
3?publrr ot tl,e St itrwiIrs Eelsrtmmt of Giucation RrcroN Iv-A SCHOOTS DMSION OF QUEON PROVINCE 22 July 2021 OIVISION MEMORANDUM OIr, No. 60X , s. 2021 DIVISION LEARNING RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT TEAM OUALIFIERS To: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent (ClD DEPEO, OUEZON Chief and SGOD) CT UNIT Education Program SupeMsors UPLOADED Public Schools Dislricl Supervisors 0ererT,me Jdr ,l-aJZl School Heads Districl and School LR Coordinators All Concerned 1. ln reference to Division l\remorandum No. 143, s. 2021, this Office mngratuh€s all lhe addilional writers, content editors, language editors, lechnical ediiors, layout artists and illustrators who passed the evalualion process using the standardized tool prDvided by the Centrel Office All qlalified applic€nls will now b€ part of DepED Quezon's Learning ResoulEe Development Team who will serve as primary movers in the development, eyaluation and finalization of leaming resourc€s in the division. 2. Attached in the enclosures are names of qualified applicanis ,or each category/func{ion, lo wit; a. Enclosure 1a: Content Evalualors b. Enclosure '1b. Language Evaluators c. Enclosure'1c: Technical Evaluators d. Enclosure 1d: Writers e. Enclosure 1e: Layout Artists I Enclosure 1t: lllustralors 3. The profiling of addilional members to DepED Ouezon's Learning Resource Oevelopment particularly content, language and teehnical editors is in preparation for the e'valuation and DEPEOOUEZON TM SDS 04 OO91]O3 " Cte dti h g Poss iti litle s, I nsp i i n g I nno votio t s' Addr€$: Sitio Eori, BrEy. Talipan, Pagbrlao, Quezon rrunkflne I: (042) 784{366, 78/,4164, 784-0391, (042) 784{321 Hri lO42) 1042) Emeil Addr.ir: q ue.on @ d€p€d.sov. ph Webdte: w$,w.depedquezon-com.ph jAetubtir ot tlre nlilill,in?s Dt{artment of Gtutetion RECION IV-A SCHOOLS DMSION OF QUEZON PROVINCE Iinalization of the han/ested leacher-made leaming resources. A total of three hundred sixty- lhree (363) learning resources are on hand and were submitted for evalualion. 4. ln view of this, all gdltoE (content, language, and technical only) are advised io attend a virtual orientetion on August g, 2021, 9j00AM-12:00NN. The objectives of this activity are the following: a. to acguaint the participants of their dulies and tunclions as leaming resoune evaluators (LREs): b. lo orient the LRES on the process of evaluation; c. to familianze LRES vvith the slandardized lools to be used; d. to inform the LRE6 of their assigned leaming resource for evaluation; e. to discusg glher matters/clarify cancerns relaled lo the lask: and f. to build camaraderie among LRES. 5. Participents are advised to preregisler in this link tinyurl.com/quezonlrlreorientadon until August 6, 2021. The link and other matenals to be used ior lhe online orientation will be seot lo your regislered email address two days prior to the said evenl. 6. For your concerns/queries, you may contacl Leaming Resource Management Sec{ion thru EPS Jee-Ann O. Bonnes or PDO Joe Angelo L. Basm al 042-78+0365 local '175 or visii SDO Quezon at Sitio Foi, Brgy. Talipan, Pegbilso, Quezon. 7. lmmediate and widest dissremination of this Memorandu ELIAS A. ALICAYA .TN., CAd Assrslant Schoors Dvrs,on Superinten{f,p Off cer-ln-Chsrge Office of the Sdrools Division Sup€rinland€nt tmiab07222A2l DEPEDOUEZON-TitsOS-O4{09-003 rcle o/ring Poss fi fn k s, I n spi r I n g I n no w tlo tts " ,ddr€s!: Srto Fon, Brgy. Talipan, P:8bilao, Quezon rrunkllne {: (042) 784-0366, 7U-0164, 10411 78/.4391, 7a4-o321 HE .042) lo44 Enr.ll Addre53: quezon@deped-gov. p h "**$li Webslte: www, de ped queron.com. ph },spuhlir ot tre fiDitirpintE Dqartment of Glumtion REcIoN tV-A Enclosure'1ato Division Memorandum No. tlll ,s.ZO21 DIVISION LEARNING RESOURCE TEAM CONTEI,IT EVALUATORS / EDITORS Desl8Datlon Alabet lsland NHS Cont6ntEvaluato. Mathematics l MitziG. Canaya Comprehensive Hith Carldad llaya ES I Tlacher lll Malusik NHS Itimonan i Tcontrnt rvatUat"r Comoreh€nsive NHs l Com nsive NHS Punon ES Malusak NHS Content Ev.lu.tor ll Atimonan Nalion3l I Compehensive Hl8h Evaluaior Ch€rie Lou A. ContentEvallator Mithemarics I Compehensive Hiah RonaldoA. ensive HS HErb€rt N. Ooce EnAlish I Comprehens,ve Hs Cadd.d llayd Es Enellsh ESP Comprehensive hith School Angeles ES ESP Adela A. Dionido I Head Teach€r Content Evaluator Comprehensiv€ HS Vroleta t. Reyes I Masrar reacler Buhanein ES Kindergarten OEPEOAUEZoN-TM SD$0,1 oog-lD3 pos 'G e nit ng std W e t, 1.6 p hhrg I n bvo o ns" Addr$s: siho Fo , BrSy. Talip3n, Prebitao, euezon gE Trunkllne #: (042) 784{356, l04z) 784-0164, (042) 78{,43sL,lo4z) 7A44321 Emall AddrEs: q [email protected]. ph W.blitc: rww.de ped quelon,com.ph firputtir of tl,r Shili$pireg trBesmtment of Glurstion RTCION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF EZON PROVINCE cecilaa M. Atimonen National TLE.HE Elp6dio S.lavi€r PHncipall Sto. Oominto NHS calauag t{elvin D. Teach.r l-OlC KinamaligEn Es c!lauaS Contsnt Editor Ryan C. Sulivas fimmbulan ES Calauas ContentEvaluator Enllish I CrlauaaNHS Sabang ll ES Cont.nl Ev.luator Canatanuan C€ntElES Co"t"nt EYal,Jator lt Teacher lll San Roque NHs Catanauan ContentEvilu.tor layson G. Barsana Tagbacin NHs C.tenBuan ContentEvaluator I Arnold C. Oagatan NHS Content Evaluator I Sh6ryl-Gayo. Principall Baco% ll.ya Es General tuna Panlipunan SanVlcente ES Content Edltor i Aralin! topaz West ES Bldg.1 Liza O. Cupino Paaral.nE El€menta.v EnElish/Filipino I Marvin S. Rodil PinaSp€lapalah.n ES Flllpino Mulanay 2 Contem Evaluator Flllpino Allv. Telada Mulanay ll Content Evaluator llEyana Yuni [S Mulan.y ll Contsnt Evalueto. Pagbilao East gu" PaAbilao I cont"r,t r,.t"JrsP No.lO. Santeli.6s UnAos NHS - Ext. - Evaluator ManbelD. Quezon National HS Ma. Soledad S. Piti Es DEPEDQU€zON-TM.SDS{4"OO9.OO3 'ercotlng Potdbltttles, tntpn@ hravddont Add.c$: sitio Fori, Brg,y.Talipan, Parbilao, Quezon Trunkline *: (042) 784-0366, 1042) 784-0164, (042) 7A44391,lo4z\ 784-0321 Ha Em.il Add.es6: q ue!o [email protected]. ph Webih+ vw{r,depedqueron.com.ph ll$uttir of tbr pDitfulin?s Drsattmmt ot Giumtfon [ucroN IV-A tunin8nlng E. 0€ Ouezon NHs Sariaya Contant Evaluator S.iencs I East Lutucan lnt€grated Sariaya Conterlt Evalueror NH5 Eoyet B. Aluan tutucan Centril€5 Sarlaya DEPEDOUEZON-TMSDgO'{09{03 "CEdtDg potitblfitlcs. Insrtdng tnnoftt onst Mdrerr: Sitio Forl, BrEy.Talipan, pagb ao, eu.zon Truntllne * 1042) 784{3ffi, (042) 784{164, (O4zl 784{391, {042) 7g4-O321 BE Email Addr.rs: q u€ron @deg€d.sov. ph Websltar www.depedqu€zon..om.ph Aqubli. !I tte SDili$plr,r Dqrrtment of Glutation R-ECIoN IV-A Enclosur€ lbio Division Memorandum No. 6[t , s.2ozt DIVISION LEARNING RESOURGE TEAM LANGT'AGE EVALUATORS / EDITORS Learnlng Name Oerignadon Sdool Dlstrlct Xey St $/nol. Area Babylyn E. calccta! Teacherlll Comprehensiv€ Hs Lang0aEe Editor ErEIish CalauaS Edne R. Soriano Calauaq l{HS tEniur!e €ditor Endish calauaE i Sto. Dominso NHs Lancuase Editor €nElish BemardoCristino c.lauas P.Altimim PrlnciDalll Calau.B NHs Lancuare Editor Endish C.ana!a Teacher lll San Jos€ NHS I En!,lsh Crtanauan q!l5y B. Fortin Teacher llt San Roque Es I LanIUa!e Edltor Allsubie.r! G€n€ral s.n lsrdro NHS L!na LanBUarE Editor En.llsh Sanlelic€s Pri Pi..b ES LancuaEe Editor Emlish Paaralang Elementary Chdst,anV. Dator Lucban EnEllsh Elementaryi nE Language Lucb.n 2 ESP Srendr z. Teacher lll Biro ES P.sbilao I Lansu.s€ Editor Enlllsh GeEldine R. Sevilla I P.rbilao I Lancuare Editor Raymund C. Pjtoso Enslish/Fillpino I NHS District sHs Sariaya L Bermuder Quezon NHS Enrllrh Dorl.0. NHS Lamuac€ Editor Enalish oEPEETCIUEZON-IM-SDS{a409-OO3 'CE otl ng P ot slb I fi d et, I ns p h I n g I n noeddlo ns" AddEtt: Sitio Fori, BrEy. TaliFn, PaEbilao, Quezon gri Trunkllne : (0421 784{366, (042) 784{164, {042) 784{39r" lo42) 784{321 Enr.il Addrls$ [email protected] "#.H Webilt!: -ww.depedqueron..om.ph ss!uui. ot tl,,o fl,itillines Depmtmert of €trutation I{ICToN lv-A SCHOOLS DMSION OF EZ Ot'I PROVINCE Enclosure 1c to Divi8ion Memo.andum No. ,51 ,s.ZOZ,| DIVISION LEARNING RESOURCE TEAM TECHI{ICAL EVALUATORS EDITORS ' Deslgnatlon Sdlool Christine lvl. Teacherll CB Encarnado lS T.chnic'l Teacher lll Atimonan NHS Technical Manrralavan Lab3k ES Atimonan I T€chnicsl calauag c, Te.cher ll sto. Domimo NHS B9!9lo A. op€de f.ach€rll Crleuar NHS West Teacher lll AniDli R. Nativid.d CatanaGn c€ntr.l Es C.trn.uan C€nthlES I To.h.i.,l Jaih. t. ara Jr. Prin.ip.lll S.n lsidro Es Luna T€chnidl Elaine D. de P.a rElanA €limenta ry nr Lucban I Divina O. Ella Te.ch6r lll feach€r I sa.1 tsidro ES Mulanav lohn kenedie R. LI lan Chris R. Evangeline C Rubio Teacherlll NBS Ean Technic.l Gov. Naralio & Sus6na Sariaya DEP€DQUEZO|+TM"SO5{4{09{03 'CEdtinO Postibi|hies, h,,,piring I tovdtJotlr. pagbtlao, Add.€ss: Sitio Fori, ErEy. Talipan, euezon LiEJET V Trunkline fl: 1042) 7844366, /.cp.2l, 78,44164, l0/z) 784{391, (042) 784{321 E nall Addr.ssr queron@d€p.d.gov.ph Webalte: wuw.depedquezon,com,ph tepnttir ol tl,. l$lliliDrinri Ee0trtment of €luration RECIoN IV.A SCHOOLS DMSION OF OUEZON PROVINCE Enclosure 1d to Division Memorandum No. (gr{, , s.2021 DIVISION LEARNING RESOURCE TEAM WRITERS Namo D€Jltnatlon School Dlst lct xey$as€lRor.
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