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Thus the stories force of human passion-you'll never know literature, can call himself truly so­ not only amuse and entertain, which after understand life in the raw, stripped of phisticated, truly a master of life in all its all is the first requirement of good fiction. artificial conventions and hypocrisies, until infinite variety, until he has drunk from the but they give us the history of the manners you've feasted on the most thrilling Tales bottomless loving cup of that genial old and customs and morals of a long passed from that greatest of all true-to-life books­ Italian, Giovanni Boccaccio. age. They constitute a landmark of litera­ the immortal Decameron. 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A large volume fourteenth century are all laid before you­ would be required to list the writers who the way people lived, the hovels and palaces Address ...•.•••••••.•••••••••••••••• _. •..•••••••••. have copied or adapted some of the plots. they dwelt in, their methods of travel-all City ................................ State ......... Hardly a great novel, or a poor one, exists, are told with a wit and pathos that never If you live outside U. R., send cuslt with ot·der. in which the plot is not in part or in whole crept between the covers of any book · --------------------------~ This Reno-vating Racket ) An Editorial 1 Reno's courthouse, mecca in America's mad divorce mill rush. UR hysterical scramble for divorce, our The stabilizing force of a great Church is mad race for sex freedom and return to checking the heedless rush into crazy experi­ O paganism is a transitory phase. ments. Its very firmness is helping the pen­ It will pass. The pendulum has swung too dulum to halt its wild swinging. far-it will return to a sane balance. Under Women and men of this age are not content the impetus of wartime emotions, a vast unrest with makeshifts. Knowledge grows like a grew and gathered momentum. snowball, by reading and study. As the world This l;lnrest seeks more tolerance, more moves, our imperfect contrivances will be re­ humane viewpoints toward law and conduct. placed with better ones. Rackets are a result of that unrest. The What will be the solution for the divorce prohibition racket is part of a search for im­ evil? Is it necessary to permit the growth of provement-a wild lunge toward a better legalized polygamy, where women pass from world. Cheap, quick divorces is part of that man to man via rapid-fire divorces? Is it neces­ restless search for something different, some­ sary that children be bruised and battered be­ thing better. tween fighting parents? Must men languish in Neither prohibition nor easy divorce is a jail through default of high alimony? solution to our problems of conduct. Both are That is for the future to decide. pitifully weak and full of errors. Yet both For the present wt must learn, observe, and have their backers. who shout loudly in ap­ then-act. proval. Thus will civilization move forward to its Ten years from now, we shall have found ultimate goal of liberty ruled by sanity. an'd a much better solution for current evils than the happiness achieved by a regard for the rights of Jaws and customs now in force. others. T!TP. RP.:\"0 Dlf' ()RC P. R A CKF.T is publisht d by the Graphic Arts Corporation, 529 Sef•l"'fth Strret Smtth, Minnrof'nli.f, .lfinllr.<r>ln Cop~• r(qht, 1931. Pril1 trd in c:. S. A . Pria 3.(r per ropy. 3 Taking the Cure Everyone wants to learn the truth about. this astounding new racket-how a nation has gone mad over a scram· ble for new wives and hus­ bands I In a Fantastic race to win the divorce business, common sense has been thrown to the winds I In this chapter the Fantastic laws of Reno are revealed, showing how it's done, what it costs, and how long it takes to "reno-vate." GOODBYE WEDDING RINGS I T o 11 l n g their dis­ carded rinp into the river f r o m R e n o'a "Bridge of Sigha" are Mr1. Marjorie Mac­ Arthur (right) and Mr1. Dorothy Foltz, aa they follow the cuatom of the tibeT· a tee!. HERE'S THE CURE FACTORY A J.Orgeoua hotel, cloae to the dome of the court house, offera a home while you wait for freedom. Juat a atep to the judge for your "Liberty bond" and then you ki11 the pillar, and run for the "Bridge of Sighs" to throw your wedding ring to die fishes! 4 • 1n RENO IVORCES for sale, cheap! · There's a racket in the billion dollar class-quick D profits, prompt turnover, and what's more, legal! What a boon to a State that is hard put to raise taxes, invite settlers and send produce to the world's markets I T. ittle wonder that competition is keen among states less favored by geography or conditions, to bring in revenues via the divorce racket. Nevada, for years, has offered comparatively easy di­ vorce, first with a six months residence law, later with three. But when competition got too keen, a new law was made. It went into effect May first, allowing divorces on six weeks residence, and this summer has brought the biggest hoom in divorces in Nevada's colorful history. Thoughtful men and women are going over the disturb­ ing news about Nevada's divorce mill with corrugated brows. Where is it all leading? Where will it end? The effect of legislation like this may be far reaching, with dire results.
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