6/14/2021 Arid Lands Greenhouses Wholesale Price List 1 Arid Lands Greenhouses ` 3560 W. Bilby Rd. Tucson, AZ 85746 Phone: (520) 883-9404 www.aridlandswholesale.com email: [email protected] Wholesale Terms and Price List May 2021 Our wholesale terms are: (1) minimum purchase is $200; (2) minimum of six individual items of each species; (3) if not picked up in Tucson, exact cost of shipping will be billed with a 10% handling charge; and (4) you provide us with a copy of a business license and Arizona businesses must supply a tax number. Once our terms are met, other plants not on this list but in our on-line catalog may be available at 30% off the retail price, subject to our discretion. Our wholesale plants are subject to availability; we reserve the right to reduce quantities. Shipping will be via Fedex Ground for heavier shipments and USPS Priority Mail for lighter shipments unless requested otherwise. Species Size Price Adenium Adenium cv 'Fat Guy' 2-inch pots $3.00 Adenium cv 'Fat Guy' 3-inch pots $3.50 Adenium cv 'Fat Guy' 4-inch pots $4.00 Adenium obesum 2-inch pots $3.00 Adenium obesum 4-inch pots $4.00 Adenium obesum 5-inch pots $6.00 Adenium multiflorum 2-inch pots $3.00 Adenium multiflorum 3-inch pots $3.50 Adenium boehmianum 3-inch pots $3.50 Adenium boehmianum 4-inch pots $4.00 Adenium somalense var. crispum 3-inch pots $4.00 Adenium crispum x obesum 3-inch pots $3.50 Adenium crispum x obesum 4-inch pots $4.00 Adenium obesum 'Grumbley's White' 4-inch pots $4.00 Adenium obesum cv 'Merrylynn's Pink' 4-inch pots $4.00 Agave Agave abisaii 4-inch pots $3.50 Agave capensis 5-inch pots $4.50 Agave colorata 4-inch pots $3.50 Agave gigantensis 4-inch pots $3.50 6/14/2021 Arid Lands Greenhouses Wholesale Price List 2 Species Size Price Agave gigantensis 5-inch pots $4.50 Agave gracilipes 5-inch pots $4.50 Agave inaequidens (Tapalpa) 5-inch pots $4.50 Agave inaequidens (Tapalpa) one-gallon pots $7.00 Agave inequidens (Vulcan de Tequila) 5-inch pots $4.50 Agave maximilliana 4-inch pots $3.50 Agave montana 3-inch pots $3.00 Agave multifilifera (Casa de Basaseachi) one-gallon pots $7.00 Agave obscura 3-inch pots $3.00 Agave palmeri 2-inch pots $2.50 Agave polyanthiflora 4-inch pots $3.50 Agave promontori 5-inch pots $4.50 Agave promontori one-gallon pots $7.00 Agave rhodacantha 5-inch pots $4.50 Agave rhodacantha (dwarf) 5-inch pots $4.50 Agave seemanniana 4-inch pots $3.50 Agave sobria ssp. roseana 5-inch pots $4.50 Agave sobria ssp. sobria 4-inch pots $3.50 Agave striata ssp. falcata 3-inch pots $3.00 Agave stringens 4-inch pots $3.50 Agave temacaulinesis 5-inch pots $4.50 Agave underwoodii 4-inch pots $3.50 Agave underwoodii 5-inch pots $4.50 Agave verschaffeltii minima 3-inch pots $3.00 Agave victoriae-reginae 2-inch pots $2.50 Agave victoriae-reginae 3-inch pots $3.00 Agave victoriae-reginae (Huasteca) 2-inch pots $2.50 Agave wocomahi 4-inch pots $3.50 Aloes Aloe aculeata 3-inch pots $3.00 Aloe acutissima itampolensis 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe bulbilifera 4-inch pots $3.50 Aloe bussei 3-inch pots $3.00 Aloe cameronii cameronii 4-inch pots $3.50 Aloe citrina 4-inch pots $3.50 Aloe comosa 4-inch pots $3.50 Aloe cryptopoda 4-inch pots $3.50 Aloe cv Blue Elf one-gallon pots $7.00 Aloe cv Goliath 2-inch pots $2.50 Aloe cv Goliath 3-inch pots $3.00 Aloe cv Pepe 3-inch pots $3.00 Aloe deltoideodonta brevifolia 4-inch pots $3.50 Aloe dewetii 2-inch pots $2.50 Aloe diollii 5-inch pots $4.50 6/14/2021 Arid Lands Greenhouses Wholesale Price List 3 Species Size Price Aloe dyeri 2-inch pots $2.50 Aloe dyeri 4-inch pots $3.50 Aloe dyeri 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe eumassawana one-gallon pots $7.00 Aloe gerstneri 2-inch pots $2.50 Aloe globuligemma 4-inch pots $3.50 Aloe greatheadii davyana barbertonae 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe greatheadii greatheadii 4-inch pots $3.50 Aloe greatheadii greatheadii 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe greatheadii greatheadii one-gallon pots $7.00 Aloe hildebrandtii 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe immaculata 4-inch pots $3.50 Aloe lateritia (Lindi, Tanzania) 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe lateritia graminicola WY1103 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe lavranosii 3-inch pots $3.00 Aloe lensayuensis (Marsabit, Kenya) one-gallon pots $7.00 Aloe lineata Blue Strap Form 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe megalacantha 3-inch pots $3.00 Aloe microstigma 4-inch pots $3.50 Aloe microstigma 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe microstigma one-gallon pots $7.00 Aloe mubendiensis 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe mubendiensis one-gallon pots $7.00 Aloe ngongensis (WY 1057) one-gallon pots $7.00 Aloe nobilis 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe pendens 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe petrophylla (ISI 2001-24) 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe pluridens 3-inch pots $3.00 Aloe pluridens one-gallon pots $7.00 Aloe rivieri one-gallon pots $7.00 Aloe secundiflora (wy 1021) 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe sinkatana 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe sp. (Bavianskranz 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe sp. Brown-Powys) 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe trichosantha 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe trichosantha one-gallon pots $7.00 Aloe turkanensis (Kampi ya Samaki) 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe turkanensis (Kampi ya Samaki) one-gallon pots $7.00 Aloe umfoloziensis 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe umfoloziensis one-gallon pots $7.00 Aloe vacillans 2-inch pots $2.50 Aloe vacillans 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe vacillans one-gallon pots $7.00 Aloe vanbalenii 3-inch pots $3.00 Aloe vanbalenii 4-inch pots $3.50 6/14/2021 Arid Lands Greenhouses Wholesale Price List 4 Species Size Price Aloe vandermerwei 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe vera chinensis 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe vogtsii 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe vryheidensis 5-inch pots $4.50 Aloe zebrina (Kaokoland, Namibia) 3-inch pots $3.00 Anacampseros, Adromischus Anacampseros densifolia 2-inch pots $2.50 Adromischus trigynus 4-inch pots $3.50 Asclepiadaceae Huernia schneideriana 4-inch pots $3.50 Huernia sudanensis 3-inch pots $3.00 Orbea semituberiflora 4-inch pots $3.50 Orbea variegata 2-inch pots $2.50 Stapelia gigantea 2-inch pots $2.50 Asteraceae, Crassulacea Kleinia neriifolia 4-inch pots $3.50 Beaucarnea, Nolinaceae Beaucarnea guatemalensis 4-inch pots $3.50 Beaucarnea recurvata 5-inch pots $4.50 Dasylirion wheeleri one-gallon pots $7.00 Hesperaloe funifera 2-gallon pots $10.00 Manfreda maculosa 4-inch pots $3.50 Manfreda maculosa 5-inch pots $4.50 Bulbs Agapanthus praecox 5-inch pots $4.50 Albuca namaquensis 4-inch pots $4.00 Albuca setosa (Augrabie Hills) 3-inch pots $3.00 Bowiea volubilis 2-inch pots $2.50 Chasmanthe sp. (orange flower) 4-inch pots $3.50 Crinum bulbispermum 5-inch pots $4.50 Drimiopsis maculata 3-inch pots $3.00 Drimiopsis maculata 4-inch pots $3.50 Habranthus robustus 4-inch pots $3.50 Ledebouria luteola 4-inch pots $3.50 Ledebouria socialis 3-inch pots $3.00 Ledebouria socialis 4-inch pots $3.50 Ornithogalum pulchrum 3-inch pots $3.00 Ornithogalum pulchrum 4-inch pots $3.50 Ornithogalum sp. (Craddock, RSA) 3-inch pots $3.00 Ornithogalum sp. (Craddock, RSA) 4-inch pots $3.50 6/14/2021 Arid Lands Greenhouses Wholesale Price List 5 Species Size Price Veltheimia bracheata 3-inch pots $3.00 Cactus Astrophytum capricorne 3-inch pots $3.00 Consolea falcata one-gallon pots $7.00 Copiapoa humilis 4-inch pots $3.50 Coryphantha cornifera 2-inch pots $2.50 Echinocactus grusonii (yellow barrel) 5-inch pots $4.50 Echinocactus texensis (horse crippler) 2-inch pots $2.50 Echinocereus davisii 3-inch pots $3.00 Ferocactus emoryi 3-inch pots $3.00 Ferocactus gracilis ssp. coloratus 2-inch pots $2.50 Ferocactus hamatacanthus 2-inch pots $2.50 Ferocactus hystrix 2-inch pots $2.50 Ferocactus hystrix 4-inch pots $3.50 Ferocactus latispinus 2-inch pots $2.50 Ferocactus peninsulae var. viscainensis 3-inch pots $3.00 Ferocactus pottsii 4-inch pots $3.50 Ferocactus santamaria 2-inch pots $2.50 Ferocactus setispinus 3-inch pots $3.00 Ferocactus townsendianus 2-inch pots $2.50 Ferocactus unidentified/hybrid 3-inch pots $2.50 Ferocactus unidentified/hybrid 4-inch pots $3.00 Ferocactus unidentified/hybrid 5-inch pots $3.50 Ferocactus wislizenii (barrel cactus) 3-inch pots $3.00 Frailea parviflora 2-inch pots $2.50 Frailea pumila var. albisetosa 3-inch pots $3.00 Frailea quantinensis 2-inch pots $2.50 Gymnocalycium horstii 3-inch pots $3.00 Mammillaria duwei 4-inch pots $3.50 Mammillaria pilcayensis 2-inch pots $2.50 Matucana intertexta 2-inch pots $2.50 Matucana madisoniorum var. horridispinum (KK 537) 2-inch pots $2.50 Melocactus "matazanus" 2-inch pots $2.50 Melocactus broadwayi 2-inch pots $2.50 Melocactus ferreophilus var. longispinus 2-inch pots $2.50 Notocactus scopa var. rubra 2-inch pots $2.50 Oreocereus trollii 2-inch pots $2.50 Oreocereus trollii 3-inch pots $3.00 Rebutia vulpina 2-inch pots $2.50 Stenocereus thurberi (organ pipe) 3-inch pots $3.00 Stetsonia coryne (toothpick cactus) 5-inch pots $4.50 Trichocereus angelensis (MLV 68) 2-inch pots $2.50 Trichocereus pseudocandicans 4-inch pots $3.50 Trichocereus purpureopilosus 5-inch pots $4.50 6/14/2021 Arid Lands Greenhouses Wholesale Price List 6 Species Size Price Trichocereus strigosus 3-inch pots $3.00 Yungasocereus inquisivensis 2-inch pots $3.00 Cissus, Cyphostemma Cissus adeyana 4-inch pots $3.50 Cissus incisa 5-inch pots $4.50 Cissus quadrangularis var.
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