March 21, 1995 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 8559 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE COMPETITIVE CONSUMER I also want to stress that this legislation 49ers dominance of professional football. He ELECTRONICS AVAILABILITY would not stop a system operator from con­ has been an integral part of the 49ers four ACT OF 1995 tinuing to offer access devices, so long as the Super Bowl victories and for his excellence on charges for devices are kept separate from the field of play he has been rewarded by his HON. 1HOMAS J. BULEY, JR. the charges for its system services. The Com­ selection as an all-pro center in 1993 and OF VIRGINIA mission would also be empowered to grant guard in 1994. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES waivers, for a limited time, to system operators Jesse is an ideal role model for the Pacific who are introducing new services. Islander community. Much of his off-season Tuesday, March 21, 1995 In introducing and working for the passage time is dedicated to working with youth. He is Mr. BULEY. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to of this legislation, I do not mean to disregard a junior youth leader at the Dominguez Con­ introduce the Competitive Consumer Elec­ the very reasonable concerns of system oper­ gregational Church and a valuable ally in the tronics Availability Act of 1995. This legislation ators, such as cable TV companies, to deliver antidrug campaign, as an ardent supporter of would require the Federal Communications to each consumer only the level of service that the just say no to drugs effort. · Commission to take affirmative steps to pro­ has been purchased, and to protect the secu­ Mr. Speaker, it is with pride that I rise to mote competition in set-top boxes and other rity of their systems. But this is 1995, not recognize the accomplishments of Jesse new technologies that will give consumers ac­ 1965. I cannot accept the notion that to ac­ Sapolu and I ask my colleagues to join me in cess to the national information infrastructure commodate these concerns it is necessary to saluting him. [NII]. Pursuant to this legislation, Commission convey a monopoly on any consumer elec­ regulations will assure that converter boxes, tronics devices, any more than previous Con­ interactive communications devices, and other gresses and Commissions should have ac­ A HISTORIC PARTNERSHIP customer premises equipment be available on a competitive basis from manufacturers, retail­ cepted the notion that our telephone system ers, and other vendors who are not affiliated would fall apart if consumers would hook up HON. 1HOMAS J. MANTON with the operators of telecommunications sys­ their own devices. OF NEW YORK tems, as is the case in our telephone system Mr. Speaker, the American public wants and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES deserves to play a direct role in forming a na­ today. Tuesday, March 21, 1995 It is fashionable to talk about telecommuni­ tional information infrastructure. One need cations reform in terms of opening interfaces only look at the enormous and growing partici­ Mr. MANTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to between networks or modes of communica­ pation and influence of individuals in the share with my colleagues some remarks re­ tion. But the one area that ought to be a prior­ Internet to see this. It would be foolish and cently delivered by the Honorable Raymond L. Flynn, the U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican. ity is the consumer interfac~ow our con­ shortsighted not to allow consumers to select stituents will actually be connected to these or own the very devices that will open up so In his statement, the Ambassador reflects new networks. So far we have two models­ much of the NII to them. Consumers deserve on the United States moral obligation to help the telephone system, where there is a free to be able to evaluate and select competing end suffering of our fellow men. I agree that and competitive market in making and selling products at retail, side by side. Their freedom this ethical consideration, to help where we network access devices to consumers; and to do so is a core strength of our economy. can, and lead by example, should be the cor­ cable television, where the consumer has en­ Mr. Speaker, I believe we will have tele­ nerstone of our Nation's foreign policy. As my joyed little choice or selection in devices. The communications reform this year, and I will colleagues are no doubt aware, the Holly See Competitive Consumer Electronics Availability work to achieve this goal. But we cannot fail has demonstrated great leadership in the fight Act seeks to ensure that we follow the com­ to address the most important interface, the for freedom from all types of oppression. I petitive market model rather than the monop­ consumer interface. I, therefore, ask my col­ commend his speech, "the United States and oly model. leagues to join me in supporting the Competi­ the Holy See: A Historic Partnership" to my I want to be clear that this legislation does tive Consumer Electronics Availability Act of colleagues' attention. not address the internal operating systems or 1995. THE UNITED STATES AND THE HOLY SEE: A functions of set-top boxes or other devices. I HISTORIC PARTNERSHIP . FROM THE PO­ have no intention of inviting or allowing the TOMAC TO THE TIBER Commission to regulate the competitive fea­ HONORING JESSE SAPOLU Delivering humanitarian assistance to the Third tures of computers. What the legislation does World: the Necessity to act address is simply the question of access-al­ HON. ESTEBAN EDWARD TORRES The United States and the Vatican are de­ lowing these devices, however they operate or OF CALIFORNIA veloping an important partnership, one are configured, whether they are separate or IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES based on common interest, cooperation and coordination. This partnership has the capa­ built into TV's or personal computers, to con­ Tuesday, March 21, 1995 nect to the NII. A consumer should be able to bility to become a prominent feature of the post cold-war world where the ab111ty to choose one the same way he or she chooses Mr. TORRES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Mr. Jesse Sapolu an accomplished achieve results in the international arena other products, by going to the store, compar­ may be based as much on moral concerns as ing the quality, features, and price, and buying individual who has devoted much of his pri­ on m111tary and economic alliances. or renting the best one. vate life to working with the youth of his com­ Many are not aware of the relationship be­ The legislation does not specify any one munity. Jesse also is a National Football tween the U.S. and the Vatican, so let me re­ means or technology by which the Commis­ League all-pro lineman for the 1994-95 world view some of the highlights of our productive sion must move from local monopoly to na­ champion San Francisco 49ers football team. relationship over the past 11 years of official tional competition. Finding the best way is Following his 1979 graduation from Har­ diplomatic relations. First I would like to what the Commission's public notice and com­ rington High School in Hawaii, Jesse attended discuss a crucial issue for U.S. foreign pol­ ment process is for. With the aid of the world's the University of Hawaii where his football ca­ icy: the moral commitment we have as a na­ tion to help those most in need. most competitive telecommunications and reer was marked by many outstanding accom­ We hear outrageous statements in Con­ computer industries, and a huge market beg­ plishments both on and off the field. In 1983, gress about the trillions of dollars of foreign ging for innovation, the Commission can rely Jesse was drafted by the 49ers. Over the past aid being tossed down Third World ratholes. on the private sector to identify the best an­ 13 seasons, Jesse has been a consistent per­ There is a major debate in Washington today swers. former and contributor to the San Francisco about whether to cut the foreign aid that e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 8560 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 21, 1995 goes to feed the hungry and clothe the naked prevented crops from being planted and food in the world. By combining the resources of in some of the poorest places in the world. being distributed. Without operation "Re­ the world's remaining superpower-the What many Americans do not realize is that store Hope" m1llions would have died. U.S.-with the force of the world's moral su­ we spend less than one half of one percent of A lot of people are saying that it is the re­ perpower-the Holy See-we will be able to the federal budget on foreign aid and even sponsib111ty of Somalis to put their own contribute to getting aid to where it is need­ less on the part of foreign aid that goes to­ country in order, and that no peace can be ed most because of the complementary re­ ward humanitarian assistance. That is not imposed from outside. I agree completely. sources of the U.S. government, the Catholic too much. If anything, it's too little. Nor do I think it constructive to discuss how Church, and their respective aid organiza­ Foreign aid to help poor and developing we might have conducted "Restore Hope" tions.
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