GOVERNMENT STATIONS FCC GRANTS SHARE -TINTE OPERATION 'DOUBLE-EXPOSURE' FOR KOY, KOOL PHOENIX ON CH. 10 PLAN CLARIFIED TAKING issue with criticism of the SIIARE -TIME stations on vhf (:h. 10 at and board chairman, Detroit Edison Co.; "double exposure" plan he announced in Phoenix, Ariz., were granted by FCC last Vice President Vincent M. Gaughan mid -11ay (B1 May 18), James M. Gaines, week to KOY and KOO1, there, former (15%), attorney, secretary -treasurer and General Teleradio vice president in competitors for the channel who worked one -third owner of WL'ES-TV Buffalo, and charge of WOR- Ad] -TV New York, said out the share -time plan just a fortnight Wendell Lund (42.5%), Washington at- last week that the purpose of the plan ago (II T, \lav 25). torney. had been misinterpreted. Joint studio and transmitter facilities Competitive bids of Lorain Journal "Double exposure" contemplates the are planned for the share -time stations, Co. and WEOL Elyria -Lorain for uhf Ch. re- running by WOR -TV of film programs but separate staffs and operations will be 31 at Lorain, Ohio, were designated for originally shown on other New York tele- maintained, FCC was told. The two comparative hearing in Washington June vision stations, at no cost to the adver- stations will alternate weekly in airing 26. tisers. daytime and night programs. The grants FCC extended to June 15 its deadline Mr. Gaines said last week that the specify effective radiated power of 316 for comments on proposal to add vhf Ch. plan was designed "with two simple and kw visual and 160 kw aural with antenna 5 to Glenville, W. Va., and turned down aboveboard aims in mind. First, WOR- height above average terrain 1,270 ft. Lawrence A. Harvey's bid for the assign- TV seeks to make substantial improve- Site is 840 North Central Ave. Phoenix. ment of uhf Ch. 58 to Beverly Hills, Calif. ment in its program service to viewers, Comr. Frieda B. Ilennock dissented in and the re- presentation of outstanding the share -time grants on the basis that shows on different evenings at different "serious questions of possible undue times will accomplish this. Second, concentration of ownership and control of Gadsden TV Permit WOR -TV seeks to make television pro- broadcasting facilities in the major cities gram investments more productive-per- of a single state (Arizona) ... require fur- dollar for advertisers, and the plan of ther inquiry on our part." She noted that Returned to FCC waiving time charges will accomplish Gene Autry and associates, who own 95% CONSTRUCTION permit for uhf Ch. 21 this." of KOOL, also control KOPO -A 1-TV at Gadsden, Ala., was returned to FCC Mr. Gaines said that the procedure Tucson and KNOG Nogales while the last week by sole owner Jacob A. New- of a network or station absorbing time principals also have interests in in KOY born Jr., making the fourth permit that costs because of values received in \IA Yuma and KTUC KY Tucson. has been surrendered since lifting of the program quality was well established in In other TV actions, FCC granted per- TV freeze last year and resumption of both radio and television. "Every time mit for uhf Ch. 27 at Stamford, Conn., to TV processing. Mr. Newborn told the a $30,000 half -hour is sold for, say, Stamford- Norwalk TV Corp. with F.RP of Commission he did not wish to continue $20,000, with losses recovered in time 19.5 kw visual and 11 kw aural and an- construction of WTVS (TV) because charges, a clear parallel tenna 240 ft. Principals include Presi- program sources and advertising has exposure' plan has been witnessed," he dent Prentiss \1. Brown (42.5%), attorney failed to materialize. WTVS was the said. only TV grant to Gadsden, a city of "The main difference," he said, "is 55,725 persons (1950 pop.). Earlier per- that WOR -TV is here putting all its cards WORD Asks Review mits returned to FCC were all for Texas face -up on the table. Without subterfuge (BT, May 25) and included KGKL's CP or deceit, we offer qualified advertisers Of TV Protest Denial for vhf Ch. 3 at San Angelo, Tom Pot- an opportunity to reach added viewers ter's permit for uhf Ch. 24 at Austin and economically, because we thereby bring Permian our own viewers added entertainment CHARGING a TV grant to a competitor Basin TV Co.'s permit for vhf values on this channel." did not change its status as an interest- for Ch. 2 at Midland. ed party, WORD Spartanburg, S. C., pe- titioned FCC last week to reconsider a 4-to-3 ruling which denied WORD's pro- KTRH Order Reversed Topmiller WCKY test and found that no overlap of Grade V.P. A contours would occur between new DENIAI, of the KTRII Houston bid to CHARLES H. TOPMILLER, WCKY Cin- WIS-TV Columbia, S. C., on vhf Ch. 10 modify its daytime directional antenna cinnati station manager since 1947, has and a proposed Ch. 7 station under com- system was set aside by FCC Tuesday been named executive vice president mon ownership at Spartanburg (B T, and the request was consolidated for effective June 1, L. May 1R). WORD seeks Ch. 7 in compe- further hearing with Texas Star Broad- B. Wilson, president - tition with ASPA there, whose licensee casting Co., application for a new Dallas general manager, is WIS majority owner of -TV. outlet on the same frequency -740 kc. said last week. WORD told the Commission that since KTRII broadcasts on 50 kw unlimited Mr. Topmiller, who its rights were not changed by the grant, with directional antenna. Texas Star joined WCKY in 1930 it is entitled to require Broadcasting Co. seeks nighttime power of 5 kw, daytime as a transmitter en- and of the South, WSPA licensee 81% 10 kw using directional array full time. gineer, became chief to elect which of three owner of WIS-TV, Texas Star, partly owned by Mayor engineer in 1933 and applications it wishes to prosecute: Ch. Roy Ilofheinz of Houston, had its appli- supervised WCKY's 10 at Columbia. Ch. 7 at Spartanburg, or cation granted in January, 1950, after a increase from 5 kw parttime to 10 kw full - Ch. 9 at Charlotte, N. C., where it owns hearing with KTRII. Democrat Printing time and later to its present 50 kw. Dur- A'ISl'. WORD contends overlap among Co. (KSEO Durant, Okla.) fought the ing 1941 -45 he served with OWI's Over- the outlets would violate FCC's multiple grant up to the District of Columbia Cir- seas Branch as chief engineer of the ownership rules. WORD also asks FCC cuit Court of Appeals, which reversed radio section of Psychological Warfare for conditional grant of its Ch. 7 bid FCC's action last June and remanded Div., both in the Mediterranean and pending outcome of the litigation. the matter to it for further proceedings. South Pacific war theatres Page 46 June 1. 1953 BROADCASTING TELECAS:'ING .
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