A Mirror and Focus for the Jazz Community May 2017 Vol. 33, No. 5 EARSHOT JAZZSeattle, Washington Stuart MacDonald Photo by Daniel Sheehan LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR May Day! Give Big! Finally, some warm air, and That turns your $100 dona- a little more room to breathe tion into $200, and, fingers it. Pilots use the term “ceil- crossed, your $1,000 dona- ing” when talking about the tion into $2,000. But, as sky, and now that the grey they say on public radio, any blanket of winter has lifted, donation that fits your bud- I understand the term. I get is just right. Stop and also understand more clearly think about the role this or- how the incessant lack of ganization has played in your sunshine and blue sky can life, and in this community, contribute to general malaise year after year; decide on a and perception of fewer pos- donation that is meaningful sibilities. I must be season- to you, and go online to ear- ally affected. They ought call shot.org to donate. them the Greys, instead of Your help is needed. Think the Blues. about the dedication and But here we go. Even if the the authenticity with which storm clouds come and go, Earshot offers a steady flow there is a tomorrow, and we of one-of-a-kind concert all get to play a role in it. presentations and services Jazz artists at the recent to this great community. NEA Jazz Masters awards in Consider this very newslet- Washington D.C. focused ter for instance, and its sin- new attention from the jazz responsible to us (We), the people. gular role in documenting side of the aisle on political threats We all have a voice in the system. one of the most vibrant jazz com- to end government support for arts. Please call and write to make your munities in America. Like most of Meanwhile, up in New York, the voice heard. our programs, this publication earns always-eloquent Wynton Marsa- You can act locally on another im- only half of its cost through income lis spiked it on CBS News, saying, portant level. May 10 is GiveBIG from subscriptions and ad sales. The “When we tell people our arts are Day in Seattle, an exciting new tra- rest comes from people just like not important, our wisdom is not dition, spearheaded by the Seattle you. Your support is essential, well important, we’re preparing our pub- Foundation, in which every individ- used, and deeply appreciated. Please, lic to be more ignorant so that we ual can support their favorite non- make a donation to support the Ear- can exploit them more.” profit, at any and every level. We shot Jazz magazine, and all of our Once again, we ask everyone to re- hope that Earshot Jazz is at the top other programs. We are a non-profit, member that public funding options of your list. 501(c)(3) organization. Your dona- are essential to the work of every arts To stretch your donation, the Ear- tions are tax deductible, and, best of organization. Our president cannot shot Jazz Board of Directors offers all, you can see and hear the result of institute sweeping changes without a matching challenge. Our board your generosity every month of the the approval of the Senate and Con- members have collectively and gen- year. Go to earshot.org now. gress, and those senators and con- Thank you!! erously offered to match your dona- gresspeople, as elected officials, are tion, dollar for dollar, up to $7,000. –John Gilbreath, Executive Director 2 • Earshot Jazz • May 2017 EARSHOT JAZZ The Time is Now! A Mirror and Focus for the Jazz Community Tell your friends and support Executive Director John Gilbreath Managing Director Karen Caropepe Program Manager Caitlin Peterkin Earshot Jazz Editor Caitlin Peterkin Contributing Writers Halynn Blanchard, Marianne Gonterman, Steve Griggs, Sara Jones, Edan Krolewicz, Jean Mishler Calendar Editor Caitlin Peterkin Photography Daniel Sheehan Layout Caitlin Peterkin Distribution Karen Caropepe & Earshot Jazz DOUBLE-TIME! volunteers Thanksyour to our donation board ofwill directors, be send Calendar Information to: 3429 Fremont Place N, #309 matched note-for-note, Seattle, WA 98103 dollar-for-dollar! email / [email protected] Board of Directors Sue Coliton (president), Danielle Leigh (vice president), Sally Nichols (secretary), Viren Kamdar (treasurer), Ruby Smith Love, John W. Comerford, Chris Icasiano, Diane Wah Emeritus Board Members Clarence Acox, Hideo Makihara, Kenneth W. Masters, Lola Pedrini, Paul Toliver, Cuong Vu Founded in 1984 by Paul de Barros, Gary Bannister, and Allen Youngblood. Earshot Jazz is published monthly by Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle and is available online at www.earshot.org. subscription (with membership): $35 3429 Fremont Place #309 Seattle, WA 98103 phone / (206) 547-6763 Earshot Jazz ISSN 1077-0984 Printed by Pacific Publishing Company It’s Easy! © 2017 Earshot Jazz Society of Seattle To get started, go to www.givebigseattle.org and select “FIND A NONPROFIT” MI ss I O N S T A T E M ENT Earshot Jazz cultivates a vibrant jazz Thank you for your support! community by engaging audiences, celebrating artists, and supporting arts Triple-Time? It’s possible! Please find out if your education to ensure the legacy and company offers a corporate gift-matching program. progression of the art form. May 2017 • Earshot Jazz • 3 NOTES Mark Your Calendars for for jazz musicians for the 2017 event, an audience of presenters, artist man- GiveBIG! which will be held Tuesday, August agers, educators, and other colleagues. 15, in Shoreline. Artists should send Professional ensembles that perform The Seattle Foundation’s seventh an- an email, with links to their website, early, classical/contemporary, jazz, or nual GiveBIG day is May 10. On this Facebook page, or other samples world music are encouraged to apply. day of giving, maximize your gift to of their music, to Ray Bloom at No application fee is required, but ap- Earshot by participating in this com- musicdirector@northcityjazzwalk. plicants must be current CMA mem- munity giving event. You can help com, by May 15. bers at the organization level. with a donation at any level. Each Applications are due by midnight donation made between midnight 2018 CMA Conference Showcase (EST) on Sunday, June 4. Details and midnight PDT will be matched available at chamber-music.org. by Earshot’s Board of Directors. Find Applications Now Open more information at givebigseattle.org. Applications are now open for en- 5th Annual Jazz Contest for sembles to perform a 20-minute show- North City Jazz Walk Accepting case at Chamber Music America’s Women Composers Submissions 2018 national conference in New York Seattle Women’s Jazz Orchestra City on January 4-7. The showcases (SWOJO) is now seeking submissions The North City Jazz Walk are an opportunity for ensembles to Committee is accepting submissions market themselves and their work to CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 IN ONE EAR Wayne Horvitz Named Jazz “We honor Wayne Horvitz as a Jazz received “Best Solo Show 2015” and Journalists Association Hero Hero for continuing to create commu- “#1 Art Show of 2015” from Baltimore nity, fitting his life to it through all his City Paper, reviews by The Huffington Pianist/composer/educator Wayne efforts with music and musicians in Post, Artnet News, Washington Post, Horvitz was recently named Seattle’s Seattle,” writes Steve Griggs. The Root, and The Real News Net- Jazz Hero by the Jazz Journalists Asso- work. This past fall, Rucker presented ciation. Jazz Heroes are “advocates, al- Paul Rucker Earns Guggenheim Stories From the Trees, an element from truists, activists, aiders, and abettors of this exhibition, at the 2016 Earshot jazz who have had significant impact Fellowship Jazz Festival. Using animation, new in their local communities.” The Jazz Visual artist, composer, and musician compositions, and live performance, Hero awards, made annually on the Paul Rucker recently earned a 2017 the piece re-imagined horrifying vin- basis of nominations from community Guggenheim Fellowship from the tage postcards of lynchings, in an ex- members, are presented by their local John Simon Guggenheim Memorial perience that was poignant, riveting, fans and friends in conjunction with Foundation. Often combining media, and utterly wrenching. the JJA’s annual Jazz Awards honoring integrating live performance, sound, This fall, Rucker’s work will be fea- significant achievements in jazz music original compositions, and visual art, tured at the Institute for Contempo- and journalism. his work is the product of a rich in- rary Art at Virginia Commonwealth Along with completing award-win- teractive process, through which he University in its inaugural exhibition, ning and commissioned works, in- investigates community impacts, hu- Declaration. cluding his 21 Pianos and Those Who man rights issues, historical research, “I’m honored to receive this generous Remain projects, Horvitz is an active and basic human emotions surround- award from this prestigious organiza- partner in Columbia City’s Royal ing particular subject matter. tion,” says Rucker. “I deeply appreciate Room, where he leads the Royal Room His largest installation to date, RE- Collective Music Ensemble and brings WIND, garnered praise from Balti- in regional and touring creative artists more Magazine awarding Rucker “Best seven nights a week. Artist 2015.” Additionally, REWIND CONTINUED ON PAGE 23 4 • Earshot Jazz • May 2017 U CALL FOR ARTISTs Jazz: The Second Century Deadline June 1 Earshot Jazz seeks submissions from Seattle-area individual art- ists and ensembles for the 2017 Jazz: The Second Century series. The series brings the progression of jazz into creative motion on the concert stage. Projects that question and expand the conven- tions of the jazz form are wel- EARSHOTJAZZ come.
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