Species Wt Angler Club Location Area Date Amberjack 27.600 P. Durant Gold Coast Southport Gold Coast 4/05/1983 Amberjack (Black Banded) 3.650 P

Species Wt Angler Club Location Area Date Amberjack 27.600 P. Durant Gold Coast Southport Gold Coast 4/05/1983 Amberjack (Black Banded) 3.650 P

All Tackle Weight Based Records Species Wt Angler Club Location Area Date Amberjack 27.600 P. Durant Gold Coast Southport Gold Coast 4/05/1983 Amberjack (Black Banded) 3.650 P. Leonard Gold Coast Southport Gold Coast 21/01/1990 Archerfish 1.050 T. Saunders Brisbane Tully River Tully 6/12/1974 Barracuda (Great) 31.250 M. Pearce Cairns Pixie Reef Cairns 26/09/1982 Barracuda (Pickhandle) 12.000 G. Knight Army Townsville Palm Island Townsville 2/01/1997 Barramundi 23.360 N. Collingwood Brisbane Cardwell Cardwell 18/06/1973 Bass (Sand) 0.540 W. Thomson Townsville Salties Alligator Creek Townsville 9/09/2006 Batfish (Hump-Headed) 7.000 T. Fuller Townsville Cape Cleveland Townsville 17/03/1993 Batfish (Narrow-Banded) 6.720 R. Winkel Hinchinbrook Ingham Ingham 12/04/1972 Batfish (Round Faced) 3.370 H. Jackman Cairns Cairns Cairns 3/09/1992 Batfish (Shortfinned) 6.000 D. Kormendy Army Townsville Herald Island Townsville 9/07/2004 Batfish (Teira) 8.490 G. Patch Cardwell Hinchinbrook Ch Cardwell 15/08/1999 Bonefish 1.220 L. Pearce Cairns Upolo Cay Cairns 3/11/1984 Bonito (Australian) 4.250 S. Watson Brisbane Ripples Gold Coast 14/06/1986 Bonito (Watsons Leaping) 2.900 R. Beighton Bribie Island Caloundra Wide Sunshine Coast 21/09/1988 Bream (Pikey) 1.500 M. Eckert Brisbane Hinchinbrook Ch Cardwell 7/11/1992 Bream (Yellowfin) 1.830 P. Griffiths Bribie Island Shultz Canal Brisbane 30/06/1982 Carp (European) 5.000 G. Nicholls Brisbane Albert R Brisbane 9/01/1991 Catfish (Forktail (Blue)) 12.610 B. Bowtell Keppel Bay Norman River Gulf of Carpentaria 5/05/1988 Catfish (Forktail (Salmon) ) 15.410 L. Woodbridge Cairns Karumba Gulf of Carpentaria 16/09/1968 Cobia 43.000 B. Johnston Brisbane Barwon Banks Sunshine Coast 29/11/1988 Cod (Coral) 3.100 P. Leonard Gold Coast Sykes Reef Brisbane 8/01/1988 Cod (Estuary (Black Spot)) 0.960 S. Lynch Keppel Bay Fishing Creek Rockhampton 14/07/1996 Cod (Estuary (Gold Spot)) 31.000 N. Day Redcliffe Peninsular 8 Mile Caloundra 19/08/2012 Cod (Flowery) 10.500 D. Bergamo Cairns Cairns Cairns 11/01/1986 Cod (Groper (Queensland)) 33.100 M. Zimesk Gold Coast Cook Island Gold Coast 11/12/1979 Cod (Maori) 9.000 S. Gregory Brisbane Sandy Cape Fraser Island 1/04/1993 Cod (Murray) 19.200 M. Brown Brisbane Pikes Creek Stanthorpe 3/06/1988 Cod (Purple) 1.070 D. Hoare Cairns Cairns Cairns 8/04/1990 Coral Trout 11.000 D. Remedio Cairns Sudbury Cay Cairns 12/04/1986 Coronation Trout 14.500 K. Nickerson Redcliffe Peninsular Flinders Reef Brisbane 29/10/1995 Dart (Snubnosed) 8.830 K. Coey Mackay Mackay Harbour Mackay 3/07/1988 Dart (Swallowtail) 1.200 D. Griffith Brisbane Round Hill Hd Bundaberg 27/06/1982 Dolphin Fish 24.000 O. Mack Bribie Island Hutchinsons Sh Brisbane 22/01/1992 Drummer (Silver) 3.250 P .King Brisbane Flat Rock Brisbane 16/11/1991 Emperor (Grass Sweetlip) 4.640 K. Kraut Bundaberg 15 Mile Gutter Bundaberg 11/03/1989 Emperor (Long Nosed) 7.000 A. Cafferky Brisbane Lizard Island Cape York 5/12/1994 Emperor (Reticulated) 3.350 B. Strickfuss Keppel Bay Flat Island Rockhampton 18/03/1989 Emperor (Spangled) 8.000 S .Watson Brisbane Ripples Gold Coast 25/07/1987 Emperor (Sweetlip) 3.800 P. Leonard Gold Coast Southport Gold Coast 21/01/1990 Emperor Red 16.000 B. Jacobsen Hervey Bay Roony's Hervey Bay 11/11/1990 Flathead (Bartail) 3.120 S. Jones Keppel Bay Fishing Creek Rockhampton 18/07/1987 Flathead (Dusky) 6.800 D. Leonard Gold Coast Southport Gold Coast 1/01/1989 Flathead (Fringe Eyed) 0.750 M. Rodgers Gold Coast Bribie Island Brisbane 19/01/1996 Flathead (Sand) 1.090 M. Rodgers Gold Coast Bribie Island Brisbane 19/01/1996 Flathead (Tiger) 2.400 R. McLauchlin Brisbane Point Lookout Brisbane 27/11/1993 Flounder (Large Tooth) 0.500 M. Harvey Bribie Island Gilligans Island Brisbane 4/06/1991 Giant Herring 5.750 G. Layton Collinsville Bowen Bowen 7/01/1993 Groper (Blue and Brown/Red) 4.100 R. McLauchlin Brisbane Mermaid Rf. Gold Coast 18/09/1993 Grunter (Bancrofts) 0.340 R. Saunders Brisbane Gilbert River Cape York 9/05/1973 Grunter (Sooty(Khaki Bream)) 1.800 K. Behrens Brisbane Strathgordon Cairns 19/12/1996 Hairtail 2.900 J. Lewis Gold Coast Broadwater Gold Coast 11/12/1979 Halibut (Queensland) 0.230 E. Cooper Keppel Bay Fishing Creek Rockhampton 21/07/1979 Javelin Fish (Barred) 6.300 K. Latimer Army Townsville Karumba Gulf of Carpentaria 7/09/1972 Javelin Fish (Speckled) 1.010 H. Evert Bundaberg Kolan River Bundaberg 13/10/1981 Jewel Fish (Nibea Squamosa) 3.560 T. Head Weipa Weipa Weipa 7/11/2002 Jewfish (Black) 24.050 B. Bowtell Keppel Bay Double Heads Rockhampton 22/05/1980 Jewfish (Silver) 1.080 B. Jacobsen Hervey Bay River Heads Hervey Bay 12/07/1989 Jobfish (Green) 11.750 R. Lane Brisbane Middle Reef Brisbane 19/02/1993 Jobfish (Rosy) 16.300 J. Seeto Redcliffe Peninsular Shallow Tempest Brisbane 16/11/1992 Leather Jacket (Yellowfin) 0.800 J. Hobson Bribie Island Cape Moreton Brisbane 18/05/1986 Longtom (Barred) 3.300 L. Unwin Keppel Bay Barron Island Rockhampton 10/07/1983 Longtom (Stout) 7.720 N .Carstens Brisbane Amity Point Brisbane 24/03/1995 Luderick 1.850 S. Cummins Gold Coast Grand Jetty Gold Coast 13/08/1980 Mackerel (Broad Barred) 9.100 K. Long Army Townsville Cordelia Rock Townsville 18/03/1997 Mackerel (Narrow Barred) 37.400 K. Dicker Collinsville Greys Bay Bowen 10/05/1986 Mackerel (Qld School) 5.750 A. Harris Brisbane Innisfail Innisfail 17/05/1988 Mackerel (Shark) 14.530 R. McCubbin Gold Coast Point Lookout Brisbane 21/01/1978 Mackerel (Slimey) 0.750 S. Eden Gold Coast 18 Fathom Reef Gold Coast 9/07/1995 Mackerel (Spotted) 6.500 A. Nissen Ipswich United Mooloolaba Sunshine Coast 24/11/1979 Mangrove Jack 8.500 M. Beard Bribie Island Sandy Cape Fraser Island 29/07/1994 Marlin (Black) 296.000 W. Clarke Gold Coast Brewer Reef Cairns 1/11/1983 Marlin (Blue) 189.500 B. Denham Bribie Island Moreton Wide Brisbane 4/06/1989 Marlin (Striped) 84.000 B. Job Gold Coast Southport Gold Coast 22/12/1988 Milkfish 8.400 G. Macdonald Bribie Island Point Larakeyah Darwin 18/04/2002 Morwong (Red) 3.300 K. Maguire Bribie Island Western Rocks Brisbane 18/07/1987 Mullet (Blue-Tailed) 3.600 W. Hart Cairns Russell Heads Cairns 16/05/1981 Mullet (Diamond-Scale) 0.780 D. Minter Keppel Bay Fishing Creek Rockhampton 16/06/1979 Mullet (Freshwater) 1.450 K .Behrens Brisbane Caboolture R. Brisbane 31/12/1979 Mullet (Sea) 3.000 N. Schultz SEQTAR Brisbane River Brisbane 21/04/1986 Mulloway 26.000 M .Marshall Brisbane Southport Gold Coast 9/02/1992 Perch (Golden) 5.620 N. Schultz SEQTAR Brisbane River Brisbane 25/12/1993 Queenfish (Barred) 1.880 H. Johnson Bluewater T'Ville Hillock Point Hinchinbrook Island 18/01/2005 Queenfish (Giant) 16.000 R. Fordham Keppel Bay Waterpark Creek Yeppoon 3/02/2001 Rainbow Runner 5.800 B. Linnane Brisbane Swains Reef Gladstone 3/12/1987 Ray (Blue Spot) 33.820 J. Westbury Gold Coast Palm Beach Gold Coast 10/10/1976 Ray (Brown) 29.020 W. Rudder Brisbane Tweed River Gold Coast 13/11/1977 Ray (Bull) 51.000 O. Evren Gold Coast Sand Pumping Jetty Gold Coast 22/09/1993 Ray (Cow Tailed ) 23.000 R. Leal Gold Coast Deep Hole Gold Coast 17/12/1986 Ray (Eagle) 18.140 M .Dohnt Brisbane Second Valley 16/04/1979 Ray (Fiddler) 3.100 B. Wood Gold Coast Southport Gold Coast 1/06/1980 Ray (Javanese) 18.500 S .Poole Brisbane Jumpinpin Gold Coast 25/11/1979 Ray (Longtailed) 32.000 K. Shepherd Mackay Pioneer River Mackay 31/10/1976 Ray (Rat Tailed) 5.800 B. Norling Brisbane Jumpinpin Gold Coast 8/06/1994 Ray (Shovelnose White Spot) 53.500 G. Chapman Cairns Cape Grafton Cairns 19/01/1991 Ray (Shovelnose Banks ) 62.680 D. Hudson Cairns Kurrimine Beach Cairns 14/12/1968 Ray (Shovelnose Common ) 50.000 A. Twidale Mackay Louisa Creek Mackay 14/12/1992 Ray (Whiptail (Black Spotted) 3.650 T. Mulhall Bundaberg Burnett River Bundaberg 26/02/1995 Ray (Whiptail) 16.500 S. Dean Brisbane Brisbane River Brisbane 20/02/1974 Remora 3.600 S. Gregory Brisbane Barwon Banks Sunshine Coast 6/09/1997 Sailfish 73.000 G. Cowlishaw Brisbane Cape Moreton Brisbane 20/09/1980 Salmon (Beach) 0.820 D. Eggerling Keppel Bay Rosslyn Bay Rockhampton 7/06/1980 Samson Fish 14.200 J. Seeto Redcliffe Peninsular Bird Cage Brisbane 3/11/1991 Saratoga (Dawson River) 4.500 G. Cotter Cairns Fly Magnificent Ck 9/09/2003 Saratoga (Gulf) 4.400 G. Cotter Brisbane Cowal Ck 16/10/1995 Scad (Finny ) 1.200 R. Gilliland Mackay Mackay Harbour Mackay 18/10/1987 Sea Perch ( Large Mouth) 12.300 A. Dale 8/01/1999 Sea Perch (Fingermark) 12.420 W. Blundell Cairns Cairns Inlet Cairns 12/01/1986 Sea Perch (Moses) 1.850 B. Strickfuss Keppel Bay Lisa Jane Shoals Rockhampton 18/03/1979 Sea Perch (Small Mouth) 9.600 G. Campbell Bundaberg Rooneys Hervey Bay 1/04/1990 Sea Perch (Stripey) 1.100 S. Harris Keppel Bay Flat Island Rockhampton 15/04/1980 Sea Perch (Yellow Banded) 0.600 M. Buckle Keppel Bay Conicle Island Rockhampton 28/05/1983 Shark (Gummy) 6.370 F. Lamaree Gold Coast Redcliffe Brisbane 1/05/1993 Shark (Hammerhead) 133.350 M. Zimesk Gold Coast Southport Gold Coast 25/02/1978 Shark (Little Blue) 2.000 S.

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