EVALUATION OF SOLID-STATE CROWBARS AND GAS-DISCHARGE TUBES IN CATV SURGE SUPPRESSION APPLICATIONS Peter Deierlein Magnavox CATV Abstract different characteristics and limitations, and direct comparison of device capabilities has been Gas-discharge surge arrestor tubes and the difficult because the device performance is stated recently-introduced solid-state AC crowbars under different conditions. The purpose of this perform identical surge suppression functions in work is to compare the performance of the dif­ CATV systems, but each operates on very dif­ ferent types of surge protection devices under ferent principles and possesses different perfor­ conditions which are appropriate to CATV ap­ mance limitations. CATV equipment must plications. withstand two distinctly different types of surge phenomena, and each surge suppression device SURGE CHARACTERISTICS is uniquely suited to protect from the effects of a particular type and level of surge. Analysis of While the electrical term "surge" is most both equipment failure and field test data is used often meant to define a potentially damaging as a guide in the selection of appropriate surge temporary increase in circuit voltage, the term protection devices, which are then tested to deter­ "power surge" is more accurate in defining this mine their relative strengths. condition as it relates to CATV equipment. INTRODUCfiON This is because any surge protection device that does not function by disconnecting the "Outages" are a major issue for the CATV protected equipment causes an increase in circuit industry, and the primary cause of service outage current and power as the voltage is clamped to an is equipment damage (or blown fuses) from ex­ acceptable level. (While a "disconnecting" type posure to surge voltages and/or currents in excess of surge protector would be desirable, such of design limits. Bonding, grounding, and equip­ devices are too slow and/or not suitable for use ment ruggedness have increased significantly, in RF circuits.) but no matter how much the design limits are improved, surge suppression devices are required Electrical surges may be divided into three to suppress surges in excess of the limits. With general groups based on duration and amplitude. the move towards elimination (or up-sizing) of The most common type of surge is of relatively fuses, the surge suppression devices have be­ low amplitude, and in most CATV applications, come the "weak link" in the system. any surge that does not result in a voltage increase of more than 50% may be disregarded. Surge Meanwhile, the primary protective devices events that cause voltage increases over 50% will have improved performance and ruggedness. be defined as either long or short duration, with Solid-state devices have advanced from their a dividing line of 1 milli-second. secondary role so that they now rival the perfor­ mance of traditional primary devices. Unfor­ Short-duration surges (also known as "impul­ tunately, the devices have fundamentally ses") due to lightning strikes and switching tran- 212 -1992 NCTA Technical Papers sients are well-known and have been charac­ a surge protector can be moderately high (over terized by the IEEE for various applications, 60 kW), but total energy (10,000 Joules over 11 which unfortunately do not include CATV. The cycles) can be tremendous. "IEEE Guide for Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits," (ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1980, FIELD EXPERIENCE formerly designated IEEE Std 587-1980) estab­ lishes standards for devices connected to 120 It is possible to deduce a significant amount V AC power, and their location category "B" (for of information regarding the type and magnitude major indoor feeders and short branch circuits) of CATV surge phenomena by studying field appears to be a worst-case for CATV applica­ failure patterns and equipment failure modes. tions. Over a two-year period, the equipment failures were concentrated near the ends of powered seg­ Two impulse waveshapes are defined by the ments (normally the lowest voltage points), and IEEE, a 100-kHz oscillatory wave of .5 micro­ even oversized Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs) second rise time decaying by 60% every 10 experienced catastrophic failures at these points. micro-seconds, and a uni-directional impulse of Since many failures occurred during clear 1.2 micro-second rise time with 50 micro-second weather, they did not appear to be statistically decay ("1.2 x 50 uS") for high-impedance loads coincidental with lightning storms (although the and 8 micro-second rise time with 20 micro­ study areas were located in high-lightning por­ second decay ("8 x 20 uS") for low-impedance tions of the country). discharge current. Amplitudes for these waveshapes are defined as 6000 Volts for 100 When the CATV system's DC power sup­ kHz and 1.2 x 50 uS high-impedance waves, plies were ruggedized to withstand peak input 3000 Amps for the 8 x 20 uS low-impedance voltages of 400 and 500 Volts (up from 150 wave, and 500 Amps for the 100 kHz low-im­ Volts), failure rates were substantially reduced pedance wave. While power dissipation in a even when other types of surge protection was surge protector can be quite high (up to 900 kW removed. Often, MOVs would fail in the open peak), total energy is low (about 10 Joules) due condition with no other failures in the ruggedized to the short duration of the surge. equipment. As will be shown, MOVs offer good protection from short-duration surges, but do not Long-duration surges due to imbalances in provide appropriate protection against long­ distribution system powering range upwards duration surges. All the data pointed away from from 1 milli-second to many hours. While the 60 the short-duration impulses, strongly implicating V AC cable power system would appear to be the long-duration surges as the major cause of isolated from the effects of power distribution equipment damage. fluctuations by the regulating qualities of the line power supply's ferroresonant transformer, Her­ While equipment ruggedization resulted in man and Shekle showed how current sharing substantial reductions in failure rates, an oppor­ between the power company's neutral conductor tunity for further study occurred at a site ex­ and the CATV system's cable sheath can cause periencing a unique faiiure mode (multipie significant increases in cable voltage. The power instances of circuit conductor destruction at a company uses primary fuses and circuit breakers single location) along with a higher than normal to interrupt high-amplitude imbalances and over­ overall failure rate. An "RMU" (Remote Monitor loads over 200 Amps, but these devices can take Unit) commercial surge monitoring device was up to 11 cycles to activate. Power dissipation in obtained, and a custom interface was constructed 1992 NCTA Technical Papers- 213 to facilitate its use in CATV systems. The equip­ The RMU was installed at the "problem" ment, which was intended to measure short- and location, a line extender in a residential section long-duration surge voltages on the 120 V AC of Cleveland, Mississippi near a cotton process­ power line along with voltage differences be­ ing facility. This location had experienced tween line neutral and safety ground, was repeated outages (some of which were not related selected specifically for its small size, low power to severe weather), and had suffered damage to consumption, and unattended operating internal AC circuits on two occasions. The capability. nominal AC cable power at this location was 47 V AC with less than 1 Amp through-current to Interlace one following line extender on the feeder. The r----------------~ I I through-current carrying conductors were rug­ I I gedized to prevent further damage (no damage I occurred during the test). The line extender was I I equipped with its normal complement of two I I medium-duty "gas tubes." Llno Extender I The RMU was programmed to log the time, duration and maximum RMS value of each long­ duration voltage surge over 50 Volts, the time and maximum peak amplitude of each short­ RUU duration impulse over 80 Volts, and the time and Nodular I Phone Plug I peak amplitude of each current surge over 14 I '---------' Amps. While the current surge measuring sub­ L----------------~ system did not possess sufficient bandwidth or Figure 1. resolution to measure short-duration impulse Remote Monitoring Interface for CATV currents, current surges over 1 mS were logged with 16 mS (one-cycle) resolution. The logging The CATV interface enclosed the RMU, al­ thresholds were intentionally set relatively low to lowed it to be powered by (and to monitor) the avoid losing data associated with other surges, cable system's 40-60 V AC power with negligible since the RMU's firmware was designed to treat loading effects, and adapted the neutral-to­ each surge type individually. ground feature to measure center conductor cur­ rent surges. A detailed functional diagram of the Over the seven-month period, 67 "events" configuration is shown in Figure 1. The only were logged. An "event" is herein defmed as any non-cable connection to the device was a local surge or series of surges within a 1-second period. telephone line, connected to the RMU's internal In 16 cases, power was lost for periods ranging modem. The RMU contained an internal battery from 1 second to 30 seconds, and in one case, backed-up memory, and was polled several times power was lost for a period of 7 minutes follow­ a week for a period of7 months from June 1989 ing a single 66 Amp current surge. In all but one through January 1990. event, one or more surges were logged in con­ junction with the power loss. Short-duration voltage surges were relatively · rare and of low amplitude, but one event ex­ ceeded the 800 Volt measurement capability of 214 -1992 NCTA Technical Papers the RMU.
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