;' The Newark Post BUCK I Legion To Give Party DELAWARE SONS DR. E. B. CROOKS General Meeting For STONE CARNIVAL At Perry Point Sunday Memorial Day Program HEREON I At one o'clock, standard time, HERE SATURDAY LEAGUE HEAD There will be a general meet­ OFFERS BIG AND Sunday, t he Lt. J . Allison ing, tomorrow nigit, at 7 O'Daniel Post, American Le­ R I d T S 5 h T o'clock, standard time, in the MEMORIALDA YI gion, and its Ladies' Auxiliary, Philadelphia Body Will Make ee ecte ----0 erve l' erm American Legion Post room, VARIED THRILLS will leave for Perry P oi nt, Annual Visit To Univer- As "President Of Consum- Old Academy Building, to pass Gi ve Main Address At I Maryland, where it will enter­ on the Memorial Day program, Huge Show, Sponsored By tain the disabled veterans in t he sity And H. old Ba.nquet er's League; Plan Can- drawn by the Town Committee. Of ewark Services Government Hospital. The Con­ All organizations in town are War Veterans, Gives Enter­ tinental Band will accompany nery Welfare Center urged to send delegations. The Present Commissions the Legionnaires and will give The Sons of Delaware, of Philadel- committee has formulated a tainment For Any Age Or a concert for the wounded vet- phia, will pay their annual visit to , program, which is one of the R. O. T. c.; Services At erans. the University of Delaware, on Sat- At a meeting of the Consumer s most ambitious ever attempted Taste Here All Week, Mati- urday, and after attending the May League of Delaware, held last week, for Memorial nay observance Library; Plan The party will leave from the nee Saturday; 25 Different Opera House building, and any­ Festival of the Women's College and in Wilmington, Dr. E. B. Crooks was on Newark, and needs the co- t Decoration Day one who wi shes to go will be the baseball game between Delaware reelected president to serve a fifth operation of every organization Attractions and Drexel Institute, will close their term as head of the body. in town to make it a success. welcome, whether or not they abbl Ever Held are member s of the Legion or pilgrimage with a stag dinner in Old Other . offic~r~ elected .were: !t At this meeting, a Permanent the Auxiliary. College. The dinner will be' at 5:30, L .. A. Mlschkmd, first vice-president; Memorial Fund Committee will GIRL BURIED ALIVE standard time. The member s of the ~IS S M~rgaret E. McKay, second be selected to take charge of \!:============~I Sons of Delaware wiII be allowed to :-'Ice-pr~slde~t; Mrs .. Ethel Ball Stan- funds contributed for a perma- bring guests to the dinner. lar, thl:d vlCe-pr~sldent; Mrs. J. A. nent memorial for the Town of The. W. T. Stone Shows, here for Major I. D. Carson, the humorist, Bernstem, recdrdmg secretary; and Newark. this entire week, under, the auspices C. Douglas Buck will be OPERA BENEFIT and Congressman Robert G. Houston Mrs. Alexander R. Abrahams, treas- of the Lt. J. AllisonO'Daniel Post, chief speake r at the Memorial , FOR SIGMA PHI will be the main speakers at the din- urer. Veterans of Foreign Wars, had their se rvi ce of the Town of Newark, nero Major' Carson's subject will be Mrs. J . Edgar Rhoads, Mrs. A. P. postponed opening, Tuesday night, will be held at 10 o'clock, "All In the Day's Work," and Repre- Tanberg and Mrs. John J . Morris, Jr., LARGEST COUNTY due to the inclement weather condi- time, at the Delaware State sentative Houston will talk on "Some were elected members of th council. tions Monday. This is one of the Li brary, whi ch is located at "The Gondoliers" Will Be Bits of H,istory about the Old Home Special reference was made to the largest and most elabor ate carnival lin e of the campuses of State." .. work done by the Federal Employ- MEET EVER .HELD companies on the road and among College and t he Women's Given By P. S. du Pont, At "Bill" White, the Harmonica King, ment Bureau, under the direction of its entertainment · features are sev- The srrvi ces wi ll be preced­ will entertain during the dinner, and Leroy Kramer; committee work; the eral that are not to be excelled at by a parade, which wi ll probably Longwood, Saturday, F or will lead t he singing. Miss Helen G. fight for the passage of a weigbts and 5,000 Children Visit Newark any of the largest amusement parks. the largest eve r held in Newark Knowles, of Seaford, winner of the measures bill in the last Legislature The shows are on the large Max- Mem ori al Da y. Benefit of Local Fraternity; Atwater Kent Audition in Delaware, and the immigrant work which it is Last Friday To Compete; well lot, on South Academy street, tentati ve program for the exer­ Fountain Display Will F 01- will sing several selections. hoped to establish this S)lmmer. Newark Places Third just below t he new school building. and for the parade was formu­ The president of the Sons of Dela- Mrs. Petricha E. Manchester , ex- They are laid out in an oval, and Tuesday ni ght, at a meeting of low ware is Daniel W. Simpkins and the ecutive secretary, in her report show- cover the entire lot. Four big rides of Newark Memorial nay first vice-president is George Morgan. ed t he work accomplished by the or- It was estimated by D. I. A. A. offi- occupy the center of t he oval, with appoi nted by Mayor Col­ ganization during the year. cials that the ninth annual New Cas- the booths, side-shows and theatres rrow night, at 8 o'clock, On Saturday night, in the open air SPRING JERSEY One of the programs which the tie County Track and Field Meet, held forming the walls of the oval. The in the American Legion theatre on hi s estate, Longwood, League will attempt to institute, this last Friday on Frazer Field, was the performances start at 7 o'clock, day- in the Old Academy Pierre S. du Pont will give his an- year, is the founding of experimental largest in the history of the affair. light time, every evening, and there there will be a general meet­ nual benefit for the Delaware chapter SHOW HERE, SAT. welfare center s at canneries for the Fully 5,000 school children from the will be a matinee on Saturday. Mem- on this program, to which of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. children of the canner s. It was ex- county spent the day in Newark, and ber s of the Veterans of Foreign Wars izations of the Town are The production will b~ the Gilbert pl~ined by Dr. Crooks t hat social con- the majority competed \n the meet. act as ticket takers for all the amuse- and Sulli van opera, "The Gondoliers," ditions among the cannery workers Ira S. Brinser, general chairman of ments. and will be given by the Savoy Oper a Northern Section Of Eastern were particularl~ bad, particularly a s t he meet was congratulated for the Two of the ~igg es t and most spec­ Company of Philadelphia. Following Shore Club Will Have Ex- a~ ec tm~ the children. A state 'for- order and dispatch in which the hun- tacular entertamments ar~ the H?use the opera there will be a display of bids children under twelve years of dreds of trials and events were run of Mystery and the AthletiC Carl1lval, the famous Longwood lighted fou n- hibit At Chambers' age from working in the canneries, Ioff which are followed by attractions of the Veterans of tains. bu t does not regulate any hours or dU Pont School won the meet with scarcely less in size, such as the Col- and Wayne C. Brewer, I The performance will start at 8: 15, Rock F arms condi~ ion under which children of a point total of 2081h . ClaYlllo'1t ?red Night Club Revue, The Hawai- of the A'l1en can Legion dayh ght time, and in the event of workmg age may be worked. I Schools were second \ with 199 poillts, Ian Revue. ~nd the Congress of Freaks ::!e~~~~o~~i::)~~~'d~o~~r~~ ~~~~i~~~~~~~;o~~~~rnt.;:e t:: n::I::r:~ cei~~J e ~~~n ~~ e e n~~erSt :e~~e b~:~ti~e~ ;!~:}r~::~:~~ ~~~:~;~i~i!r2~:~~~~ ~~lEE~::e s:::o::a~yer:~~ii:l: ::: ;~~~~~d:;:~~~ait~:~:a: : ~01~:I; ' t h:~: wa selected to be Grand Iwill hold a particular mterest in that Spring Show, to be held by the East- mg and equipment for such centers, attended the meet were : State Sena- are 25 s~ows and l'Id~ s, more than a of the parade. Major R. G. John A. T'lO~S, a .native of Wilming- ern. ~ h o r ~ Jersey Cattle Club. This if the Lea'gue will furnish social tor s Spicer and Van Sant; RepreBen- full evel1lng's entertamment for any­ will be ~ono r ary Grand Ito ~ , and mUSical dl;ector a t t he W e~ t- exhibit Will be ,held that Saturday, at workers to conduct the centers. It is tatives Brewer and Clark; Dr. J. V. one. The te n tat l ~e program de- m~nster Pr ~s byt ~ nan Church, WII- the Chambers Rock Farms, n~ar planned to have two college girls with Holloway, State Superintendent of Professor and Mme.
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