Chief "Bulging Belly" Says "Open Winter" Chief Walking Eagle of Rocky Moun­ Magpies build front door on north side new fur coat this year. Chief* -~-*J[n. _bor still figure ?r : tain House, has a Hanna challenger, of nest... no cold north winds this winter. Mail order winter catalogues still run­ corn wi '^^ .'lrm* "Chief Bulging Belly", in the field of Squaw not want'um dig potatoes yet ning second to "boob tube" as matter of > Not like many moons ago, no sale now weather predictions. The Chief edged ... maybe dig'um Christmas Eve. interest in Chief's tee pee. for bob-sleighs. himself sideways into the Herald office White man who play with crooked stick Indian's friend, Harry Smith reports Hanna bachelors not shopping for fat Monday, and as the sun shone in true In­ and petrified loon's egg, still shooting big sale in white rubber-soled moccasins. maidens. dian Summer fashion, he shed some of his nine holes... some make plenty wampum Larry Helmer not buy "Old Chum" in Main sign Indian's friend from Glas­ buckskin while the editor turned down the off fellow tribesmen. big cans . small "summer size" heap gow, Don Sinclair, still wearing summer heat, and expounded his reasons for a Local long underwear business man, good enough. length kilts! fine fall and "heap mild winter". He listed figure sales better if cutoff legs & sleeves, Flies still on outside of windows in wig­ Yup . .. white man no believe ... but the following as his reasons: Squaw not giving Chief bad time for wam . won't come in. 'Bulging Belly' say sure sign mild weather! ... Hunter Influx THE HANNA HERALD PER COPY Authorized as Second Class Matter hy the Post Off ire Department, Ottawa, And tor Payment of Postage in i.'ash "And East Central Alberta News" On Week End VOLUME 53 — NUMBER 50 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1965 Judging from the way the weather is iiiimiiii.iiiiiii.i ANYONE REMEMBER THIS OUTFIT? behaving, and other "sure signs" the Farm Accident Ladies Better Thanksgiving week end in Hanna will see Potato Growers? one of the largest influx of hunters in its Involves Hew The fair sex is showing the history. Local hotels and motels are said to way this year in the Her have prospects of being "booked stolid" Bridgen Man aid's annual potato contest, as two farm ladies are run­ with visiting nimrods, here to try their luck Chas. Garbutt Loses ning in first and second on geese, ducks, prairie chicken and Hun­ Hand In Fall place, and te contest due to Against Combine close October 30. Mrs. Ken garian partridge, thc season on the latter NEW BRIGDEN, Oct. 5—A Blair, of Sedalia who reluc­ two having opened last Friday morning. prominent farmer of this dist­ tantly but fondly admits as rict, Chas. Garbutt is in a Cal­ being a "distant" relation Many a country trail which has seen only gary hospital suffering from the of Hanna's "Tall Tales" Ol­ the odd farm vehicle by way of traffic the loss of a hand in a harvest ac lie Blair (of fishing fame) cident at his t'arrfHiast Friday. took the lead last week, past summer, will have been turned into Mr. Garbutt waS walking be when she submitted a Bliss a well beaten path by the time the week side the combine, when he ac­ Triumph spud weighing 3 cidentally tripped and fell ag­ pounds and 6 ounces. Sec­ end is over, and no doubt "scarcely a bird" ainst the drive chain, which am ond to Mrs. Blair is the first putated his left hand. His son entry of the contest, that of wili not have been startled (maybe fatally) Keith, who was operating the Mrs. Alex Wolfert of Scapa. by a hunter's shot gun. Thanksgiving week machine, was quick to his aid, It weighs 2 pounds 6V2 oun­ as was Mr.s. Garbutt who was ces. Unless someone can end in the Big Country has gained in pop­ | also in the field. They rushed come up with a larger one, ularity for hunters, and in seasons when 1 him to the Oyen hospital for Mrs. Blair wiil receive fif­ immediate treatment and later teen dollars and Mrs. Wol­ 'birds were scarce, the lads in khaki almost : he was transferred to the Holy fert ten dollars. Rumor has Cross hospital in Calgary. it that friend Ollie was outnumbered the birds. However, this year headed for the Herald of­ the numbers should be equal between the The IODE places libraries and fice with an entry, but I visual aids in schools and aw- "backed off" when he heard "hunted and the hunters". | ards bursaries and scholarships. of the "country cousin" from Sedalial SCHOOL BUS TERMINAL GROWS Bingo In Legion Hail Tonight • Another popular evening of jf». bingo will be held at 8 p.m. to­ night ,Wed. October 6 in the Legion Hall. As well as cash, there will be feature prizes of lurkeys to grace the Thanksgiv­ ing table. The public is extend­ The oldtime threshing outfit (believed to have been wrench" so necessary in making repairs to a steam ed a cordial invitation to come in the Craigmyle district at one time) provides an in­ boiler of this type. When a gang like this moved into uut and enjoy as many games as they wish. Coffee is served dur­ teresting study between harvesting methols "than and a field, the grain was soon moved from stooks to ing the evening, and the games now". Here is a complete threshing crew, steam en­ grain tanks, thence to the elevator. Harvest nowadays go on uninterrupted. Sponsored gine, large separators, bundle teams and racks, grain it is said has last all the romance of the "good old by the Hanna Legion, proceeds haulers, even the all important cooks. The big fellow days". A gathering such as above would indicate that from the games go toward com­ atop the steam engine appears to be the "boiler man" the sociability and friendly competition among harvest munity projects. as he is waving the old familiar "combination pipe workers, is indeed a thing of the past! i,,,,rriiiiniiniriitriiMtlrni,i,iiruiiiriirrr,iimirrrrHrilii,lmtiiiiiiriiiiiii>,rriririiiii,iiiiirrnir>iiiiriririirrriiriiillimriirii<rii,<iim,iiiiiii,i,riIimt,itt AMONG OUR NEIGHBORS / HEMARUKA, Oct. 4. — Ideal harvest weather has prevailed Old Sol Shines in this district, and farmers are certainly keeping busy. Swaths are very dry, and combining is in full swing. • * • NEW BRIGDEN, Oct. 4 — Hunters have invaded the district 1thi s past week. Some are reporting good results and others were somewhat disappointed. The Wagstaff home had three hunters And Farmers Hurry from Edmonton staying with them. The Hagens had friends from the USA and Calgary at their farm. Most hunters either have The sun has been shining over east central Alberta of every bit of available time, their own camping outfits or come out each day from Oyen. for almost a week now, and the farmers are smiling, the and as each warm day prevails • • • combines humming and the mad rush of harvest is on in the chances of a "winning bat­ ACADIA VALLEY, Oct. 5 — Harvesting is in full swing, earnest. Remarkably quick drying weather has prevailed tle" increase and up to the first needless to say. Some farmers are finished, but this group is following the prolonged wet spell culminating in a heavy of this week conditions were still in the minority. However, each day of fine weather means beginning to swing in the far­ so much, and everyone takes full advantage of the sun and breeze snow fall the latter part of September, and just as re­ mers' favor. A lot has been done markable is the speed, efficiency and determination evid­ since the weather turned for the • • • enced by farmers in springing into action, after many better . the whole operation BIG STONE, Oct. 4 — A meeting was held at the Big Stone weeks of almost heart-breaking delay. could conceivably be completed Hall last Wednesday night for the information of local residents within a week or ten days, just concerning the new telephone conversion program. Mr. Keith The availability of modern fact that grain is coming out a | as long as the sun shines! French, MLA and Mr. Don Ward of Calgary representing AGT power machinery is playing the little better than expected, par­ wer_HlllllliriimHtllltl>UllltllllMMIimtll_r-|IIIIIIIIIHIIIItlllimtlle on hand to answer questionsl iiimiiiiiimiimi. n ItlllllllfllMllllllllllllllimniUIIHUHHIIMMIHMI key role in taking off the crop ticularly in standing crops. Sev­ this year. Swathers, combines, eral have reported to the Her- ! self propelled combines and of aid that straight-combined grain course plenty of truck and trac­ is turning out well, considering j 506 Head Offer Establishes Record tor power, all adds up to a the adversities of the past three force which given a "half a weeks. chance weather-wise can make The longer the fine weather j tremendous strides daily to­ prevails, and the more crops are Yearling Sale At Cereal Auction Market wards complete harvest. harvested, the lesser becomes a I American buyers orders. Long Hours problem of harvest help. Farm­ A record yearling sale was Advance listings of cattle held at the Cereal Auction Mar­ Drumheller Lady An indication of "how the ers who completed their work helps the management to notify harvest battle is going", may be immediately go to the assistance j ket Wednesday, September 29, Wins Suit Draw with 506 head on offer. This buyers. With increasing numbers of rural students being bussed into Hanna, the repair and seen on Hanna's business of a neighbor with larger acre-1 A Drumheller lady, Mrs.
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