GENERAL 27-29 AUG 2020 ASSEMBLY Brussels, BE / Online minutes official minutes of fyeg general assembly 2020 This document has been assembled by the GA Presidency • Mathilde Tessier, France • Teo Comet, Finland • Henry Winckle, Sweden • Sam Murray, the UK • Irene Vivas, Spain • Liliane Pollmann, Germany MOs Present Full • Albania: Te Rinjte e Gjelber • Belgium: ecolo j • Belgium: Jong Groen • Catalonia: Joves d’Esquerra Verda • Cyprus: Νεολαία Οικολόγων-Young Cyprus Greens • England & Wales: Young Greens • Finland: Vihreät nuoret • France: Les Jeunes Ecologistes • Georgia: SaqarTvelos Axalgazrda Mwvaneebi • Germany: Grüne Jugend • Greece: Νέοι Πράσινοι (Neoi Prasinoi) • Hungary: Lehet Más a Jövő • Ireland: Oige Ghlas, Young Greens • Luxemburg: déi jonk gréng • Malta: Alternattiva Demokratika Zghazagh • Netherland: DWARS, Groenlinkse Jongerenorganisatie • North Macedonia: MODOM • Norway: Grønn Ungdom • Poland: Ostra Zieleń fEDERATION OF yOUNG eUROPEAN gREENS 2 gENERAL aSSEMBLY 2020 • Serbia: Zelena Omladina Srbije • Scotland: Scottish Young Greens • South Tyrol: Young Greens • Spain: Red Equo Joven • Sweden: Grön Ungdom • Switzerland: Junge Grüne Schweiz/Jeunes Vert-e-s Suisses/Giovani Verdi Svizzera • Turkey: Genc Yesiller • Ukraine: Зелена молодь України Observer & Candidate • Azerbaijan: MIL Network • Latvia: Protests • Belarus: Young Greens/Green Generation FYEG Bodies Present • Executive Committee • Secretary General Others fEDERATION OF yOUNG eUROPEAN gREENS 3 gENERAL aSSEMBLY 2020 cas i Monday, 24/08/2020 19.00 - 21.00 CEST (Held in advance of the General Assembly online) • Chairing: Mathilde T/Sam M • Amendment Changes: Henry W • Session Assistant: Irene V • Technical Assistant: Cinta G • Minutes: Sam M/Mathilde T • MOs Present: Jong Groen, Gronn Ungdom (Norway), Red Equo Joven, Genc Yesiller, Grüne Jugend (Germany), ADZ (Malta), Scottish Young Greens, Gron Ungdom (Sweden), DWARS, Ecolo J, Ecolojovem (Portugal), Vihreät Nuoret (Finland) • FYEG Bodies Present: FYEG Executive Committee, Social Europe Working Group, Just Transition Working Group Antoine Tifine from the EC introduced the session and asked if MOs were ok for presidency to chair, There was no dissent. Mathilde Tessier from the Presidency introduced how the CAS will work. R1 Resolution on Black Lives matter & anti-racism Author: Social Europe Working Group R1-001 - DWARS (Dutch Young Greens) - DWARS explained it had not been agreed - Accepted by SEWG R1-010 - Ecolojovem - Os Verdes - Asking for clarification of BIPOC - compromised with explanation - explanation given R1-010-2 -Les Jeunes Écologistes - Go to vote during GA R1-017 - Ecolojovem - Os Verdes - Asking for clarification - Ruled to be Out Of Order by presidency as did not contain a substantive or semantic change. R1-023 - Scottish Young Greens - Accepted by SEWG - Scottish YG happy to talk to French YG about compromise - Compromise found but put to vote at GA R1-024 - Les Jeunes Écologistes - Accepted by SEWG - Compromise to be sought - Deadline Wednesday CAS R1-027 - Les Jeunes Écologistes - Accepted by SEWG R1-037 - ecoloj - SEWG ask to Go to vote during GA - Ecolo J asked for explanation - Given time for compromise to Wednesday - Accepted R1-037-2 - Les Jeunes Écologistes - Go to vote during GA fEDERATION OF yOUNG eUROPEAN gREENS 4 gENERAL aSSEMBLY 2020 R1-050 - GRÜNE JUGEND - Accepted R1-052 - ecoloj - Ecolo J presented their case in defence - SEWG had rejected on ground felt it could form another resolution - Given time for compromise to Wednesday R1-058 - ecoloj - SEWG had rejected - Given time for compromise to Wednesday Outcome of CAS: Some amendments accepted, others pushed forward to following CAS R2 Revision of FYEG Political Platform Author: FYEG Executive Committee Outcome of CAS: No amendments proposed, ready for voting. R3 The Legalisation of Cannabis for Medical and Recreational Purposes in Europe Author: Just Transition Working Group R3-010 - Ecolojovem - Os Verdes - JTWG cannot accept as would create a false statement contradiction of decrim/legal - Ecolojovem explained it is legal to use cannabis, decriminalised to possess so only illegal to possess - Go to vote R3-014 - ecoloj - JTWG - Amendment accepted - slight language corrections agreed R3-018 - Ecolojovem - Os Verdes - JTWG willing to make a compromise - verbally proposed this - verbal proposition accepted - Amendment Accepted R3-047 - Ecolojovem - Os Verdes - Amendment accepted R3-087 - Ecolojovem - Os Verdes - JTWG cannot accept because there is no discussion of decrim in substance of resolution - would require entire resolution amendment - Go to vote R3-097 - ecoloj - Amendment accepted - slight language change R3-108 - Jong Groen - Amendment Accepted In addition, the first sentence of the resolution was deleted on request of the EC. Outcome of CAS: Some amendments accepted, others pushed forward to following CAS R4 Greening the EU Green Deal: No business as usual! Author: Just Transition Working Group R4-009 - ecoloj R4-015 - ecoloj R4-018 - ecoloj R4-038 - Jong Groen R4-045 - ecoloj fEDERATION OF yOUNG eUROPEAN gREENS 5 gENERAL aSSEMBLY 2020 R4-047 - GRÜNE JUGEND R4-048 - ecoloj R4-050 - GRÜNE JUGEND R4-051 - ecoloj R4-054 - GRÜNE JUGEND R4-060 - FYEG Social Europe Working Group R4-069 - Les Jeunes Ecologistes R4-069-2 - GRÜNE JUGEND R4-084 - Ecolojovem - Os Verdes R4-101 - ecoloj Outcome of CAS: Deferred to next CAS as JTWG was not yet in a position to state approval/disapproval to amendments R5 Trans Rights are Human Rights Author: Catalan Young Greens (Joves d’Esquerra Verda) and Scottish Young Greens R5-010 - Scottish Young Greens - Accepted R5-020 - DWARS (Dutch Young Greens), Catalan Young Greens and Scottish Young Greens - Accepted R5-037 - Les Jeunes Ecologistes - Accepted R5-055 - Red EQUO Joven - Accepted R5-057 - Joves d’Esquerra Verda - Accepted R5-057-2 - Red EQUO Joven - Accepted R5-057-3 - ecoloj (Withdrawn) R5-057-4 - ecoloj - Accepted R5-059 - Red EQUO Joven - Accepted R5-059-2 - Red EQUO Joven - Accepted R5-059-3 - ecoloj - Accepted R5-062 - Red EQUO Joven - Accepted R5-062-2 - Red EQUO Joven - Accepted R5-062-3 - ecoloj - Accepted Outcome of CAS: No contestations, all Accepted, ready for voting. fEDERATION OF yOUNG eUROPEAN gREENS 6 gENERAL aSSEMBLY 2020 R6 Standing Up To Chinese Authoritarianism Author: Jong Groen R6-002 - Jong Groen - Accepted R6-037 - Les Jeunes Ecologistes - Jong Groen to Compromise for CAS II R6-056 - Jong Groen - Accepted R6-069 - Grønn Ungdom, Grön Ungdom - Jong Groen to Compromise for CAS II R6-091 - ecoloj - Jong Groen to Compromise for CAS II R6-094 - Jong Groen - Accepted Outcome of CAS: Some amendments accepted, others pushed forward to following CAS R7 Seventy-five years of nuclear terror Author: Red EQUO Joven (RQJ) R7-041 - Scottish Young Greens - Accepted amendment Outcome of CAS: All amendments Accepted, ready for voting. R8 Free Software For Free Governments Author: Red EQUO Joven (RQJ) RQJ expressed that discussions are still ongoing about compromises R8-023 - DWARS (Dutch Young Greens) R8-070 - ecoloj R8-070-2 - ecoloj Outcome of CAS: Internal discussions ongoing, tabled to CAS II R9 For an alternative security policy Author: FYEG Executive Committee R9-075 - GRÜNE JUGEND - Accepted Amendments R9-076 - GRÜNE JUGEND - Accepted Amendments R9-104 - Les Jeunes Écologistes - Accepted amendments Outcome of CAS: All amendments accepted, ready for voting. R10 Human Rights and the Rule of Law are non-negotiable Author: Jong Groen fEDERATION OF yOUNG eUROPEAN gREENS 7 gENERAL aSSEMBLY 2020 R10-009 - ecoloj - Accepted R10-017 - Les Jeunes Ecologistes - Compromise for CAS II R10-019 - Scottish Young Greens - Accepted R10-025 - ecoloj - Compromise for CAS II R10-028 - ecoloj - Accepted R10-029 - ecoloj - Compromise for CAS II R10-031 - ecoloj - Accepted R10-034 - ecoloj - Compromise for CAS II R10-034-2 - ecoloj - Compromise for CAS II R10-034-3 - ecoloj - Compromise for CAS II Outcome of CAS: Some amendments accepted, others pushed forward to following CAS R11 Powered by plant: our future Author: DWARS (Dutch Young Greens) R11-048 - Les Jeunes Ecologistes - Compromise Proposed R11-049 - Jong Groen - Compromise Proposed R11-055 - Scottish Young Greens - Compromise Proposed R11-055-2 - ecoloj - Compromise Proposed Outcome of CAS: All amendments to be taken to following CAS. R12 Resolution on Prioritizing Mental Health Author: Social Europe Working Group R12-005 - Joves d’Esquerra Verda - Compromise for CAS II R12-009 - Joves d’Esquerra Verda - Accepted R12-013 - ecoloj - Accepted R12-020 - Scottish Young Greens - Accepted R12-044 - Scottish Young Greens - Compromise for CAS II - have a proposition ready R12-047 - Ecolojovem - Os Verdes - Accepted R12-047-2 - DWARS (Dutch Young Greens) - Compromised Outcome of CAS: Some amendments accepted, others pushed forward to following CAS fEDERATION OF yOUNG eUROPEAN gREENS 8 gENERAL aSSEMBLY 2020 R13 Mental Health Resolution Author: Grön Ungdom, Grønn Ungdom, Social Europe WG, DWARS, Vihreät Nuoret, Georgian Young Greens, Scottish Young Greens R13-040 - FYEG Executive Committee - Swedish YG Cannot accept R13-056 - FYEG Executive Committee - Want to seek compromise R13-066 - FYEG Executive Committee - Accepted R13-072 - FYEG Executive Committee - Swedish YG Cannot accept R13-083 - GRÜNE JUGEND - Accepted FYEG EC explained 072 as moving action points to the activity plan, EC feels this should be on the activity plan not a resolution.Want to seek compromise on all contested amendments. Gronn Ungdom - sought clarification from EC what
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