Four TORRANCI HERALD N6V. I, 1956 During a five-month tour of White Paint LOS CANCIONEROS PLAN 'SUPPER SING'NOV, 19 ,|f duly, the four vessels, compris­ The White home In Wash­ choral music In the Santa ington hat been painted white Thing!) are back, to narmnl hearsals In the park's club­ Occidental College and has ing Destroyer Division 192, op­ several years of choral direct­ Monica public-schools. He has Raulln L. Walker, radarman| Coast Hwy., Lomita, aboard the erated with the Formosa Pa­ since 1814. on Tuesday evenings at Holly­ house. wood Riviera's El Retire Park Don Bremer li beginning ing to his credit, including also sung with choruses and second class, USN, son of Mr. USS Owen, Is scheduled to re­ trol. church choirs In Glendale and and Mrs. Robert L. Walker and turn (o Long Beach, Nov. 4 Visits were made to Hong Gold Discovery for Los Cancloneros, the area'a his second season »i director vocal ensembles. Kong, Gold was discovered In Aus­ concert choral group, has be­ of the mixed chorus. He re­ Pasadena. He lives in Playa husband of Mrs. Shirlcy M. with a division of four destroy- Formosa, Hawaii and Yo- del Rey and Is a teacher of New Accompanist Walker, all of 1939 Pacific era from the Far East. kosuka and Kobe, Japan. tralia beginning in 1851. gun Us seventh year o( re­ Los Cancloneros welcomes as accompanist this year Ruth Buell, whose home is In tat Angeles. Mrs. Buell began her not too EARLY to SHOP for career in music as accortipa- nlst for her high school' glee clubs. During the, same period she directed youth choirs for her church and accompanied vocal and Instrumental solo­ ists in her home town;'Santa Ana. Coming tw Los Angeles' In. 1943, she extended her work In the field, by holding sev­ eral church organist positions. She is at the present time chapel organist for the.First Presbyterian Church' of Holly­ wood. ' In addition to being a house- Compare, then SAVE wife and mother of three chiU,-1 dren, ' she teaches piano, Now Is th« tiino fo Shop for Christmas Gifts loaches and accompanies sev- the new iral professional singers. Choose from these & many more Now at your Her husband, Bruce Buell, friendly McMahan HEM IN GTON has joined the baritone sec­ Store! Use your credit-Save tion, He is one of the an­ QUIET nouncers on radio station KFAC. Any choral numbers featuring a narrator will 'find WRITER him exercising his talent In that capacity. '•••:• LAYS AWAY Kllburn Leads . $129oo The business and adminis­ ANY ITEM OF YOUR CHOICE trative functions oif Los Cam jloneros this year are-.under UNTIL DECEMBER 18th! the direction of Vie Kllburn, chairman'of the-advisory km. board of the chorus. Kitburn, a,resident of Seaside. Ranches, Is a teacher at Newton School, Torrance. ONLY $1.00 DOWN Other board members'. »r« Ann McLean, secretary; Louise $1.30 A WEEK Kllburn, treasurer; Caroline P o 1 h e m u s, publicity; Neva Boyer, social chairman; Eileen Padelford, librarian;1 Ann Me- Collum, La Voz editor, and Lora Yytle, past chairman. Plans are well under way at the present tlm> for-.toj Cancipneros' seasonal debut, the seventh annual "Sing for Your Supper" to'be held "on acuum Cleaner Sunday evening, NOT. 1.8,. at the Redondb Beach Masonle j Temple. ,._'.'' * Each year the season B«S 2' irons in begun with this event, and to i twitch from chorus members It ranks In Importance with .the annual dry to (team iptfantiy! spring 'concert with "which the season ends. Louise Kllburn STEAM <W $ heads the .supper committee. 5" DRYIROH DOWN FULL $IZE-, SOFT AND FLUFFY Open House A WEEK At Gas Co. CHENILLE SPREADS Set Sunday Famous ARVIN Open bouse for public, in­ spection of the $.16,000,000 Playa del Rey underground IRONING BOARD storage facilities will be held Sunday, Nov. 4, it was an­ nounced yesterday by S. A. Bradfield, manager of, gal transmission for the -Southern California Gas Co. , ; '. The -giant storage project which has been .undergoing an extensive remodeling and'ex­ pansion program for the last 18 months is" now'ready to be reactivated and tied into th» gas company's system. According to Bradfield, th« new facilities will be open to the general public from 12 noon to S p.m. Guided tour*. followed by refreshments will continue throughout the after­ noon. Designed'to meet the In­ creasing demands for gas, the Playa del.Rcy field will serve as a vast supply fejervolr to assure efficient gas service to Southland communities during peak winter days, Bradfield slated. Modernization during the last year and a half on the del Rey project Included re­ conditioning of 29 producing wells, modernizing and beauti­ fying the well sites, and-en­ larging the compressor station, office building, and cooling tower. The Playa del Rey plant li located on Manchester Blvd. at Guiana St.,-just west of Pa­ cific BERTONIGRADUATE OF MARINE SCHOOL Pvt. James R. Bertonl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ber­ tonl of 18715 Crenshaw Blvd., Me MAHAN'S completed recruit training Oct. 25 at the Marine Corps Re­ Olv. k«r a'lUnabtf mo4«n 95 Cknt. ONLY Uiu h prwNri-lMM FURNITURE STORES cruit Depot, San Diego. and mint-Ill hi CMOM <qilp»*4 wltk The 12-week course Included MlMIIUnf Iny. instruction in all basic mili­ tary subjects and the firing Of all basic infantry weapons. , Upon completion of train­ ing, the new Marines are as­ CORNER OF SARTORI & EL PRADO DOWNTOWN TORRflNCE FA 8-1252 signed to Camp PcndletoD, Calif., for further Infantry I raining, or to one of the litany » OPEN MONDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 8:30 P.M Marine Corps schools..
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