\ COMBINING The Summit Herald, Summit Record, Summit Press aud Summit News-Guide OFFICIAL Official Newspaper of City and Subscription $2.00 a Year Couuty. Published Thursday A. M. Telephone Summit 6-G300 by The Summit Publishing Co., 357 Springfield Avenue, Entered at tho Mailed in conformity with P. 0. D. Post Office, Summit, N. J., as 2o# Order No. 19C87. BRAID Class Matter. 54th Year. No. 41 FRED L. PALMER, Editor & Publisher THURSDAY. MARCH 25, 1943 J. EDWIN CARTER, Business Mgr. & Publisher 5 CENTS Savings and Loan Co. 41ST ANNIVERSARY Auto Tag Renewals NURSES' AIDES RECEIVE CAPS AT GRADUATION CEREMONY MONDAY | Second Night ClaSS Red Cross Drive Wins Law Suit Show Big Drop Of Nurses' Aides At Half Way Mark; Brought by Realty Co. With fias Cut Graduated Monday Help Badly Needed Judge Cleary of the Circuit Court Dismayed by tiie cut of their "A" Sixteen Hed Cross Nurses' Aides The halfway mark in the IttMl in Elizabeth, recently dismissed an card gasoline rations to l',-2 gallons graduating from the second night Cross War Fund Campaign WHS action by the Riehland Co., Maple a week, hundreds of Summit motor- class conducted at Overlook reached early this week. Campaign street real estate firm, seeking., a ists apparently intend to omit reg- Hospital, weio capped at a cere- officials report $25,892 has been broker's fee from the Summit Fed- istering their machines when the mony held at the Y. M. C. A. officially recorded and deposited. eral Savings & Loan Association new licensing period for 1913 opens on Monday evening and nine- Reports from captains are by nu following a deposit by complainant April 1. j teen Aides, capped on December means complete, nor have all work- in which it was alleged a deposit Prior to the issuance of the new 11; were awarded their certificates. ers reached all the people in the on a property for sale constituted OPA order, the average rate of re- A large group of families and territories assigned to them. Sev- an acceptance. newing auto licenses had been only friends attended the graduation ex- eral large pledges have not yet been The answer to the action of the 40 per cent of normal, a study of ercise at which Dr. Xorman K. Bur- collected and are not. included in Itichlund Co. showed that a deposit the motor .vehicle registry records ritt ami Frederic \V. Willard were the total. for this city indicates. I the principal speakei.s. Mrs. II. .1. \nade the same day by Walter A. But this does not mean that the MeNamara of Murray Hill, had been A number of Summit service sta- I Cabrera played the piano selections. goal is in sight, and now, in tiio accepted. With the acceptance, the tion operators report the same 1 Mrs. Doulgas B. Baker, a member final week of the campaign, resi- savings and loan company paid Mr. comment from their patrons. The of the Nurses' Aides committee, pro- McNamara the regular broker's fee gas salesmen also are disturbed sided and Mrs. Harry X. Card, chair- dents of this vicinity are urgently involved. over their own prospects, saying man of the local chapter of the asked (0 send in their contribu- lio 8 ir tlley have not yet (lone s The court dismissed the action! the new rations will permit hardly American Red Cross, made the wcl-l " ' , "' three miles a day for the average coming address. Dr. Burritt toiu!?,'!d. '! "lcy havc mid". " i;?nlrii)U- of the Kichland Co. on the ground FKANK FINXEY' car. One man said the regulation the graduates that they were pre- f lion, to consider whether they can there was no basis in law for the increase it. March 15, Frank Fluiiejy of ?•> was "merely adding more rope to pared to participate in those time.) action. ~ Because of the pressure of war Woodland avenue, president of the noose around our necks." of emergency when, in Ue absence The IUchland Co. was represent- work, and tho difficulty of trans- Street & Finney, 8SII West llhiu i Those hardest hit are tiie so of trained nurses, they will have| ed by the Summit law firm of portation, collections this yeai havu street, >'cw York City, observed ! called pleasure drivers, but some j the privilege, pleasure and duty to j Williams and Dempsey, Norbert T. been slow, officials say. Men who liis forty-first anniversary In relief is in sight for any such per- perform what Is necessary. j Jiurke, Elizabeth attorney, appear- have offered their services as can- advertising. sons who have been using their A brief message to the graduating; ing for ftie firm in the court pro- N vassers have to contact their ceedings. .cars for "occupational driving." class was given by Louis II. Putnam, j This Includes driving to work, Or on superintendent of Overlook Hos-! prospects on foot, after a day's Judge John L. Hughes, counsel work, and often several calls have for the savings and loan company, legitimate errands in the course of pital. Mr. Willard, a member oil SummitWomenTeach their work. the board at the hospital, stressed to be. made because residents arc- •was represented in the action at out that evening. For the Ham;: the bar by his associate, Albert H. Ration boards have been instruct- the importance of self-reliant com- reason, captains have not been able Bierinan. Aircraft Recognition ed to issue supplementary gas ra- munities, which, he .said, are tho to check easily with their workers. tions to those who can prove the core of our form of government. 1 reduced "A" ration is insufficient Nurses' Aides, Mr, Willard stated, At this point in the campaign tin . To Two Classes Here to take care of occupational driv- are contributing to this ideal by cooperation of the public is needed, Salvage Collection ing. However the requirements are helping when and where they aro both in the amount of the indi- A few of the spotters at the Sum- vidual contributions and. in the col- mit, New Providence Borough and very strict, and are based upon two needed. j major factors, which are: The capping ceremony wa.-i por-j lection of the gift. Do not wait.for Township supported airplane ob- anyone to come to • Hie clooi', but. April 11 To Benefit 1. Proof must be given that there formed by Mrs. Florence Dress'in,!. servation post in New Providence b m K or eI1(1 l t0 Cross Stall.' I Borough have now haen attending IK no "adequate alternative means director • of nursing at. Overlook j / . * ' ^ of transportation" such as a bus, Hospital, and by Mrs. Warren | Assistance ni.,,0office,. 1MmB Springfield Summit Red Cross ' classes for two weeks learning air- avenue. The Salvage, Committee of the craft recognition. Spotters living trolley or train along the routes Gareiss, nurse instructor of Nur.se.->'j'; outlined. ••• " Lindon Studio Aides at Overlook. Those who re- The month of March has been .sol. Defense Council meeting last night In this city are attending classes aside throughout the country as> •decided to hold a citywide collec- Tuesday afternoon and "Wednesday 2. The applicant for supplemen- Mrs. Florence Drcssln, Director of Xursiiijj at Overlook Hospital, is shown capping Miss Alaryon ceived their caps wore: Mrs. Fred- tary gas must prove that he is! IVulsli at the griidiinlinn ceremony for the second nipht class to complete a nine weeks' .Nurses' Aide erick C. Coddington of Murray Hill, lied Crosa month and all other cam- tion Sunday, April 11 for the bene- night at the American Legion paigns for funds are suspended for fit of the Red Cross. More than carrying three other persons in a- training course. .11 iss Kdytlic Lllieliolm of Chat hum and Mrs. Frederick (.'. Dodrtlngton of .Murray Hill Miss Helen Danow of Chatham, Home, corner Broad and Elm (Continued 011 I'ugc !)) eighty trucks will be used for the strees. New Providence spotters share-the-car plan, if his car isj arc awaiting their (urn. .Mrs. IVarren (iareiss, who lias l)een instructing'the Aides, called the roll of lite Miss Monvenna Lapham of Mill-1 sixteen young women who were among the graduates. The exercises were held at the Y. M. (.'. A. collection,' services of which will are attending class Monday night \\y <far!?ftseiiough. j burn. Miss Edythe Lillehohn if,..n ._•• tt he donated'by the city, local truck- Lincoln School. / Meanwhile Summit's State Motor j Chatham, Mrs. Clyde Noll of N^'w (,|KA rfPCkiflftflT Vehicle Agency, 107 Summit ave-; ing firms and merchants. Mrs. Katherine S. Moron«J7 19 -\ Providence, Miss Eleanor Scott of|*™*"* * IVOIUVIll The only salvage not to he <fci- nue, is remaining on a 9 a. m, to C Chatham and Miss Dorothy Demp- New England aveiiue and Mrs. Mil- p. m. schedule to permit any motor-; War Finance Group iected April 11 will be tin cans. dred II. Twbmbly, of 23 Fernwood sey, Miss Cathryn Fearon, Miss Gives $3,000 Attention will,be.given entirely..y, toU. Marie Flemmlng, Miss Gene Horn,! I**-*..-•, to or front work. After April 3, OUR TOWN Announce Chairmen; Miss Phyllis Jordan, Miss Mary 0 XI- officers, are- the instructors. The the usual schedule of 9 a. hi. to I rank was conferred upon them af- J Alice Mennit, Mr.s. Arthur Xevius, To Red Cross ready a number of people hdve ad- p. m. will be resumed. I ter recently completing a course in Miss Dorothy Hidgway, Miss Maryon J. J. Brodbeck, recently elumed vised various members of the j FIRST, ABOUT THE RED CROSS New Headquarters Walsh and Miss Muriel Wright.
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