MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: THE MOVIE REVISIONS BY ARNE OLSEN DIRECTED BY BRYAN SPICER REVISED DRAFT OCTOBER 31 1994 FADE IN: BLACK SCREEN Words SCRAWL UP ON SCREEN and we hear a RESOUNDING VOICE. VOICE In a time of great strife, a legendary interdimensional being known as Zordon, came to the city of Angel Grove to establish a vanguard in the never ending struggle against evil. with the aid of his trusted assistant, Alpha 5, the noble master sought out six extraordinary teenagers and gave them the power to transform into an unstoppable fighting force. In time of great need, the young heroes could now call upon colossal assault vehicles known as "Zords". while the identity of the six remained a guarded secret, their courageous exploits soon became the stuff of Legend, earning them the title... The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. We hear PUMPING ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC as the POWER RANGER'S LOGO BURST'S ONTO THE SCREEN. Now the logo EXPLODES, revealing 1 EXT. PROP PLANE / FLYING - DAY 1 A prop plane whisking across the deep blue sky. ROCKY YeeeoowwWWWWW!!! 2 INT. PROP PLANE / FLYING - DAY 2 The six Power Rangers, TOMMY, KIMBERLY, BILLY, AISHA, ADAM and ROCKY sport sleek sky diving suits, parachute packs and helmets. Tommy is strapped into a high-tech airboard. ROCKY We're OUTTA here!! KIMBERLY Easy, Rock. TOMMY Once we hit the target zone we've got fifteen seconds to make the drop. BULK (0 . S .) Step aside, pinheads. BULK and SKULL push their way through the Rangers, decked in bizarre skydiving regalia, topped off by World War II leather caps and aviator goggles. BULK The Stealth Eagle is about to fly. SKULL Ditto for the Swooping Swallow. The Rangers exchange amused looks. Aisha gestures to them AISHA Lead on, flyboys. Bulk and Skull swagger to the door and open it - the ground is a dizzying distance below. They swallow hard. SKULL Bulk... where'd the earth go? BILLY Five seconds to the target zone! TOMMY Aisha you' re on ! Bulk and Skull step aside, Aisha LAUNCHES herself. The others follow through the opening with flair. ROCKY Stylin! ADAM On your tail! BILLY All systems Tommy and Kimberly share an infectious glance, Kimberly a hand, indicating Tommy should go first. TOMMY Surf's up! He's gone. Kimberly stands backwards in the doorway. KIMBERLY Catch you on the flipside. Bulk and Skull watch wide-eyed as she BACK-FLIPS out of the plane. 3 EXT. SKY - DAY ROCK AND ROLL fills the track as the Rangers plunge towards earth, executing a series of MIND-BOGGLING MANEUVERS: SPINS, FISHTAILS, POWER DIVES, BACK FLIPS, you name it. 4 INT. PROP PLANE - DAY 4 Bulk and Skull psyche themselves up. BULK Be the eagle. Be the eagle. SKULL Be the swallow. Be the swallow... They take deep breaths then CHARGE THE DOOR. BULK AND SKULL Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Naturally, they get STUCK, wedged shoulder to shoulder. THE PILOT glances back, CHUCKLES and BANKS THE PLANE. 5 EXT. PROP PLANE - BARREL-ROLLING - DAY Bulk and Skull rotate into frame. Now, facing straight down -- they FALL INTO CAMERA, CLINGING TO EACH OTHER DESPERATELY BULK AND SKULL YEAAAAAAHHHHHH!! 6 EXT. SKY - DAY The Rangers pull off more SPECTACULAR MANEUVERS then swoop TOGETHER, interlocking hands and forming a PERFECT CIRCLE They look to one another and a moment of pure magic passes between them. It's not usual the exhilaration of flight they're sharing, it s the exhilaration of togetherness, of being part of a team. TOMMY Let's BREAK!! They disperse and yank their rip-cords. The sky BURSTS TO LIFE WITH SIX BLOSSOMING PARACHUTES -- white, pink, blue, yellow , red and black in color. 7 EXT. ANGEL GROVE PARK - DAY 7 FAMILIES eat hot dogs and cotton candy at a huge fundraiser . A large banner proclaims "SAVE THE OBSERVATORY." We see diving teams with labeled uniforms -- the BOWLING TEAM, ANGEL GROVE P.D. and the FIRE DEPARTMENT. There s a large white "BULLSEYE" spray-painted on the grass. The city's spectacular large skyline rises out of the b.g. A SPUNKY MR. KELMAN stands at a podium, speaking into a mic. MR. KELMAN Okay, so the firemen landed four out of six inside the target -- A BOWLER shouts out playfully. BOWLER How `bout a show tune?! Mr. Kelman feigns seriousness. MR. KELMAN Somebody wanna keep chose bowlers in line. A hip thirteen year old, FRED KELMAN, yells out as he points to the sky. FRED Hey dad, get with the program! MR. KELMAN Ladies and gentlemen, it's Angel Grove High ANGEL ON TARGET - AS AISHA touches down flawlessly. MR. KELMAN And that's one! A perfect landing! Aisha clears, then Billy and Adam land toqether. MR. KELMAN Three for three. Look at `em go! Billy and Adam clear and now Rocky and Kimberly come in. MR. KELMAN That's five perfect landings! Now it's all up to Tommy Oliver. Everybody watches with dumbfounded expressions as Tommy SAILS IN ON HIS AIR BOARD AND SLIDES INTO DEAD CENTER. He spreads his arms wide. TOMMY Touch down. The families CHEER and APPLAUD as they surge forward to congratulate the Rangers. Mr. Kelman and Fred approach Tommy - Fred and Tommy exchange stylish hand slaps. FRED Looking good up there. TOMMY Thanks, man. MR. KELMAN Congratulations - the Observatory's got a new lease on life. FRED Awesome! Ryan's Comet is passing over in two days! The other Rangers approach. AISHA Who's up for lunch? ROCKY You read my mind. KIMBERLY Last one to Ernies buys. ADAM Let's roll! 8 EXT. ANGEL GROVE PARK - DAY 8 We hear a VOCIFEROUS SISSING SOUND, but we can't see where it's coming from. - Suddenly the six Rangers come SCREAMING AROUND A CORNER ON STATE-OF-THE-ART ROLLERBLADES. These kids are FLYING!! We hear FULL-THROTTLED MUSIC as the kids WEAVE, DUCK and SWERVE like blading virtuosos. Tommy LEAPS in the air, does a 180 and SKATES BACKWARD. THE HIGH BRANCHES.past a large tree as Bulk and Skull DROP INTO FRAME SKULL Stealth Eagle, huh? The Lame Duck is more like it! 9 EXT. CITY STREET - DAY 9 The Rangers GLIDE around another corner -- there's buildings on one side of them and a construction site on the other. TOMMY Let's take the shortcut! Tommy leads them up a plywood ramp -- they LAUNCH TEN FEET THROUGH THE AIR, PULLING OFF HAIR-RAISING FREE STYLE MOVES THEN MAKE SPECTACULAR LANDINGS on the construction site parking structure. As they shoot across the concrete, the CAMERA PUSHES IN on: 10 EXT. INNER CITY CONSTtZUCTION SITE - DAY 10 ... WORKERS operating heavy machinery -- cranes, bulldozer , etc., Construction Worker jackhammers solid rock. Drill makes a CLANGING SOUND as it HITS METAL! A baffled look comes over him as he stops the jackhammer, brushes away debris.. uncovering an ANCIENT IRON PLATE. He gapes at it, too stunned to speak. 11 EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - SHORT TIME LATER 11 A large hook has been fastened to the iron plate -- a crane ENGINE ROARS as it HOISTS THE PLATE UP, revealing a CAVERNOUS OPENING. TWO MORE CONSTRUCTION WORKERS have joined the first, all of them look on in amazement. CONSTRUCTION WORKER #2 Whadda you figure it is?! CONSTRUCTION WORKER #1 Hey, ya got me. Suddenly a PURPLE STEAM POURS from the opening. And now something really amazing happens. .. A menacing STONE CLAW RISES UP, CRADLING A HUGE STONE CONSTRUCTION WORKER # 1 ... I'll be damned. As though drawn by it's power, he moves to touch it. KZAAAAAAP?!! APURPLE BEAM OF LIGHT BLASTS HIM -- SENDS HIM FLYING TEN FEET THROUGH THE AIR! CONSTRUCTION WORKER #1 AHHHHHHHHH! 11A EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - DAY 11A A T.V. REPORTER is talking into camera. REPORTER We're here at the World Center Construction Site, where a mysterious object was just uncovered in a freak accident in which one workman suffered minor injuries... 12 12 thru OMITTED 13 13 13A INT. ERNIE'S WATERFRONT CAFE - DAY 13A CLOSE ON - T.V. SCREEN We see the reporter then a few cuts of GEOLOGISTS combing the site with scanning equipment and COPS sealing off the area with yellow tape. REPORTER ... Angel Grove Police have cordoned off the area until it can be determined whether or not the unidentified object poses any threat. The injured workman was quoted as saying... PULL BACK TO REVEAL A CAFE. The Rangers are at a table -- Tommy is teaching Fred martial arts moves. TOMMY It's one smooth move and then you've gotta explode off the top. Tommy executes a wicked JUMPING ROUNDHOUSE KICK. Fred is wowed. He drops into position. TOMMY Nice and easy. The jovial proprietor, ERNIE, approaches the Rangers' table with a loaded tray. Fred pulls off a dazzling JUMPING ROUNDHOUSE KICK and almost knocks Ernie's tray over. ERNIE Hey, no Karate on the patio! FRED Actually, Ernie, it's Tae-Kwan Doe. ERNIE Well Tae-Kwan-Do-it some place else. Fred moves off as Ernie serves the desserts. ERNIE So, what're the plans for the weekend? KIMBERLY Aisha and.I are checking out a new dance spot. AISHA I heard that! BILLY I'll be at the Observatory Sunday. ERNIE That's right - Ryan's Comet. ROCKY We should throw a little comet shindig. ADAM Any excuse for a party. Aisha reacts to something off screen. AISHA The Eagle has landed. Bulk and Skull swagger past followed by a GROUP OF KIDS. BULK The earth was hurtling toward us at seven hundred miles per hour, and we knew at that moment that we were facing death straight in the eye.
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