REGIONAL LIBRARY DEPOSITOR~Y _ D - 3 , s5o oo~ 263 ess • REPLACEMENT LIST OF FICTION • • • REPLACEMENT LIST OF FICTION • COMPILED BY THE A.L.A. EDITORIAL STAFF FROM REPORTS OF PRACTICE IN TWELVE REPRESENTATIVE LIBRARIES S@cond Edition ) • CHICAGO AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 1939 .---..... -- - I - • • PREFACE • This edition o:f the Replacement list of fictiol1 is e. t'eeord nasea on reDorten Dra.er.1ce 1 not on ontn1on -- eltllBr or a connnr~;­ toa or an im11v1dual .__ aa ~o wbal. l.ll.lea l1lJI·az~iiis shoulc;1 re­ place. It includes titles of fiction which ar@ t'eported to ~ actually ana rr~quentlY reDlacect bY reDreeentAt1ve Amerlrum 11- orarles. on 1nstruct1ona !rom and w1tn tno advioo ot th~ Edit9rlal Committee, the editorial sla.tf ol the A.L.A. Publishfne Oepat't­ ment selected twelve 11b!"ar1es tn rour groups serv1ng ~opuJ~tions • or rrom 10,000 to 41 000 1 000. Theae libraries were aakad to aheok tbe tirat e<11t1on ot Replacoment list ot :t'iction for title~ whlch Copyri<]ht 1939 by the they would still replace and were asked to furnish 11s~s or addi­ AMERICAN LIBRARY AssOCI ATJON tional titlea or or titlea tn atrrerent enltlona rrom tnoso 1n tho main list whi"b they would re-purcbaae when or1s1m~l copiee had to Published August 1939 be "!thdraYfll .trom clrculQ.tion. This iD.!ormatlon w-4~ combined at A.L.A. headqwrrtenJ4 No attempt was made to reeonc1le differing op1n1ona. If a t1tle was tnclurtea by only one ot tna llorarlan 1n a oooulatton grouD, it was 1ncluaea 1n tlle list. Nor was any attempt made l..o tiel~ct tlle bast edition o:t' any title. In some ca5es as many as six o~ e1~ht editions o! a single title ar~ included. Out-or-print titlAS w~r~ eliminated as far as pos's1ble. All prieA~ wara eh~ek~d 1n the 1938 Publishers'trade 11et annual. This list is in no sense intended as a recommendation by either the American Library Association or the contributing 11- • braries. It is merely a report of practice. It should be rem~~ bered, too, that even the 11sts supplied by the contr1buttng 11- braries would be affected bY such variables an change 1n types or population, with resulting changes of interest, and budget 1~1- tationa. The Editorial Committee wishes to thank the chiefs and starts of all the libraries listed on page vt for their coopera­ tion in the canpilatlon of this list. ' • v • • • c: -Q • • KEY TO SYMBOLS REPLACEMENT LlST OF FlCTlON Titles ln the Replacement list or !1ct1on are markea wtth 1 AbOot, Jane. LOw nr111ee ll'l"0!1~llt $ - '15 symbols indicating the size ot library or libraries wh1cb rePOrted them. The symbolS usea and the names or contr1hut1ng libraries in 2 Abbott, Mrs. J. L. Benefit str~~t Li~PincQtt 2.00 each population group are given below. Claaa1!1cat1on 1a base~ on 2 ----~1ss Jolley's family Lippincott 2. 00 1~10 census figures. z Ad~n1c , Lou1~. cradle of llfe H<u·ner z. oo 2 -----Grandsons H~rper ~.ao 1 Libraries in cities or 200,000 population and over: l2 ----- ----- (BkB . or d1~t1nct1~n) Grosaet 1.00 Public Library, Detroit, Michigan 1?.'34 Adams , Andy. Cattle branas Ho~ll.on z.oo (1,568,682 population) 3 -----Loe 1"1! ~ cowt~oy (Riverside b~helf,) Houehton 2.00 Louisville Free Public Library, Louisville, Kentucky 123 ----- ----- (R1vcrslao llb.) Hnngnton 1 . 00 (307,545 population) 3 -----Reed Anthony, cowman Ho\.\&lf..on ~.so New York Public Llbrary, New York, New York (3,290,916 population) 3 Adams, Inabel. Honrt of the woodn Appleton Carnegie Library ot Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (669, 817 population) 2 Adams , Samuel H. Gorgeous hussy (Bks. of atatlnctlon) Oror"'!1~t 1.00 23 ----- ----- Houghton ~.60 2 Libraries 1n cities or 100,000 to 199,999 population~ 3 Addington, sarah. Hound or heaven Appleton 1. 00 Public Library, Evansville, Indiana (102,249 population) 1 Ainsworth, Willlam H. Old St. Paul~ Lawson McGhee Library, Knoxville, Tennessee (Standard fiction ser.) Harrap 2/6 (105,802 population) 123 -----Tower of London Dutton l.?S City Library Association, svringtield, Massacnusetts 3 ----- ----- (EVeryman's lib. re1n1.) Duttlm 1.00 (149,900 population) 2 ------ lla.M'np 3/G 123 Alarc6n, Pedro A. de. Three-cornered nat Knopr .50 3 Libraries 1n cities ot 35,000 to 99,999 population: 1 1 • I Alcott, Louisa M. Little men (Ch1ldrAn R Free Public Library, Council Bluffs, Iowa favor! ta ser.) Grosset .bO (42,048 population) 1 ----- ----- {Orchard House) Little 1.00 Pasadena Public Library, Pasadena, California 1 ----------(Beacon Hill bkshelr.) Little 2 . 00 (76,086 population) 1 -----Little women (orchard House} Little 1.00 Racine Public Library, Racine, Wisconsin 1 ----- ----- (Beacon Hill bkshelf.) Little 2.00 (67,542 population) 1 ----- ----- (Children's favorite ser. ) Grosset .so 1 Aldtngton, Richard. Colonel' a daughter 4 Libraries 1n cities o! 10,000 to 34,999 population: (Centaur lib.) Chat to 3/6 2 ----- ----- Doubleday 1.00 Kern County Free Library, Bakersfield, Calitornia 1 -----Death or a hero {Centaur lib.) Chatto 3/6 (26 , 015 population) 1 ----Roads to glory (Centaur lib.) Chatto 3/6 Hoyt Library, Kingston, Pennsylvania (21,600 population) 2 Aldis, Dorothy. Tlme at her heels Houghton 2.00 vi 1 • • 3 Aldrich, Mrs. Bess Streeter. The Cutters Appleton 3/6 3 Anderson, Sherwood. Triumph of tho egg Viking $2.00 1234 ----- ----- (Triangle bks.) Blue ribbon $ .39 1234 ----~tncaburg, Ob1o Modern library .YS 1234 -----Lantern in her band Appleton 2.00 1 ---- ---- V1lO.Df?! z.oo 123 ----~iss Bishop Appleton 2.00 Appleton 3/6 Scribn8r • '7fi 3 ---~other Mason 1 ..Andrewa 1 Mary. courage ot tbe commonplace 1 -----Rim or the prairie Appleton 3/6 1234 -----Perfect tribute SCT'lbnBI' .m 123 -----Spring came on forever Appleton 2.00 1234 -----White bird flying Appleton 2.00 1?25 Andreyev t L. Seven who were hanged Og11V1~ 1.00 1234. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Marjorie Daw and 12 4 Annunzio, Gabriele d'. Flame ot lit~ other people (Cambridge classics) Houghton 2.00 2 ----~rjor1e Daw, Goliath and other Arblay, Frances B. d' •. See Burney, r'nnny stories (Riverside lit. ser.) Houghton .48 3 -----Prudence Pal!rey (Riverside ed.) Houghton 2.00 Am1m, 11. A. B., count.ess. See Russell"' Mary 3 -----Queen of Sheba (Riverside ed.) Houghton 2.00 Annette (Beaucbamp) Russell, counteaa 3 -----Stillwater tragedy Houghton 2.50 3 -----story or a bad boy (Dks. or 1 3 .A.sc.:h, 8holru!l.. Tna mother Putnam 2.60 distinction) Grosset 1.00 1 --- Mottka, tne thiet PUtnnm 2.50 3 ----- ----- (popular ed.) Houghton 1.00 l -----Salvation Putnam 2.50 12 -----Three c1t1es P\ltnam ~.oo 123 Alexander, Charles. Bobbie, a grant collie Dodd 1.50 , 1 3 ----- - --- 3v. 1n l 06llane~ 5/ .. 2 -----War goes on PUt.num 3.00 2 Allen, Hervey. Action at Aquila Farrar 2.50 123 -----Anthony Adverse Farrar 2.00 Aebton, W1n1tred. See Dane, Clemence, pseud. 3 Allen, James L. Aftermath Macmillan 1.75 1234 Atherton, Mrs. Gertrude. conqueror J rev. ad. Stokee 2.50 1234 -----choir invisible Hacmillan 2.50 3 -----Dmmortal marrlaga Liv~igbt 2.60 3 -----Flute and violin Macmillan 2.50 3 -----Rezanov; and Dona Concha atoKee 2.00 3 - ----Kentucky cardinal Macmillan 2.0:> 1234 -----Splendid idle forties stoKes 2.50 1234 ----- ----- (Modern readers' ser.) Macmillan 1.00 1 ----- ----- (Caravan lib.) Macmillan 3/6 1 3 Atkinson, Mrs. Eleanor. orey.tr1a.ra Bobby Harper 2.00 123 -----Johnny Appleseed Harper 1.50 2 Allingham, Margery. Dancers in mourning Doubleday 2.00 123 Aucass1n and Nicolettej tr. by Andrew Lang 1 3 Alverdes, Paul. Whistlers' room cov1c1 1.50 (tor story) Stecbert 2.00 3 Ammers-Kliller, Jo van. Jenny Heysten' a 3 Audoux, Marguerite. Marie-Claire OXford .so career Dutton 2.50 3 -----No surrender Dutton 2.50 3 Auerbach, B. On the heights 123 -----Rebel generation Dutton 2.50 {Burt's home lib.) Blue ribbon 1.75 3 ---- ----- Seeker 3/6 23 Aumonier, Stacy. Golden windmill an6 other 2 Anderson, Paul L. A slave or Catil1ne Appleton 2.00 stories Macmillan 2.50 3 -----Witb the eagles Appleton 2.00 Dent 6/ • 1Z3 Austen, Jane. Emma; il. by c. E. Brock 3 Anderson, Sherwood. Dark laughter L1ver1ght 2.50 1 3 ----- ----- il. by Max~1111an Vox Dutton 2.00 1 3 -----Horses and men (Travellers' lib. ed.) Peter Smitn 1.00 2 ---- ----- 11. by c. E. Brock (Everyman's 2 -----Kit Brandon scribner 2.50 lib.) Dutton .90 ]23 -----Poor white Modern 11 brary .95 1 -- . ·--- (Modern readers' ser.) Haanillan 1.00 1 ----- ------ Viking 2.00 1234 ---- ---- (Rittenhouse classics) Macrae 2.00 1 -----Tar Seeker 10/6 123 -----~~field park; 11. by c. E. BroCk Dent 5/ 2 3 • • -- 3 Balzac, Honore de. Cousin Bette Little $2.00 123 -----Cousin Pons (Everyman's lib. rein!.) Dent 3/ 3 Barrie, Sir Jamea H. rl!ndow ln Tllrums ltb.) 3 ----- ----- (Everyman's lib.) Dutton .90 (Burt's nrnne ~lue ribbon ~1 .75 23 -----Eugenie Grandet Dent 3/ 3 1 ----- ----- (Everyman's lib. re1nf.) Dutton 1.00 Ea.rrington, R., peeud. Anne Boleyn Cassell 3/6 1 1 3 -----D1vtne lady Harrap ----- ----- Hachette 3/6 3 Z/0 1 ---- ----- oxrord 3/6 -----Duel of the queens Casaell 3/0 2 -----Golden tales 1 3 -----Empress of hearts Harrap Dodd 2.50 1 2/6 123 -----Lost illusions {Everyman's lib, rc1nt.) Exquisite PerQ1ta llll.l"rap Dent 3/ 1 £/0 2 ----- ----- (Everyman's lib. reinf.) Dutton 1.00 ----- ---~-- llodder 8/0 1 3 -----Tbunderer 3 -----Magic akin (Burt's home lib.} Blue ribbon 1.75 Harru.u 2/f:.
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