THE HISTORY OF ISLAM IN THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO: AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF ABDULLAH BIN NUH’S WORKS1 Mohammad Noviani Ardi Fatimah Abdullah AbsAbstracttract TheThe topictopiic on ttheheh comingcommini g of IIslamslam ttoo ththehe MalayMalay worldworld hahass bebecomeecome an intellectualintellectual debatedebatte amongammong scholarsscholal rss aroundaroounu d ththee worldworlld forfof r bothbob thh MMuslimuslim and WeWesternsts ern scholars.schoh lars. ThereThT ere are at least fourfour elementsele emennts ofof debatedebatet on thesethese isissues,ssues, in particular,particular, on the orooriginalityiginality of IIslamicsls ammic ddoctrinesoctrinnes in the MaMMalaylal y world,world,d the ttheoryheoro y of tthehhe ccomingommini g of IIslamsls am ttoo thtthee MaMalaylay woworld,orld,d ttheheh ttimesimess of the comingcoomim ng ooff IsIslamlam as wellwell as ttheheh sspreadingprreae did ngg ofof IsIslamlaam in tthehehe Nusantara.Nusantara. ThisThis reresssearcheaarcr h willwill be ono aattemptttt eme pt iinn exexplicatingxplicattinng AbdullahAbA dullah binbinn Nuh’sNuhu ’s’ worksworrkss particulaparrtiicuculal rly in hhisiss discoursesdiscouru sees of thetheh comingcomo ing of IslamIslamm toto thethe Nusantara.Nusaanttara a.a ItIt focusesfocuses on threethreee worksworksk byby AbAbdullahdudulllah binbini Nuh,Nuh, enentitledtitled SeSejarahejarah IsIslamlal m did Jawa BaBaratrat hihhingganggag ZaZamanmaan KeKKeemasanemmassan BanBanten,teen,n RRingkasaninngkg assana SSejarahejara ah Wali Songo,Songgo,o al-al-IsIIsllām Fi IIndnddūnīssiyyiyyā, and his ararticlesrtit clc ese ddeliverellivi eredd in the SeminarSeminan r on TheTheh AdAdventdveentn ooff IslamIsI laam inin Indonesia heldheld inin MedanMedan in 1963.196363. TheThhe approachapprroao chc ofof ththisis studystuudy iiss babasedsed on ttextualextual analysis, using ddescriptive,esscripptive, anaanalyticalala ytici al memethodsthods frffromomm vvariousarrioous wworksoro ksks ooff ththee susubjectbjecct unuundernded r ststudy,udy,y ccomparisonompap rir son and cocontrastnttrast iinn ororderder too ggetett aadditionalddd iti ionaal ininformationformmation frffromom ttheheh other ulama’ inin thethe samesame eraera asas AbdullahAbdullaha binbin Nuh.Nuh. ThThishisi studystudy cconcludesoncludes that AbdulAbdullahlaah binbiin NuhNuh bebbelieveslilievvess thatthah t IslamIslaam camecamee toto NusantaraNusantara in particular to IndonesiaIndoneesia sincesince 7thh centurycec nturry CE eevenven though there is a claim that says IslamIslam camecamme mumuchchc eearlierarrliiere ffromrom the Arab Peninsula pluslhhfhlhh encounters the theory most of Western scholars who view that Islam came in 12th century CE. Keywords: Colonization, Civilization, Culture, and Nusantara 1 Article received: March 2017; Article accepted: April 2018. 247 MOHAMMAD NOVIANI ARDI Introduction Islam is not just the name of a religion as the final revelation, but, it was also revealed to all human beings as the model of guidance for life including its doctrines, virtues, values, civilization and culture based on the Al-Qur’an and Hadith of His messenger. Seyyed Hossein Nasr in his book Islam: Religion, History and Civilization, stated that Islam is religion (al-Dīn) and civilization: IIslamslam is not onlyonlly a religion;rer liigion; it isis alsoalsoo thetheh creator aandnd llivingiving spiritspiriit of a mmajoraja oro worworldldd ccivilizationivvillizizattioon withwiw th a long hhistoryistory stretchingsttrer tchih ngg ooverver fofourteenuru teteen ccenturies.ene turir es. IsIslamlam createdcrc eae ted a civilizationciviv lil zazatiion thatthah t hashah s coveredcoc vev reed ththee middlemiiddlel bebeltelt ooff the OlOOldld WoWorldrlr d for ovoverere a mmillenniumili leennniuum (N(Nasr,Nassr,r 191996).969 ). IsIslamlal m hahass a great cicivilizationviv liization aandndd vvaluesalueu s with wwhichhih ch iitt hahass bebbeeneen abableble ttoo prproduceroduce MuslMuslimimm iintellectualsnttelllectc ualss wwithitth diddiversevev rse prproficiencyofici ieency in tthehe fifieldiele d of knowledgeknoowllede ge ofof eithereiitht er sciencessciences oro IslamicIsllamicc thoughtthoughtt basedbasa edd onon thethe AlAl--QuQQur’anr’ana andand HadithHadith inn oorderrder ttoo rerrepresentprrese ennt anandnd inteinterrprpretett tthehe vverseserses orr sisignsgnns of AAllahllah in His creationcrreaatit onn ofof thtthee universe.unnivverse. In tthehe earlyearly pperiod,ere iod,d IsIIslamlaam bebecamecamem a ggreatreat forforcecec wwithith ititss cicivilizationvilizazatiiono arounaroundd thtthee woworldrld anaandd ththehe consistencycoonsn issttencn y of the iintellectualntn elleecttuaal culture.culture.e TherefoTherefore,ree, ththousandsousaands of bobooksokks wewereree wwrittenritttten by MuMuslimuslim scholarsschc olars who wewererer eexpertsxperts iinn asastronomy,trronomy, ggeology,eoe loogy, Sufism, arithmetic, memedicine,ediicic nen , mamarine,rinee, lallaw,w, jurijurisprudence,sppruuded ncnce,e language,language,e philosophy,philosophy, and otherothere fieldsfiei ldds ofof knowledge.knowlw eddgeg . MoMMoreover,reovere , thethe adadvancementvancn ememennt off MMuslimsusu lilimsm hhadad iinspirednspired nnon-Muslim,on-Musls imm, paparticularlyrttici ullara lyy WesternWesternr sscholarschollarrs anandd ininventors.nveentn oro s. TheTheyy attempted to taketaka e creditcrredit fforor tthehe aadvancementsdvanancemem nts by tthehee MMuslimuslim world and change iitt inn favorfava oror ofof thethhe WesternWeW stern civilization.civilizaz tiion. Colonization and iimperialismmperialism was appliedappllieed by WesternWestern nnations,atioions, particularparticularlyly in the MuMuslimslim worldworld ininor orderdertog to globalizelobalize theirtheh ir ideologies.ideologies ColonizationColonizationan andd imperialism here does not mean only physical colonization, but also the colonizing of civilization, culture, ideology, and history. All these elements of colonization aim to weaken the Muslim world and get rid of its legacy. Finally, history has also been altered by them, particularly the history of the coming of Islam to the Nusantara archipelago by Dutch scholars. 248 THE HISTORY OF ISLAM IN THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO: AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF ABDULLAH BIN NUH’S WORKS This paper presents an attempt to rediscover the history of the coming of Islam to the Nusantara particularly Indonesia with reference to works by Abdullah bin Nuh2 who is seen to have had major impact on Indonesian Muslim scholarship along with M. Hamka, Aboebakar Atjeh, and M. Rasidji. The special aspect of Abdullah bin Nuh’s writing can be seen in his referring to the turath books (the previous ulamas works) and using semantic method in order to facilitate assimilationassimilatiion ofof Arabic language with Nusantara llanguageanguage at that period.period.d AbdullahAbdullah bbininn NNuh:uhuh: BiBBiography,ogo raphp y,y WWorksoro ks aandndd CContributionono trribi ution to InIndonesiadonesia AbAbdullahduulllahh binbin NuhNuhu waswas bornborn onon 3 JuJummādā al-Ūlā 1313243244 HH/30/3/30thth June 1905,19055, in ttheheh smallsmam lll towntown of Cianjur, surroundedsurroundded bbyy thtthehe hihhighlandsghlaands of WestWest ooff JaJava.vava.3 HeHe grew up ini ttheheh high religireligiousous mimilieuilieuu wwithitth hihhiss fafamilyamily andandd inin ana IslamicIslamicc environment.envvironnmentn . HiHHiss father waswas K.H.K.H. RadenRaaded n MuMuhammadhammm add Nuh,Nuhh, one ofo thethe prominentprorominen ntt ululamaslammasa in Cianjur.Ciannjuj r.. HisHisis ffatherattheh r wawass alsoala so anan adadherentherent ooff ththehe Ṭaarrīqaqqahh ala -TiTTijijāniniyyahyyy ah ffromrom ShShaikhhaikhk AAlili ThThoyib,hoyyib, anaandd ininfluencednflf uenced hhimimi ttowardsowo ardsd Sufism.Suffissm.m Moreover,Moreover, K.H.K.HH. RadenRaR den MuMMuhammadhahammm add NNuhuh was ffamousammouus fofforr hihisis knknowledgeowwledgd e of IhIhyahya UUlumuddinlumum ddd in (G((Ghazhazālī’s greatgreatt book), whwhichicch waswawas subsequentlysuubsb eqe uenttlyl learnedlearned bbyy AbAAbdullahbdullahh bibbinn NuNNuh.h.h AAbdullahbdb ulu lah bibinn NuNNuh’suh’h s momothertherr wwasas ‘Aisy‘Aisyah,ah, whowho waswas a dadaughteraughtterr ooff AhAhmad,mam d, who ddescendedescended ffromrom a grgreateaat sasaint,aini t, ‘‘AbdulAbA dud l alal-Muhyi-MMuhu yi (the(ththe greatgrg eat ulama ooff Pamijahan in the WeWWestst JJava).avva)). ‘A‘AbdulAbdul alal--MuMuhyi’suhyi’i s descendantdesccendad ntt was Syarif Hidayat, amongamom ngng thetheh veneratedvennerata ed ululamaama at tthathaat pepperiod.riiodd.4 2 Among his worksworkss arearee SejarahSeS jaj rah IslamIslam did JawaJawa a BaratBaarat hinggahih ngggaa ZamanZamaman Keemasan Banten, RingkaRingkasansaan SejarahSejaraah WaliWaW lil Songo,Sono goo, alal-Isll-IIsllām Fī IndInI dūnīsiyysiyyy ā, andand hishis workwork withwith AA.. Shahab in the SSeminareminarr ooff thtthee HiHistorysttoro y ofo ttheheh CComingomo inng ofof IslIslamama to Indonesia held at Medan tahun 1963. 3 A.P.B.,AiiSjh Panitia Sejarah, ArabanAb Press Board: dS Sejarah hd dan Perjuangannya. (Jakarta: Panitia Sejarah A.P.B., 1986); A. Z. Dahlan, Al-Hijrah min Allah Ila Allah. (Bogor, 1987). 4 N. H. Lubis, “Pustaka Unpad.” Last modified November 30, 2015, http://pustaka.unpad.ac.id; M. Muhsin, “Penyebaran Islam di Jawa Barat.” (paper presented at National Workshop Sejarah Perjuangan Syaikhuna Badruzzaman, 2010); S. Antonio, Al-Ghazali dari Indonesia: KH. Abdullah bin Nuh. (Jakarta: Tazkia Publishing, 2015). 249 MOHAMMAD NOVIANI ARDI In addition, beside his family, Abdullah bin Nuh’s teachers
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