List of Birds Sp Su F W Sp Su F W Sp Su F W Wakulla Springs State Park OTHER SWIMMING BIRDS WADING BIRDS HUMMINGBIRDS, SWIFTS, SWALLOWS __ Anhinga * A A A A __ American Bittern R - R R __ Bank Swallow R - R - Revised June 9, 2007 __ American Coot A R A A __ Black-crowned Night- __ Barn Swallow * C U C - This is a list of the 182 birds that are observed one __ Common Moorhen * A A A A Heron U U U U __ Chimney Swift C A U - or more times per year at Wakulla Springs. Please __ Double-crested Cormorant * A A C C __ Cattle Egret * U C U R __ Northern Rough-winged refer to the key definitions below for seasonal __ Horned Grebe R - R R __ Glossy Ibis - - R - Swallow U - U - abundance and nesting. __ Pied-billed Grebe * A A A A __ Great Blue Heron * C C C C __ Purple Martin U C U R Enjoy your visit! __ Purple Gallinule * U U U R __ Great Egret * C C C C __ Ruby-throated __ Green Heron * A A C U Hummingbird* C A U - AERIAL WATER BIRDS __ Least Bittern * C C C C __ Tree Swallow C - U C Key Definitions: __ Brown Pelican - - R R __ Limpkin R R R R Seasons __ Forster's Tern U U C C __ Little Blue Heron C C C C FLYCATCHERS Sp = Spring (March to May) __ Laughing Gull U U U U __ Roseate Spoonbill - R - - __ Acadian Flycatcher * C C - - Su = Summer (June to August ) __ Ring-billed Gull U - R C __ Sandhill Crane - - - R __ Eastern Kingbird U U - - F = Fall (September to November ) __ Snowy Egret * C C C C __ Eastern Phoebe C C A W = Winter (December to February ) BIRDS OF PREY __ Sora R - R C __ Eastern Wood-pewee * C C U - Abundance __ American Kestrel R - R U __ Tricolored Heron C C C C __ Great-crested Flycatcher * A A R - A = Abundant: Observed daily or in great __ American Swallow-tailed __ White Ibis U C C C numbers Kite * U C - - __ Wood Stork R R R R TYPICAL SONGBIRDS C = Common: Observed weekly or many times __ Bald Eagle * U U U C __ Yellow-crowned Night- __ American Crow * C C C C a season __ Barn Owl R R R R Heron * A A C C __ American Robin C - A A U = Uncommon: Observed only a few times a __ Barred Owl * A A A A __ Blue Jay * A A A A season __ Black Vulture A A A A SHOREBIRDS __ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher* C A C U R = Rare: Observed once or twice per year __ Broad-winged Hawk * C C R - __ American Woodcock U R U U __ Blue-headed Vireo U - U C Nesting __ Cooper's Hawk R R R R __ Common Snipe R - R R __ Brown Creeper - - R R * = Nests within the park. __ Eastern Screech-Owl * C C C A __ Killdeer U R U U __ Brown Thrasher* C A C C __ Great Horned Owl * C C C A __ Solitary Sandpiper R - R - __ Brown-headed Nuthatch * C C C U Sp Su F W __ Merlin R - R R __ Spotted Sandpiper A - U U __ Carolina Chickadee * A A A A DUCKS __ Mississippi Kite * U C - - __ Carolina Wren* A A A A __ American Black Duck R - R R __ Northern Harrier R - R R MEDIUM-SIZED LAND BIRDS __ Cedar Waxwing C - U A __ American Wigeon A - C A __ Osprey * A A C C __ Belted Kingfisher U U A C __ Eastern Bluebird * C C U C __ Blue-winged Teal U - C C __ Peregrine Falcon R - R C __ Chuck-will's-widow * C A - - __ Fish Crow * A A A A __ Bufflehead R - R R __ Red-shouldered Hawk * C A C C __ Common Ground-Dove * U C U U __ Golden-crowned Kinglet U - U U __ Common Goldeneye R - R R __ Red-tailed Hawk * C C C C __ Common Nighthawk C A - - __ Gray Catbird C - C A __ Eurasian Wigeon R - R R __ Sharp-shinned Hawk U - C C __ Downy Woodpecker * A A A A __ Gray-cheeked Thrush U - U - __ Gadwall U - U U __ Turkey Vulture A A A A __ Eurasian Collared Dove - - R - __ Hermit Thrush C - U A __ Greater Scaup R - R R __ Hairy Woodpecker * U U U U __ House Wren C - C A __ Green-winged Teal R - U U CHICKEN-LIKE BIRDS __ Mourning Dove * A A A A __ Loggerhead Shrike U U U U __ Hooded Merganser U - U C __ Wild Turkey * A A A A __ Northern Flicker C C C C __ Northern Mockingbird * A A A A __ Lesser Scaup R - R U __ Northern Bobwhite * C C U U __ Pileated Woodpecker * A A A A __ Red-breasted Nuthatch - - R R __ Mallard R - R R __ Red-bellied Woodpecker * A A A A __ Red-eyed Vireo * C A C - __ Northern Pintail R - R R __ Red-headed Woodpecker * C C C A __ Ruby-crowned Kinglet C - C A __ Northern Shoveler R - R R __ Whip-poor-will R - R R __ Sedge Wren U - U R __ Red-breasted Merganser R - - R __ White-winged Dove - - R - __ Swainson's Thrush C - C - __ Ring-necked Duck U - R R __ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker U - C C __ Tufted Titmouse* A A A A __ Redhead R - R R __ Yellow-billed Cuckoo * A A U - __ Veery U - U - __ Wood Duck * A A A A Sp Su F W Sp Su F W Wakulla Springs has been a birding Mecca for TYPICAL SONGBIRDS Continued SPARROWS decades. The following birds are no longer found __ White-breasted Nuthatch - - R R __ Chipping Sparrow C - A A here because of extinction, drastic range reduction, or __ White-eyed Vireo * C A C C __ Dark-eyed Junco U - C U changes in migration patterns: __ Winter Wren R - - R __ Eastern Towhee * A A A A Canada Goose: Not recorded since the 1950's __ Wood Thrush U U U U __ Field Sparrow C - C C Snail Kite: Wakulla Springs was named as the __ Yellow-throated Vireo * U U - U __ Fox Sparrow R - R R westernmost limit of the Snail Kite in Florida in __ House Sparrow R R R R 1932. Birds WARBLERS __ Song Sparrow U - U C Ivory-billed Woodpecker: Now believed by __ American Redstart C R C - __ Swamp Sparrow U - U C many to be extinct in the U.S., sightings were of the __ Black-and-white Warbler C - C C __ White-throated Sparrow C - A A reported as late as 1918 at Wakulla. __ Blue-winged Warbler - R R - Carolina Parakeet: Extinct in Florida after Wakulla Springs __ Cerulean Warbler R - R - FINCHES, BUNTINGS 1920, correspondence mentions parakeets along __ Chestnut-sided Warbler R - U - __ American Goldfinch U - U C the Wakulla River as late as 1838. __ Common Yellowthroat * U U U U __ Blue Grosbeak * R - - - State Park __ Golden-winged Warbler R - R - __ House Finch R - - R Limpkin … Gone Forever? __ Hooded Warbler * U A U - __ Indigo Bunting * C - U - At one time the limpkin was abundant here, but __ Kentucky Warbler* R R U - __ Northern Cardinal * A A A A lately this brown and white spangled bird has been __ Louisiana Waterthrush R R R - __ Pine Siskin R - R R scarce. Its departure is directly related to the __ Magnolia Warbler C - U - __ Purple Finch R - - R disappear-ance of the apple snail, the limpkin’s main __ Northern Parula* A A C - __ Rose-breasted Grosbeak U - U - source of food. Like the limpkin, apple snails were __ Northern Waterthrush U - U - once abundant along the river, but are now nearly __ Orange-crowned Warbler U - U C gone. __ Ovenbird U - U R Many believe that Hydrilla, a non-native __ Palm Warbler C - C U invasive aquatic weed is to blame. First found in the __ Pine Warbler * A A A A river and spring in 1997, this fast growing weed had __ Prairie Warbler U - U U virtually taken over the river, crowding out native __ Prothonotary Warbler * A A U - plants and wildlife. Or maybe apple snails are gone __ Swainson’s Warbler U - U - because of previous river flooding. Apple snails only __ Tennessee Warbler U - U - live about one year. They lay their eggs above the __ Wilson's Warbler R - R - water line to prevent embryos from drowning. But __ Worm-eating Warbler U - U - high flood waters may have drowned an entire __ Yellow-rumped Warbler A - A A breeding season of eggs. __ Yellow-throated Warbler * C C C C Whatever the reason, until the apple snails return, the lonesome call of the limpkin will be sorely TANAGERS, BLACKBIRDS missed. __ Baltimore Oriole - - - R __ Boat-tailed Grackle R R U U __ Brown-headed Cowbird * C A U U __ Common Grackle * C C C A __ Orchard Oriole U U R - __ Red-winged Blackbird * C C A A __ Rusty Blackbird R - R U __ Scarlet Tanager U - U - Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park __ Summer Tanager * C C U - 550 Wakulla Park Dr, Wakulla Springs, FL 32327-0390 Phone 850/926-0700 Revised: 8/5/08; Filename: BirdChecklist 080805.doc; RobertThompson.
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