On The Inside , The Weather 8lkbU~ eoI4er Wa~ aDd 'Bums' Way Throuqh Europe COIlUJaae4 el."~. 8a&ar· Paqe 3 4a~, ..Q.... mlJ4. Pack.,. Draft Reichardt . BlJb to4a~ , U: ••", ZI. Paqe 4 BtIh TllIan4a~, 11: lew• U.s. Population Hits ISS Mlllion . owan at zt. .. Paqe 6 Eal 1868 - AP LeaHd Whe, ¥ Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Friday. January 18. 1952 - Vol. 86. No. 75 First of Concert Series- Churchill Threatens Pianist Claudio Arrau Tonight's artist at the first ot and the Union. He inquired as to the concert series is not only a when he might have the Union lounge to practice in. When told Reds With Action famous pianist, but an avid an- I t"at it was usually filled' with stu­ tique glass collector. dents, he replied, "I want peOple ClaudiO Arrau arrived in Iowa to hear my pJ.a.ying, but my prac­ City Thursday evening clutching I ticing, NO!" WASHINGTON (.4') -President a paper bag which contained some He has been in the United States If Truce Is Broken fine Venetian glass goblets, bought Truman haa decided to recom­ for ten years and has his home 4Expelled Students mend an expansion of the nation's WASHINGTON (IP) - Prime -----------­ on his stopover In Chicago that with his wife and two children in Coral Petsel atomic procram, Senator McMa­ )Ilnlster Winston Churchill afternoon. Little Neck Bay, Douglaston, L.r., hon (D-Conn.) said Thursday. He , ..,med Red China Thursday that Repub!icans Warned His piano tuner, Richard Pohl· N.Y. 'Not Guilty' in Have Possi~le Chance expr~ed confidence the proposal . If the proposed truce in Korea is man, was with him and held an­ His program, beginning at 8 p.rn. will be carried out. broken, Britain will join the Unit­ other bag with several American is ns lollows: "Rondo in G major, McMahon described the pro­ ed Stales in swift "resolute and ef­ Of Party' ~ Future glass goblets. Opus 51, No.2," by Beethoven; posed expansion as "real" but fective" counter action. This will be Arrau's first ap· "Sonata In F minor, Opus 57," by gave little indication of its size. Child's Death F~ R~~~~"~C~m6t~ He hinted It would not be the ex­ The British Premier also prom­ pearance on this campus and is Beethoven; "Rondo Capriccioso," readmittance for tour expelled I5fd that Britain will help defend If Ike Is Nominated one ot his many stops on his cross· by Mendelssohn; "Song Without pansion to about 8 bmlon dollars COLUMBIA, MO. (,4» _ A cir. SUI students appeared to have a year which he has advocated. , W.tern Europe against Soviet ag­ country concert tour. He had just Words In G major," by Mendels· cuit court jury Thursday found been leU sllghtly ajar Thursday SAN FRANCISCO (IP) - David come from Madison, Wis., where "There never has been anybody p-esslon, and he cautioned the sohn. Mrs. Coral Joanne Pelsel, former night. Unlted States "above all things" S. Ingalls, head of the Taft-for- he played before the students nt who got all he asked for," McMa­ "VariatJons on a Theme ot Psg· resident ot near Iowa City, not Dean of Students L. Dale hon told newsmen. DOt to give up its atomic weapons President dl'lve told Republicans the University of Wisconsin. He anini, Book II," by Brahms; "Pour guilty by reason of Insanlly in the Faunce said that the students, But he said "I am happy with wi~ out an ironclad guarantee of Thursday they ~iI1 be risking their will go to Providence, R.I. lrom Ie Piano," by Debussy; liThe Mlaid­ drowning death of her 4-year-old who "kidnapped" another student it and will support it." peace. en and the Nightingale," and "EI party'fut s ure I'f th ey Pin. th·ell"h here. k d if h k D' ' trl Claudio Arrau daughter, Louise Dawn. Monday night, had been sent of­ McMahon said he was sure con': HIs warning to China was ex­ Pelele," from "Goyescas," by gress would vote the money need­ presl.dent. i al h opes on a " g Iamour "Wen Mltropoulos, as e who ise schedulednew 1m1 to __________Arrived Wilh Goblets. ____ _ The verdlct, which included a lidal notices ot dismissal plicit despite the iact that he did Granados. statement that Mrs. Petsel, 27, However, Faunce added that it ed. not mention China by name. candidate. appeal' Wednesday with the SUI of his favorite conductors lor Arrau seemed pleased when told has not recovered from the in. the lour made written requests McMahon would not say In so Addressing a joint session of In an obvious shot at Gen. symphony, Arrau said he had many reasons, but principally be­ t hat musical programs on this sanity, makes It mandatory that tor readmittance for the second many words that further additions congress, Churchill declared: Dwight D. Eisenhower, the na- played in many concerts with the cause he follows so beautifully. campus have been attracting au­ Circuit Judge W. M. Dinwiddie semester, and 11 they could con­ to the nation's atomic installations, ·We welcome your patience in tional manager of the campaign ot Minneapolis symphony when MI­ Arrau, still a Chilean citizen, is diences of Increasing size. He sentence her to a state institution. vince universIty officials that Uke those now buj[dlng in South the armislic negotiations (in Ko­ Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio, urged tropoulos was conducting. dapper and smiling. He seemed agreed with his informant that M.rs. Petsel's attorney, Don Car- there would be no reoccurrence Carolina and near Paducah, Ky., are contemplated. But he dId say: ~a) and our two countries are GOP members not to "select a Arl'au said Mitropoulos Is one anxious to sec more of the campus this was a good trend. ter, indicated there wI\) be no ap· of such actions, the university agreed that if the truce we seek is peal. , would consider allowing them to "Obviously expansion means an reached , only to be . broken, our good-looking mortician to pre­ --------------------------------------------------------- Mrs. Petsel was returned to jail, return. increase of physical facilities." lelponse wil! be prompt, resolute side" over the death of their party F-86 Sabres Stop where she has been held since the Investigation ot the case re­ Earlier he had disclosed the and effective." in November . B.eardsley Enters Race drowning last July. She signed a suited atter James Olson, P2, President's decision while ta1k1ng . with reporters atter a White House New AUled Policy Instead, Ingalls told the Repub­ confession that she had drowned Spencer, showed up 200 miles I lican national committee in a 3 MIG's, 3 Tanks conlerence with the chief execu­ The warning went far to con· her daughter. She first told au· from here In Marengo, m., pant­ prepared address, the party con­ thorities the child had wandered less and cold, after being abduct­ tive. firm reports 01 a new Allied pol­ SEOUL, Korea (FRIDAY) (JP)­ Time "We tallred about the expansion vention at Chicago next July For 3rd Straight Iq for backing up any armistice Destruction of three MIG jets and away from the tann home and ed by three pledge members of should "all unite behind 'Mr. Re­ DES MOINES (,4» - Gov. WIl­ Pi program that has been under con­ In Korea with a declaration of three Red tanks in air action ernor, and Ernest J. Seemann, drowned in 20 incbes ot water in his fraternity, Kappa Alpha, publican' and proceed with a Waterloo, previously unsuccessful an abandoned silo. and another student. sideration by the Atomic Energy finn determination to take sweep­ highlighted the Korean war Thurs­ ]jam S. Beardsley announced commission," the senator said of very happy - and long overdue - day. Thursday his candidacy tor Re­ several times as a Democratic It took the jury, composed 01 He identWed the students as In( action against any violation. assignment of turning the rascals his conversation with Mr. Truman. Ground fighting was sporadic publican reelection to a third con­ candidate for U. S. congress. three women and nine men, just Dick Fiori, AI, Ames; Keith E. Churchill strongly endorsed out." "The deeision has been made by and generally light. secutive term. He said he would The only Democrat to announce an hour to reach lis verdict. The Winston, AI, Griswold, and Ou­ the President. He told me about American policy of defending For­ Ingalis spoke at a dinner-m et­ last-ditch stronghold of Two of the Soviet-b~1It MIG· stand on his record. for governor so tar is Herschel prosecution had not asked the sne Nesetril, A4, Cedar Rapids, it-about the expansion program. mosa, the ing after J. Russell Sprague, New 15 jets were destroyed without a N,tlonalist China, against Red Beardsley thus made certain :Lo:.:..:.v~el..:e::s..:s,:.....m_a....:y:...o_r...::o_t_O_tt_u_m_w_a_. _...:...d_e_a_th-=p_e_n_a_lt_y_.________ all pledges, and William Sum­ Further than that I can't state." York national committeeman, had shot. berg, AI, Ames, who is not at­ ,Any expansion presumably Cllina, and he praIsed this country told a news conference he be­ what political and statehouse cir­ Maj. William Shaeffer of Boone, !l\Iated. Pi Kappa Alpha Wednes­ would not only speed up additions for bearing JOnlne-tenths or more" lieves) there is a "great upsurge cles had forecast tor weeks. He of the United Nations burden in Ia., and First Lt. Frank P. Robin­ will try to accomplish what only day depledged the three. to the U.S. stockpile ot conven­ of sentiment" for EiSenhower son Jr., of Shreveport, La., said Korea.
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