XA9643052 IAEA-TECDOC-908 Fast reactor fuel failures and steam generator leaks: transient and accident analysis approaches w October 1996 L 0 h U The IAEA does not normally maintain stocks of reports in this series. However, microfiche copies of these reports can be obtained from INIS Clearinghouse International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse 5 P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria Orders should be accompanied by prepayment of Austrian Schillings 100,- in the form of a cheque or in the form of IAEA microfiche service coupons which may be ordered separately from the INIS Clearinghouse. IAEA-TECDOC-908 Fast reactor fuel failures and steam generator leaks: transient and accident analysis approaches w n n\ INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was: Nuclear Power Technology Development Section International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse 5 P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria FAST REACTOR FUEL FAILURES AND STEAM GENERATOR LEAKS: TRANSIENT AND ACCIDENT ANALYSIS APPROACHES IAEA, VIENNA, 1996 IAEA-TECDOC-908 ISSN 1011-4289 © IAEA, 1996 Printed by the IAEA in Austria October 1996 FOREWORD The early development of liquid metal fast reactors (LMFRs) was conducted largely on a national basis. However, because of costs for the advanced LMFR and constrained budgets, international co-operation is becoming more important. The IAEA is promoting such international co-operation. In R&D, such co-operation plays an important role by allowing the pooling of resources and expertise, thus sharing the high costs of development. The overall experience with LMFRs has been good and, in many cases, the reactors have performed remarkably well. The fast reactor nuclear technology is a proven technology which is capable of providing nearly unlimited energy supply from the world's resources of uranium and thorium. It is also capable of converting radioactive waste to more environmentally benign forms. At present, while some countries are reducing LMFR programmes, other countries are planning to embark on their own LMFR development programmes. Under these circumstances, the sharing of scientific and technological information through international exchange is of increasing importance to help countries assimilate LMFR technology. To this end, the IAEA International Working Group on Fast Reactors (IWGFR) has recommended the preparation of an overview of the work on the analyses of LMFR incidents and accidents. The aim of the overview is to analyse the results of experimental and analytical investigations of abnormal (transient) behaviour in the core and heat transport system of LMFRs and to summarize the R&D results. The importance of these topics has been emphasized at many IAEA meetings. This report consists of a survey of activities on transient and accident analysis for the LMFR. It is focused on the following subjects: fuel transient tests and analyses in hypothetical incident/accident situations, sodium-water interactions in steam generators, and sodium fires: tests and analyses. There are also sections dealing with the experimental and analytical studies of: fuel subassembly failures, sodium boiling, molten fuel-coolant interaction, molten material movement and relocation in fuel bundles, heat removal after an accident or incident, sodium-water reaction in steam generator, steam generator protection systems, sodium-water contact in steam generator building, fire-fighting methods and systems to deal with sodium fires. EDITORIAL NOTE In preparing this publication for press, staff of the IAEA have made up the pages from the original manuscripts as submitted by the authors. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the governments of the nominating Member States or of the nominating organizations. Throughout the text names of Member States are retained as they were when the text was compiled. The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA. The authors are responsible for having obtained the necessary permission for the IAEA to reproduce, translate or use material from sources already protected by copyrights. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 7 1. FUEL TRANSIENT TESTS AND ANALYSES 8 1.1. Experimental investigations 8 1.1.1. Local subassembly faults 8 Out-of-pile experiments under single-phase condition n Out-of-pile experiments under boiling condition .... 20 The effect of gaseous fission products release 27 In-pile experiments under single-phase and boiling conditions 31 References 38 1.1.2. Sodium boiling physical phenomena 41 Experimental investigation methods 41 Some results of thermohydraulic studies 47 References 54 1.1.3. Fuel pin and subassembly behaviour during accident conditions 56 References 71 1.1.4. Molten fuel-coolant interaction 74 Out-of-pile experiments 77 In-pile experiments 86 References 88 1.1.5. Post-accident heat removal 90 Out-of-pile researches 91 In-pile experiments 92 References 99 1.2. Analytical studies 101 1.2.1. Methods and codes for thermohydraulic analysis of subassembly behaviour during accident conditions 101 Single-phase condition 101 Boiling condition 104 References 113 1.2.2. Methods and codes for molten fuel-sodium interaction analysis 116 Mathematical simulation of molten fuel-coolant interaction 116 Codes description and calculations results ...'.... 122 References 131 1.2.3. Decay heat removal analysis 133 Critical fluxes 133 Mathematical methods for temperature profile calculation 142 References 147 2. SODIUM-WATER INTERACTIONS IN STEAM GENERATORS, SODIUM FIRES: TESTS AND ANALYSES 149 2.1. Sodium-water interactions in steam generators 149 2.1.1. Sodium-water steam generator design features 149 2.1.2. Physical phenomena of sodium-water reaction 150 2.1.3. Sodium-water reaction within free volumes 155 2.1.4. Small water-into-sodium leaks in steam generator 156 2.1.5. Large water-into-sodium leaks in steam generator 169 2.1.6. Steam generator protective systems 179 References 187 2.2. Sodium-water contact in the steam generator building 191 2.2.1. Transient parameter appreciation methods 191 References 199 2.3. Sodium fires 200 2.3.1. Sodium combustion process features 200 2.3.2. Sodium burning and sodium concrete interaction 201 2.3.3. Analytical methods for sodium combustion process evaluation 205 2.3.4. Sodium fire-fighting methods and systems 209 References 211 2.4. Coolants for fast reactor 213 References 216 CONCLUSIONS 217 CONTRIBUTORS TO DRAFTING AND REVIEW 219 INTRODUCTION The need to increase the safety and efficiency of different types of nuclear power plants (NPPs) has resulted in special attention being given to the analysis of hypothetical accident situations. In this respect, sodium cooled fast reactor plants are not exceptions. For any reactor, accident situations involve a severe imbalance between heat generation and heat removal in single fuel subassembly or in the core as a whole. Accident conditions may result from a number of causes: (1) local cooling reduction resulting from flow blockages in a single fuel subassembly with the possible failure propagation to adjacent fuel subassemblies; (2) loss of flow (scrammed or unscrammed) in the core; (3) transient overpower (scrammed or unscrammed); (4) loss of heat sink, and (5) possible combinations of these events. Accidents can pass through a number of stages which have common physical characteristics. The physical characteristics can include: (a) temperature profile disturbance; (b) sodium boiling; (c) fuel pin or whole subassembly failures; (d) molten fuel-sodium interaction, and (e) degraded core heat removal due to debris. In this review, results of experiments and analytical methods for analysing such processes are presented. In the sodium cooled fast reactor, some incidents result from the fact that sodium reacts with water and air. In this review, experimental data and calculated results of the kinetics and thermodynamics of the sodium-water chemical interaction are presented. An analysis of coolant interactions within free volumes, at small and large water-into-sodium leaks in steam generators is given. An analysis of protection systems for various types of sodium-water steam generators, and a brief review of incident situations in those steam generators is also presented. A concise analysis is given of processes that occur when sodium and water come in contact in the steam generator buildings. This review presents information on the features of sodium burning and on the interaction of sodium with concrete that result from sodium leaks. Information on sodium fire extinguishing methods and systems are also presented as well as an analysis of the process in the fire region. This review does not provide complete coverage of these subjects, but it gives an overview of the current level of understanding processes that occur during an accident or incident in the sodium-cooled fast reactor core and steam generator. This review should be useful to specialists in the field of nuclear power, and, particularly for those concerned with fast reactors. 1. FUEL TRANSIENT TESTS AND ANALYSES 1.1. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS 1.1.1. Local subassembly faults As initial events of single subassembly incidents a set of causes leading to the local disturbance of the design power-coolant flow rate ratio within a subassembly, i.e., the disturbance of the heat release and heat removal balance, can be considered.
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