St. Louise de Marillac Church Serving God’s people in Covina, Glendora, San Dimas and surrounding communities. “Praise the Lord, for his is good; for his mercy endures forever.” Psalm 136:1 Fr. Robert P. Fulton Pastor Fr. Emmanuel Francis Associate Pastor Peter Brause Deacon Alan Holderness Deacon Omar Uriarte Deacon Al Valles Deacon Mass Schedule Monday –Friday 8:30 am Saturday 8:30 am & 4:30 pm Vigil Sunday 6:30 am, 8:00 am 9:30 am, 11:00 am Confession Schedule Wednesday 4:00 pm to 5:15 pm Saturday 2:30 pm to 4 pm Parish Office 626.915.7873 Visit us: 1720 E. Covina Blvd. Covina, CA 91724 www.stlouisedm.org St. Louise de Marillac is a Roman Catholic community called together as family to worship, to minister, and to evangelize. As true disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to renew His love and spirit by sharing our time, talent and treasure. St. Louise de Marillac Mission Statement Page 2 PASTOR’S CORNER Reaching out to the World "For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me. I was ill and you comforted me, in prison and you came to visit me. I assure you, as oen as you did it for the least among you, you did it for me." — Mahew 25:35-40. This is the foundaon of the Catholic Church’s teachings on social jusce. We as Catholics claim an “opon for the poor.” This means we must protect poor and vulnerable people. Poor people have the first claim on limited resources. Currently, poverty-focused internaonal assistance is just over one-half percent (0.6%) of the American federal budget. American Catholics need to be in the forefront of fighng for more financial aid to go to poorer naons. America can make a huge difference in fighng poverty and war throughout the world. Supporng allocaons for internaonal aid in our Federal budget is a way American Catholics can concretely show our commitment to the opon for the poor. The Catholic Church is the first church to be truly global, historically. As such, we are brothers and sisters to fellow Catholics worldwide. Our charity, however, does not lie solely with our Catholic brothers and sisters, but with all men and women throughout the world. Pope Francis has shown us countless mes that we are in solidarity with men and women without regard to faith tradion. His latest encyclical “Fratelli Tu”, explains how we are “brothers all.” He urges us to develop fraternity and social friendship with all people and instuons to usher in a more just and peaceful world. As Catholics, solidarity, stewardship, peace and the common good are the way we achieve making us brothers and sisters, all. Reducing poverty and desperaon contribute to global security and prosperity that benefit all of us. Praccing stewardship requires us to partner more with local civil society and faith-based groups that assist the poor directly and are oen led by trusted leaders in their sociees. In many parts of the developing world, faith-based development instuons offer health care, educaon, and community development, complemenng government services. Religious orders of priests, sisters, and brothers plus groups like Catholic Relief Services (CRS) have been a beacon of Catholic work in developing naons. The poorest countries of the world are oen the most vulnerable to civil violence and war. U.S. internaonal assistance must support peacekeeping missions designed to stop violence where it occurs. When we share our resources with the people of other countries, we demonstrate our opon for the poor. Internaonal migraon is a problem that we need to be aware of. Poverty, war, violence, and famine have created huge numbers of migrants leaving their homes to find safety and shelter. The United States has not shouldered its share of welcoming these migrants to our shores. Europe has welcomed a disproporonal number of migrants into their countries. We want all countries to offer their cizens a dignified and prosperous life. Following the gospel teachings of St. Mahew, we can make that a reality. Pastor ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC CHURCH View this bullen online at www.StLouiseDM.org SPIRITUALITY AND ENRICHMENT Page 3 THIS WEEK’S HIGHLIGHTS Construction Challenges Renovaons inside the church are ongoing and expected to be completed in early summer. Among the work being done is the replacement of flooring, addion of a permanent bapsm font, repair of the exisng pews, and updang the wiring for the public address system. These projects are being accomplished in part due to a “Called to Renew” grant from the Archdiocese to replace flooring in the church. The Called to Renew Campaign is a capital fundraising endeavor designed to help parishes and schools pay for overdue capital maintenance needs. Every parish was asked to conduct a campaign and the proceeds would be shared by the parish and the Archdiocese. St. Louise de Marillac was about halfway through conducng our local campaign when the pandemic shut everything down. Although COVID restricons temporarily ended acve fundraising efforts, the Archdiocese determined that some renewal projects should be accomplished. The first project that was idenfied by the Archdiocese in need of replacement at St. Louise de Marillac was the carpet in the church. Nearly $100,000.00 was granted from the Called to Renew Campaign for this project. Because the flooring in the sanctuary and altar areas were being completely replaced, including the les under the pews that were adhered with a masc containing asbestos, it was determined that this would also be the appropriate me to install a permanent bapsm font. NEXT WEEK: Asbestos abatement and removal and repair of the pews . .and a Supreme Court decision that places pressure to get the work underway! May 2, 2021 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Page 4 ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC HAPPENINGS MOTHER’S DAY NOVENA CARDS MOTHER’S DAY FLOWER SALE Sunday, May 9th, is Mother’s Day. St. Louise de Marillac is The Respect Life Ministry is requesng volunteers to help with honoring Mothers and Mother figures, both living and the Annual Mother’s Day Flower Sale which will take place on deceased, with a “Spiritual Sunday, May 9th. Bouquet” by enrolling mothers in our Novena of Masses. A Volunteers are needed on Saturday, May 8th between 9:00 Novena consists of 9 days of am and 3:00 pm to make flower arrangements and to assist in prayer. other dues such as preparing vases. If you would like to volunteer, please leave your name and phone number at the We have envelopes available in parish office and state that you want to be a Respect Life the Parish Office. Please print Flower Sale Volunteer. names clearly on the envelopes and return by Mother’s Day, The Flower Sale will be at the Mul-Purpose Room Pao. We May 9th to the Parish Office, or ask if you are parked for Mass, that you please exit the parking place in the offertory collecon lot and to park at the basketball courts . with your gi. On Mother’s Day, the envelopes are placed next to the Tabernacle. Your loved ones will be remembered throughout the nine days of the Novena. Please pray for Fr. Soosai Manickham, a former Associate Pastor. CARDINAL MCINTYRE FUND He is having health issues in India. Next weekend, May 1st and 2nd is the collecon for the Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity. In 1948, shortly aer he was appointed Archbishop of Los Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Angeles, Cardinal James Francis McIntyre recognized that certain instuons and agencies were facing hardships Center because of inadequate financing. April 15, 2021 These organizaons were ineligible for funding through public sources such as the Community Chests (predecessor to the Dear Fr. Robert & Parishioners of St. Louise de Marillac, United Way) and included: family welfare; instuons for the aged; health and youth services; adopon agencies, care for Thank you for your generous donaon of $1,000 in honor of Fr. the blind, hard of hearing, mentally retarded and Alan Phillip. Your generous gi supports our Mater Dolorosa handicapped. Also needed were funds for maternity care, Food Ministry program, a ministry that provides quality, emergency relief and expanded social services in distressed nutrious food to seniors, families, and those experiencing neighborhoods. homelessness. Fr. Alan truly believed in the good works of this ministry. The “Fund” provides emergency help to persons who have nowhere else to go. The Fund is not a replacement or Fr. Alan touched many lives and was beloved by all who knew supplement for welfare or other forms of public assistance. It him. He was a blessing to us all and is certainly missed. does not support persons’ living needs on a connuing basis. Rather the Fund acts to solve immediate, pressing problems: Thank you again and may God bless you for your kindness in food and milk for three days, lodging for the night, emergency remembering Alan. medical care, rent to de over a financial crisis or a ulity bill to keep the water or heat turned on for the week. Sincerely in Christ, Your contribuons to the Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity Michael J, Cunningham Fr. Bruno D’Souza make you a sharer in our parishes’ works of mercy, and in their Dr. Michael J. Cunningham OFS Fr. Bruno D’Souza, CP rewards of grace. Retreat Center Director Local Superior ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC CHURCH View this bullen online at www.StLouiseDM.org ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC HAPPENINGS Page 5 ELECTRONIC COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD A new Community Bullen Board has been created to provide another opportunity to connue to serve one another and to stay in touch through God’s love.
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