Rhci'd8 "" ·l'S·i'S·'n'd Jewish HERALD NEW PRIME* MINISTER Page 11 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXIX, NUMBER 27 SIVAN 5, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1999 35(PERCOPY HHllS RT RGLRHC( Fi~her Speaks as Friends of Touro Honors Slom by E~ily Torg~-Shalansky it a Jiving synagogue and not a . , • On April 28 Sen. Frank Jewish Commuruty Reporter museum. Weare still doing that Lautenberg (D-NJ) was n Founder's Day 1999, The today. I want us all to be able to joined by Congresswoman SocietyofFriendsofTouro come here and practice Juda­ Nita Lowey (D-NY) and honored founders both re- ism, and I hope with all my heart Congressman Charles 0 cent and remote. that people will do that for a Canady (R-FL) in unveil­ On May 16, past President long time." ing legislation aimed at re­ Aaron J. Slom was awarded the Next, Leonard Everett Fisher ducing the number of Distinguished Member Award who has authored 83 of the 260 drunk driving fatalities in in recognition of his contribu- books he has illustrated for the United States. Lau­ tions to the synagogue, the Soci- young people, spoke of how the tenberg introduced the ety of F~ends and the greater burningdesireforreligiousfree­ Safe and Sober Streets Act cornrnuruty. dom had driven Jews from Eu- of 1999 (S.222) in January Shortly thereafter, as author rope to the New World. Ana­ this of year. The legisla­ and illustrator Leonard Everett tionaJJewish Book Award win­ tion calls on the states to Fish~r spoke about how Jewish ner and therecipientofa Pulitzer make .08 blood alcohol pa1;1iots of the American revo- Prize in painting, Fisher had his f . content the national stan­ lution?ry period had helped to To Bigotry No Sanction, a book dard for drunk driving. establish the nation's Jewish seeded in Touro Synagogue, Recently he also intro­ presence, their historic visions published in 1998. duced the Deadly Driver seemed to reflect those of Slom "One cannot stir the ideas of Reduction Act to encour­ and other contributors to the 18th century America without age states to revoke the moden:' community. having a ghostly chorus of our driver's licenses of repeat . Pres1dentofthesocietyMeira antecedents cry out 'liberty,' he drunk driving offenders. Lisman Max, Mas~erofCere~o- said. "~ new breed of citizenry "Today we are fortified rues Karen Danrun, and Keith was being forged, a citizenry with new evidence that .08 W. Stokes all offered tributes to unburdened by tribal distinc­ coupled with the Joss of a Slom. tions that had heretofore kept driver's license reduces the "He lives tolerance," said most of the people of the world number of drunk driving Dannin. "He has touched all of living in hatred and fear of each fatalities," said Lauten­ us in this room and thousands other." berg. "Thatiswhyweneed · more." Jews such as the Dutch lens- to-make .08 and license re­ Slom, a Newport native who grinder and philosopher Baruch vocation the Jaw of the grew up at Touro and went on Spinoza dreamed of intellectual Aaron J. Slom Herald photo by Emily Torgan-Shalansky land. By combining these to own the Franklin Printing liberty, he said. _____________....:..._ _ _:_.....::.__:...._.....:_::_::::::::::::: two measures, wecansave House, spoke of how he had "No man's mind lies wholly hundreds of lives each retained his ties to the congre- at the disposition of another," year. Drunkdrivingdeaths gation throughout years that read Fisher from Spinoza's Eth­ Jewish Scout Leaders are not accidents - they included his marriage to Rita ics. The Inquisition that burned are the result of someone's and the birth of their three sons in Europe, said Fisher, helped Received Shofar Award reckless and irresponsible and seven grandchildren. to ~enerate such yearnings and behavior." Lowey and The Jewish Committee on dence, and as a member of the In addition to serving as past ultimately Jed to the arrival of ScoutingofNarragansettCoun­ Jewish committee. Canady introduced com­ presidentofTouroand theSoci- Jews in the Western Hemi­ panion legislation in the cil, Boy Scouts of America, has Peter Shore of Attleboro, an ety of Friends, Slom also chaired sphere. presented the coveted Shofar attorney who formerly chaired House today, including a the School Committee of New- Some 23 arrived in Nieuw bill to make .08 blood alco­ A ward to four men for their Jong the Providence district of Nar­ port and the State Association Amsterdam, where Gov. Peter service to scouting. ragansett Council and also hol content the national ofSchoo!Boards.Hewasamem- Stuyvesant greeted them with standard for drunk driv­ The recipients are: serves on the Jewish committee. beroftheNationalSchoo!Board hostility and denied them citi­ Jiµes Cohen of North Kings­ The Shofar A ward is granted ing offenders. for nine years and has been ~enship and the right to pub­ • The Reform Movement town, a past president of Nar­ to an adult in recognition of deeply involved with Provi- hcly assemble. However, said ragansettCouncil and chairman "outstanding service in the pro­ claims that 20 percent of dence College. Fisher, the Jews of Newport the Israeli population of the Jewish Committee on motion of scouting among Jew­ "This is amazing and unbe- fared somewhat better even if Scouting. ish youth." chooses not to marry lievable," saidS!omofthehonor. they were also denied British through theStateOrthodox Howard Zisserson of Seek­ A recent reunion breakfast of "When I came back from the citizenship. onk, Mass., treasurer of the Jewish Scouts and scouters at Rabbinate. The Reform service, I wanted to [come back "The Rhode Island General Movement spokesperson, Jewish Committee on Scout­ Temple Beth-El, Providence, to Touro to] sit in my father's Assembly said, 'They (Jews) ing. was the setting of the Shofar Merav Seger, said that re­ seat and do the things he had may expect as good protection cent years saw an increase Richard Applebaum, a Provi­ Award ceremony. Stanley Turco left undone." here as any stranger being not dence attorney, who has served of Cranston, a past president of in the number of couples Slom recalled watching the of our nation, residing among married by Reform rabbis. as scoutmaster and assistant Narragansett Council, made the building become a national us in His Majesties Colonies," scoutmasterofTroop 107, Provi- presentations. In 1997, some 250 couples shrine and go through renova- readFisher.Bythetirnethoughts were married through the tions. "My three sons were bar of Revolution began tostir,said Reformmovement,in 1998, mitzvahed here," he said. Fisher, there were about 3 rnil­ 400.RabbiYehoramMazor, "When I became the president lion people in the Colonies, chairman of the Council of of the synagogue, I wanted to about3,000ofwhom were Jews. Reform Rabbis in Israel, make sure that we would keep stated that couples who (Continued on Page 15) choose to marry through tru> Reform Movement are announcing their defiance Israel Speaks Out In Large Numbers of the Rabbinate, and ex­ pressing their desire for tra­ Barak (Labor) ............................. 55.90/o dition and a different Juda­ ism. The Reform Move­ mentin lsrael recently pub­ lished recently a guide for Netanyahu (Likud) ......... 43.9% Israelis who want alterna­ SHOFARAW ARD WIN!'fERS: (left to right) Richard Applebaum, tive marriage options Jules Cohen, Howard Z1sserson. (Not pictured Peter Shore). abroad. 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1999 HAPPENINGS ... Calendar: May 21st thru May 27th E nt=.t·rta i nm=.t·nt 21 25th annual used-boat show at the Newport Yachting Center, 4 Commercial Wharf, Newport, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. May 21 through 23. Call 846-1600. 10th annual Open Juried Photography Show at the Wickford Art Association Gallery, 36 f@r Chilctr=.t·n Beach St., Wickford. May 21 through 31. Call 294-6840. 22 Ninth annual Walk for Literacy at the State House, Providence. Walk 6.2 miles or the 1-mile The Providence Children's Museum, 100 South St., Provi­ fun walk. Registration is 8:30 a.m., walk begins at 9:30 a.m. Prizes. Call 277-7597. dence announces the following activities. Call 273-KIDS. K&S Ballroom Dance at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1047 Park Ave., Cranston. Cha-Cha lessons 7 to 8 p.m. and dancing until midnight. Smoke-free. $10 per person. Coffee, tea and May pastry. Call 821-4108. 20 Play and Learn. From 3 to 4:30 p.m., preschoolers ages 2 to Family Fun & Sailing Festival. Free sailing and tours of Newport Harbor. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 4 play games and stretch their imaginations in Littlewoods, Fort Adams State Park, Ocean Drive, Newport. Call 454-6100. whether hiding in the great oak tree or fishing in the 1999 Aggressive Skaters Association Pro Tour Event at the Fleet Skating Center, Kennedy pretend stream. Plaza, Providence. May 22 through 23. 21 Preschool Friday: Scienterrific. From 9:40 a.m. to 1:50 Warwick Museum of Art will sponsor "Creative.Memories Workshop" from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., preschoolers ages 3 to 5 sift through dirt looking for p.m., 3259 Post Road, Warwick. The workshop teaches the latest inscrapbooking techniques, squirmy, slimy earthworms. After learning how these as well as creating artistic album pages, Fee $20. Call 737-0010. slithery friends make our gardens flourish, brave Encore fund-raiser for ACT. All Children's Theatre to celebrate the conclusion of its 12th kids touch and pet their wriggly new pals. season. Cocktails, hors d' oeuvres and music from the production of"Annie," 150 Chestnut Pre-registration for an eight-week series St., Providence.
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