----LAURIE~S OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER---­ CH EC K OUT THE LI QlJ I D SHO ULD TOBACCO GIANTS WHY ARE THESE PEOP LE VOLUME 41 · THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 2000 · ISSUE 5 BEATZ PAGE 22 BUTT OUT? PAGE 17 WAIT ING? PAGE 3 Shinerama reaches. record heights Total g_oes beyond all expectations; more i:/on · s con · to me in Cord News Student Activities couldn't say MATTHEW CADE enough about Diniz and her team. In WLU's most successful "The Orientation Committee Shinerama ever; students last and the full-time staff are all just Saturday helped raise over so proud of the strides made this $75,000 in the fight against year by Jess and her team," said Cystic Fibrosis. The total is Bartlett. "We already had an more than $13,000 greater than excellent program and yet it still what the school was able to benefited from the new com­ raise last year, and more than -:,"'1m'ftt-l"iz> an some good direction $1 0,000 greater than the from jess. She blew us away." $65,000 goal set last Spring by More help for Shinerama this Shinerama co-ordinator Jessica year came from students who Diniz. are not in their first year any­ On Saturday alone, students more. Diniz and her committee who were taken to locations made the event a small compe­ around the Kitchener-Waterloo tition between Student Services region collected donations groups and the idea worked. totaling nearly $53,000, Both Bacchus and Foot Patrol approximately $4,000 more were among those groups who than last year. brought in the most money qn According to Diniz, there are Saturday. Even LOCU S and several reasons for this year's Laurier Christian Fellowship increased success. were out shi ning on Saturday. "The program is run so well Perhaps the nicest thing that I knew we couldn't change about the entire event was the too much during the week," she reaction that came from the stu ­ Shinerama volunteers shine like mad as they work t'!_wards a record tota_l ______~_ said. "We knew we had to do dents when the totals w ere collected $1,800 while the free number last year could have exclusively volunteer. more in the summer." announced. tuition raffle brought upwards been counted on one hand and Despite all the help she The biggest change to the Said Bartlett: " Seeing peo­ of $2,500. $1,200 in change who this year totalled 33. received this year, however, summer program came last July ple's faces when it was was even collected from stu- "I don't know how Colleen everyone who worked with Jess when Laurier hosted its first announced was, for me, the key dents on bar nights as they were (Norman, last year's Shinerama over the summer recognized annual Shinerama golf tourna- unloaded from buses at the Aird co-ordinator) could have done how important her contribu­ to understanding Orientation ment at the Conestoga Golf and week. Because at that moment C Cl b Th h d underpass. it without them," said Diniz. tions were to the event and to ountry . ~ · e event oste Other new ideas for this Four positions were filled the week. Michael Bartlett, VP: the focus switched from who won to how we helped people." ~ 8 I dp_articip_ants [ through hiring, Inc u mg un1ver- b t d. h. r' . J 0 sity president T IS yea s com mlttee tau J:s~~ ~h~~: " •This year there are 25,000 students par- 0 ~~~e~;r~~:t~: j ncl uaed 33 members. ~~!re:~ tom,~~~ :; ticiP<!tl~ !l(lrOSS Canada t etics . eter . everyone away. •WttJ ~ ~ cietond bighe$t ffi(.)t:le:y .raiser Baxter. A dmner year's 0-Week included selling "So many people applied in Cana was also held that evening and glow necklaces, polaroid pho- that we couldn't just say no. We together the two events helped tos and ring pops to go along wanted to include as many pea- •WLU {s tbe Highest on a pet capita basis raise approximately $5,000. with the sale of candy neck- pie as possible." Several other fundraisers laces that began last year. The result of this sentiment •Shinerama is hoping to raise $62o,ooo during the week also con- Altogether these sales brought was the first Shinerama general this year across the country tributed to the effort. Barbecues in another few thousand dollars boosters crew, a group of 28 during the week brought in over to help the cause. volunteers that were there to dian university.. i .s./.tudents $3,000 and the annual When asked about the over- help push the awareness of both 12 million dollar. mark Shinerama raffle brought in all success of this year's event, Shinerama and Cystic Fibrosis. approximately $3,000. Pizza Jess was quick to point to her These positions were the only d near~ slices donated by Pizza Pizza committee, a group whose ones during 0-Week that were ··~~11t)M THE FROSH WEEK CONTROVERSY CONTINUES. CAN THERE BE A WINNER OR ARE WE ALL DOOMED TO INFIGHTING? ) 3 NEWS 6 OPINION 10 INTERNATIONAL 14 STUDENT LIFE 18 fEATURE 22 ENTERTAINMENT 26 SPORTS 28 BUSINESS 31 (LASSIFIEDS '<?<?%-$ iSHffi^SSs^^^iSsg^^^^^ si®?^s^^^s %sSEiSSo®^^SSSS?^SS9§'s%'S^?S?ia3 c 85 °° * $%,-»:;??• Tco&s^£^d^^feB,^4 l^^do -'^!^rate? ■ ■ . |||H HHBi I Jjfern# In ' s v^ ' % §$*$ <■*' movoMMw^sm»MMmiMf^Mor W¥MwM&& *?->'> msmM t \ /. V .-111 S ?/C- r ; §p< r ' 112 'X '-'/ r< ' ■ home | news { opinion | jobs | finance] exchange j sports | lifestyle ■ ■ ■MM ■ K®J Y 1 I I 1 1 V £ 1 I^sMHBBBHI ■ fflk<wWm&r I® • •'• -• -A'44" ; :- \'i v-.«-si" > i -i-'AS?«, HB Enter the Opportunity Knocks Instant Win Contest j^H $ » I The more you enter, the better your chances are to win, so goto I B globeandmail.com/campus today for contest details. Knock yourself out! Ip ||pp 1 |||V- J p/>l. |j$ H tillSfll ~-v " -&^^||||||tf|jffijtt|||BMjM||j||M||||H|i|||i|^ 'JHHIBHnHHHBHHIHI^H - -*, ;" V" - ' iTTO*T*L ill^MrTTTytKTn*TijiijfriTf^^^^B NEWS 3 Wait to getinside unheard ofatLaurier First year students Julia summer. Smales, Erryn McWhirter and According to Manzi, the Alison Smith waited a little Bookstore attempted to separate longer than the Bookstore's the cash lineups from those expected average of fifteen to browsing for textbooks. twenty minutes. Previously, the textbook "How long stacks ran were we in there? through the Twenty minutes? centre of the "No, way "This is the store, resulting longer than that. It in the incon- was at least half- first year at venient inter- an-hour." mingling of "Say twenty to Laurier those waiting thirty minutes." in line and That was how we've had those search- CHERRY long they waited ing for their in line to pay for cE]i 11in % books in their books, but hopes of join- they only waited ing the line. CHRISTINE five minutes to get Now, howev- No, it's not the Turret. In fact, it isn't even Wilfs or the Government, Rather, it is the lineup to get in. Still, they were unable to get er, all textbooks are located to into the newly rebuilt and refurbished bookstore on Tuesday afternoon. all of their books. one side with non-course mate- ASAD KIYANI their books. As well, the difference that makes." "I went to Brock twelve years rials occupying the centre of the entrance restriction meant the The difference to students ago," said Moran, "and we had floor. Often used with endearing sar- store as a whole was less con- was fairly large. The inconven- to stand in line then, twelve The Bookstore has also casm, the phrase "We Line Up" gested. ience for students was apparent. years ago." expanded its hours so that it is took on unprecedented levels The wait outside, according Jenn Couse, who had picked "This is the first year at open from 8 am to 8 pm, mean- & books, this week when a line to get into to Purple Gold Co-ordinator out all her never had a Laurier we've had a line and its ing they are open an hour earli- the to for them because the Bookstore was created. Anita Moran, who watched chance pay understandable with the er than in previous years. For the first time, Laurier stu- front door with Manzi, was no of a previous appointment. increased enrollment." As well, all seven of the cash dents were forced to wait not more than ten minutes. Once "I waited for twenty min- In order to accommodate the registers are now equipped to only to pay for their books, but inside, the lineup to pay for utes," said Couse, "and then I increased demand of nearly handle any kind of transaction, also to browse the Bookstore books took approximately fif- was like 'I can't wait any 8,000 students, the Bookstore whether it be credit, debit, and actually find them. teen to twenty minutes to get longer!"' made several changes over the OneCard or cash. While intimidating to look through. at, there was good reason for The main reason for the the lineups and additional wait- delay to pay for books, accord- in period. ing to Manzi, According to was out of the the Bookstore's hands of the Marketing Co- Bookstore. ordinator Kristina "The reason Manzi, the pri- we're "We're getting mary motive doing no response behind the from the change was out it/'said banks," of concern for explained students. Manzi/is Manzi.
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