PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID The Roundup (406) 433-3306 or 1-800-749-3306 %XVLQHVV2IÀFH 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV Fax (406) 433-4114 /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ P.O. Box 1207 e-mail address: 6LGQH\07 6LGQH\07 [email protected] www.roundupweb.com :HGQHVGD\1RYHPEHU 9ROXPH1XPEHU State, County Shops at Fox Run To Officials Seek Open November 19 7KH6KRSVDW)R[5XQRQ1RUWK Information in &HQWUDO$YHQXHLQ6LGQH\ Case of Missing Sidney Woman )RXO3OD\6XVSHFWHG LQ9DOHQWLQH·V'D\ 'LVDSSHDUDQFH 6XEPLWWHGE\$QDVWDVLD %XUWRQ On February 14, 2013, Nicole Waller left Fairview, Montana to return home to her three young children in Kalispell. When Waller, 32, GLGQ·WUHWXUQIDPLO\PHPEHUV UHSRUWHGKHUPLVVLQJ:DOOHU·V vehicle, a maroon 1999 Ford Expedition, was eventually found on the side of Highway By Dianne Swanson Russell who were fantastic to work with. Leslie is a descen- 2 outside of Poplar. Although The Shops At Fox Run on North Central Ave. Sidney will dant of Augusta Vaux, and the couple strongly supports the an extensive search was be open for business Tuesday, November 19, with a ribbon Sidney community. conducted, Waller was never cutting at 10 a.m. Both Reynolds Market and ElectricLand will Once the property was annexed into the City of Sidney, found. Nearly ten months 1LFROH:DOOHU be welcoming customers to their new locations. the subdivision was formed. In some instances, Associated later, Waller has still not been It has been a relatively quick process from the feasibility Foods advises their member independent grocers, to purchase located, and investigators are study started in February of 2012, to completion. According to enough land to provide other shopping opportunities. Other asking anyone with information to contact them. John Reynolds, president and COB of Reynolds Corporation, UHWDLOHUVÀQGLWDWWUDFWLYHWREHQH[WWRDJURFHU\VWRUHDQGDOO ´0RWKHUVWUDGLWLRQDOO\GRQ·WDEDQGRQWKHLUFKLOGUHQµQRWHG 6WHYHQ0LQHUSUHVLGHQWRI$VVRFLDWHG)RRGV·ZKROO\RZQHG WKHIRRWWUDIÀFWKDWLWEULQJV5H\QROGVSXUFKDVHGDFUHV $JHQW0DUN+LO\DUGRIWKH0RQWDQD'HSDUWPHQWRI-XVWLFH·V subsidiary Market Development, steered them to the research IURPWKH5XVVHOOVDQGQDPHGWKHVXEGLYLVLRQDIWHU/HVOLH·V Division of Criminal Investigation. “This is clearly not normal and marketing experts who were able to provide the guidance great grandfather, Augusta Vaux. Lots were then sold to EHKDYLRUDQGKDVHYHU\LQGLFDWLRQRIDKRPLFLGHµ needed to get the project underway. Candlewood Suites and ALCO. There are still 3 lots remaining $OWKRXJK ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW ZRQ·W JR LQWR GHWDLOV RI WKH 0LQHUWKHQKHOSHGWRÀQGWKHSHUIHFWORFDWLRQIRUWKHVWRUH for sale, one next to ALCO and 2 remaining out parcels on investigation, a number of factors point to foul play. Agent 5H\QROGVZDVIRUWXQDWHWRÀQGODQGRZQHUV-RHDQG/HVOLH &RQWLQXHGRQSDJH +LO\DUGUHIHUHQFHV:DOOHU·VDEDQGRQHGFDUDVDQH[DPSOH “Someone witnessed suspicious activity taking place. It also th DSSHDUHGRGGWKDWKHUFKLOGUHQ·VSHWJXLQHDSLJVZHUHVWLOOLQ Wheat Evolution Talk at ARS 50 Celebration; WKHYHKLFOHZKHQLWZDVUHFRYHUHGµ$JHQW+LO\DUGVDLG+H XUJHGWKHSXEOLFIRUDVVLVWDQFHZLWKWKHPLVVLQJZRPDQ·VGLV- appearance, pointing out that often a single observation that Participants can do DNA Extraction at Event someone may consider unimportant can break a case open. Agent Hilyard added, “There are three children and a 6XEPLWWHGE\%HWK5HGOLQ to ensure that wheat continues to meet our food needs as the IDPLO\ORRNLQJIRUVRPHFORVXUHWRWKHLUORYHGRQH·VGLVDSSHDU- /DUJH VFLHQWLÀF FRQFHSWV OLNH HYROXWLRQ DQG PROHFXODU JOREH·VSRSXODWLRQDQGHQYLURQPHQWDOVWUHVVHVLQFUHDVHµ DQFH$QGWKHUH·VVRPHRQHRXWWKHUHZKRNQRZVWKHWUXWKµ biology (DNA) may seem far removed from our everyday 5HIUHVKPHQWVZLOOEHVHUYHGIROORZLQJ(VSHODQG·VWDON $Q\RQHZLWKLQIRUPDWLRQUHJDUGLQJ1LFROH:DOOHU·VGLVDS- lives, but in agricultural research those ideas have become along with special activities, displays and facility tours for pearance may anonymously contact Agent Mark Hilyard in the LQYDOXDEOHWRROVLQWKHVFLHQWLVW·VDUVHQDO$QGQRWMXVWKLJK those interested. Among the unique activities planned for Division of Criminal Investigation at the Montana Department tech tools harnessed in the modern age, but everyday tools Thursday is an opportunity to do an actual DNA extraction of Justice by calling (406) 791-2709 or the Flathead County that have been used for more than a century. using strawberries and simple household supplies! 6KHULII·V2IÀFHDW Come discover the secrets of evolution and DNA this 'U (VSHODQG·V SUHVHQWDWLRQ LV RQH RI WZR WDONV PDUN- 7KXUVGD\ 1RY DWSPLQWKHÀUVWRIWZRVSHFLDOIDPL- LQJWKHUHVHDUFKODE·Vth year in Sidney. The other, to be ly-friendly talks planned by the USDA-ARS Northern Plains presented by NPARL Insect Pathologist Stefan Jaronski on Sidney Lions Agricultural Research Laboratory (NPARL) in Sidney in Thursday, Nov. 21, is entitled “What Does the Future Hold FHOHEUDWLRQ RI LWV th anniversary. Speaking will be USDA IRU,QVHFW3HVW0DQDJHPHQW"µDQGZLOODJDLQEHSUHVHQWHG scientist Erin Espeland, whose presentation Thursday is en- in plain language targeting older youngsters through adults Selling WLWOHG´(YROXWLRQLQZKHDWIURPDQFLHQWWLPHVLQWRWKHIXWXUHµ and include related demonstrations and displays, along with In it, Espeland will discuss these common, but complicated tours and refreshments. concepts in plain language (suitable for upper elementary In keeping with the family friendly focus of both events, Christmas students through adults) and illustrate how they are being NPARL employees will also be providing free childcare onsite XVHG WRGD\ WR DLG$PHULFDQ IDUPHUV LQ IHHGLQJ WKH ZRUOG·V for the youngest members of the family (toddlers through low- growing population. er elementary grades) so their parents can take in the talks Wreaths “Grain crops allow human beings to live at high densities, ZLWKWKHLUROGHUFKLOGUHQZLWKRXWKDYLQJWRÀQGDEDE\VLWWHU Sidney Lions Club will again be selling fresh Christmas and wheat was instrumental in the founding of early civiliza- Childcare activities will include special age-appropriate treats, ZUHDWKVGRRUWRGRRU1RYDQGZLOOEHDW5H\QROGV0DU- WLRQµ(VSHODQGH[SODLQV´7KLVWDONDQGWKHFRPELQHGKDQGVRQ games and other activities. ket and IGA from 4-6 p.m. on these days. Orders will also be activities will show how farmers and scientists manage evo- Please join us for these fun events beginning at 7 pm WDNHQE\FDOOLQJ/LEE\DWSOHDVHOHDYHDPHVVDJH lutionary processes to increase the nutrition of wheat and its RQ7KXUVGD\1RY7KHODELVORFDWHGDW1&HQWUDO with your name and address if no answer. Two sizes available hardiness as a crop. We will also peek into the future another in Sidney. For more information, contact Beth Redlin at 406- this year, small for $20 and large $40. \HDUVWRVHHKRZ86'$$56UHVHDUFKZLOOXVHHYROXWLRQ 433-9427. 2 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2013 Montana Energy Forum Time’s Up. By Dianne Swanson spoke on the importance of and said it is critical we follow The New Health Insurance Law is Here. The Montana Energy approving the Keystone XL WKURXJKZLWKWKLVSURMHFW+H Forum held in Sidney last 3LSHOLQH+HKDGKLJKSUDLVH urged everyone to send let- Wednesday and Thursday for TransCanada and high- ters to their senators and ev- Enroll Now brought oil and gas devel- lighted the need for energy eryone else, from the bottom opment interests from Man- DQG MREV LQ WKH 86 ,I WKH WRWKHWRS´:H·YHJRWWDJHW for coverage that begins on January 1st. itoba, Canada together with 86 GRHV QRW DSSURYH WKH WKLVSURMHFWJRLQJµKHVWDWHG ORFDOEXVLQHVVHVDQGRIÀFLDOV pipeline, Canada may choose ´7KHUH DUH IRXU WKLQJV ZH Let us help you. The group toured the area to pipe the oil elsewhere, need: energy, exports, energy We will walk you through, talk you through, and get you through it all. and visited various facilities such as China with its dismal LQGHSHQGHQFHDQGMREVµ FRQQHFWHG WR WKH RLO ILHOG DLUTXDOLW\KLVWRU\´1RRWKHU Montana Lieutenant Join your trusted partner today. bcbsmt.com They also had the opportunity country will do it as clean as Governor John Walsh also to meet with representatives ZHZLOO´KHVDLG7KHEHQHÀW greeted the crowd and ex- from local businesses and for the Bakken would be a pressed the Montana ad- discuss mutual benefits of PDLQODWHUDOWRUHÀQHLWVSURG- PLQLVWUDWLRQ·VVXSSRUWIRUWKH GRLQJEXVLQHVVWRJHWKHU XFWLQ$PHULFD+HHVWLPDWHG RLODQGJDVLQGXVWU\+HDOVR At the luncheon held 5000 actual construction jobs HPSKDVL]HGWKDW´0RQWDQDLV for more information: 855.508.2502 | reformandyoumt.com on Wednesday, local veter- would come with the project RSHQIRUEXVLQHVVµ ans and their spouses were A Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. special guests and were recognized for their service E\VHYHUDOVSHDNHUV IRED OF AYING IGH ENT Arnie Sherman of the Montana World Trade Center This Spectacular Modular Home opened the program with an explanation of the intense re- Is Ready To Move Into Now! lationship between Montana DQG0DQLWRED+HWKHQKDG the guests from Manitoba introduce themselves and discuss the company they UHSUHVHQWHG7KH FRQWLQ- gency from Manitoba came looking for investment and business opportunities as well as distributors for their NEW 3 Bed, 2 Bath Modular Home, 1680 Sq. Ft., on a one-acre lot in Missouri - Meadows. Missouri Meadows is located just 4 miles east of Walmart in Williston. SURGXFWV&RPSDQLHVLQFOXG It is a beautiful, quiet country setting. A great place to live & raise a family! ed everything from an Alumi- num fabricator to a Welding VXSSO\FRPSDQ\ Easy financing availble! Ready to move into! Speakers also included Call J&J Homes for details Scott Smith,
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