***» Publjo LltUUrjr 10th aye, Help build up the business of Trading with your local your town and welfare of your chants circulates your money in own community by doing your your own community and re­ shopping at home at all seasons acts to the advantage of every­ of the year. Put your money in one in it. You receive a welfare circulation where it will do most bonus for every dollars spent at good. home. .......................... Single Copy, 4 cents Volume No. 38; No. 7 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNE 19,1936 Red Cross Sponsors To Observe “Chain Gang” Colored Frank Bloom Is BELMAR LIMITS SALOONS First Aid Stations All Kiwanis Night Team Plays Tonite Again Councilman IN ISSUING LICENSES LOCAL CLUB PLANS ELABOR­ O N E O F BASEBALL’S UNIQUE UNANIMOUSLY APPOINTED TO WILL ERECT THREE IN MON­ ONLY EIGHT ALLOWED IN BOROUGH ATE PROGRAM FOR NEXT ATTRACTIONS — BRAVES FILL OUT McKINLEY'S UN­ MOUTH COUNTY VERY MONDAY NIGHT SIGN COLLINS EXPIRED TERM SOON COMMISSION GRANTS PERMITS TO PLACES NOW OPERATING AND; TO TWO DISTRIBUTORS The Belmar Kiwanis Club will join Tonight one of the most unique at­ Former Councilman Frank Bloom of For the past two or three yeras the with 1895 other clubs in the United tractions in baseball will be presented South Belmar no longer retains the American Red Cross has been spon­ Licensed liquor places for the con­ States and Canada on Monday evening title. The “Former” is cut out. Freeholders Aid soring a system of Highway Emer­ to the fans at 9:15 p. m. The Chain sumption of alcoholic beverages, to observe "All Kiwanis Night.” This On recommendation by Mayor Frank gency First Aid Stations. There have Gang, an all-colored team from some­ (which, when stripped of legal ver­ will be a dinner meeting and will be Herbert, Councilman William C. Speak Against Erosion been a number of these stations in biage means plain saloons) in this held in the New Newark Hotel at where down South will do their stuff. man offered a motion which was sec­ successful operation in some half doz­ borough are limited to eight and there Third and Ocean avenues. It will be a From advance reports this gang of onded by Councilman Charles Schulz PROMISE TO DO ALL IN THEIR en states. There are many of these is no chance of come eleven. simultaneous meeting from coast to baseballers know what its all about and passed unanimously appointing stations in New Jersey and at a meet­ POWER TO HELP COAST This was decided by the Borough coast and will be held during the 20th and will give the Braves plenty to Mr. Bloom councilman to fill the un­ ing of the Monmouth County Chapter Commission Tuesday morning when annual convention of Kiwanis Inter­ think about. It is said the boys are expired term of Councilman Francis EROSION American Red Cross Highway First the granting of licenses for the ensu­ national in Washington, D. C., June from down Georgia way and each and McKinley who resigned on account of Aid Committee, Dr. Albert W. Sweet, everyone is a star. Well, we shall see ing year were taken under considera­ 21 to 25. failure of his eyesight. The Board of Freeholders at the Chairman, it was decided to erect tion. Asbury Park and Manasquan will about this tonight. Be on hand you Borough Clerk John F. Carlton was regular session Wednesday adopted a four of these stations in Monmouth The following were granted: be guests of their Belmar brothers. baseball fans or you may miss one of authorized to notify the County Clerk resolution favoring county aid to County as soon as locations can be For consumption on the premises,. Edwin Smock and F. Burtis Clayton the real treats of the season. of the appointment. shore municipalities in their fight definitely decided upon and personnel Belmar Cafeteria and Dining Car, are the delegates to this convention Last Friday night the Original Cub­ against coast erosion. trained. The proposel localities are ans made their first appearance at Inc., 1102 F stre e t; A b rah am Blum , from the home club. The board acknowledged its obliga­ Route 34 <at Holmdel, Route 34 at the 715 F stre e t; T hom as M urphy, F if­ All Kiwanians on the North Ameri­ Memorial Park this season, and gave St. Rose’s School tion to aid the shore resorts and de­ Jerseyville Crossing, Route 4 between teenth avenue and F street; Ray­ can Continent will join in this celebra­ the Braves quite a shellacking. For clared that in the event special legis­ Freehold and Lakewood, Route 33 be­ Graduates 36 mond Murphy, Fifth avenue and F tion,” Harry Lewis, president of the six innings it was a pretty good ball lation is needed such would be forth­ tween Freehold and Hightstown. street; John S. Smith and William F.- club states, and 90,000 K iw anians will game with Schreiber hurling for the coming. These stations will be maintained IMPRESSIVE CEREM O N Y IN THE Murray, 703 Tenth avenue; Oscar H, take part in the program. homesters. But from that point on Freeholder Raymond L. Wyckoff, and supervised by the Monmouth Bohler, 1401 H street; Angelina Fer- “The Fellowship Hour,” or “Zero things began to happen. They banged CHURCH BEFORE LARGE director of the board stated that the County Chapter, American Red Cross retti, 1309 F stre e t an d Louis Silver- Hour” which is a part of the evening’s our star pitcher off the mound, and Board realized the responsibility the Highway First Aid Committee, Miss CONGREGATION stein, 807 F street. meeting, will be held at the identical bounced Mr. Clevenger and then came county owes in protection of its beach Evelyn T. Walker, Red Cross Nursing For distribution and consumption, time when it is observed by all other Mr. Astrata and finally the game was front and that it will cooperate to its Supervisor of Monmouth County, Mr. Thirty-six graduates of St. Rose’s clubs and the convention in Washing­ over. How those Cubes could' hit the fullest extent in so doing. off th e prem ises: Jo h n Giunco, 915 Charles Brahn, Mrs. Harry Posten, School were awarded diplomas at an F street; Small Drug Company, Inc., ton. It will include a moment of sil­ old apple. One after another popped Mr. Jos. T. O’Brien, Dr. Michael J. impressive ceremony in the church ent fellowship, singing and the read­ over the fence. In fact, on one occa­ S. B ELM A R TO H A V E 1000 F street. Lorenzo and Dr. Albert W. Sweet. Sunday evening. The church was ing of a special message from our In­ sion, three different players banged Club license—Belmar Fishing Club, This is a sub-committee of the new crow ded. FIRST AID SQUAD ternational president, Harper Gatton, the ball over in succession. So much First and Ocean avenues. Red Cross Accident Prevention Plan. The exercises opened with the pro­ of Madisonville, Kentucky.” for this game. The Red Cross is devoting great in­ cessional "Angels’ Serenade,” followed A South Belmar First Aid and Safe­ In addition to ths set ceremonial, Tuesday night Buck Lea and his terest and activity to reduce accidents Hawaiian boys were doing their stuff by “Cor Jesu” and “Verri Creator.” ty Squad is in the making. Already Offers Aid To the club will have a program of its The address to the graduation was in the Home, School, on the Farm at the Braves baseball plant and they ten men have enrolled a«d taken two own. delivered by the Rev. James A. Bul- and Highway. The compiled figures did a pretty good job, too. The final lessons in first aid under Instructor Curb Lake Side fin. “God of Our Fathers” preceded fo r 1934 show th a t 101,000 w ere killed score 6-1. In Swaily, th e boys from Charles Burger of the Ptlmar First an address and presentation of diplom­ a n d of these 34,000 w ere k illed in Deborah Sanitarium over the Pacific have a crafty pitcher, Aid Squad. SOUTH BELMAR RESIDENT WILL as by the Rev. John F. Welsh, pastor The organization is independent, and hom e accidents, 8,400 in school ages, and he had our boys swinging from ADVANCE MONEY IF ANY­ an d 36,000 on th e highw ays. T hese Auxiliary Party left to right. For our side, the man­ of the church. after proper training and passing the The program continued with the ONE ELSE WILL AID highway figures are mounting too agement dug up an unknown mound necessary Red Cross examinations it is Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament,” rapidly. The above locations are con­ TO HOLD DINNER DANCE HERE artist. Just where he came from is the intention of the members to in­ “Adoro Te Devote," “Tantum Ergo” ceded to be the most serious and the not of importance. Anyway, the first stall headquarters, purchase equip­ Mayor Frank Herbert informed the AT CARLTON HOTEL by “Cor Jesu” and “Vveni Creator.” most dangerous of Monmouth County inning got over w ith th e score 1-0 in ment and conduct the unit with local Borough Council of South Belmar SUNDAY danger spots. These First Aid Stations favor of the Hawaiians. But in the The graduates are: aid* Monday night that a resident had of­ High School: Mario Catalano, Har­ are intended to be so located that life second inning, oh my. Hits pounced fered to finance the expenditure of old Comer, Laurence Keating, W.
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