU21003 PARBLU21003 Paris RIB: This will replace the local code EGSP 30. Code Banque/Code Guichet/Num compte/Clé 41329 00001 0000047475N 27 DAKV: 7259 11 digits BIC Code - PARBDEFFXXX is replacing the local code For ISIN only eligible via CBL, settlement is done via German Clearstream BNP PARIBAS Securities Services 701 393 8880 Germany PARBDEFFXXX BP2S Luxembourg / Carmignac Portfolio PARBLU21003 PARBLU21003 account. Following SSI shall be used: Frankfurt IBAN: DE11 5003 0500 7003 9388 80 Agent: CEDE 67259 Buyer/seller: PARBLULLXXX PSET: CEDELULLXXX GSD ID: 5690030021 Ghana Standard Chartered Bk of Ghana SCBLGHACXXX BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX USD/UCITS ASSETS 056900300021 PARBLULLXXX 0105104270804 L0759 CSD ID: 747373FC BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX EUR/UCITS ASSETS 057583500003 PARBLULLXXX L0203 Standard Chartered Bank Côte Guinea Bissau SCBLCIABSSU 01 051 006586 00 CSD: 17446 d’Ivoire SA BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX USD/UCITS ASSETS 057583500005 PARBLULLXXX L0206 BNP Paribas Securities Services Hong Kong PARBHKHHXXX Please refer to the segregated tab for Hong Kong_Stock Connect. Hong Kong CSD code : 0475 BNP Paribas Securities Services Hungary PARBHUHXXXX BP2S Luxembourg / Carmignac Portfolio PARBLU21003 PARBLU21003 HU20 1860 0007 0000 0006 0004 9092 Hungary, Budapest only for EUR denominated instructions 11 digits BIC Code - PARBHUHXXXX is replacing the local code ICSD Clearstream, Luxembourg CEDELULLXXX BP2S Luxembourg / CARMIGNAC PORTFOLIO 20419 PARBLULLXXX 87439 L0799 Euroclear , Brussels ICSD MGTCBEBEXXX BP2S Luxembourg / CARMIGNAC PORTFOLIO COLLATERAL 46998 PARBLULLXXX 12796 L1746 for Collateral only Euroclear , Brussels ICSD MGTCBEBEXXX BP2S Luxembourg / Carmignac Portfolio 45560 PARBLULLXXX 12796 L1739 for Russian bonds ONLY 1/38 CARMIGNAC_UCITS SSI_dated 3rd February 2021 Internal DE Country Sub-custodian Name - Town BIC code Account name Securities acct BP2S Bic Code Cash acct Local code(s) and information Number BNP PARIBAS Securities Services, 800733700 CED 515 Italy PARBITMMXXX BP2S Luxembourg / CARMIGNAC PORTFOLIO 733736 PARBLULLXXX L1250 Milan IBAN: IT04 R034 7901 6000 0080 0733 800 ABI 63479 BNP PARIBAS Securities Services, 800733700 CED 515 Italy PARBITMMXXX BP2S Luxembourg / Carmignac Portfolio PARBLU21003 PARBLU21003 Milan IBAN: IT04 R034 7901 6000 0080 0733 800 ABI 63479 BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX EUR/UCITS ASSETS 057583500003 PARBLULLXXX L0203 Standard Chartered Bank Côte Ivory Coast SCBLCIABSSU 01 051 006586 00 CSD: 17446 d’Ivoire SA BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX USD/UCITS ASSETS 057583500005 PARBLULLXXX L0206 BP2S Luxembourg / JASDEC / CARMIGNAC PORTFOLIO 009-001058-336 PARBLULLXXX L2363 Japan HSBC, Tokyo HSBCJPJTXXX 009-030081-026 JSBC JAPAN/CARMIGNAC PORTFOLIO/B-E/JGB/NON 009-034661-319 PARBLULLXXX L2281 TAXABLE Kenya Standard Chartered Bk of Kenya SCBLKENXXXX BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX USD/UCITS ASSETS KE002658 PARBLULLXXX 0105113617404 CSD ACCOUNT: SCBC/C/0000020544562/FC L0012 LV73UNLA0022002075319 (EUR) Latvia SEB Banka, Kekavas nov UNLALV2XXXX BPSS LUX/ACCT CLIENT ASSETS /UCITS ASSETS B3538307 PARBLULLXXX L2908 LV62UNLA0022000161319 (LVL) LT06 7044 0600 0765 8625 (EUR) Lithuania SEB Bankas, Vilnius CBVILT2XXXX BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS/UCITS ASSETS LU-PARB-CA0007-C PARBLULLXXX L2725 LT06 7044 0600 0765 8625 (LTL) BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX EUR/UCITS ASSETS 057583500003 PARBLULLXXX L0203 Standard Chartered Bank Côte Mali SCBLCIABSSU 01 051 006586 00 CSD: 17446 d’Ivoire SA BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX USD/UCITS ASSETS 057583500005 PARBLULLXXX L0206 Clearstream, Luxembourg (Eligible securities are limited Clearstream accepts only FOP (Free of pamynent) Malta to:Gov.Bonds CEDELULLXXX BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS/UCITS ASSETS 21062 PARBLULLXXX 87439 L6521 Instructions. Treasury Bills,Domestic corporate Bonds Ordinary shares) Indeval Codes: Equities: 020618499 Mexico Banco Nacional de Mexico CITIUS33MER BPSS LUX/OMNIBUS/CLT ASSETS/UCITS 230282 PARBLULLXXX 233244007 L425E CPO Equities: 020618498 Fixed Income: 020618425 Banque Marocaine pour le Morroco BMCIMAMC BPSS LUX/ACC CLIENT ASSETS/UCITS ASSETS 0100171000427050 PARBLULLXXX 0100171000404055 L1379 Commerce et l’Insdustrie BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX USD/UCITS ASSETS BNPUU PARBLULLXXX L5327 Namibia Standard Bank of Namibia SBNMNANXXXX 0111141147300 BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX/EUR/UCITS ASSETS BNPEU PARBLULLXXX L5328 47475N IBAN : FR9441329000010000047475N27 Netherlands BNP Paribas Securities Services, Counterparties need to mention BIC code PARBFRPPXXX in the agent field. PARBFRPPXXX BP2S Luxembourg / Carmignac Portfolio PARBLU21003 PARBLU21003 Paris RIB: This will replace the local code EGSP 30. Code Banque/Code Guichet/Num compte/Clé 41329 00001 0000047475N 27 BNP Paribas Securities Services New Zealand PARBAU2SXXX BP2S Luxembourg / Carmignac Portfolio PARBLU21003 PARBLU21003 220008920(NZD) Australia Branch, Sydney BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX EUR/UCITS ASSETS 057583500003 PARBLULLXXX L0203 Standard Chartered Bank Côte Niger SCBLCIABSSU 01 051 006586 00 CSD: 17446 d’Ivoire SA BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX USD/UCITS ASSETS 057583500005 PARBLULLXXX L0206 Norway Nordea Bank, Oslo NDEANOKKXXX BP2S Luxembourg / CARMIGNAC PORTFOLIO 060040158408 PARBLULLXXX 60060707912 L2669 Philippines Segregated securities and cash accounts have been opened (tab named "ACT PHILIPPINES") due to thirdparty forex. Standard Chartered Bank, SCBLPHMMXXX BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS/UCITS ASSETS 134043100040 PARBLULLXXX 26002514079 L391J But, the change from omnibus to Philippines segregated account is not yet effective. The activity has not been put in place. Therefore, please continue to use the omnibus SSI. BNP PARIBAS Securities Services, Poland PARBPLPXXXX BP2S Luxembourg / Carmignac Portfolio PARBLU21003 PARBLU21003 IBAN: PL32 2430 0007 0000 0000 8000 4588 Warsaw 47475N IBAN : FR9441329000010000047475N27 Portugal BNP Paribas Securities Services, PARBFRPPXXX BP2S Luxembourg / Carmignac Portfolio PARBLU21003 PARBLU21003 Paris RIB: Code Banque/Code Guichet/Num compte/Clé 41329 00001 0000047475N 27 BPSS LUX/CLIENT ASSETS - SI FX EUR/UCITS ASSETS 057583500003 PARBLULLXXX L0203 Standard Chartered Bank Côte

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