WINTER 2018 MessageMessage from from Our Our Principal Principal SamSam Davidson Davidson 3 3 photo photo NEWSLETTER SamSam Davidson Davidson ChristmasChristmas is is upon upon us us and and the the end end of of this this term term signals signals to to me me that that we we are are more more thanthan a a third third of of the the way way through through the the academic academic year, year, where where has has the the time time gone! gone! ItIt is is traditional, traditional, as as the the year year draws draws to to a aclose, close, to to reflect reflect on on the the year year that that has has Inside... passedpassed and and make make plans plans for for the the future. future. Carter Carter Community Community School School is is always always one one of of thethe most most exciting excitingA MESSAGE and and positive positive FROM places places OUR to to be bePRINCIPAL at at this this time time of of the the year year and and we we are are all all 2 A Message from Our infectedinfected by by the the enthusiasm, enthusiasm, the the energy energy and and the the optimism optimism of of our our young young people people Vice Principal withwith their their own own Sampersonal personal andDavidson and collective collective hopes hopes and and dreams dreams for for the the future. future. 2 Arbor Parent Portal SchoolSchool has has been been very, very, very very busy busy this this term, term, with with students students and and staff staff workingworking 2 Christmas Spectacular Christmasextremelyextremely is upon hard hardus and to tothe ensure ensure end of thisreally really term high signals high standards standardsto me that we of ofare learning learning more than are area third taking taking of the place. wayplace. through Year Year the academic1111 have have year been -been where preparing preparinghas the time and gone!and sitting sitting their their mocks mocks and and I haveI have been been so so proud proud in in the the 2 Student Council wayway they they have have approached approached their their learning learning since since returning returning for for the the autumn autumn term. term. It is traditional, as the year draws to a close, to reflect on the The rest of the school have been working toward our United 2 Peripatetic Music yearThe Thethat resthas rest passed of of the theand schoolmake school plans have havefor the been future.been workingCarter working Learningtoward toward Assessments our our United United and I Learningam Learning sure we will see some great Lessons CommunityAssessmentsAssessments School is alwaysand and Ione Iam am of thesure sure most we weexciting will will andsee see some someresults. great Thegreat students results. results. deserve The The to dostudents studentswell with the deserve deserve mature and positivetoto do doplaces well well to withbe with at thisthe the time mature mature of the yearand and and positive positivewe are approach approachpositive approach to to the theto the exams. exams. exams. Well Well Well done! done! done! 2 Macmillan Coffee all infectedOur Year by the 7enthusiasm, have settled the energy well and the into optimism Carter andOur Year have 7 have really settled embraced well into Carter all thereand have is onreally of Ourour young Year people 7 have with their settled own personal well intoand collective Carter andembraced have all really there is embracedon offer. This newsletter all there always is remindson Morning offer. This newsletter always reminds me of all the fabulous events and hopesoffer. and dreams This fornewsletter the future. always reminds me meof ofall all the fabulous fabulous events eventsand opportunities and students have 2 Children In Need Schoolopportunitiesopportunities has been very, very students students busy this term, haver haver with studentsat at Carter. Carter. and at Carter. staffI Ihope working hope you extremelyyou enjoy enjoy hard itto it andensure and may really may highI Itake takestandards this this opportunity opportunityI hope you toenjoy to wish wishit you you a aHappy Happy 2 A Note Of Thanks! of learning are taking place. Year 11 have been preparing and may I take this andChristmas Christmassitting their mocks and and and a aIwonderful have wonderful been so proud New New in Year.the Year. way opportunity to wish 2 Fishing In Portugal they have approached their learning since returning for the you a Happy Christmas autumn term. and a wonderful New 2 Trip To The Lighthouse AA message message from from our our Vice Vice Principal Principal Year. ChrisChris Phillips Phillips and and Gatsby Gatsby 2 The Champ! benchmark photo benchmark photo 3 Isle Of Wight ChrisChris Phillips Phillips TheThe truth truth about about GCSE’s GCSE’s 3 Feedback On Our Year AtAt Carter Carter this this yearA year MESSAGE we we are are embracing embracingFROM OUR the the VICE rank rank PRINCIPAL order order of of assessments. assessments. This This is is for for a a 10 Students numbernumber of of reasons, reasons, with with one one of of them them being being that that this this is is how how students students will will be be 3 Planning For The Future assessedassessed in in the theChris end. end. In In the Phillipsthe past past there there has has been been a abelief belief that that if ifyou you can can rememberremember specific specific content content or or demonstratedemonstrate certain certain skills skills then then you you are are guaranteed guaranteed 3 Racing At Rockingham Thea atruth‘C’ ‘C’ (new about(new GCSEs4/5) 4/5) or or an an A* A* (new (new 8/9). 8/9). However However this this just just isn’t isn’t true. true. What What actually actually 3 Parent Revision Evenings At Carterhappens this year eachwe are embracingyear is theall rank of theorder gradesof assessments. from This students is for a number across of reasons, the with nation one of themare beingput that happens each year is all of the grades from students across the nation are put 3 GCSE Art thistogether togetheris how students in in rank will rank be orderassessed order and inand the then end.then In the thethe pastgrade grade there boundaries has boundaries been a belief are thatare decided.if decided.you can remember This This specificensures ensures content or demonstrate certain skills then you are guaranteed a ‘C’ (new 4/5) or an A* (new 8/9). However this just isn’t true. What actuallythethe happenscorrect correct each proportion proportion year is all of the of of grades students students from students receive receive across a the a4, 4,nation 5, 5, 6 are6 etc. etc.put together In In the the in end rank end orderit it is isand simply simply then the grade 3 Ski Trip Easter 2020 boundarieswhatwhat a are a student decided.student This scores scores ensures onthe on correcttheir their proportion paper paper comparedof compared students receive to to athe 4,the 5, 6rest etc.rest Inof ofthe the theend nation.it nation.is simply what Rank Rank a student 3 ESU Mace Debate scoresorderorder on their of of assessmentpaper assessment compared to prepares theprepares rest of the students studentsnation. Rank for fororder this this of assessmenteventuality eventuality prepares and and students gives gives for themthis them eventuality the the and gives them the opportunity to do something about it before it’s too late. As ever staff will be on hand to support, advise and help 3 Year 9 University Of studentsopportunityopportunity climb the ranks to to doall do the something somethingway from Year about7 aboutto Year 11.it it before before it’s it’s too too late. late. As As ever ever staff staff willwill be be on on handhand to to support, support, advise advise and and help help students students climb climb the the ranks ranks all all the the way way from from Year Year Southampton Trip 77 to to Year Year 11. 11. 3 Year 5 Transition Event 4 Film Club 4 Remembering The Fallen 4 Harvest Donations To Food Bank 4 Year 5 Activity Afternoon 4 Thank You From The Art Department 4 Football 4 Remembrance Installation TheThe Gatsby Gatsby benchmarks! benchmarks! 4 Poole Museum AlsoAlso this this year year Carter Carter is is developing developing its its Careers Careers Advice Advice and and Guidance Guidance offer offer to to The Gatsby benchmarks! Take-Over Day Alsostudents.students. this year, Carter We We is developing are are using using its Careers the the Gatsby Advice Gatsby and benchmarks,Guidance benchmarks, offer to students. which which We reflect arereflect using internationalthe international Gatsby benchmarks, best best which reflectpracticepractice international through: through: best practice through: 4 U13 Handball AA stable stable careers careers programme programme 4 Attendance Is • A stable careers programme • LearningLearning Learning from from from career career careerand labour and and market labour labour information market market information informationAs a government directive, all schools must meet Important • AddressingAddressing Addressing the the needs the needs ofneeds each pupilof of each each pupil pupil all eight benchmarks by the end of 2020. However • Linking curriculum learning to careers after an initial audit and some improvements to • LinkingLinking Encounters curriculum curriculum with employers learning andlearning employees to to careers careers our plan, Carter is set to meet all benchmarks by • EncountersEncounters Experiences of workplaceswith with employers employers and and employees employeesthe end of this academic year. • ExperiencesExperiences Encounters with offurther of workplaces workplaces and higher education • Personal guidance Carter Community School • Blandford Close • Hamworthy • Poole • Dorset • BH15 4BQ • Tel 01202 676789 • www.carter.poole.sch.uk CHILDREN IN NEED A MESSAGE FROM OUR VICE PRINCIPAL Carter students once again supported Children in Need by holding a Nikki Pitman non-uniform day and cake sale raising in The favourite part of my role is conducting learning walks; I love popping in to the classrooms and watching the excess of £422! students hard at work, engaging with their learning.
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