September 21, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1319 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRA- example as a leader who has always been was recently commemorated in Seattle with a TION VETERAN TRANSITION IM- willing to put the Committee first. She has sac- street renamed in her honor. Ms. Anderson PROVEMENT ACT OF 2016 rificed countless hours, weeks, and years to passed away on March 10, 2016. She was an further the work of the Committee and ad- internationally renowned and a beloved Se- SPEECH OF vance the interests of the United States in a attle jazz vocalist. Ms. Anderson’s career HON. FRANK A. LoBIONDO responsible and fiscally sustainable manner. spanned over six decades and earned her I have said before, and I will say again, the four Grammy nominations. In fitting com- OF NEW JERSEY Appropriations Committee has the best staff memoration, Ernestine Anderson Way now IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on Capitol Hill. Anne Marie is the epitome of spans the heart of Seattle’s Central District, Tuesday, September 20, 2016 that statement. Congress, and I, will miss where her career started. Mr. LOBIONDO. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 5957, Anne Marie’s contributions and leadership; but Ernestine Anderson was born in Houston, the Federal Aviation Administration Veteran we thank her for her dedication and profes- Texas on November 11, 1928 and began sing- Transition Improvement Act, allows an impor- sionalism and wish her well in her future en- ing when she was 3 years old. Her family tant federal benefit to be extended to newly deavors. moved to Seattle in 1944 and she began sing- ing in clubs on Jackson Street in the Central hired veterans at the FAA. This commonsense f piece of legislation corrects an oversight in the District as a teenager. During her career, Er- Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act that RECOGNIZING ARMENIA’S 25TH nestine Anderson performed at the Kennedy was passed last year. This act inadvertently INDEPENDENCE DAY Center and Carnegie Hall and in 1958 she excluded FAA employees from coverage. performed at the first Monterey Jazz Festival. After many years touring and recording One out of three veterans who served after HON. SCOTT GARRETT music in Los Angeles, New York and London, September 11th report having a service-con- OF NEW JERSEY Ms. Anderson returned to Seattle and briefly nected disability and more than two-thirds of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES retired from music, working as a hotel maid those disabilities are rated 30 percent or high- Wednesday, September 21, 2016 and at a telephone answering service. Ms. An- er. Mr. Speaker, just in my district, there are derson is known for her song ‘‘Never Make more than 40,000 veterans, of whom many Mr. GARRETT. Mr. Speaker, as a member of the Congressional Armenian Caucus, I rise Your Move Too Soon,’’ which was recorded by have the skill-sets and aviation background B.B. King, and appeared on her Grammy needed to succeed in highly technical FAA po- today to recognize Armenia’s twenty-fifth Inde- pendence Day on September 21st. nominated album in 1981. sitions. In 2002, Ms. Anderson was awarded the Both the United States and Armenia share This bill can help ensure that a veteran’s Golden Umbrella by the popular Seattle music the belief that remembering our countries’ her- service will not become an obstacle for future and arts festival known as Bumbershoot. In itages is critical to paving the path to tomor- employment. I appreciate the leadership and 2012, the Low Income Housing Institute row. In the first genocide of the 20th century, partnership of Mr. LARSEN on this simple, im- named one of their projects Ernestine Ander- nearly 1.5 million Armenians perished at the portant fix to an employment barrier for vet- son Place. These acknowledgements are a erans in our nation. hands of the Ottoman Empire. And, for much testament to the impact that Ms. Ernestine has I urge my colleagues to support the pas- of the Twentieth Century, Armenia was under had on Seattle. sage of H.R. 5957. the brutal rule of the Soviet Union. Although Ernestine Anderson has left an indelible f history has presented the Armenian people mark on our community and her legacy will with many challenges, they have always found live on through her music. A memorial service TRIBUTE TO ANNE MARIE a way to triumph in the face of daunting ad- for Ernestine Anderson took place on April 9, CHOTVACS versity. 2016 in Seattle, Washington at the historical The United States has consistently stood Paramount Theater. She will be greatly HON. HAROLD ROGERS with Armenia over the last twenty-five years as missed. the Armenian people have shown how a OF KENTUCKY f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES former Republic of the Soviet Union could transition into a thriving democratic nation- TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF THE LIFE Wednesday, September 21, 2016 state. As we have seen around the world, new OF JOHN MICHAEL ANSTETT Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I democracies will have their struggles. How- rise today in recognition of Anne Marie ever, I am confident that the resiliency and HON. ANNA G. ESHOO Chotvacs, the clerk of the State, Foreign Op- strength of the Armenian people will allow OF CALIFORNIA erations Appropriations Subcommittee, who them to overcome any obstacles challenging IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will be leaving the Committee staff after more their country’s bright future. Wednesday, September 21, 2016 than twelve years of service. I would again like to congratulate the people Anne Marie joined the Appropriations Com- of Armenia on their twenty-fifth Independence Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I include in the mittee staff in 2004 and has worked on var- Day. This anniversary is a time to remember RECORD the words of Zachary Anstett, written ious subcommittees and for various chairmen the sacrifices of the past and to look ahead to in memory of his beloved father, John Michael since that time, ultimately becoming the clerk a future. Anstett. Zachary’s words are as follows: of the State, Foreign Operations Sub- Whenever I think of my dad, the very first f thing that always comes to mind is a famil- committee in 2009. COMMEMORATING THE PASSING iar scene, not a particular one: perhaps our As the Chairman of the Appropriations Com- family’s workhorse car needs to be fixed by mittee, I have had the honor and pleasure of OF AND RECENT STREET NAM- tomorrow morning otherwise countless im- working closely with Anne Marie. She provides ING IN HONOR OF ERNESTINE portant lessons, orthodontics appointments, me with advice and information for many ANDERSON not to mention after school activities of soc- meetings, including those with foreign dig- cer, piano lessons, and Martial Arts training nitaries here in the U.S. and overseas, as well HON. JIM McDERMOTT will be missed. Which is why we are both as guides the Subcommittee legislation crouched under the jacked up car (don’t OF WASHINGTON worry, this is likely where he teaches me through the complicated and often difficult for- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES about the safety jack stands provide us eign policy and foreign assistance issues that Wednesday, September 21, 2016 working under the car) everything looking arise each year. like a black and white film in the harsh Anne Marie is a dedicated professional. She Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today caged high wattage light-bulb’s glow. I do be- efficiently manages her staff, and she sets an to pay tribute to Ms. Ernestine Anderson, who lieve I learned about the difference between ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:05 Sep 22, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21SE8.001 E21SEPT1 emcdonald on DSK9F6TC42PROD with REMARKS.
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