POPULAR WIRELESS WEEKLY, June 2nd, 1923. REGISTERED AL THE G.P.O. AS A NEWSPAPER. CONSTRUCTION & CALIBRATION OF GRID LEAKS. PopularWireless No. 53.Vol. III. SCIENTIFIC ADVISER: SIR OLIVER LODCE, F.R.S., D.Sc. June 2nd, 1923. LORD GAINFORD, CHAIR- MAN OF THE B.B.C., WITH HIS CABINET SET. FEATURESIN THIS ISSUE. Tackling the Dead -End Problem. Easily Made Boxes for Panel Mounting. A Crystal Adapter. An Improvised Winder. Some More Practical Ideas. Timed Spark for C.W. Transmission. And interesting articles by Sir Oliver Lodge, F.R.S., D.Sc., Dr. N. W. McLachlan, M.I.E.E., and P. J. Risdon, F.R.S.A. POPULAR WIRELESS WEEKLY. June 2nd, 1023. The" BROWN "- LOUD SPEAKERS EDISWAN with new improved Curved Horns THE requisites of a Loud Speaker are pure tone, clear articulation, and good volume of sound. The VALVES BROWN Loud Speaker possesses all these qualities in a marked degree. Type H. 2 has been designed to meet home requirements, both as to volume of sound and price. PRICES H. 2 (Small). Low Resistance. H.2 120 ohms, height 12 in. £3 0 0 (small H. I (Large), Low Resistance. 120 size). ohms, height 21 in. £6 5 0 Height1-ligh Reitstauces for either size, 2:6 to 5, -extra, 12 in. THE BROWN MICROPHONE Noiseless AMPLIFIER. This amplifier gives a magnification macS greater than that obtained from a two -valve amplithr Prices Illustrated Catalogue of Head- Low Resistance (tze ohms input)£6 0 0 Sensitive phones,Loud Speakers and High Resistance (z,ono ohms input) £6 2 6 Amplifiers, post free. Obtainable from All Wireless Dealers. Sole Manufacturers : Robust S. G. BROWN, Ltd., There is no better valve for wireless work than London Showrooms (Retail only): the Ediswan Type A.R.Itissilent working, 19, NIORTIMER STREET, LONDON, W.1. sensitive,andessentiallystrong. Itgives Head Office and Works (Trade Only), Victoria Road, North Acton, W.3. high amplification, is verycompact, and extremely economical incurrent consumption. This Valve-made by the makers of the world- R 1 famous Ediswan Electric Lamps-has been specially designed for operation on low plate voltages and HULLO !!! C.Q. WILL DAY CALLING 1 isparticularly recommended for amateur work. TO ANNOUNCE SOME RARE BARGAINS I READY FOR THE OPERA BROADCASTING We have had very considerableexperience inthe it development and manufacture of the Thernzionic Valve. BIJOU CRYSTAL RECEIVING SET in The first experiments in connection with the investigation imitation Morocco, wave -length 600 of the" Edzson Effect," on which the working of a valve : metres, stamped B.B.C.Price, inc:ud- depends, were carried out at our Ponders End Works ing fee .. .. .. .. ..20;- each : by Prof. J. A. Fleming, who was then in our employ A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE PAIR OF HEADPHONES, stamped B.B.C... 20'- par pair 100 feet 7, 25 Stranded Copper Aerial Wire 1 / 1 0 per coil PRICE 15s. HAVING PURCHASED THE WHOLE OF A MANU- DESCRIPTIVE LEAFLETS FREE ON REQUEST. FACTURER'S STOCK OF GUARANTEED 7,22 HARD Also manufacturers of complete Receiving Sets, Accessories, DRAWN AERIAL WIRE IN 100 FT. HANKS, WE ARE . and H.T. and L.T. Batteries. ABLE TO OFFER THIS AT THE LOW PRICE OF Ask your usual Dealer, and if unable to supply send us 2 2 PER HANK OR 2. FOR 50 HANKS AND UP. a post card with his name and address. Sheet Ebonite, Grade A, cut to any size THE Every requisite in Stock for Wireless TRADE SUPPLIED. These are only a few of our bargains.Do not fail to send EDISON SWAN ELECTRIC for our Price List gluing the lowest prices for the best CO , LTD., quality goods.Postage on all goods extra. Contractors to H.M. Admiralty, War Office, Royal Air Force Write for our new Catalozue,now ready. 123/5, Queen Victoria St., E.C.4, Do not fail to try the NEW "DAYZITE," Regd. The super marvel Crystal with Silver Detector Point at and 71, Victoria Street, S. W.1 2,6 each, or mounted in Brass cup, 2;10, Postage 3d. extra. WORKS: PONDERS END, MIDDLESEX. Branches in all Principal towns WILL DAY, .LTD., 1 9, Lisle St.,Leicester Sq., London,W.C.2 ELECTRIC COLIDMIIIIIIIk 'Phone: Regent 1577. Telegrams : Titles, Westrand, London. - -. ..noW-614 Popular Wireless Weekly, June 2nd, 1923 SI 7 POPULAR WIRELESS June 2nd, 1923. SCIENTIFIC ADVISER, SIR OLIVER LODGE, F.R.S.,D.Sc. [Every Friday. TOPICAL NOTES AND NEWS. The " Rev." Uncle. microphone of the new studio." I want Hungry Uncles. ACCORDING to a notice in. a daily to come again," he remarked, " and to say TBELIEVE the " uncles" enjoy them- paper Uncle Rex has taken " Holy more to the listeners -in ;you have to get 'selves as much as the kiddies when Orders," and should now bead- used to it." children's story -time arrives.The other dressed as the Rev. Rex Palmer. Un- day Icaught Uncle" Cactus "busily doubtedly we must expect a new class of OUR COMPANION PAPER engaged with some cream buns while Uncle Sunday concert. " WIRELESS REVIEW AND SCIENCE Jeff was in the studio telling the tales. * WEEKLY " (3c1. fromall bookstalls and newsagents), is proving to be more greatly Not True. in demand thanwas anticipated, and Tea or Tales ? SPEAKING to Mr. Palmer-I mean the to prevent disappointment, copies should be ordered in advance.No. 2, out on Tuesday, UNCLE JEFF was not going to be left " Rev." Uncle-about this, he indig- June 5th,will contain, among many other out of it for long, however, and he nantly denied that he had taken such interesting features, articles by Dr. Lee de Forest, Sir William Noble, Sir Oliver Lodge, soon called out for ,Uncle " Cactus." a step, and pointed out that the " x " in F.R.S., and many other well-known scientists. The remainder of the children's hour was Rex had been misprinted as a " v." ORDER YOUR COPYNOW! spent in a competition between the uncles! as to who should tell the tale, and who Uncle Arthur Chased. Wireless Racing. should have the tea.After all,I don't IWAS surprised the other afternoon to see FURTHER attempts at joekeyless horse - think we can blame them, for they both Uncle Arthur rushing breathlessly past racing are being made in France.The work very hard all day, to say nothing of, thestudio lookingveryperturbed. horses are to be fitted with small frame the evening. "What's the matter?" * * I asked." There's a NovelDemonstration man after me," he Van. said, and pushed me TT is difficult to give into the studio. 1 demonstrations * * in r3mote country Ill -health . Due to villages, but Messrs. Broadcasting. WirelessService, SAFELY inside, this by rigging up a uncleunfolded special van.It con- his tale of a man sists -ofatouring who had chased him motor -car, the body that morning, and of which has been how a policeman had camouflaged to look to be called to take like a small country him away."The cottage.A short yet man's possessed with efficientaerialhas the idea that I am the been erected on the cause of the wireless roof, and the interior waves interfering isequipped with a with his health. I only Gecophone two -valve got in by the skin of receiving set and loud my teeth - through speakerequipment. the back door." Some very successful * tours have been made New Uncle. in the country dis- IHEAR that Mr. tricts within 100 miles Page hasbeen of London, arid the promoted to the This studio, that of the London Broadcasting Station, may become the central studio for all the British van has visited several position of " Uncle broadcasting stations, should the " group " system materialise. Note the " blanketing," the microphone, market townsand at 2 L 0.Though his and, on the right, the famous tubular bells. given demonstrations full title has not yet in the market -places. been designated, he often takes the part of aerials and loud speakers in conjunction with announcer. receiving sets on their saddles. Each horse Better Transmission. * * will be " tuned -in " to its own particular T AM told by the B.B.C. that they are Lord Mayor at 2 L 0. wave -length, and it, is hoped will respond to 1experimenting with a view to eliminate THE Lord Mayor appeared to be quite the instructions from its jockey in the the " rushing " noises that are heard at home in front of the microphone grand stand. when a land line is used. when he spoke at 2 L 0 some days * * * * * * ago.He told me that he was the first man Brighter Tennis. A New Code. to speak on the telephone in the days of ACERTAIN lawn tennis clubclaim TAM told of a new alphabet for use in Edison and Bell. better and brighter tennissince a 1wireless telegraphy which will enable * * wireless installation and loud speaker transmissionstotakeplacenearly " Have to Get Used To It." has been installed.The club has prepared twice as quickly as at present.Tests have HE was very pleased withhisfirst an open-air dance ground for the use of been made in America and at the G.P.O., experience of broadcasting and was members during Saturday afternoons, when London,andgoodresultshavebeen proud of the fact that he should be the proposed dance programmes will be obtained. the first Lord Mayor to speak through the broadcast. (Continued on page 578.) 578 Popular Wireless Weekly, June 2nd, 1923. NOTES AND NEWS. Broadcasting and Theatres. mendous welcome among our readers - THE effect of the broadcasting of The Quite a number of bookstalls told me that (Continued from page 577.) Marionette Players, from the Scala they were sold out very quickly and that someeveningsago,was,instan- many people were disappointed.After all, Clear the Ether.
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