------- ._-----~....- On Sale at Omaha's Greatest AU News Stands r and Best Five Cents EDIATOR j Weekly Newspaper VOL. XVI. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 19, 1919. NO.4. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN CRIME CARNIVAL IN ~ FEDERAL GRAND JURY MAIi"i~~~S o \ (J '!,j~ . UNABATED PH BES C AL CO BINE \ 60 . ~. '¢.'?,. '\. ;.',;, Co. CitizensArm Th\'~(~~'~lves as Protection Will Investigate Startling Allegations \. ~~f.... c:a Against Robb\,'.+' 1nd Thieves. Against Operators and Labor. RINGER VACATION GIVES BIG RELIEF C,ONSPJRACY TO ROB PUBLIC CHARGED Officers Sutton and Stolley Hit Breakers When .Eberstein and Federal Judge Tells Jurors Reported Mine Operators and Labor Mayor Take Hand in Mfairs--Former Mayor Dahlman I Leaders Parties to Attempt to Raise Coal PIices to Suggests Omaha People Learning Good Lesson. i Everybody-Miners Themselves Duped. I f i The carnival of crime that has been lover heels in a losing game, The I That Indianapolis grand jur~', which 1already inflated coal prices. For their going on in Omaha for the last year "Committee of 500," whose committee i has begun to investigate the recent Ipart in the conspiracy union !niners continues unabated. The high-jacker, on political contributions has got off I coal strike, may bring out something IweI'e promised increases in wages. It the burglar, the hold-up man. and the the job, apparently has run out of i worth while if they get on the job as may be well for the underpaid miner ordinary small thief have all increased ready cash. Elmer ,Thomas will not I Judge And;erson has instructed them Ito secure an in<;rease in wage, but their acti"ity from day to day until work unless there is money in Sight./ to get onto it. the operator was undertaking to use not a twenty-four hours passy with- His loss of revenue as representative I This grand jury is specifically in- that excuse to rob the entire people. out reports {)f from one to a dozen of the Anti-Saloon league has also put I 1structed to investigate alleged viola-I·while. such an increase would mean important robberies or similar law a crimp in his financial affairs, it is I tion of the anti-trust laws and of the from $2 to $3 more per week for the violations.' The police force has been said. ~_._ Riiia'> Lever fuel control law, It has been \ individual miner, it meant that the reorganized and increased 75 per cent, With all of these adverse conditions I 1\ charged freely that coal mine oper-I opeTator ,,;ould benefit by the individ- but the amateurs who have been put staring our great "reformers" in the I lid _ _- --,-- ators conspired to limit production of uaJ miner's work ten times that SUlli. --~ ~~ on to catCh law violators have been a face, it is no wonder, it is·-stated, that l _ -. 'I coal, in order to increase prices, and I !his special grand jUl1" "ill go into hindrance rather than an asset in re-j'Crime has become rampant. The peo-! kn¥ . that leaders of the United Mine work-l this alleged crooked business, The ducing disorder. pIe of Omaha, of course, are still pa- \ /i.-,o3" ~y""~5 \ers' organization has been ,a party to miner should benefit, because he vvill Marshall Eberstein, our recently ap- tient, as they have always been. They i j' that attempt, The investigation is to Ilearn how there has been an attempt pointed chief of police, has had a little Iare simply waiting for another elec-j D e In Omaha FI·fty Years A- be nation-wide and people interested made to us.e him as a means to little vacation while Superintendent Ringer 'Ition time to roll around. !. olnd'S a 0 I' in the coal business will watch it less than highway robbery. The miner was away for a week, during which Reports Of more internal strife with- i ,::, ~ e:1osely. I] has had some good lessons himself. time the chief has been running his in the city commission itself are be- i I The receut strike of coal miners, The operator paid him about sL,,1;y- job to suit himself. Eberstein took an j~ng heard. It a~pe~rs.th~t .the activ- i Joe McCann, one of our well known; expected to take a vacatio~> during threw a scare into about e~errbodY in I fiye cents a ton for digging the coal. awful chance last week wh~n he SUS-I' Ity of l\~a;ror ~mlth 1ll mSIS~ng~on the! and leading dentists, s~ maintained the Christmas holidays. He'·expects! the count~y, ;rllndr:ds or thousauds The operator put the little coal car vended Paul Sutton and hIS partner I SlIspenSlOn 0,- Stolley and tiutlon has! that he was the champlOn pinochle to be kept busy at home. lof perSall::; suflered Irom the cold be- on an elevator and sent it to the top Stolley. It has been predicted that Icreated a bad mess, Other commis- !player of the city. He said he kne\v : fore it was settled. Even now the of the pit, where it ',vas dumped. If when Ringer returns he will fire isioners joined in a combination to i some other game~, too. Fred :Meyers was still spreading on !business of keeping warm is not very the miner wanted the coal he had just Eberstein and put Stolley and Sutton Ihold up f~th:r p~oCe,edings in the i . _'that old stuff about being an honest 1 eas~, It ~~as been c~arge~ that Presi- mined he was forced to pay i$2:ID per back to work. Imatter unnl Rmger s Ieturn and the! Joe Wl'lght had a rellow paged: man. He got so he almost believed' dene Lewl::; of the bIg umon has been ton for it just where it was dumped. During the week several of the Imayor, it is said, is in bad with some I whom he thought had borrowed his i it himself. in conspiracy with mine operators to The average coal mine operator has "new" men on tte IloIice force have 10f the other majority combination, i grip and found him in Dundee. But i keep down the amount of coal mined been the greatest profiteer in the fal1en bv.· the wayside, At the same which may later cause a general break :.. Joe did not need it bad because he '... R ... b t k b d d' und increase the price, world, -Without turning his hand oyer I "ay _'>.0 0 twas 'ept usy 0 glllg time new r:cruits hav~·been. Pick~d UD 'in politi:al affa~rs. , Iwas not doing any tTaveIing. i wauld-be newspaper interview'el's, l'e- There is more than an iota of truth he has found it easy to make millions from the hIghways and by,;,ays m an MeantIme, OffIcer Sntton, under sus- i --- i O'ardino- the Kirk case. He said no-' to these charges from all appearances, out of his product. He has attempted attempt to further "reform" the badly pension, is said to be ready to "tell a i Emanuel Thomsen, who never over- i bOdy o~o-ht to ten all thev knew. i A "eI'y large number of mines in dif- to make the individual miner a party demoralized force, Announcement has, lot of thingS" unless he is reinstated. Ilooked any bets, paid up his subscrip-! • b • !ferent parts of the country are oper- to this robbery. He has enlisted lead- been made that all of the old sergeants iProbably he could tell more than an;j"- I tion to The :Mediator. He l..-new a: well knOV.ll ated by non-ullion miners. The OWll- ers of the unions to help him in his and captains are to be pensioned and ibodJ': else who has been a victim of! good thing when he saw it. "i :h' L. K:lmP' _,' , .1 ,,~c:tnel:?'~ ers of these mines, no less than the nefarious robbery, pI'obably handing , .. f R' 'd·t· t Itt.... I ti f'" pu::; e1' at ~ Ie O.pneum, nCaL\ 10"" .,I~ h" . t 'd '1' , b 'b .... ~.~~tg,at..~<1~-.{;mJr.J>....Jl~'!Y~.Jll!TlUt_ . ..E1li~l":.~ ..con...!J.Q.~na E.!~__~~~~~~..:.?~_::_'__~ __.__.-.... ,~ .:::::=:::::: ', _' _, __ 4i:1..:: 'b~ ~""-l.~.;.;l.,,,,,, •.,,,,,<L'L..-;QniJ ";.,.j.,.J,t g" ' employes a\'e Deen the obJects of au, a very conSI erao e pIeCe or 1'1 e '~''''"G' .;-c~bP'1'ld~~l' ~ ~d-"-'" L1W<B:,~-te:-nflt,~~,lht-llibol').eadel':O made men win take their places in Imen like Ringer to be police superin- Tom Dennison was spending a few iJ::· u; "b'" attack i'romfhecomlJinaiRiICo-Coper-- .--'. '. d t H' b "m's'de" d . Cl' S• 1-" ". d I C;1IalLle 0_"1 s a tea. l' d' . n'ho pe-~';tted ""Ie "';neI" t'l'elll-eh 'e- the near iut ure. 'l ten en . e nas 'cen an 1 ays m .llcago. ome of lilS ITIen s i ator,s ana nmon men, aecor mg to ..· lLUJ· W .u.ll '" • ::; H' " The people of Omaha are. in the! man, with Elmer Thomas as an ad- suggei'ted he better stay in Omaha I "u' ... charges made, Recent expeliences in to get only enough of it to keep them ou~ st~ding meantim.e, arll1l.'ng themselves tooth i'iser. Naturally he has learned con- for fear another Tiot might oceur in 11 Tom lIICYl:"1e put the the coal strike bear out the charges.
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