1923. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. of such bank and of its principal stockholders that such capital will adjourn, the adjournment being under the agreement until within three years be increased to $25,(100. If any such undertakings have not been fulfilled within three years, the Federal Reserve Board to-morrow at 11 o'clock. may forbid 'Such bank to enjoy any of the privileges of this act, and Mr. HARRISON. Will the Senator withhold that motion for may require it to withdraw forthwith from membership in the Federal a moment? reserve system." - · SEC. 9. That section 13 of the Federnl reserve act, as amended, ls Mr. CURTIS. Certainly. hereby further amended by striking out the proviso at the end of the Mr. HARRISON. Is it the intention that to-morrow we second paragraph of said section and inserting in lieu thereof the shall take an adjournment until 12 o'clock on Monday? following : · " Upon the indorsement of any of its member banks, which shall be Mr. CURTIS. The Senator from Washington [Mr. JONES] deemed a waiver of demand, notice, and protest by such bank as. to agreed the other day that on Sunday an adjournment should its own indorsement exclusively, and subject to regulations and Um1la­ be taken until Monday, so that we would have a morning hour tions to be presct·ibed by the Federal Reserve Board, any Federal. re­ on Monday, and that agreement will be carried out. serve bank may discount or pu1~chase bills of exchange payable at sight or on demand which are drawn to finance the domestic shipment of non­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The question is on agreeing to the perishable, readily marketable staple agricultural products and are motion of the Senator from Kansas that the Senate adjourn. secured by bills of lading or other shipping documents conveying. or The motion was agreed to; and the Senate (at 3 o'clock and securing title to such staples : Provided, however, That aU 'Such bills of exchange shall be forwarded promptly for collection, and demand for 50 minutes p. m.) adjourned, the adjournment being under payment shall be made with reasonable promptness after the arrival of the previous order until to-morrow, Sunday, January 28, 1923, such staples at their destination : Provided further, That no such bill at 11 o'clock a. m. shall in any event be held by or for the account of a Federal reserve 1 bank for a period in excess of 90 days. In discounting such bill'S Fed­ eral reserve banks may compute the interest to be deducted on the basis of the estimated life of each bill and adjust the discount after payment of such bills to conform to the actual life thereof." HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. SEC. 10. ·rhat section 13 of the Federal reserve act, as amended, is hereby further amended by striking out the fourth paragraph thereof 8.ATURDAY, and inserting in lieu thereof the following : January 27, 1923. ".Any Federal reserve bank may discount acceptances of the kinds hereinafter described, which have a maturity at the time of discount The House met at 12 o'clock noon. of not more than 90 days' sight, exclusive of days of grace, and which Monsignor Thomas, St. Patrick's Church, Washington, D. C., are indorsed by at least one member bank : Provided, That such accept­ offered the following prayer : ances if drawn for an agricultural purpose and secured at the time of acceptance by warehouse receipts or other such document conveying or Cease not, 0 Lord, to protect us. Every day brings new securing title covering readily marketable staples may be discounted problems; every day begets new difficulties. Without Thy with a maturity at the time of discount of not more than six month'S' sight, exclusive of days of grace." light and sti·ength we are weak and we grope in darkness. SICC. 11. That the Federal reserve act, as amended, be further The results of our deliberations and the. enactments we amended by adding at the end of section 13 a new section, to be num­ frame are laden with intense importance for the people we bered section 13a, and to read as follows : "SEC. 13a. Upon the indorsement of any of its member banks, which represent. And we beg Thee so earnestly to aid us powerfully shall be deemed a waiver of demand, notice, and protest by such bank in our labors and direct them into ways which are right and as to its own indorsement exclusively, any Federal reserve bank may just. discount notes, drafts, and bills of exchange issued or drawn for an agricultural purpose, or based upon live stock, and have a maturity, at We pray Thee especially for this day's needs arid require­ the time of discount, exclusive of days of grace, not exceeding nine ments that all proceed smoothly; tbat harmony reign and good months: P1·ovided, however; That notes, drafts, and bills of exchange will prevail. with maturities in exceS'S oI six months shall not be eligible as a basis for the issuance of Federal reserve notes unless secured by warehouse Grant 'us counsel, fortitude, perseverance; in the end to re~ receipts or other such negotiable documents conveying or securing title joice in the accomplishment of good, the formulating of just to readily marketable staple agricultural products or by chattel mort­ measures, and fulfillment of Thy will and attainment of peace, gage upon live stock which is being fattened for market. " That any Federal reserve bank may rediscount such notes, drafts, progress, uprightness, and honesty of life, for Thy glory and and bills for any Federal land bank, except that no Federal reserve the welfare of this Republic. bank shal1 rediscount for a l!~ederal land bank any such note or obli­ The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read anct gation which bears the indorsement of a nonmember State bank or trust company which is eligible for membership in the Federal reserve approved. system, in accordance with section 9 of the Federal reserve act. LEAVE TO EXTEND REMARKS. "Notes, drafts, or bills of exchange issued or drawn by cooperating marketing associations composed of producers of a.gricultural products Mr. FREAR. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex­ shall be deemed to have been issued or drawn for an agricultural pur­ tend my remarks in the RECORD on the subject of judicial de­ pose, within the meaning of this section, if the proceeds thereof have cisions. ·been or are to be advanced by such association to any members thereof for an agricultural purpose, or have been or are to be used The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Wisconsin asks unani­ by such association in making payments to any members thereof on mous consent to extend his remarks in the RECORD on the sub­ account of agricultural products delivered by such members to the ject of judicial decisions. Is there <,>bjection? association, or if such proceeds have been or are to be used by such Mr. STAFFORD. The gentleman's own remarks? association to meet expenditures incurred or to be incurred by the association in connection with the grading, processing, packing, prep­ Mr. FREAR. Yes. aration for market, or marketing of any agricultural product han­ The SPEAKER. The Chair hears no objection. dled by such association for any of its members : Provided, however, That . the express enumeration in this paragraph of certain classes The extension of remarks referred to is here printed in full of paper of cooperative marketing associations as eligible for rediscount as follows: shall not be construed as rendering ineligible any other class of 1\Ir. FREAR. ~r. Speaker, in his extension of remarks of paper of such associations which is now eligible for rediscount. "The Federal Reserve Board may, by regulation, limit to' a per­ December 28 the able Member from Missouri [Mr. HA.wEs] centage of the assets of a Federal reserve bank the amount of notes, briefly discussed the right to judicial reviews of legislative drafts, acceptances, or bills having a maturity in excess of thrPe enactments. His suggestion that discussion of the subject is months, but not exceeding six months, exclusive of days of grace, helpful reflects a general opinion of any important proposal, which may be discounted by such bank, and the amount of notes, drafts, bills, or acceptances having a maturity in excess of six and the subject of a limitation to "judge-made laws" has also months, but not exceeding nine months, which may be discounted by been urged by eminent authority. such bank." A famous individual termed "John Doe" once figured con­ The amendments were agreed to. spicuously in legal lore and pleadings. The present case of Doe, The VICE PRESIDENT. Action on the committee amend­ as I understand it, is a protest against alleged reactionary men, ments has been completed. parties, and policies and al1eged reactionary judges, courts, or Mr. LENROOT. That leaves the bill open for amendment decisions. Any brief in support of Doe's contention might prop­ at any point. erly reach into volumes and should cover thoroughly different l\fr. McKELLAR. I offer an amendment which I ask the phases of the court's alleged usurpation and problems involved Secretary to read, and then I ask that it may be pending for through judge-made laws. I leave that task to others who action on l\fonday. _ make such allegations and have the time and desire to prepare The VICE PRESIDENT. Tbe Secretary will read the a case of that character. · amendment. The views I desire to express are without suggestion from The ASSISTANT SECRETARY.
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