E5E1 PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. D53 ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. 39. PORTLAND, MAINE, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3. 1900. PRICE THREE GENTS. H1SOKLLAMUOVS. due to diligent censorship rather than to as none of them were in condition to re* any lack of developments. cieve visitors. As soon as the anchors were down the mail boats SEAR TO WAR. A Shanghai special announces the re- began to start towards the shore and from this time on ceipt of an official telegram from the the busy little steam launches may be How would like to own Li Yamen you Tsung asserting that the min- seen at almost any time dodging between One of I ho Ntw isters were all well on July HO and that the ships and the shore or from ship to --«■* ship. vegetables, fruits and other supplies had As night came on the Ardois system of been sent to the legations on several oc- night signalling from ship to ship began casions. “Friendly Intercourse,” the and was watched with much interest from Fort Allen BALLETTO official telegram says, “is now being car- park and the har- Used bor. The crowd of small craft about the Language by Secre- ried on between the ministers and the BOARDS ? big ships as the fell and CAME imperial government. multiplied night many excursion parties sailed in and out According to the Daily how- They are entirely now, inter- Express, through the long line the eve- ever, cablegrams irom Che Foo announce during instructive, and fasci- tary --- esting, Hay. that imperial r- ning. for of all troops advancing to oppose nating, people ages, the relief have WILL LAN DA LARGE FORCE.'""’ aid in force, completely wiped and gieatly making home out a Christian town near Pekin, killing Admiral Furquhar informed the com- attractive, Beautifully gotten live foreign priests and 10,000 native mittee yesterday afternoon that he would up in five sizes, from 22x36 up Christians. Gen. Caselee so says this to 30x60 inches. Prices $6 to correspondent, was strongly opposed to be p'eased to land a large force of men side an immediate $12. One of board is green advance, but he was over- to participate in Tuesday morning’s pa- for the ruled by the other commanders and in- cloth balls, &c., other, Arrived rade. The will con- Believed Chinese Would brigade probably wood for r m fluenced by Washington’s order to Gen. Ships polished ring Big sist of between 1,400 and bluo &c. 2? Chaffee to “proceed without an instant’s 1,600 men, games, Twenty games. *' jackets and marines. There are two bands such old a delay. All games £ heckers, Accept. From in the fleet, one on the flagship and the ® Shanghai the Daily Express has chess, id croki- other on the These backgammon received confirmation of the reported Kentucky. bands will nole are omitted. H'lh board be consolidated for the murder of 60 missionaries in the province at probably parade on and fitted with the r 5“ Patent of Siam Si with the additional informa- Yesterday Tuesday another band or possibly ~ two more be Fiexoid Cushion (a st ingen- tion that women were may provided by the cele- eight English br ition ious device). Wit! v- acli board dragged out of the mission buildings committee. The ollioer com- by the the following imf and a Chinese mob, who beheaded them in manding landing party will be Capt, foaents F. W. of the and his are furnis co without the streets of Chu Chou. Dickens, Indiana, parts staff One Battle Be French are will be as follows: extra charge; 17 dur- Possibly May troops reported to have 5 ID. fished, Brigade Dick- c occupied Meng Tse in the province of p. Commander—Capt.F.W. balls, fivo able, compositioi Yun Nan. ens. 30 urora 3 colors; polisheu rings, Required. The Tien Tsln of the Brigade Adjutant—Lieut H. George five colors; 10 hardwood finished correspondent Standard says: 2 leather Continued on Third Page. tenpins; large tipped “A heart rending letter has been re- cues for balls; 2 smaller hard- ceived from the Japanese legation, dat- wood cues’ 2 flexible shooters; ed July 22, stating that the casualties 1 hardwood triangle; 1 hardwood number 60 per cent, that only 25 cart- square; 1 deflecting block de- ridges per man are left, with rations vice; green chalk forcue tips; 1 sufficient for five days and that it is THE PROGRAM. Not Believed Advance feared the will succumb within and Bond’s set of pocket covers; 1 set of four legation Waitt movable, adjustable a week.” leveling Mr. Broderick s statement in the House Full directions Has lcg<. printed Begun. of Commons Great and rules for all yesterday, placing playing games. Britain on record as unalterably opposed Call at our office, or write and to the partition of China, is well received BLACKSTONE we will send man with samples. by all the morning papers which, for lack of other news devote their Man u fact tired Kxelnalvely by chiefly comments to Dr. Morrison's remarkable CIGAR THE E T BURRQWES CO, message to ths Times, cabled yesterday No Word From Gen. Chaffee to the United States. Part Sailors Take 72 Free St., Portland, Ma'ne- The Berlin correspondent of the Daily T» UU VC U1 II The n I ViiiViUj icpui Jjiliipoi Leading Yesterday. llam’s extraordinary sermon of Monday au(242wlstp on board the Hohenzollern, says that some of the most striking sentences attri- In Celebraiion, Wg Londre buted to the Kaiser are the following: “Once again has the heathen spirit of the Amelekltes been raised in distant in the woriu. Asia with great power and much oun- ning. With destruction and murder it Known will the to Everywhere. I Washington, August 3.—Secretary dispute way European trade and European culture. It will dispute to Li has closed The North Atlantic squadron, the most Hay’s reply Hung Chang the victorious march of Christian cus- QUALITY fljet that has ever visited Port- the negotiations with China unless the toms an d Christian faith. powerful anchor in the harbor old viceroy is able to secure the full ac- “And again is heard God’s command, land, dropped yester- COUNTS. ‘Choose us out men and out to after 5 o’clock. of our terms relative to the for- go tight day afternoon shortly ceptance with Amelek.' lie at anchor inside of House ADMIRAL FARQITIIAR ministers and that at one.?. No or- The ships eign “A hot and sanguinary struggle has mm... island, and the Texas, the one nearest ders, therefore, looking to a relaxation begun Already a number of our breth- Copyright by Elmer CliicKering, Boston. ren are over there under lire. more the is anchored a little to the north of the preparations for the advance on Many city, are traveling ulong hostile coasts, W o men Pekin have out from of Fort Gorges. The ships as they now gone Washington “You have seen them, the thousands from the Texas are for, as the situation Is described by one who at the call of volunteers to the front lie, taking outward, At the of the will guard the have assembled as follows: The Texas, Indiana, Massa- seashore leading ollicials here, “there will empire somewhat with their wait carried on board of men and themselves to oattle with victorious ban- and the impatient long parties be no on our in advance chusetts, Kearsarge, Kentucky women who at work bargaining part ners. who remain at are for it was some time before the ar- kept industriously We, home, at the end of the line early and the mountains of the con session the Chinese authori- llagship New York, waving handkerchiefs and minature by bound by other sacred duties. Woe unto rivals could a at the nearest House island. This get sight ships Hags ties of full ami free communication with us if we remain slothful and sluggish long string There was plenty to see in the harbor, About 5 o’clock the flagship reached the while they are engaged in their difficulty of battleships valued at millions of dol- foreign ministers.” to them interested and her station inside of House island where and bloody work, and if, rroin our and the however, keep will fuul here the There a note lars, representing lighting she had selected a tine One right styles Is, moreover, ominously we look on while amused until the line of white ships anchorage. piace, only curiously long one the close to actual of war strength of the navy, was viewed last by the ships passed flagship and of mannish hats for summer declaration in Sec- they wrestle in battle came into from the Eastern Promenade sight. dropped their anchors in the inverse or- retary assertion that the Chinese “Not only should we mobilize bat- night by Hay's There were quite a few yachts of all der of their entrance to the port, the last vacationing. Soft pearl gray, talions ot troops, but we should also, thousands of wnile their entrance government is “unfriendly.” people, classes and descriptions out with gay ship,the Texas, going nearest to the and snail set In motion an army of city white and the va- into the harbor was also witnessed by aboard to escort the fleet to before she anchor. duck, linen, That kind of language Is extreme dlplo- trained people to bexanrt entreat for our parties port. dropped crowds. The breeze was just right for good sail- Immediately the big anchor of the New rious for macy and It is only a narrow step lie- .brethren that they strike into the big caps boating, golfing fpmy ing ana some of these yachts ran several York spiushed over the side, the flagship and wild chaos with sword in hand.
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