Index to the TOWNSEND GODSEY ARCHIVES OZARKIANA COLLECTION LYONS MEMORIAL LIBRARY College of the Ozarks Point Lookout, MO 65726 February 2007 Corrected and expanded 21 February 2007 by Grant Bird GODSEY LIST BY SUBJECT SUBJECT SERIES FOLDER FORM TITLE Abandoned Towns GOOZ 0456 O Ghost Towns Abernathy Hall GOSO 0021 P Photos—S of O GOSO 0065 O Godsey Papers—1919 Acadian Life GOOZ 0461 O The Ozark Magazine—A Rare Publication—Forerunner of Acadian Life GOOZ 0462 O Acadian Life Adams, Emmet GOOZ 0536 R Godsey Tapes—Interviews With Ozarks People Adoration Scene, Branson MO GOOZ 0279 P Ozarks—Giant Christmas Card GOOZ 0448 O Branson Adoration Scene GOOZ 1142 O Giant Christmas Card GOOZ 1173 O Adoration Scene & ‟66 parade Aging GOOZ 0673 O Creativity in Aging Agriculture GOSO 0129 O Agribusiness Airlines GOOZ 0018 O Ozarks Airline Akers, Don GOPE 0254 O Don Akers Alanso the Brave GOOZ 0005 O Ozark Lore Folklore, Archeological Digs Albee, Edward GOOZ 0557 O Tiny Alice, Edward Albee Albin, Edgar A. GOOZ 0084 O Float on the White River Alcohol GOOZ 0853 O Moonshine Stills Alexander, Ann Van Zant GOSO 0048 O Tape Abstracts Alexander, T. John GOPE 0253 O T. John Alexander Alexander‟s Drug Store GOOZ 0504 P Branson, MO, 1909—Boy Scouts—Alexander‟s Drug Store GOOZ 0122 P Alexander‟s Double-Dip for a Nickel Allen, Chick GOPE 0001 O Chick Allen, Yarb Hunter Alley, Henry GOPE 0252 O Henry Alley Alley Spring GOOZ 0114 O Ozarks National Scenic Riverways Almon, Hannah & Clarence GOOZ 0342 P Almon, Rev. Hannah—Minister, Hollister & Branson Presbyterian Churches Alum Cove, AR GOOZ 0302 P Arkansas Alumni News GOSO 0010 O Ozark Visitor, „55-56; Alumni News, „52-56; Ozark, ‟59 & 85; Table Rock Dam; Alumni Directory American House, Hollister, MO GOOZ 0442 O Hollister, MO Ames, L.D. Mrs. GOOZ 0094 O Play Party Amis, George GOOZ 0034 O Amis on Route 86 GOOZ 0028 P Amis, Mr. & Mrs. George— Old Homestead Restoration On 86 Amory, Cleveland GOOZ 0559 O Amory, Cleveland Amusements & Recreation GOOZ 0261 O Ozarks Taffy Pull, ca. 1954— Presbyterian Church GOOZ 0103 O Debates—Ozarks Style 2 Godsey List by Subject GOOZ 0244 P Ozarks—Folkways—Taffy Pull, ca. 1955, Branson Presbyterian Church Anadarko, OK GOOZ 0206 P Indians Anadarko GOOZ 0207 O Indian City, USA GOOZ 0208 P Indian Village…Anadarko, OK Anchor Travel Village GOOZ 0472 P Assorted Photos—Branson, Hollister, Forsyth, Taney County Anderson, Bill GOOZ 0350 O Anderson, Bloody Bill— Missouri Guerilla Chief Anderson, Clay GOPE 0002 O Anderson, Clay Anderson, Inez B. GOSO 0257 O Inez B. Anderson Anderson, Robert GOPE 0251 O Robert Anderson Angel Crown GOOZ 0262 P Ozarks—Angel Crown Pictures Animals GOOZ 0298 P Arkansas—Hot Springs IQ 200 Antiques GOOZ 0268 O Tools—Antique Apache Indians GOOZ 0229 O Indians—Apache Appalachia GOOZ 0248 O Ozarks—Mountain Life Apple Butter GOOZ 0409 O Rural Life—Apple Butter Days Applehead Dolls GOOZ 0040 O Doll Makers GOOZ 0106 P Apple Doll Maker—Photos GOOZ 0341 P Apple Dolls—Mrs. Bates Apples GOOZ 0020 O Apple Drying GOOZ 0083 O Banta Orchards GOOZ 0194 O Old Mills of the Ozarks Archeology GOOZ 0043 P Pomme de Terre Boney Spring Dig, 1971 GOOZ 0599 O State Highway Maps of Missouri, Article on Archeology GOOZ 0659 O Historic Artifacts Available for Public View GOOZ 0762 O Archeology, Mastodon Dig, Fristoe, MO GOOZ 0763 O Archeology Architecture GOOZ 0666 O Axes Ozark Architecture 3 Godsey List by Subject Arizona Indians GOOZ 0196 P Assorted Photos, Papers Arizona GOOZ 0209 O Map—Arizona and Tour Guide For Indian City GOOZ 0855 O Tombstone, AZ GOOZ 0867 O Arizona Highways, Mar 1972 Arkansas GOOZ 0130 O Old School House at Mtn. Home GOOZ 0283 O Arkansas—Maps, Brochures GOOZ 0284 O Arkansas—Misc. Articles GOOZ 0285 P Arkansas—Assorted Photos GOOZ 0286 P Arkansas—Assorted Photos GOOZ 0287 P Arkansas—Assorted Photos GOOZ 0289 P Chairmaker at Mt Judea GOOZ 0290 O Saunders Museum, Berryville GOOZ 0291 O Bryant Museum GOOZ 0292 O Tonitown (Grapes) GOOZ 0293 O Cane Hill GOOZ 0294 O Holiday Island GOOZ 0295 O Harrison GOOZ 0296 O Buffalo River State Park GOOZ 0297 O Parthenon Academy GOOZ 0298 P Hot Springs IQ 200 GOOZ 0300 O Hot Springs, AR GOOZ 0301 P Hot Springs GOOZ 0302 P Arkansas GOOZ 0303 P Hot Springs, AR GOOZ 0730 O Of Onions and Razorbacks: A Brief History of Arkansas GOOZ 1136 O Hot Springs and Ouichita GOOZ 1183 O University of Arkansas, Fayetteville GOOZ 1184 O Arrow Rock Lyceum, 1965 Arkansas—Description and Travel GOOZ 0010 O Blanchard Spring, AR Folk Center GOOZ 0124 P Bird Motel Arkansas Highway 7 GOOZ 0288 O Jasper Highway 7 (Buffalo River) Arkansas—History GOOZ 0037 O Pea Ridge Arkansas Traveler (Painting) GOOZ 0005 O Ozark Lore GOOZ 0041 P Arkansas Traveler Pictures Armour, Richard GOOZ 0558 O Armour, Richard: Humor A Mercifully Brief History of Medicine 4 Godsey List by Subject Arms and Armor GOOZ 1135 O Medieval Weapon Maker Armstrong, Joe GOOZ 0271 O Blacks in the Ozarks Armstrong, O.K. GOPE 0003 O Armstrong, O.K. GOOZ 0547 O Armstrong, Orland Kay Arney, Nelson D. GOPE 0250 O Nelson D. Arney Arrowheads GOOZ 0234 P Indians—Cherokee Turkey Caller—Woodland Trencher— Arrowheads Art, Clip GOOZ 0323 O Dover Pictorial Archives Catalog Art—Exhibitions GOSO 0271 O Art Show of the Ozarks, 1973 GOSO 0272 O Art Show of the Ozarks, 1972 GOSO 0289 O Festival of the Arts 1966 St. Louis Symphony GOSO 0297 O Art Show, 1969 GOSO 0298 O Cultural Series, 1967-68 GOSO 0305 O Festival of the Arts, 1965 GOSO 0308 O Festival of the Arts, 1967 GOSO 0331 O Festival of the Arts, 1967 GOSO 0337 O Art Show of the Ozarks, 1968 GOSO 0338 O Art Show of the Ozarks, 1970 GOSO 0339 O Art Show of the Ozarks, 1974 GOSO 0340 O Art Show of the Ozarks, 1975 GOSO 0341 O Art Show of the Ozarks, 1976 GOSO 0342 O Art Show of the Ozarks, 1978 GOSO 0343 O Art Show of the Ozarks, 1979 GOSO 0344 O Art Show of the Ozarks, 1964 GOSO 0345 O Art Show of the Ozarks, 1968 GOSO 0346 O Art Show of the Ozarks, 1969 Art, Graphic GOOZ 0323 O Dover Pictorial Archives Catalog Artisans GOOZ 0079 P Silver Dollar City and Daisy Cook Ozark Fantasy GOOZ 0135 P War Eagle Crafts Seminar 1975 GOOZ 0178 P Ozarks Craftsmen GOOZ 0180 P Ozarks Craftsmen—Peter Engler GOOZ 0181 P Mr. Cobb—Wood Carver GOOZ 0227 O Navajo Arts and Crafts GOOZ 0454 O Craftsmen 5 Godsey List by Subject Artists GOOZ 0027 O Roscoe Misselhorn‟s Sketches GOOZ 0104 O Ozarks Artist—William B. Shoemaker GOOZ 0167 P Lennis Leonard Broadfoot— Ozark Artist GOOZ 0337 O Fowler, Allen Artist—Ozarks GOOZ 0403 O Remington GOOZ 0781 O Currier and Ives GOOZ 1149 O Missouri Artist Uses Mosaics From Postage Stamps to Make Unique Bird Miniatures Asbury, Herbert GOOZ 0931 O Herbert Asbury Ash Grove, MO GOOZ 0132 O Daniel and Nathan Boone Home GOOZ 0475 O Ash Grove Train Museum Ashley, Laura GOOZ 0585 O Ashley, Laura Ashley, William H GOOZ 0321 O William Ashley—Fur Trade Asslyn, Lynn GOOZ 0536 R Godsey Tapes—Interviews Assumption Abbey GOOZ 0038 O Assumption Abbey—Ava, MO Astronomy GOOZ 0451 O Astronomy—Symbols of the Sun Auctions GOOZ 0339 O Country Auctions GOOZ 1123 O Streeter Auction; Claremore People and Places Ault, Mr. & Mrs. James C. GOOZ 0185 O Ozarks, Cassville and Dexter Railroad Austin, Kenneth GOPE 0249 O Kenneth Austin Austin, Moses GOOZ 0344 O Moses Austin Authors GOOZ 0333 O Viola Hartman—Hollister Historian and Author GOOZ 0348 O Eugene Field Ayres, Artie GOOZ 0307 B Yocum Dollar Bailey (Henry T.) Science Bldg GOSO 0040 P Ozark Oracle—Photos Baker Hospital GOOZ 0539 O Assorted Subjects Baker Medicines GOOZ 0539 O Assorted Subjects 6 Godsey List by Subject Baker, Russell GOOZ 0550 O Russell Baker Clippings Bald Knobbers GOOZ 0009 P Ozarks, Taney County, Forsyth, Misc. Talk of Taney County GOOZ 0133 P Rogers, Herbert Newton GOOZ 1105 O The Bald Knobbers GOOZ 1110 O Fate of Captain Kinney GOOZ 1148 O Bald Knobbers GOOZ 1167 O Bald Knobbers Baldwin, Kenneth GOPE 0248 O Kenneth Baldwin Banks & Banking GOOZ 0101 O Gainesville GOOZ 1099 P Dead Bank Robbers GOOZ 1101 O Bolivar Bank Robber Banks, Durella GOPE 0247 O Durella Banks Banta, Ralph L. GOPE 0004 O Banta, Ralph L. Banta‟s Apple Orchard GOOZ 0083 O Banta Orchard Baptist Convention GOOZ 0472 P Assorted Photos—Branson, Hollister, Forsyth, Taney County Baptists GOOZ 0775 O Baptists: Who They Are and What They Believe Baptizing GOOZ 0105 P Baptizing in River Bare Foot School GOOZ 0514 P Bare Foot School Barker, Dave GOSO 0021 P Photos—S of O GOOZ 1087 O Landscaping—Dave Barker Barnes, Charley GOOZ 0184 O John Boats Barns GOOZ 0973 P Barns Barrow, Clyde GOOZ 0909 O Bonnie Parker & Clyde Barrow Barry, Fay Thomas GOSO 0048 O Tape Abstracts Bartholdi, Auguste GOPE 0005 O Bartholdi, Auguste Barton, Ben GOPE 0006 P Barton, Ben & Pauline (Layton) Barton, Pauline GOPE 0006 P Barton, Ben & Pauline (Layton) 7 Godsey List by Subject Basin Park Hotel GOOZ 1138 O Basin Park Hotel Basketwork GOOZ 0216 O Indians Bass, Jo Ann GOPE 0245 O Jo Ann Bass Bates, Mrs. GOOZ 0341 P Apple Dolls Battle of Springfield GOOZ 0047 O Civil War—Battle of Springfield Bauer, Roberta (Berdie) GOPE 0244 O Roberta (Berdie) Lynn Bauer Beacon Hill Theatre GOSO 0026 O Speech & Drama—Beacon Hill Theatre GOSO 0268 O Beacon Hill 65‟-68‟Playbills Beane, Walter GOPE 0243 O Walter Richard Beane Bears GOOZ 0572 O Bears GOOZ 0887 O Bears Beattie, AR GOSO 0055 O Godsey Papers—1907 GOSO 0021 P Photos—S of O GOSO 0246 O Beattie, AY Beaver Lake, AR GOOZ 0058 O Arkansas—Beaver Lake GOOZ 0069 O White River Data, Lake Maps Beavers GOOZ 0984 P Beavers Becker, Aline GOOZ 0182 O Aline Becker Bed and Breakfasts GOOZ 1117 O,P Bed and Breakfasts in the Ozarks Bedel, Alvin GOPE 0242 O Alvin Bedel Bees GOOZ 0029 P Bees—Ozark Hunt GOOZ 0080 P Bee Hunting GOOZ 0324 P Bee Hunting Behind These Ozark Hills GOOZ 0054 O Behind These Ozark Hills By J.L.
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