------------------NEWS------------------198 NATURE VOL. 3!X ~I '.\:O\'DIBER !9X5 Japanese honours French defence Prizes, prizes, prizes ... Smaller warheads Tokyo It is hoped that the prize will become THE first recipient of Japan's new Interna- the "Nobel Prize" of biology. This year, planned tional Prize for Biology is an Englishman: the field chosen for the prize was tax­ FRANCE is to develop new miniaturized Professor Edred Corner, formerly holder onomy; what it will be next year has yet to nuclear warheads to "punch holes" in of the chair in tropical botany at the Uni- be decided. But whatever is chosen, it will other people's defence systems. according versity of Cambridge and now, at almost be critical to the long-term future of the to the French Minister of Defence, Paul eighty years of age, in active retirement. prize that links are made to a vigorous Quiles. In a rare public account of French The prize was established this year to international network of people willing to nuclear policy. Quiles said last week that celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the recommend candidates. he had set the Commissariat a l'Energie accession of the Emperor, himself a noted Professor Corner is the author of sever­ Atomique several ambitious targets to be amateur marine biologist with his own re- al standard works of tropical botany much achieved by 1994, when the first of a new search laboratories. At ten million yen used by Japanese and other researchers series of nuclear submarines will come (US $50,000) in cash plus a medal and a visiting South-East Asia and was responsi­ into service. gift from the Emperor, the prize is meant ble for a new classification of the genus The miniature warheads are among to rank among the international Ficus; he is also a key figure in the estab­ these objectives, and seem to be a kind of heavyweights. Indeed, to show its import- lishment of the modern taxonomical sys­ French response to US plans to develop ance the Crown Prince, the Prime Minis- terns for fungi. defences against ballistic missiles, the ter and the Minister of Education, Culture Although the International Prize for Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI). The and Science all turned out to make Biology must rate as Japan's most disting­ more attention the superpowers pay to speeches at the award ceremony. The uished award, it is not the only prize being strategic defence, Quiles said, the more Emperor too received Professor Corner given away in Tokyo this week. Professor necessary becomes "the penetration (who has met him informally in past years) Carl Sagan is also receiving YlO million as capacity of our missiles . to our policy in formal audience at the Imperial Palace. part of the Honda Prize set up by the of nuclear dissuasion". Honda Motor Company. The prize is for Quiles nevertheless repeated last week "ecotechnology" and Sagan receives it for his government's opposition to SDI. The NIH veto doomed his contribution toward "ecotechnological period when the Soviet Union and the Washington exploration of space, as well as toward United States were installing the new CoNGREss seems likely shortly to overturn establishment of a theory of technological technology would be a "particularly critic­ a presidential veto of the controversial development for the new era of civiliza­ al time" for world security, while SDI reauthorization bill for the National Insti­ tion based on a more cosmic viewpoint". would be ineffective against the short and tutes of Health (NIH). The bill, which was There has been a miniature boom this medium range missiles aimed at Europe. vetoed by President Reagan on 8 Novem­ year in establishing new prizes. In the But it is plain from what he said that ber, would establish a new National Insti­ spring, it was the new "Japan prize" which France is most of all concerned that the tute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin at Y50 million rivals the Nobel Prize finan­ new interest in strategic defence will per­ Disease and a new centre for nursing re­ cially and is intended to reward applica­ mit an improvement of the conventional search. It also lays down guidelines on, tions of basic science (see Nature 315,616; Soviet anti-ballistic missile system already among other things, how NIH should use 1985). A few weeks ago it was the turn of deployed around Moscow. The use of peer review for grant applications and on the Kikawada Foundation. This again "stealth" technology, both miniaturiza­ fetal and animal research. went to an Englishman, Professor Christ­ tion and the use of non-reflecting radar The House of Representatives has opher Freeman, deputy director of the coatings, is a natural countermeasure. already voted by a large majority to over­ Science Policy Research Unit at the Uni­ In passing, Quiles has also explained turn the veto; the Senate seems to be in like versity of Sussex. French sensitivity about the present pro­ mind, but a vote will probably be delayed But while Japanese companies are gramme of nuclear testing in the Pacific, until President Reagan returns from his generously giving out prizes to foreigners indirectly responsible for the sinking of summit meeting in Geneva. one after another, they arc having less the Greenpeace ship in New Zealand and, The President also vetoed an NIH au­ luck in finding an agreeable reason for the ironically, for the resignation of Quiles's thorization bill last year, but this year's failure of Japanese scientists to collect top predecessor, Charles Hernu. France is version has commanded stronger support international prizes. Eight officials of the obviously committed to a new programme in Congress. Many of the line-by-line Nobel Foundation, including board chair­ of warhead technology, for which testing budget recommendations in last year's bill man Sune Bergstroem, visited Kyoto last is considered essential. In France, there have been dropped. And President Reagan week where they received the special prize appears to be no opposition to the pro­ has no objection to the creation of the of the Kyoto Prize. Speculation that the gramme. arthritis institute, having directed NIH to visit would help more prizes to come to From what Quiles said last week, it also go ahead and create the new institute any­ Japan, rather than the United States and seems that the French navy rather than the way. It will be formed by partitioning the Europe, were quickly squashed, however. air force will be the spearhead of the new existing National Institute of Arthritis, Di­ Committee members pointed out that sci­ strategy. Noting that the mere presence of abetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. ence is international, and that language British nuclear submarines in the South But the proposed centre for nursing re­ and distance from Sweden are no barriers Atlantic had kept the Argentinian navy in search and a requirement that NIH spend to receipt of a prize. An explanation of port during the Falklands war, he not more that 5.5 per cent of its income on why a Japanese scientist has never re­ announced that France would add another administrative expenses are regarded by ceived the Nobel Prize for Physiology or nuclear submarine to the six ordered since the White House as unacceptable. Never­ Medicine is rather to be sought in lack of 1984. But Quiles effectively squashed air theless, NIH officials say, many of the basic research effort. And that might sug­ force hopes to build a new land-based administrative recommendations in the gest that the new foundations would have strategic missile, saying that the resources bill are likely to be incorporated into NIH served their country better by making up would be better spent on the improvement practice even if the presidential veto for the lack of funds available for original of submarine missiles. The existing "park" stands. Tim Beardsley research in Japan rather than seeking gla­ of 18 missiles in Haut-Provence will, how­ mour from abroad. Alon Anderson ever, be retained. Robert Walgate © 1985 Nature Publishing Group.
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