180 -•~- • RESOLUTION NO. 35. A Rl!SOLUTION RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PUBLICATION OF AN ESTIMATE •..' OF EXPENSES· FOR ALL PURPOSES FOR THE VILLAGE OF KUNA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING THE 1ST DAY OF MAY 1948, AND ENDING THE 30TH DAY OF APRIL 194~. ·. BE IT Rl!SOLVED RESOLVED BY THE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF TRUSTEE> TRUSTEm OF THE VILLAGE OF KUNA: : Section l. 1. That the following fOllowing classified estimate of the probable amount of money necessary to be raised for all purposes in the Village of Kuna, for the fiscal year beginning the let 1st ,day ·day of May 1948, and ending the 30th day of April 1949, be pUblishedpublished for two sucoeeeive successive weekly issues in the Kuna Herald, a wee~cly newspaper pUbl-iahedpubl·iehed i•n i·n the Village of Kuna. SectionSect ion 2. That a statement of the entire revenue of the VillageVi l_lage for the previous fiscal year is as follows: j ·.General General Receipta-----------------------8126.70 Rec eipts------------ 8126. 70 er(V,V~ ·Tax-Tax receipts---------------------------3324.38 receipts----------------- 3324.38 ·.Balance Balance on hand------------------------3765.65 hand---------------- 3765.65 S~ction 3. That the probable amount of money necessary for all purposes for the fiscal year ending April 30th 1948, is as ffOllows: ollowa: ·Salar1es--------- ~ 6000.00 ·L1ghts-~salaries---------------~-------~----~-~6000.00 ~ ~ ~~ 800.00 ·Lights---------~----------~~-----~----- -Building Improvements-- 800.00300.00 • ·Building-Waterworks------- Improvements------------------2000.00300.00 ·Streets-·Waterworks---------------------------••2000.00800.00 ~streets--------------------------------·Irrigation ~ aoo.oo500.00 ·Irrigation--------------------~---------Printing--- 500.00200.00 • ~Printing----~---------------------~---~-Fire Department-- 750.00200.00 ·Fire Department------------------------ 750.00 ·Miscellaneous-Miscellaneous and Reserve--------------3650.00 15000.00 Estimated General receipts--------receipts-------------7500.00 7500.00 ·Bala.nee-Balance on hand-----------------~------3750.00 hand----------------- 3750.00 ..:To · To be'be· raised raiaed by tax of 15· 15 Mills------Mills--------3310. __ 3310.00 00 ,'Specia1 Special tax for Fire Dept •., 2 Mill.a----- Mills-----440. 440.00 00 15000.15000.00 00 Section 4. Notice is ia hereby given that the amount of $3310.00 to be raised by taxation will require an additional 5 MillsMille over and abov~ above the 10 mill levy authorized by law and that the Trustees of the Village of Kuna will hold a pUblicpublic hearing in the board room at their regUl.ar regUlar meeting on the ?th 7th day of June 1948, at 8 oclock P.M. at whibh time all persons will be heard on On the question whether-the whether the said 5 mill levy shall be made. PassesPassss by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Kuna and approved by the Chairman this 3rd day of May 1948. Attes~/fAttes.;y /('~~ /m7/~/fN7l~ Approv~'fe;APprov~ ~~. ~. Clerk Chairman •• .
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