THE NEPTUNE TIMES AND 99 Years Old 15 Cents . and NEW Every Thursday P ER COPY OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW-JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPT. 107197T VOL. X C V iV NO. 38 . j F I F TEEN CENTS S weeney-W i L Liams Murray-Duke Derby Cars to Be, Judge James R. Laird Retires From Neptune Bench Capt. Vecchione Wecl.In; California Nuptials Aug. 16 Legion Inspected Killed In Crash GRANGE, Calif. — Miss Alanna KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Janice ■ . NEPTUNE — Rowland A. Ev­ Theresa Sweeney became the bride Evelyn Murray, daughter of Mr. CHARLESTON, SrC. — Services, erett, Secretary of the American of Sgt. Martin Jori Williams, of and Mrs. William Murray of Ray­ were held Tuesday at Beaufort Na­ Legion Coaster Derby Committee Ocean Grove, N. J., September 7 in town, and Kerry Earl Duke, son of tional Cemetery for Navy Capt. announced all Legion Derby Cars Holy Family Gatholic Church, this Mr. W. B. Stockdale and the late Felix “Hap” S. Vecchione, former are to be inspected Saturday, Sopt. place, in a double ring, morning Mrs. Stockdale of Point Pleasant, Neptune, N. J. resident, who was 21 beitween the hours of 9 A.M. ceremony. Father Zeiman officiat­ N.J.’, and formerly of Ocean Grove, i j killed September I t in the crash ‘ and 4 P.M. All contestants are re­ ed at the nuptials. N;'J;, were married August 16 in a ‘ of a jetliner in Charlotte, N. C. in quested to bring their cars for candlelight ceremony at Our Lady which 68 persons lost their lives. of Lourdes Roman Catholic inspection behind the Shark River Church, here. The Monsignor Wil­ Hills Fire House on Brighton liam Blacet, rector, officiated. Avenue. In the event of rain Sat­ urday, Sept. 21, the inspection will be held Sunday, Sept. 22, same place, same time. As no cars will be allowed to race on Sunday, Sept. 29 without having ben inspected and approved by the committee it is imperative that the cars 'are presnted for in­ spection at the appropriate time. If any of the contestants are un­ able to bring their cars to the inspection site at the specified time they are requested to contact Mr. Marcel Judge, 101 Remsen Mill Road, or M r. Walter Armstrong, 224 Maple Avenue, both Neptune. THE HON. JAMES It. LAIRD (cen ter) who w as 1 on bis retirement as Nei'ftmc’s municipal judge; Neptune Police Chief A. LeRoy Ward (left), ulio made the arrangements for the retirement dinner, and the Hon. Haydn Proctor (right), retired justice, of the New Jersey Suoreme Court and Ridner-Tlirum life-long friend' of Judge Laird since their schoolboy years in Ocean Grove. Engagement Told SPRING LAKE , HEIGHTS — skill” as judge. |.fi‘.:.v. c: Xc'.v Hampshire: their son Nearly 400 friends and profession­ Representing the Neptune Town-.! and his'w ife, Mr. and Mrs. James Capt. Feli?: S. “Hap” Vecchione al associates honored Neptune ship municipal committee, Mrs. R. Laird, Jr.; Mrs. Laird's parents, COLDWATER, . Mich. — Mr. Township’s retiring municipal Almerth Battle, committeewoman, Mr. and .Mrs. Dwight Loomis, of Called ^ leading naval expert on and Mrs. Colburn S. Thrum, 602 S. judge, the Hon. Jam es R,. Laird, at presented Judge Laird with a Sarasota,- Fla., and M r s'.' Laird's airborne mine cuthtermeasures, Fall River Dr^have announced a testimonial dinner last Friday plaque for his “commendable ser­ sister and brother-in-law, Mr.’ and Captain Vecchione would have the engagement of their daughter, night in Mike Dooian’s Motor vice”- to the municipality.. •Mrs. Charles Fea, of Ocean Grove. been 48 years old last Friday. Born Victoria Kehaulani, to Gary P a u 1 Lodge, here. Judge Laird served Sen. Stout presented . Neptune Judge Laird is a law partner with in Spring Lake, he attended Sum­ Ridner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul the township from 1945 to Sept. 1 Police Chief A. LeRoy 'Ward,, Andrew J. Wilson and their office merfield School in Neptune, and' P. Ridner, 29 Maplecrest Dr., Nep­ of this year. ■ ^ chairman of the retirement din­ is located in Ocean Grove at the graduated from Neptune High tune, N. J. ner, and members of Judge-Laird’s corner of Pilgrim Pathway and Mt. School in 1944. His family resided Miss Thrum, who is formerly of In 1943, Mr. Laird became the municipal recorder, succeeding family — Mrs. Laird, their daugh- Tabor Way opposite Auditorium on Victor Place in th e Gardens. Wahiawa, Hawaii, attended Olivet Mrs. martin Williams Ross R. Beck on the municipal ter, Jane, a student at the Univer- Square. His widow is the former (Mich.), College. She is employed "bench. The position later became Garrabrant, formerly of 134 The-ibride is the daughter of here. ' _ rence Ave., Ocean Grove, N. Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Sween­ Mr. Ridner is attending Olivet known as magistrate and in more years, municipal judge. Capt. Vecchione . was en ra u te ey, 2302 North Concord Street, College, and will graduate in May, Sixty-Seven Attend 40th Reunion Of from here to Washington on>n Navy Santa Ana, Calif. The bridegroom 1975. The H°n. Richard R. Stout, for­ business when the Eastern Ai is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John A May wedding is planned; mer state senator of. Monmouth Neptune High School’sIV.C1 Class Of ’34 com Williams, 104 Main Avenue, Ocean County and a friend of Judge Laird Lines DCfl-30 crashed into a Grove, N. J. over the years, served as master field near Charlotte airport. SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS—Last John Ogle Jr;, Mr, and Mrs. Albert The bride was given in marriage of-.ceremonies, calling on various The officer had returned 1 Three Named To Saturday night a delightful time Lopez, Mr. and Mrs. J. Irving b y her father. professional associates from thru- June from fsmalia, Egypt, was had by all at the 40th anni- Randall, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lisa Johnson, ol Huntington Mrs. Kerry Earl Dube out the county wiio attested to his overseeing the removal' of m ines Associate Board versary of the Neptune High Class Kruschka, Miss Mary Jane Sch- from the Suez Beach, Calif., was m aid of honor. ability on the judicial bench. The bride was attended by Miss of 1934 at Do.olan’s Lodge on Rt. -wartz, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bor- visited Central Bridesmaids were Caryl Carpenter Capt. Vecchione- Claudia Bresette, maid of honor, NEPTUNE - First Merchants Na­ The/Hon. Robert-J. Layton', who 71, here, Sixty seven members, | den,-Miss Lucille Dunn, Thelma and Diane Wh'eelan, both of Santa ^Jersey in 1968 for the first time Miss Cherri Dyer, Mrs. Jaimes tional Bank has appointed three area along with Sen. Stout has been a guests; and spouses' attended. Hansen Irvin, and Lynn Irvin; Len- Ana, and Meredith Keene, Irvine, in 14 years. He wasis then captain Lair-d, III, Miss Lauren Oldroyd, businessmen to its associate board of long-time friend of Judge Laird ore Walker McKay and Horace Calif., and Nancy Sweeney, of Jus­ Mr. John NarayousKi, Class of the U.S.S. Garcia, a Mrs. Johh Alt arid Miss Vicki directors, John G. Hewitt, president, since boyhood years in Ocean McKay; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curto, tin, Calif, Flower girl was Brenda President, was Master of Cere­ escort, which docked briefly at Hicks. Flower girls were Miss Mi­ announced today. The .three ares Grove, represented the Monmouth Gladys Algor Parker and George Middletown Avery, ol Orange, Calif. monies, and guests were former Earle Naval Depot, chelle Hicks and Miss Elyse Tor- W . Stanley Knipe ot Wayside, man­ (Municipal Judges Association and Parker; Mr. and Mrs. Earle Holley; Darrin Butchko, of Placentia, teachers, Mrs. Ann Bain and Class Township, N. J. bert. Ring bearer was Mast er ager of the Sears, Roebuck & Company presented the following resolution: Bea Merwin Mertz and Wm. Mertz; Calif., was ring bearer.. - ■ . I Advisor Mr. Benj. Dillenbcck who Captain Vecchione was graduat­ Rofofbie Putthoff. store in Neptune; George T. Van WHEREAS, t he Honorable and the comm, wives and hus­ Best man was William Hart, of traveled. all the way from So. ed from New York Maritime Acad­ James R. Laird has for 29Vi years bands; Mrs. Paul Bowne, Mrs. Jos. Santa Ana. Ushers were Richard . Groomsmen were James Laird, Wickle of Shrewsbury, president of China, Maine. It is the first reunion emy and entered the Navy in 1950 Park Chevrolet, Inc., Asbury Park; and served as Magistrate and Municipal Nolan, Mrs, Tom Herbert; Mrs. Sweeney, Justin, Rick V an Gee, 3rd; best man; Chris Murray, Mi­ he has been able to attend since from the merchant marine shortly chael Murray and Rusty Murray, Abraham J. Zager, also of Shrewsbury, Court Judge in th? Township of graduation. Lloyd Halsey, Mrs. John Narayou­ after outbreak of Korean war, Corona, and • Jim Dingman, Santa Neptune and Ocean.Grove; and ski, Ed. Thompson, Roy Ward, brothers of the bride, Daniel Stock- senior partner in the Red Bank law Letters were read from inter­ serving on the USS Telfair. Susanna. WHEREAS, his service h a s John ; Fielder, Tom Estlow, and Bob Cummings, soloist, rendered dale, , brother of the groom', and firm of Zager, Fuchs, Lcckstein & ested members who were unable to He was captain of the MSO Vital, ceased in the Township of Neptune Frank Tomaino. Kenneth Warren, the groom’s bro­ Kauff. ' attend. Richard K. Cowan, D. Wray a minesweeper, in 1958-597 worked; "Ave Maria”. After the ceremony, and he has qualified for retire­ ther-in-law. Ushers were J a m e s Mr.
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