山西 五台山 | 悬空寺 | 云冈石窟 |平遥古城 SHANXI Mount Wutai | Hanging Monastery | Yungang Grot- Toes | Pingyao Ancient City

山西 五台山 | 悬空寺 | 云冈石窟 |平遥古城 SHANXI Mount Wutai | Hanging Monastery | Yungang Grot- Toes | Pingyao Ancient City

CHINA 中国 8天7晚 春秋战国时期的“晋国” 山西 五台山 | 悬空寺 | 云冈石窟 |平遥古城 SHANXI Mount WuTai | Hanging Monastery | Yungang Grot- toes | PingYao Ancient City LIKE us Facebook 山西 山西,简称晋,中国一省,地处黄土高原东翼。山西表里山 河,南临黄河,西邻吕梁山,东靠太行山。因在太行山以 西,故曰山西。省会太原市。省境内春秋时为晋国之地,故 简称晋。 www.top-one.com.my Validity: All Season CODE: 8TYN 8天7晚 山西 第1天 新山/新加坡 - 厦门 - 太原 第5天 平遥(2.5小时)洪洞(1小时)临盼 机上用餐 早餐/午餐/晚餐 欢迎参与第一旅游厦门五台山之旅。于新加坡机场集合后,出发前往 【古城墙、日升昌票号】古城墙、日升昌票号,中国第一家专 厦门。抵达后,由专业导游接机后,入住酒店。 营存款、放款、汇兑业务的私人金融机构,开中国银行业之先河。现 住宿:晋商国际或同级 已辟为“中国票号博物馆”。 第2天 太原(3.5小时)五台山 【明清街】平遥古城南大街,为古城文化遗产的精华之一,能够鲜明 早餐/午餐/晚餐 的折射出古城的文化光彩,是平遥重要的旅游景观。 【五台山】世界文化遗产,世界五大佛教圣地,四大佛教名山之首的 【古大槐树】又称洪洞大槐树,是闻名全国的明代迁民遗址。 山西五台山。其平均海拔在1000米以上,最高点北台叶门峰海拔3058 住宿:宏源国际酒店或同级 米,被称为“华北屋脊”。【菩萨顶】金碧辉煌,绚丽多彩,具有皇 第6天 临盼(2.5小时)壶口(4小时)灵石 宫特色,是五台山最大的喇嘛寺院,也是国务院确定的汉族地区佛教 早餐/午餐/晚餐 全国重点寺院。【显通寺】五台山众多寺庙中最大、最古老的一座。 【尧庙】相处尧建都平阳(今临汾市),有功于民,藐视后人为祭祀 该寺历史悠久,珍贵文物很多,是佛教圣地中的一颗明珠。【塔院 尧王所建。【壶口瀑布】中国第二大瀑布,世界上最大的黄色瀑布。 寺】寺内释迦牟尼舍利塔高耸云霄,是五台山最显赫的标志性建筑, 在水量大的夏季,壶口瀑布气势恢宏;而到了冬季,整个水面全部冰 故俗称大白塔,是佛国五台山的象征。【万佛阁】又名五爷庙,是五 冻,结出罕见的巨大冰瀑。 台山祈愿最灵验、名声显赫的寺庙之一,许多人千里迢迢特地前来祈 住宿:金都花园大饭店或同级 求愿望。 住宿:锦绣山庄或同级 第3天 五台山(4小时)应县(1小时)浑源(1.5小时)大同 早餐/午餐/晚餐 【应县木塔】全名“佛宫寺释迦塔”,是中国现存最高最古老的一座 纯木结构楼阁式建筑,建筑中没有用一根铁钉,是中国古建筑中的瑰 宝,世界木结构建筑的典范。【悬空寺】1400多年历史,被列为全中 国重点文物保护单位的悬空寺,是中国仅存的佛、道、儒,三教合一 的独特寺庙。【华严寺】集中了辽金建筑、小木作天宫楼阁、彩塑、 壁画等各类文物,都是同类作品中的精品。整座华严寺是中国现存年 第7天 灵石(2小时)祁县(1小时)太原 代较早,保存完整的一座辽金寺庙建筑群和佛教文化的瑰宝。 早餐/午餐/晚餐 住宿:金地豪生大酒店或同级 【张壁古堡】是一处保存完好的古代军事设防村落,是山西省唯一入 围“中国十大魅力名镇”【山西博物院】聚集了全省文物精华,珍贵 第4天 大同(2小时)代县(2.5小时)平遥 藏品约20万件。【乔家大院】 地处美丽而富饶的山西晋中盆地,是祈 早餐/午餐/晚餐 县乔家“在中堂”的宅院。【东湖醋文化园】山西最有名的土产便是 【云冈石窟】现存主要的洞窟45个,是中国规模最大的石窟群之一, 老陈醋。这里让你充分了解到山西老陈醋的历史文化底蕴。 也是世界闻名的艺术宝库。【雁门关】又名西陉关,亦是世界文化遗 住宿:晋商国际或同级 产万里长城的重要组成部分,也是长城上重要的关隘。【平遥古城】 山西汇总部平遥县,是一座具有2800年历史的文化名城。是中国仅有 第8天 太原 - 厦门 - 新加坡/新山 的一整座古城申报世界文化遗产获得成功的两座古县城之一。 早餐/机上用餐 住宿:平遥新会馆或同级 适时前往机场送机,结束8天7晚山西五台山之旅。 第一旅游 HOTLINE: WHATSAPP: TOP-ONE TRAVEL www.top-one.com.my 07-334 3388 012-782 3788 Copyright © All rights reserved, Top-One Travel Services Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd 8DAY 7NIGHT SHANXI Day 01 Johor Bahru- Singapore- Xiamen- Taiyuan Day 05 Pingyao (1.5hrs) Lingshi Meal on board Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Welcome to join with Top one Travel to China Shanxi.Upon arrival, proceed to [Pingyao Ancient City]– the first ‘Piao Hao’ was opened and these piaohao Taiyuan for overnight stay. provided remittance services, accepted deposits and made loans. Ming Qing Hotel: Jin Merchant International Hotel or similiar street – Hundreds of shops line in this busy street, most of them built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.[ Zhangbi Ancient Castle] which is a series of tunnels Day 02 Xiamen (3.5hrs) Mount Wutai dug to hide out in times of war in over 1600 years ago. Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Hotel: Shanxin Hongyuan International Hotel or similiar [Mount Wutai] is one of the four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Shanxi Province in China. Day 06 Lingshi (4hrs) Hukou (2.5hrs) Linpan [Bodhisattva Monastery] is the largest Tibetan Monastery in Mount Wutai. Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Visiting this holy monastery, you will find it very glorious and in full character [Giant Locust Tree] is a holy place for overseas Chinese.Thousands of overseas of Chinese royal traits. [Xiantong Temple] is the biggest and oldest among the Chinese return from afar to pay homage and show theirs respects to their five famous temples in Wutai Mountain. ancectors each year. [Yao Temple] Here is built to honor the Emperor Yao, [Tayuan Temple] or the Great White Pagoda is a brick stupa as one of Wutai one of the most respected emperors in Chinese history. [Hukou Waterfall] It is Mountain’s most symbolic sights and best renowned for housing the Great the largest yellowish waterfall in the world and the second largest waterfall in White Pagoda. [Wanfo Temple] also known as “the Temple of Five Granfa- China. Summer is the best time to see the powerful waterfall. While in winter, thers”, is the most popular wishing temple in you can see calm glacier fall. Mount Wutai, where visitors feel inspired to burn the most incense. Hotel: Jindu Garden Grand or similiar Hotel: JunXiu Hotel or similiar Day 03 Mount Wutai(2.5hrs)Yingxian (1hrs) Hunyuan(1.5hrs)Datong Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner [Yingxian Wooden Pagoda]a wooden Chinese pagoda has a history of over 1000 years, being the oldest and highest existing wooden pagoda in China and around the world. [Hanging Monastery (Xuan Kong Si)] as it hanging on the west cliff of Jinxia Gorge. It is the national ket cultural relics protection units in China. [Huayan Monastery] Datong, the architectures, statues, murals and caissons are all representatives of the art of Liao Dynasty. It is the largest and Day 07 Linpan (3hrs) Qixin (1hrs) Taiyuan best preserved monatery of the Liao Dynasty in existence in China. Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Hotel: Howard Johnson Plaza Datong Hotel or similiar [Shanxi Museum]the largest center for the collection, preservation, research and exhibition of cultural property in Shanxi Museum Province. [Qiao’s Com- Day 04 Datong(2.5hrs)Daixian(3.5hrs)Pingyao pound]The compound was first built in 1756 in the Qing Dynasty and renovat- Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner ed twice and enlarged once. [Yungang Grottoes] with existing 45 caves and more than 51,000 Buddha stat- Hotel: Jin Merchant International Hotel or similiar ues. It is the largest grottoes in China. [Yanmen Guan] also known by its Chi- nese name Xixingguan, is a mountain pass which includes three fortified gate- Day 08 Taiyuan- Xiamen – Singapore houses along the Great Wall of China. The area was a strategic choke point in Breakfast/Meal on Board ancient and medieval China. Free and easy until time transfer to airport, back to home. Thank you joining Hotel: Pingyao Hotel or similiar with Top-One Travel. 第一旅游 HOTLINE: WHATSAPP: TOP-ONE TRAVEL www.top-one.com.my 07-334 3388 012-782 3788 Copyright © All rights reserved, Top-One Travel Services Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd Inner Mongolia 内蒙古 Datong 大同 Daixian Wutaishan 代县 五台山 Hebei 河北 Shaanxi Taiyuan 陕西 Pingyao 太原 平遥 Shanxi 山西 Henan 河南 CHINA PACKAGE ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS: 中国团配套基本条款: 1. Tours are conducted in Mandarin Speaking Tour Guide Services. 1. 所有行程景点以中文讲解为准。 2. Triple Room, Third person shall be based on a roll-away bed. 2. 如三人房型,房内第三名住客床褥将以折叠式为准。 3. China hotel basically conduct for Two Single Bed room (Twin Room) 3. 大部分基本房型为两张单人床褥房型。 4. Meals will be local Chinese cuise 4. 餐食以当地中餐为准。 5. Malaysian Passport Holder required applied China Tourist Visa before travlel 5. 马来西亚护照持有者需申请中国旅游签证方可旅游中国。 to China. TRAVEL DOCUMENT 旅游文件 It is passenger’s responsibility to ensure that have a valid international pass- 护照及签证 - 团员有责任确保护照有效期至少6个月或以上(从返程日期计算 port at least six (6) months from the return date of the trip, relevant visas & 起),并且取得相关国家签证或准证。任何签证申请团员有责任提供任何签证 health certificates if required. 申请相关资料。 Travel Insurance: All tour members are encouraged to buy travel insurance to safeguard themselves against sickness, loss of money, cancellation, flight 旅游保险 - 出发前,建议您购买全面的旅游保险。 detalys or lost of baggages. 条规: TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1.所有行程,膳食,酒店住宿和交通可能会有所更动,依据任何的情况而定, 1. Itineraries, meals, hotels and transportation are subject to change without prior notice. 恕不另行通知。 2. Every person participating in Top-One Travel’s Tours all travel at his/her 2.若出现无法预测的特殊情况,特别是旅游旺季期间,第一旅游将保留更改行 own risk. Top-One Travel shall not be held liable to any person for additional 程或取消行程的权利。 expenses that may be incurred due to delays or changes in any transport ser- 3.每位参与第一旅游的成员,必须为自身安全或行为负责。若出现无法预测的 vices, sickness, weather, strikes, war or other causes. 特殊情况(例如:交通延误/取消,天气,疾病,示威,战争,天灾等),而 3. Top-One Travel reserves the right to make changes to or cancel the itinerary at any time due to unforeseen circumstances, especially during peak periods 引发而外指出问题,第一旅游一概不负责,旅客需自行负责额外的费用。 or in the event of a force majeure. 4.详细条规,请联络我们任何旅游顾问或游览http://www.top-one.com.my/ 4. For other terms & conditions, please refer our Tour Consultant of visit http:// more/tnc。 www.top-one.com.my/more/tnc . 5.以上图片仅供参考用途,请以实物为准。 5. All Pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. 第一旅游机构(马)有限公司 Reg no. 153982-T KPL1000 Contact : TOP-ONE TRAVEL SERVICES CORPORATION (M) SDN BHD 联系: Headquater: No.16-16A-16B, Jalan Sutera 2 (Wisma Top-One), Taman Sentosa, 80150, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia Hotline : +607-334 3388 +6012-782 3788 [email protected] Branch: No.3, Jalan Molek 1/29 (Wisma Top-One), Taman Molek 81100, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia Hotline : +607-354 6666 [email protected] update: 17 January 2020 3:54 PM www.top-one.com.my Copyright © All rights reserved, Top-One Travel Services Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd.

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