E356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 21, 2017 NATIONAL ROSIE THE RIVETER IN HONOR OF ALABAMA STATE I honor all of the work Kitty accomplished in DAY: A TRIBUTE TO THE LONG UNIVERSITY’S WAR GARDENS our community and the trail she blazed for the BEACH ROSIE THE RIVETER women inspired by her achievements. PARK HON. MARTHA ROBY f OF ALABAMA PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. ALAN S. LOWENTHAL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, March 21, 2017 HON. LUIS V. GUTIE´RREZ OF CALIFORNIA Mrs. ROBY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor Alabama State University upon its 100 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES year anniversary of planting war gardens to Tuesday, March 21, 2017 Tuesday, March 21, 2017 aid the United States efforts in World War I. Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- Mr. LOWENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, I am a One hundred years ago, students, staff, and avoidably absent in the House chamber for roll proud co-sponsor of House Resolution 162, faculty of the then State Normal School at call votes 173, 174, 175 on Monday, March which will designate March 21, 2017, as Na- Montgomery, subsequently Alabama State 20, 2017. Had I been present, I would have tional Rosie the Riveter Day. This honor has University, assisted and advised residents voted ‘‘Yea’’ on roll call votes 173, 174, and special significance for the City of Long near campus and in the City of Montgomery, 175. Beach, California which I represent. Alabama on how to plant war gardens. Thanks f to these efforts, it was reported that in March Long Beach is one of two locations in the 1918 over 1,400 black homes in Montgomery SPECIAL TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF nation that has a park dedicated to recog- had war gardens. JUDGE BENTLEY KASSAL’S 100TH nizing and preserving the history and legacy of These gardens were important acts of sac- BIRTHDAY the working women, including volunteer rifice and rationing as commercially grown women, of World War II. produce was shipped overseas to feed our HON. JERROLD NADLER The Long Beach Rosie the Riveter Park troops and food-insecure Allies during The OF NEW YORK was dedicated in March 2006. It is a 3.2 acre Great War or World War I. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES park that is just steps away from where tens Next month, the ASU Department of History Tuesday, March 21, 2017 and Political Science and university commu- of thousands of women worked at Douglas Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I hereby con- nity will plant a Memorial WWI War Garden in Aircraft Company during WWII, assembling gratulate Judge Bentley Kassal on the occa- commemoration and in honor of what was the planes and bombers that helped our brave sion of his 100th birthday. Judge Kassal has done on our campus a century ago. service members win the war. It is also lo- dedicated his life to public service, and we are The garden will represent the pride and cated near what was the Long Beach Airfield grateful for his contributions to the people of commitment of ASU’s campus to community (now the Long Beach Municipal Airport), New York. As a member of the New York where during WWII Women Airforce Service and to country. It was originally on March 21, 1918 that Ala- State Assembly from 1957 through 1962, Pilots (WASPs), commanded by 24-year-old bama Governor Charles Anderson declared Judge Kassal represented a significant portion Barbara Erickson, flew the finished warplanes ‘‘Garden Days’’ urging Alabamians to grow of Manhattan’s Upper West Side in the very to military bases around the world. war gardens, and this day on March 21, 2017 same Assembly district that I would later The Long Beach Rosie the Riveter Park I declare ‘‘Garden Days’’ in tribute to what was serve. During his time in Albany, Judge was inspired by former Long Beach City done in the Montgomery community. Kassal, among other accomplishments, au- Councilwoman Gerrie Schipske, author of the Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to honor Ala- thored a bill establishing the New York State book ‘‘Rosie the Riveter in Long Beach,’’ and bama State University for its legacy of civil Council on the Arts—the very first arts council designed by public artist, Terry Braunstein. It duty and service to both community and coun- to operate in the United States. Mr. Kassal was later elected to the New features a rose colored walk-way that winds try. through the park so that visitors can see pho- York City Civil Court in 1969 and then the f New York Supreme Court in 1975. In 1982, tographs depicting the work and efforts of Governor Hugh Carey appointed Judge Kassal these women. Visitors can access a narrated IN RECOGNITION OF KITTY to the Appellate Division of the New York Su- tour via cell phone and hear the song by the JURCIUKONIS preme Court. He continued in that capacity Four Vagabonds—‘‘Rosie the Riveter’’ that until 1993. Following his retirement from the gave these women their collective and affec- HON. PATRICK MEEHAN bench, Judge Kassal has served as counsel at tionate name. OF PENNSYLVANIA Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, and Flom, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At both ends of the park are a ‘‘compass where he continues to provide assistance with rose’’ that have been etched and painted into Tuesday, March 21, 2017 litigation matters. concrete, marking the location of the park. Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Judge Kassal is also a decorated war vet- At the north end of the park are both a mili- honor Kitty Jurciukonis for her achievements eran, and was stationed abroad as an air tary memorial and wall with plaques com- as a volunteer, professional, and elected offi- combat intelligence officer for four years dur- memorating the lives of those who have cial in southeastern Pennsylvania. In recogni- ing World World II. In recognition of his distin- served our country in so many ways and out- tion of these accomplishments, Mrs. guished military service, Judge Kassal has re- lined with a rose garden in the shape of a ‘‘V’’ Jurciukonis was posthumously awarded the ceived the Bronze Star medal and the French for victory. The Long Beach Rosie the Riveter Women of Achievement Award from the Dela- Legion of Honor medal. I am incredibly proud to count Judge Kassal Park displays one of only two bas reliefs ware County Women’s Commission. as one of my constituents. The people of New sculpted by Raymond Kaskey, who designed Kitty worked as a tireless advocate for her York have been the fortunate beneficiaries of the same for the National World War II monu- community, serving as member of the Spring- Judge Kassal’s years of service. I wish him a ment, here in Washington, D.C. field Township Board of Commissioners for nineteen years, two of which were spent as warm congratulations on this special occasion, Last year, C–SPAN, in its ‘‘Cities Tour,’’ fea- President. She was also a leader in the Sub- and thank him for his contributions to our com- tured the Long Beach Rosie the Riveter Park urban West Realtors Association, the Spring- munity. because of its role in honoring the women field School District Home and School Asso- f who contributed on the home front during ciation, and Community Education Council. PERSONAL EXPLANATION WWII. She even volunteered her time and talents to As we celebrate ‘‘National Rosie the Riveter help open the Springfield School District’s Par- HON. LOUISE McINTOSH SLAUGHTER Day,’’ let us continue our efforts to recognize ent Resource Center. OF NEW YORK and preserve the history and legacy of work- The current Springfield Township Commis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing women, including volunteer women during sioner says of Kitty: ‘‘I was humbled and hon- World War II, as a way of promoting coopera- ored to follow in her footsteps. .She worked Tuesday, March 21, 2017 tion and fellowship among all American tirelessly with integrity and enthusiasm for the Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I was un- women and their descendants. Township and the people she served.’’ avoidably detained and missed Roll Call vote VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:48 Mar 22, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K21MR8.003 E21MRPT1 lotter on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 21, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E357 numbers 173, 174, and 175. Had I been I thank the Silhouette Civic and Social Club made to the Modesto Fire Department by present, I would have voted Aye on all of for their efforts to improve our community and Chief Sean Slamon as we wish him continued these measures. have a positive impact on the world through success in his future endeavors. f their generosity. The ‘‘Ladies with the Big f Hearts’’ represent the compassion, selfless- IN RECOGNITION OF STEPHANIE IN RECOGNITION OF JUDGE ness, and community that is indicative of our (SAM) FLEETMAN CHRISTINE FIZZANO CANNON country’s southwest border and the people of El Paso that I have the distinct privilege to HON. PATRICK MEEHAN represent. HON. PATRICK MEEHAN OF PENNSYLVANIA OF PENNSYLVANIA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PERSONAL EXPLANATION Tuesday, March 21, 2017 Tuesday, March 21, 2017 Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. JAMES B. RENACCI Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate Judge Christine Fizzano Cannon congratulate Stephanie (Sam) Fleetman for re- OF OHIO for receiving the Women of Achievement ceiving the Women of Achievement Award IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Award from the Delaware County Women’s from the Delaware County Women’s Commis- Commission.
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