512 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 25 JANUARY, 1955 2. provides that such motor propulsion units for Ministry of Fuel and Power, pedal bicycles as are incomplete or unfinished when Thames House South, tax becomes chargeable on them shall be .treated Millbank, London, S.W.I. as if they were complete and finished. The Order which comes into operation on the 20th January, 1955. 24th January, 1955, has been published as Statutory The Minister of Fuel and Power, in pursuance of Instruments 1955 No. 100, and copies may be pur- the powers conferred upon him by the Electricity Act, chased (price 2d. net) from Her Majesty's Stationery 1947, and the Regulations made thereunder has Office at the following addresses:—York House, appointed R. R. B. Brown, Esq., B.Sc., M.I.E.E., Kingsway, London, W.C.2; 423 Oxford Street, as a member and Chairman and S. M. Rix, Esq., London, W.I ; P.O. Box 569, London, S.E.1; 13a F.C.I.S., F.S.A.A., as a member and Deputy Chair- Castle Street, Edinburgh, 2; 39 King Street, man of the Southern Electricity Board constituted Manchester 2; 2 Edmund Street, Birmingham 3; under the said Act. 109, St. Mary Street, Cardiff; Tower Lane, Bristol, 1; 80 Chichester Street, Belfast; or from any Bookseller. Lieutenancy of the County of Salop. Crown Office, House of Lords, S.W.I. Colonel (Honorary Brigadier) Charles Stafford 21st January, 1955. Price-Davies, C.V.O., M.C., TJD., resigns his Com- MEMBER ELECTED TO SERVE IN THE PRESENT mission as Deputy Lieutenant for the County of PARLIAMENT. Salop, he being no longer resident in the County.— Orpington Constituency. Dated 20th January, 1955. William Donald Massey Sumner, Esquire, in the (024) place of Sir Waldron Smithers, Knight, deceased. Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the Crown Office, House of Lords, S.W.I. County of Monmouth. 15th January, 1955. Stanley Freeguard, Esquire. MEMBER ELECTED TO SERVE IN THE PRESENT Major-General Thomas Wynford Rees, C.B., C.I.E., PARLIAMENT. D.S.O., M.C. to be Deputy Lieutenants.—Dated South Norfolk Constituency. 15th January, 1955. John Edward Bernard Hill, Esquire, in the place (308) of Peter Arthur David Baker, Esquire, M.C., expelled the House of Commons. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND Whitehall, January 25, 1955. CIVIL AVIATION. The QUEEN has been pleased by Letters Patent LONDON TRAFFIC ACT, 1924. under the Great Seal of the Realm, bearing date the 20th instant, to nominate the Reverend Eric Henry LONDON PASSENGER TRANSPORT ACT, 1933. Knell, M.A., to be Bishop Suffragan of Reading in Notice is hereby given that the Minister of the Diocese of Oxford. Transport and Civil Aviation has made " The London Traffic (Surbiton) (Weight Restriction) Regulations, 1955," (S.I. 1955 No. 106) coming into operation on Whitehall, January 25, 1955. the 31st January, 1955, which prohibit the use of The QUEEN has been pleased by Warrant under the Bridge carrying King Charles Road, Surbiton, Her Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, bearing date the by vehicles exceeding six tons, whether laden or 24th instant, to appoint the Reverend Charles Leslie unladen. Barren to the Living of St. Mary Magdalene, Mill- Copies may be obtained from H.M. Stationery field, in the County and Diocese of Durham, vacant Office, York House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, or by the resignation of the Reverend Cecil Brammer through any bookseller, price 2d. Renshaw. Whitehall, January 25, 1955. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND The QUEEN has been pleased by Warrants under CIVIL AVIATION. Her Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, bearing date the 24th instant, to appoint John Harcourt Barrington, LONDON TRAFFIC ACT, 1924. Esq., to be Umpire, and Desmond West Edmund LONDON PASSENGER TRANSPORT ACT, 1933. Neligan, Esq., to be a Deputy Umpire under the National Service Act, 1948. Waiting restrictions—Watford. /Notice is hereby given that the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation has made " The London Whitehall, January 25, 1955. Traffic (Prohibition of Waiting) (Watford) Regula- The QUEEN has been pleased to award The tions, 1955," (S.I. 1955 No. 91), coming into Queen's Police Medal for Gallantry to the late operation on the 29th January, 1955, which prohibit, Corporal 3507 Cheng Kin Cheung of die Hong Kong with certain exceptions, the waiting of vehicles in Police Force. streets or parts of streets in the Borough of Watford. Copies may be obtained from H.M. Stationer? WAGES COUNCILS ACTS, 1945 TO 1948. Office, York House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, or PAPER Box WAGES COUNCIL (GREAT [BRITAIN). through any bookseller, price 3d. The 'Paper (Box Wages Council '(Great Britain) hereby gives notice of its intention to submit to the Minister of Labour and 'National Service proposals' MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES. for the revocation of the Paper Box Wages1 Council (Great Britain) Wages Regulation (Holidays) Order, DESTRUCTIVE INSECTS AND PESTS ACTS, 1877 TO 1927. 1948 (Order B. (42)) as amended 'by the Paper Box Notice is hereby given that the Minister of Wages Council '(Great Britain) Wages' (Regulation Agriculture and Fisheries has made an Order under Order, 1953 (Order fl. (52)) and for the making of a the Destructive Insects and Pests Acts, 1877 to 1927, wages regulation order fixing holidays and holiday entitled the Importation of Plants Order, 1955. The remuneration. Order consolidates with amendments the Importation Particulars of the proposals may be obtained on of Plants Orders, 1947 to 1954, the General Licence application to the Secretary of .the Wages Council at Orders made thereunder and the Importation of Raw the address given below. Cherries Order, 1954, and it prohibits or restricts the The Wages Council will consider 'any written importation into England or Wales (except under representation with respect to the above-mentioned licence) of a revised list of plants and plant products. proposals which may 'be sent to it within fourteen Provision is made for the official inspection of days from 25th January, 1955. Any such representa- imported produce and for the disposal of any found tion' should 'bear 'the writer's address and1 signature to be unhealthy. and be sent to the Secretary, (Paper Box Wages The Order will come into operation on the 1st Council (Great Britain), Bbury Bridge House, Bbury April, 1955, except that certain provisions relating to Bridge Road, London, S.W.I. It is desirable that imports of seeds will not become operative until persons making objections should state the precise 1st July, 1956. nature of their objections. Copies of the Order (S.I. 1955 No. 81) may be F: D. Graver, Secretary. obtained from Her Majesty's Stationery Office or 24th January, 1955. from any bookseller price 6d. net..
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