PiT6 rs*r^ ksesss* W'i ~ " ':k:> -'" -.V;: '^"\ • >1: 66 vol.. XIII. TUESDAV, FEBfJ i830» NEW SERIFS—NO HO. PUBLISHED WEEKIA AT NORWALK, CONN. S. V^KEDICT, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Important to School Commit- Vieady ,M<\de CAotWiwg- THE LOT, LEVlER STORE. CHEAP, CHEAP CHEAP I tees, Teachers, «nd others. HE Subscriber lias on hand an assortment At ELY occupied by Dr. J. Mjhias HviVbeW, HE subscriber has just received from New J Hollow iVare. T1of Ready Made Clothing, manufactured is* ^#§8 JU KNIGHT, deceased. For WHOLLHe & RETAIL DEALER T York per Sloop Citizen, a large and pen I RON Pots from half Gallon to 5 Gallons the country which will 'ie sold 25 per cent less ' ?-3^I«SBS terms apply to C BISSE.1.1., Esq. or era' assortment of GROCERIES, which heoffrs OLN iOY'S in leatfyvkall articles in that line, S Dish Kettles from 1 quart to 4 Galtons han the shop work New-York ELI RKED. to the subscriber in New-Haven. to his Customers and the public at his stoic a Bake Pans Large and small J. KNIGHT. NFORiA'Jtftubijtk that he has constantly few rods East of the Bridge on die most reason­ Spiders with covers, SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. on hanjav. Ware-house, about half a very convenient Cotton Yarn, Candlewick, &i\ Norwalk Oct. 21. 1820- t>6tf I able terms, the following comprises a part of Spiders without covers, "small and lar°-e PRACTICAL Sysl'.m of Modern Geo- mile Nortfc |tb\.*1(ige on (|le [),anbury road, a his assortment: graphy; or a view of the present State general aWra^f Sole Leather, of tlie first Fire Dogs, Fancy and plain. Large and small A Cotton Batts, Hyson, Young Hyson and Souchong'Teas, Iron Wash hand Basins small and lar«-e of the world. fcsirnpJifieci and adapted to the quality,suit le Manufacturers and Farmers. A FRESH supply—-just leccived by Loaf, Lump and Brown Sugars. l ea Kettles, common and Jappaned a HE Subscriber, formerly of the firm of T. Likewise ass^ent of Upper Leather, Calf capacity of Youtn. Containing numerous Sept. 2S. STREET SI JAJIMS Jamaica. St Croix and N. Rum, Griddles High Pans Skillets 3 sizes TVan Tine, Si Co. has token the Old stand Skins, M«-' ;cMLining Skins, Leather and Tables, exhibiting the divisions, settlement, Port Teneriff and Currant Wines, :• M L ord Bind Also, Knives and Forks Tea Spoons population, extent, lakes, canals, ami the va- Cambleti, Baizes, Plaids, and j '' !'«g> Lasting, Sic. Holland and American Gin, Brittania and Tutauia Table spoons All oftl. artidyjjj |(j either at whole riouslhstituiions of the U. States and Europe; tion, which he will sell on usj_ g0 Wintergreen, Peppermint & Anriiseed Cordi.ils, Iron Candlesticks Brittania Mettle Tea Po FlamielS jjtion, which he will sell on us good terms as any sale or iv« i °"^s'curable t°rins as they-can thedifferent forms of government, prevailing one in the city. T. KNOWER. Old Irish Whiskey, Jappaned Lamps Brass Kettles be proct.* "I® tiers in the city. religions, the latitude and longitude of the Just received and for sale cheap, by 14S, Water Street, New-Yoik. 104tt' Mononga liela. do. for family use, Sad Irons from no. 1 to no. 9 LOCKWOOD SI ST. JOHN. Norwa!"i Hay |11 fr29 ^ 72 Old Cider Brandy, principal places on the gK»be. Em'oelished |L.\rge Si small Snovels and Tongs Frying Pan iAimbs Wool H 'aUtcoats. Coffee. Chocolate, Alspice, Pepper and Giger, Spades and shovels Bellows with numerous Engravings of manners, cus­ Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Cloves, toms, &c. IJy J/OTney. Accompanied by a US I received by the subscriber, a large lot LI REED has just received a supply ofthis Goo'ls. Superior W isk Brooms. The above arc for sale Caps of all kinds ; such as Boys black Hair Peanuts, Almonds Filberts, and Maderia Nuts, LOWL,Y LOCKWOOD St ST. JOIIN. J article, fine and stout. also Drawers which Oranges and Lemons, _ ; NEW AND IMPROVED ATLAS, Peal, nutural colours do.and Patent Leather. will be sold low Oct. 6. 1829. Norwalk, Au^. 1, 1829. gj of Eight Maps, beautifully colored. Exhibit­ Also, Men's black //air Seal, Patent Leather ennett Wheat, Buckwheat and Eye flour, ing the present empires, kingdoms,states, the and natural colours at 25 per cent less than COTTON WADDING, A ilst i etirne,om York with a Fresh Bread, Crackers and Old Cheese, S &F superior size and {rood quality, TC XtenS 6 Pork, Mackerel and Codfish. IVool Dyeing and Carding. principal canals, length of riveis, length and co-it last season. El,I REED. Hi ii. f Vtmen ofE Drv Goods, WOOLLEN Y4RN, fine and good, both suitable f.ihe season,«CH WJJI be sold uncom­ Soap and Candles, Poland Starch, ? HE business will be conducted the ensuing height of mountains, width of Oceans, Seas, mixt and white—Just received and for sale by monly lo'.j those desi^ of purchasing are in- Spanish and Ameiican Segars, season in all its branches by the subscri­ Lakes, Galii, Bays, Sounds, Deserts, 03^ FOR S AL.E <=£$ T S;c. LOCKWOOD & ST. JOII.V. VJted to ol and esami)for themselves. Alum, Spanish Indigo, Licorice, ber, who pledges himself to do all in his power and all the recent discoveries cf Parry, Frank­ LVveap Dry Goods., 'S?no>; /tis assortrb br, found— Winter strained Lamp Oil, lo render his work acceptable to his customers. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF mai) lin, Clapperton, and others. tlie -Stssre cf Blae, t ic., Olive, Browilixed & Drab Cloths Snuff. Tobacco, Writing paper, Fine Wool will be taken and cleaned and dyed a - Ttic publishers have'lie pleasure to stale, v rockery \v\st received. do do C imeres ; Bluilbifc. Satinetts Powder,and Shot of all sizes, deep Indigo blue, fit for manufacturing into that the unparalleled popularity and extensive Bang up )rds Blk fyrown silk Vesting Shoe, scrubbing, and Whitewash Brushes, Broadcloth or any other use. The Carding will t airawr* |L^I-<UE Liverpool Dining Dishes, 11 12, J3 Penknives and Led Pencils also be done as usual through the seasci- togeth sale of this work, has already enabled them AY be found a general assortment ->f cheap Valentin d Toilnett T ,}0 & 15 and 16 inches Blue Bakers Cedar Tubs and Bellows' er with all other work pertaining to his Ousiness. (in the space of ten months) to print thres edi­ articles among which are Red and ite Flannels ; len d0. j)0 jjaize Blue Plates, Twifflers and Muffins Edg'd do Silk and Cotton Gocds will be done only on tions; and they invite such Literary Gentle­ FineM Black Bombazines Blk Circassian Blue Cups &i Saucers at 4s a sett Salisbur; •lannel; TartaVid; Caroline do Blown Salt Vandike's Mustard Box and Keg Raisins, Tamarinds and Honey condition of Cash on the delivery-tof the work. Bile, Scarlet, and Green Bombazettes Enamelled do at Is 6d sett; Blue Ewers Basins Camblti blue Circassiahjik an(jscarlet do men, School Committees and Teachers, as SI Earthem Ware and Furnaces Lot of Baskets Cloth will be dyed the best Indigo blue, and fin­ fc-have not had an opportunity, to examine and Green Moreen Tartan Plaids Edged and cream colored Nappiers and Bakers Scarlet f. J do Blk BOLzJdq Pongee Blk, brc blue and scarl«i Butter, 12 1-2 and Molasses at 26 cen's. ished for 87 1 2 cents per yard, commpn width, test its value. Blue and brown Camblet Blue Tea Setts Decanters Plain and fig'd. oadcIo{Ils Spotted Salisbury Flannels; Irish Linens all prices Blk Can Crape blk ng-reen French do EDWIN LOCKWOOD. or 40 cents per yard when wove one yard and a Instructors who have adopted this work, Glass Lamps; Blue and Enamelled and cream Linen Crmb.ic, Long Lawn blk Sine .v Silk, very stoui N. B. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. quarter wide, for cash, or when charged, will be have remarked, that onr- half the time usually colored Bowls, pints and quarts ; Blue Pitchers Norwalk, Dec. 21. 44 cents for the former, and 50 for the latter. Linen and Cotton Table Diaper; Russia Diapers quarts and pints Cream coloured do blk Lev.-) ine ; do Grodenan devoted to the sti-dy of Geography, may be Linen or tow yarn for Carpet warp made g White and Brown Drillings Blk Prunelle Glass Night Lamps Lamp Glasses 2 sizes Cash me/ bhawls; Prussian \PurpIe do ROUND PEPPER, for sale wholesale saved by the use of this system; and also that Rowan Cassimere Brown and blk Linens Cassimti do blk Cantqa^jkecchjQfg or retail by HUBBET.L & BRADLEY, permanent black for 9 cents a pound,and Fiilina 1 he foregoing are for sale as low as can be af G lor 6 cents. Every other kind of Carpet Yarn • a more thorough knowledge ijf the science Apron Check,best kind; Light 8i dark Ginghams forded by OCKWOOD I T. OHN. Silk otton Flagg i do at the YellowRIill. L S S J will be done at short notice, ai.d in a manner and will_ be obtained from it, than from any other Furniture Dimity White Jean N orwalk, Dec. 14, 1829. Fancy t and Worsted Bara^j0 NEW AND CHEAP GROCERY STORE at a price which will be satisfactory to those who Cambric and common Dimity ; Stripes for chil­ blk, gr L drab and Crimsonl,v yc]Vct system in use. SKATES, shall see fit to give him their orders. ' This work is highly recommentle rl by the dren's wear ; I lain Si fig'd Jackonett Muslin brown slin for Hats ; blk fc^pred Cambric 1 white Florence StUnMUbiSS BlASy!:? HU* Orders may be left at the Store of Sreet Jtev.
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