Society News

Society News

_______________________ SOCIETY NEWS THE BULLETIN OF THE ENFIELD ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY _________________ March 1998 No.148 CONTENTS FORTHCOMING EVENTS Friday 20th March - !ct"r!. Th! Roya O#!ra Ho"$! % th! Midd ! Saxo' To(' o) *"'d!'(ic. Gordo' Ma co +. Friday 1,th -#ri -''"a G!'!ra M!!ti'. )o o(!d /y R!#ort$ o) Fi! d(or0 % R!$!arch d"ri'. 199,. Friday 11th May - !ct"r!. Th! -'ato+y Th!atr! o) th! 2ar/!r- S"r.!o'$ o) *o'do'. 3!''i$ Hi 4Soci!ty Chair+a'5 Forthco+i'. !6!'t$ o) th! Ed+o'to' H"'dr!d Historica Soci!ty. Forthco+i'. !6!'t$ o) th! *o'do' % Midd !$!& -rcha!o o.ica Soci!ty. MEETING RE7ORTS *a'cast!r Road a'd its E'6iro'$. R!visi'. 7!6$'!r8 O d a'd N!( *a'd+ar0$ i' Midd !$!x. 29R: *O3GE % S-*IS29R: HO9SE /y Ia' Jo'!$ THE -NN9-* RE7ORT OF THE SOCIET:<S -CTIVITIES 39RING 199, Soci!ty N!($ is #"/ i$h!d ="art!r y i' March> ;"'!> S!#t!+/!r a'd 3!c!+/!r a'd is )r!! to +!+/!rs. Th! Ho'.Editor> to (ho+ a corr!$#o'd!'c! a'd articl!$ )or #"/ icatio' sho" d /! $!'t i$8 Joh' C St!6!'$> ? Scar/oro".h Road> *o'do' N9 8-T. T@N 0181.804.A918. Th! stat!+!'t$ a'd o#i'io'$ o) co'tri/"tor$ to thi$ '!($ !tt!r do 'ot '!c!$sari y r!B!ct th! o#i'io'$ o) th! !ditor. TWO FORTHCOMING EVENTS Th! )o o(i'. +!!ti'.$ (i /! h! d at ;"/i !! Ha > at th! C"'ctio' o) Cha$! Sid! a'd 7ar$o'a.! *a'!> E'D! d at 8.00#+. 3oor$ (i o#!' at ,.?0#+ (h!' t!a a'd coE!! (i /! $!r6!d a'd th!r! (i /! a' o##ort"'ity to oo0 at th! sa !$ a'd i')or+atio' ta/ !. Visitor$ ar! 6!ry (! co+!> )or (ho+ a char.! o) 10# (i /! +ad!. Friday 20th March. Th! Roya O#!ra Ho"$! a'd Midd !-Saxo' To(' o) Lundenwic. Gordo' Ma co +. Th! Roya O#!ra Ho"$! i$ a' "'"$"a y ar.! sit! (ithi' th! h!art o) th! Saxo' to(' o) *"'d!'(ic. Fro+ +"ch $+a !r archa!o o.ica i'6!sti.atio'$ i' th! vici'ity ha$ co+! occ"#atio' !vid!'c! i' th! )or+ o) /"i di'.$> foor $"r)ace$> a !yway$> i'd"$tria a'd cra)t activiti!$> /"ria $ a'd a ra'.! o) cut )!at"r!$ $"ch a$ ditch!$> r!)"$! #it$ a'd (! $. Th! a$$ociat!d art!)act$ co6!r a dat! ra'.! o) ,th to 9th ce't"ri!$ -3. 2!ca"$! o) th!ir rarity, th!$! d!#osit$ ar! r!.ard!d a$ /!i'. o) 'atio'a archa!o o.ica i+#orta'c!. Th! (or0 at th! ROH ha$ #rovid!d th! ar.!st a'd +ost co+# !t! !vid!'c! )or th! to(' so )ar r!cord!d a'd a'a ysi$ o) th! data i$ $!t to r!6o "tio'i$! o"r "'d!r$ta'di'. o) thi$ itt ! 0'o(' #!riod o) th! ca#ita <$ history. G M FFFFFFFFFFFF Friday 1,th -#ri -''"a G!'!ra M!!ti'.> Fo o(!d /y R!#ort$ o) Fi! d(or0 % R!$!arch d"ri'. 199,. Th! a.!'da )or th! -GM i$ i'cl"d!d (ith thi$ /" !ti'. -)t!r th! /"$i'!$$ #art o) th! +!!ti'. i+#orta't '!( !vid!'c! (i /! #r!$!'t!d co'c!r'i'. th! archit!ct"ra history o) Sa i$/"ry Ho"$! a'd 2"ry *od.! (hich o'ce adCoi'!d it. Th!r! (i a so /! r!#ort$ o' th! r!storatio' o) th! /ar'$ a'd sta/ ! / ock at Forty Ha > th! #ro.r!$$ o) th! #roC!ct to !&a+i'!> r!cord a'd a'a ys! th! $!6!ra h"'dr!d 'a+!$ (ritt!' o' th! i'sid! o) th! cu#/oard door at Forty Ha > th! .!o#hysica $"r6!y carri!d o"t o' th! sit! o) E sy'. 7a ac!> th! cl!ara'c! o) !xc!$si6! 6!.!tatio' (hich ha$ !'a/ !d Ca+ !t Moat to /! $!!' to /!tt!r ad6a'ta.! a'd +or! i) ti+! #!r+its. G R G FFFFFFFFF THREE Friday 11th May Th! -'ato+y Th!atr! o) th! 2ar/!r S"r.!o'$ o) *o'do'. 3!''i$ Hi . Th! Co+#a'y o) 2ar/!r-S"r.!o'$ (a$ .ra't!d Roya #!r+issio' i' T"dor ti+!$ to di$$!ct th! /odi!$ o) )o"r ha'.!d cri+i'a $ !ach year )or th! #"r#o$! o) trai'i'. $"r.!o'$. Th! /odi!$ (!r! ori.i'a y #r!#ar!d o' a ta/ ! at 2ar/!r-S"r.!o'$ Ha i' th! 2ar/ica' /"t )o o(i'. co+# ai't$> I'i.o Jo'!$ (a$ a$0!d to d!si.' a' ova a'ato+y th!atr! o' th! d!si.' o) that i' 7ad"a /"t (ith a #rivat! di$$!cti'. roo+ o' th! .ro"'d foor a'd a ce ar )or th! stora.! o) /odi!s. Thi$ (a$ co+# !t!d i' 1A?A> (a$ visit!d /y Sa+"! 7!#y$ a'd ast!d )or a/o"t 110 year$ /!)or! d!+o itio'. 9si'. .ro"'d-#!'!trati'. radar> i' co-o#!ratio' (ith th! M"$!"+ o) *o'do' -rcha!o o.ica Soci!ty, it a##!ar$ that th! sit! o) th! th!atr! ha$ /!!' ocat!d C"st to th! 'orth-(!$t o) th! #r!$!'t 2ar/!r-S"r.!o'$ Ha a'd a' !&# oratory !&cavatio' i$ # a''!d. It i$ ho#!d to co'Dr+ th! typ!$ o) +at!ria $ "$!d )or th! )o"'datio'$> (a $ a'd roo). Th! Co+#a'y ha$ th! ori.i'a acco"'t$ )or th! /"i di'. (ork a'd co++itt!! +i'"t!$ i'dicati'. its "$!. 3.H. FFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FORTHCOMING EVENTS - Ed+o'to' H"'dr!d Historica Soci!ty8 - +!!ti'.$ a$$!+/ ! at ,.41 )or 8.00#+ G!d'!$day 21th March ;"/i !! Ha -''"a G!'!ra M!!ti'.> )o o(!d /y Char !$ 7a+8 HSo+! Midd !$!& Ch"rch!$I T"!sday 28th -#ri St.7a" <$ C!'tr!> Ch"rch Str!!t@O d 7ar0 -6!'"! E'D! d - a' 3"+ay'!8 H*o'do' *i)! - So+! -$#!ct$ o) Socia History” G!d'!$day 2,th May 2r"c! Cast ! M"$!"+> *ordshi# a'!> *o'do' N1, V!r'o' Far+!r % St!6! Go" d HR!.!'!ratio' o) Historic 2"i di'.$ i' Tott!'ha+.I FFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FOUR FORTHCOMING EVENTS - *o'do' % Midd !$!& -rcha!o o.ica Soci!ty: Th! )o o(i'. +!!ti'.$ ar! h! d i' th! I't!r#r!tatio' 9'it o) th! M"$!"+ o) *o'do'> *o'do' Wa > *o'do' EC2 /!.i''i'. at A.?0#+. Th"r$day 9th -#ri 3avid G!//8 H*i/rari!$ a'd I'stit"t!$ i' th! City o) *o'do'I Th"r$day 14th May Si+o' Th"r !y HWhit!ha 7a ac! Exca6atio'$ 19?8-19A4I FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF MEETING REPORTS *-NC-STER RO-3 -N3 ITS ENVIRONS. Th! Soci!ty’$ chair+a' G!oEr!y Gi a+ .a6! thi$ !ct"r! )or th! 6!ry frst ti+! to G!oEr!y Gi a+. a ca#acity a"di!'c! at ;"/i !! Ha o' No6!+/!r 21$t. -#art )ro+ hi$ i)! o'. Friday 21$t No6!+/!r. i't!r!$t i' oca history a'd archa!o o.y, G!oEr!y i6!$ (ithi' th! ar!a co6!r!d /y th! !ct"r! a'd is th"$ 6!ry (! ="a iD!d to ta 0 a/o"t th! d!6! o#+!'t o) th! ar!a. *a'cast!r Road (a$ ori.i'a y a co"'try a'! ca !d N!( *a'! (hich /!ca+! $"/C!ct to !xt!'si6! d!6! o#+!'t d"ri'. th! $!co'd ha ) o) th! 'i'!t!!'th ce't"ry. T(o +ai' )orc!$ had a (ays i'B"!'c!d th! ayo"t o) road$ i' thi$ #art o) E'D! dJ frst y th! i'! o) th! Ro+a' Er+i'! Str!!t (hich ra' )ro+ *o'di'i"+ to th! North #assi'. thro".h E'D! d o' th! (ay, a'd $!co'd y th! /o"'dary o) th! E'D! d Cha$! 4cr!at!d /y G!oEr!y d! Ma'd!6i ! i' a/o"t 11?A5 (hich h!r! cro$$!d N!( *a'! at a a'. ! a'd #a$$!d "# th! i'! o) (hat i$ 'o( 2ri.adi!r Hi (ith a' !'tra'c! .at! acro$$ th! a'! clo$! to th! #r!$!'t sit! o) 2ri.adi!r Ho"$!. Fo o(i'. th! /r!a0 "# o) th! Ro+a' occu#atio' o) 2ritai' a Saxo' $!tt !+!'t )or+!d '!ar to th! sit! o) th! #r!$!'t E'D! d #arish ch"rchJ track(ays ra' )ro+ o'! )ar+ to a'oth!r a'd )ro+ th!$! th! '"c !"$ o) th! #r!$!'t '!t(or0 o) road$ (a$ )or+!d. Roc="!<$ +a# o) 1,14 sho($ a .ro"# o) ho"$!$ at !ach !'d o) N!( *a'! (hich (a$ r!'a+!d *a'cast!r Road i' 188, /y th! E'D! d *oca 2oard o) H!a th. Fi! d$ (!r! o' !ith!r sid! o) th! a'! a'd at th! (!st !'d (a$ th! a)or!+!'tio'!d 2ri.adi!r Ho"$! - a sixt!!'th ce't"ry co+/i'atio' o) t(o cotta.!$ (hich (a$ !&t!'d!d /y o'! stor!y i' th! $!6!'t!!'th ce't"ry a'd )"rth!r add!d to i' th! )o o(i'.

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